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What is the Sign On Incentive for April at Pampered Chef?

In summary,The April incentive for new consultants is the Simple Additions Rectangle Platter and the Rectangle Stand.
Does anyone know what the incentive is for a consultant that wishes to sign in April? I'm putting together my guest packages for April shows and want to include the information but all I can find on CC is the March - Simple Additions incentive. Anyone know where I can find Aprils?


It hasn't been released to the consultants yet, maybe one of the directors on here will have the info. I am curious to know as well, I am signing 3 in April.
There isn't always a sign-on bonus just so you're aware. There are plenty of months where this is nothing extra when a new consultant starts her business. I'd kind of be surprised if they offered anything since they did the cookware thing at the beginning of the year, then the S.A. stuff this month. But, who knows! They also have been known to do something in July, but I guess we'll see!:rolleyes:
Yes, there is not always a sign on bonus but...the current 3 is for me flyer says "Look in your April Consultant News or visit CC for an updated Three is for Me flyer for April and May recruits!" So, that says to me that there will be bonuses for April and May otherwise there would be no reason to state that on the flyer IMO.
Oooh, cool! i didn't realize that. Can't wait to see what it is!
Me, too! My director and I are hosting an opportunity night at the end of the month and I would live to have something to show for April incentive!
I can't wait to see either!Maybe one of our fabulous directors will tell us Monday. That's when the April CN is available online for them. This is so exciting! Hopefully I'll be able to get some recuits from it. I haven't pushed that area of my business yet. Still trying to keep a steady calendar. Good luck to all of us and Good Cookin'!
So is no one going to tell us what this is??

I don't think anyone really knows yet.
  • #10
April Incentive for RecruitHi everyone,
I just found out what the April incentive for our recruits are. They would receive the Simple Additions Rectangle Platter and the Rectangle Stand. I also got to see the April CN.:D This is so exciting!!!:D I attached the calendar. At the bottom of the page you will see the new recruiting promotions. You can see the CN by loading the March one and changing the mar to apr.;)


  • apr06_cn_calendar.pdf
    353.3 KB · Views: 528
  • #11
Hey Brandy! Thanks for sharing! I forgot that we could look at that today. Man, I wish we had another sales promotion to work towards!:D
  • #12
Thank youNot that I have any recruits YET!
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Thanks BrandyThanks so much Brandy for posting this for all of us.

  • #14
Awesome! Thanks Brandy!
  • #15
Thank you so much for posting this Brandy! You've made up my mind that I need to join by the end of March and not wait until April!!
  • #16
nikkijo said:
Thank you so much for posting this Brandy! You've made up my mind that I need to join by the end of March and not wait until April!!
That's so cool! Get excited about starting an awesome business! I hope you have a lot of fun with it. If you have any questions, just post them here because everyone is happy to help.:D
  • #17
Ok-how did you do that? Is it for real? Thanks for the tip!

  • #18
Sign on bonus for sure!!
pamperedbecky said:
There isn't always a sign-on bonus just so you're aware. There are plenty of months where this is nothing extra when a new consultant starts her business. I'd kind of be surprised if they offered anything since they did the cookware thing at the beginning of the year, then the S.A. stuff this month. But, who knows! They also have been known to do something in July, but I guess we'll see!:rolleyes:

I am sure that since we have this 3-3-3- Recruiting challenge going on, we will get lots of help from PC. And with sign on bonuses it makes signing people up a lot easier. :D

  • #19
Your welcome!You are all welcome. I try to help when and where I can.;)
  • #20
We appreciate it!!
  • #21
I heard from my furture director, who's husband is a director, that it is more of the simple additions pieces. I think it is the entertaining set with striped platter and stand.
  • #22
I made (or should a say altered) this coupon this after reading this post and looking at the calendar link. I have a show on the 31st of March so I need the incentive info right know.


  • april recruit coupon.doc
    76.5 KB · Views: 611
Last edited:
  • #23
Your coupon looks really nice! Thanks for sharing!!:D
  • #24
A+ for brooke!Thanks brooke you just saved me a huge amount of time for my show tomorrow night. I love these coupons and have gotten great responce from them. I love this site. You all are too good to me. :D
  • #25
New Recruiting IncentiveI found the new recruiting incentive. It runs from April 1 until the end of May. They are giving new recruits the SA rectangle stand, platter, and 2 small bowls. I can't believe there is another signing bonus. This is awesome! You can find it under the download section in the new KCN.:)
  • #26
chefstephj said:
I found the new recruiting incentive. It runs from April 1 until the end of May. They are giving new recruits the SA rectangle stand, platter, and 2 small bowls. I can't believe there is another signing bonus. This is awesome! You can find it under the download section in the new KCN.:)
The bowls actually aren't included. It's just the SA rectangle stand and the rectangle platter. That's still awesome, though!:D
  • #27
I saw the incentive but it doesn't say anything about the small bowls. Where did you see that?:confused:

Hey Becky! I must have been writing while you posted!!
  • #28
PampMomof3 said:
I saw the incentive but it doesn't say anything about the small bowls. Where did you see that?:confused:

Hey Becky! I must have been writing while you posted!!
Yep it says it under the picture on that flyer. Squares and bowls in the picture aren't included.:(
  • #29
where have you found the flyer? I made the coupons but I don't have a flyer yet.
  • #30
Yeah, Becky please share!! I have a fundraiser at 5 and would really like to add that flyer to my flipchart! Please?? ;) :)
  • #31
Do you have access to the CN online yet? It's usually available the 1st of the month, but since today is Saturday I don't know. Some people will probably be getting theirs in the mail today anyway. So, sure, why not.....here you go.:)


  • rp_06apr_may.pdf
    132.3 KB · Views: 309

Related to What is the Sign On Incentive for April at Pampered Chef?

What is the sign on incentive for April?

The sign on incentive for April is a free Simple Additions set for new consultants who sign up during that month.

Do you know what the incentive is for consultants who sign up in April?

The incentive for consultants who sign up in April is a free Simple Additions set.

Where can I find information about April's sign on incentive?

You can find information about April's sign on incentive by checking the consultant resources on the company's website or by contacting your upline or the corporate office.

What should I include in my guest packages for April shows?

You should include information about the free Simple Additions set for new consultants who sign up in April in your guest packages for April shows.

Is there a different incentive for April than there was for March?

Yes, the incentive for April is a free Simple Additions set, while the incentive for March was a different promotion.

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