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What updates will Jean Jonas share on the Director Only Conference Call?

  • #51
Ok, the play-by-play is a killer - going out to the warehouse here and doing some work...hopefully when I get back you guys will have news.
  • #53
I am still here trying to be patient . . .
  • #54
Crap, I forgot about it and called in twenty minutes late. I'm hearing that lots of ladies (Tonya Braslawsky) rec'd flowers this morning. They're talking about recruiting, but I feel lost.
  • Thread starter
  • #55
LOL I love Jillian, she is such a riot.
  • #56
LMAO about Jillian Eisenberg putting the Empowing Women mag with her on the cover in her host packets!! I would do it too!!
  • #57
I hope someone is typing what she is saying!!!!

My 3 yo superhero interrupted me.
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  • #58
oh come on now! This is cruel!!! LOL!:D
  • #59
DebbieJ said:
I hope someone is typing what she is saying!!!!

I'm taking notes but not a word-by-word thing. I hope that they will archive this and let consultants call in later to hear the whole thing. Lots of great tips are being offered....too many for us to get it all :)
  • #60
Ok girls, just rub it in for us non-directors!! I guess that's the perk, right? I CAN DO IT! I CAN DO IT!!:D
  • #61
What's going on?!?!?

I want to know sooooooo bad!
  • #62
someone spill the beans!
  • Thread starter
  • #63
We're sorry, all phone systems for The Pampered Chef are down now thanks to 1000 directors screaming at the same time... please call back next year!
  • #64
Fine... [pouting] I am going to go blow dry my hair (just got out of the shower...) and maybe by then you all will be off the call and sharing with the rest of us! [/pouting]
  • #65
Pampered Laura said:
We're sorry, all phone systems for The Pampered Chef are down now thanks to 1000 directors screaming at the same time... please call back next year!
Why are we screaming??
  • #66
Pampered Laura said:
We're sorry, all phone systems for The Pampered Chef are down now thanks to 1000 directors screaming at the same time... please call back next year!

LOL!!! I just hung up--we were done, right?

I need to go eat lunch. :)
  • #67
OMG what was that at the end?? Did they open up the lines so all 1000 consultants could talk at once?? I couldn't hear a thing!
  • Thread starter
  • #68
LMAO Yes, it's done... people are just using the line as a party line now. ROFL!
  • Thread starter
  • #70
Can we let everyone know now? They said we could share with our teams, correct??
  • #71
Pampered Laura said:
Can we let everyone know now? They said we could share with our teams, correct??
Yes, PLEASE share!
  • #72
WE are your VIRTUAL TEAM!!!!!!!
  • #73
Yes we are! If you guys won't tell, I'm gonna have to call my director :p
  • #74
Yes we can share- I know it is going to sound bad, but I am kinda dissapointed. As a director that can't go to conference I have no incentive to do anything more than I was :(
  • #75
They don't care about us, we are just consultants, Just Kidding!
  • #76
I am sure someone is typing it up... I heard every other word because my kids are screaming so I am not the best source to give info.
  • #77
So it's a conference thing, huh? Off to the shower to get ready for a fair in 2 hours!! SOmeone better spill the beans before then!! Please!:D
  • #78
I didn't hear any secrets. They're letting the top recruiters walk the stage at Conf. I missed anything else.
  • #79
I'll start...

1. THE DREAM PATROL--Jo Price and Jean Jonas are the new DREAM PATROL. If you are the top recruiter in the company for the month, they will come surprise you with a visit, ala the Publishers Clearinghouse sweepstakes. If you are the #2 or #3 recruiter, you get an ENORMOUS flower arrangement.

So you don't have to attend conference for that one. :) And you certainly want to make sure you are showered and dressed. :)
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  • #80
They had Sue Newman, who was tops with 7 recruits in March, talk to us about what she did. She uses a why bag and focuses on having fun! The enthusiasm is contagious.

Next Tanya Broslawsky (sp?) talk about getting new consultants off to a great start. I believe she recruited 6 in March.

Then Jillian Eisenburg spoke about what she does at her shows to inform and invite people. She is very bold in what she says at her shows, but it's working! She also had 6 in March.
  • #81
2. CHALLENGE--they challenged all of us to recruit four new consultants between May 1st and June 30th. Anyone who achieves this will be brought on stage at conference! THIS IS OPEN TO EVERYONE, NOT JUST DIRECTORS.
  • #82
3. INCENTIVE TRIP--they talked about maximzing points through recruiting and how level 4 would be achieveable. They also talked about starting new consultants off recruiting right away and even if they start in May, they can still achieve level 1 if they recruit.

Watch your Consultant News, Weekly Bites, Consultant's Corner--they are making an effort to include more consultant ideas and success stories with 3-2-1 and recruiting.
  • #83
I believe that was it. Now I need to go pack for my show tonight. :eek:
  • #84
Just want to clarify...

If you recruit 4 between May 1 and June 30, you will be recognized at conference.

The top recruiters will be brought on stage.

  • #86
So, with the recruiting thing.....you recruit 4, but do they have to qualify by Conference?
  • #87
Thanks Deb!!

Good Question Becky!!!:D
  • #88
Thanks for the information! I love you guys!
  • #89
Thanks for sharing. Sounds good!
  • #90
ChefLisa said:
Just want to clarify...

If you recruit 4 between May 1 and June 30, you will be recognized at conference.

The top recruiters will be brought on stage.


Oops! I guess I didn't quite get the details...I'm sure there will be a flyer behind CC before long with all the fine print. :)
  • #91
thank you for sharing!:D
  • #92
ChefBeckyD said:
So, with the recruiting thing.....you recruit 4, but do they have to qualify by Conference?
Nothing was said about having to qualify by NC.

  • #93
The only extra thing that you will get for recruiting 4 is special seating and a walk across the stage unless you are top recruiter for a particular month. Everything else is already in place (the trip points, for instance). It's like the 3 for me campaign they did a while back. There was no reward that first month except the fact that if you did it you had added to your team, etc.

This is not a recruiting incentive, just a way to get extra recognition (and all the other rewards that come with growing your team!). It is not a bad thing at all and for many is something that will give them the boost they need to get things going but they're not really giving us anything extra for doing it.

I say, go for it!
  • #94
Thank all of you for letting us know!
<h2>1. What is the purpose of the Director Only Conference Call with Jean Jonas?</h2><p>The Director Only Conference Call with Jean Jonas is a special call for Pampered Chef Directors to receive updates and announcements directly from the company's top leadership.</p><h2>2. When is the Director Only Conference Call with Jean Jonas taking place?</h2><p>The conference call with Jean Jonas will take place on a date and time specified in the invitation email. Please check your inbox for the exact details.</p><h2>3. Who is Jean Jonas and what is her role in Pampered Chef?</h2><p>Jean Jonas is the Vice President of Field Development at Pampered Chef. She plays a key role in supporting and guiding the company's Directors and is highly respected by the entire Pampered Chef community.</p><h2>4. Can you give any hints about the updates that will be shared during the Director Only Conference Call?</h2><p>Unfortunately, we are not at liberty to disclose any information about the updates that will be shared on the conference call. We encourage you to join the call to hear the news directly from Jean Jonas herself.</p><h2>5. Is it mandatory for Directors to participate in the conference call?</h2><p>While we highly encourage all Directors to join the call, it is not mandatory. However, we believe that the updates and announcements shared during the call will be valuable for your business and growth as a Director.</p>

Related to What updates will Jean Jonas share on the Director Only Conference Call?

1. What is the purpose of the Director Only Conference Call with Jean Jonas?

The Director Only Conference Call with Jean Jonas is a special call for Pampered Chef Directors to receive updates and announcements directly from the company's top leadership.

2. When is the Director Only Conference Call with Jean Jonas taking place?

The conference call with Jean Jonas will take place on a date and time specified in the invitation email. Please check your inbox for the exact details.

3. Who is Jean Jonas and what is her role in Pampered Chef?

Jean Jonas is the Vice President of Field Development at Pampered Chef. She plays a key role in supporting and guiding the company's Directors and is highly respected by the entire Pampered Chef community.

4. Can you give any hints about the updates that will be shared during the Director Only Conference Call?

Unfortunately, we are not at liberty to disclose any information about the updates that will be shared on the conference call. We encourage you to join the call to hear the news directly from Jean Jonas herself.

5. Is it mandatory for Directors to participate in the conference call?

While we highly encourage all Directors to join the call, it is not mandatory. However, we believe that the updates and announcements shared during the call will be valuable for your business and growth as a Director.

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