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What Do You Post on Your Fb Page?

In summary, Lisa Noto posted the Catalog Customer Connection Email on her Facebook page and got 50 catalog requests. She ended up with 19 Catalog Shows and $3,800 in sales!
What sort of things does everyone choose to post on their PC FB page? How often do you post? I have recipe videos I've made that I'm planing on posting, and of course the host/guest specials.
I post a variety of things--recipes (both PC and non-PC), general cooking tips, general food hints, specials, and, as we get closer to the holidays, general holiday tips. I post 3-5 times weekly. I try to stick to the 80/20 rule; 80% of your posts should be usable content and 20% selling. I get ideas from magazines, blogs, Pinterest, and anywhere else I can think of.
Yes- I post tips and cute ideas. Also recipes and promo our products. Also funny quotes/ experiences/cartoons- is good every once and awhile. I used to post 3 times a day, but have now gone to 5 days a week- Monday thru Friday. i usually do a week at a time and schedule my posts.
I post once a day. My posts are some non-PC recipes, many posts copied from the PC FB page, and some host/guest/biz opportunity posts.
A good way to find content is to Google search for "pinterest pampered chef". Copy the images you like from those dedicated pamp chef pinterest feeds and upload to your page.
I had a separate Facebook page for my PC stuff but when I started grad school I very rarely got on there to post things. Now that I've reactivated my PC account I actually deactivated my PC Facebook page. I didn't have many friends on there BC I have only done a few shows and found it really hard to keep up with both pages. Do y'all have a "business" Facebook page or just use your regular one?
Per Facebook policy, you have only one Profile. This is your personal profile. It is a breach of the rules to do business from your personal profile. A Page (aka Business Page) is what you need to use for Pampered Chef business. People "Like" it; they don't become friends. It's also a breach of FB policy to have more than one Profile. You can lose your FB account(s)/privileges if they discover you have more than one profile.There is some good training on CC about using FB for your business.
Just got the e-mail about Lisa Noto posting the Catalog Customer Connection Email on her FB page. Does anyone know how to do that?
Bummer, was hoping someone more FB savvy would be able to help!
  • #10
Can you show me the email?
  • #11
My guess is that she had it sent to herself, copied it, and saved it as a pic, which she then posted. I could be wrong, but that seems most likely.
  • #12
Here is what the e-mail said. I thought everyone got this.
Use Facebook® and the Fall Catalog to get Sales in September!Check out this tip from New York Senior Director Lisa Noto
Get the most out of social media posts with this easy twist and watch the sales add up. Last month, Lisa posted the Catalog Customer Connection Email with the below information and she got 50 catalog requests. She ended up with 19 Catalog Shows and $3,800 in sales! Post something like this on the Catalog Show template: Subject: Was it You That Wanted a New Catalog? Do you want me to mail you a new fall catalog, so you can take advantage of our amazing September special? All you have to do is collect $200 in orders, and you will get:$20 in free product
Host Special at 60% off
ANY item or set in the entire catalog at 50% off
10% discount for an entire year
AND you’ll be entered into a drawing to win an amazing NEW product!
(Lisa offers this added bonus on her own and is not an incentive provided by The Pampered Chef®.)
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. You must text me at (insert number) or email me at (insert address) to take advantage of this special offer! Lisa says, “The ‘Do Not Reply to this email’ section is very important! Our websites are set up that a customer could hit ‘Reply’ and the reply email wouldn’t come to you. Be sure to include your phone number and email address with instructions to contact you using either of them.” Give it a try, you’ll love the rewards!

Related to What Do You Post on Your Fb Page?

1. What is the purpose of a Facebook page?

A Facebook page is a public profile created by individuals, businesses, organizations, or public figures to connect with others and share content. The purpose of a Facebook page is to build an online presence, engage with a target audience, and promote products, services, or ideas.

2. What content should I post on my Facebook page?

The content you post on your Facebook page should align with your brand or personal identity and be relevant to your target audience. This can include a variety of content such as photos, videos, links to articles, status updates, live videos, and events. It is important to regularly post engaging and valuable content to keep your audience interested and connected.

3. How often should I post on my Facebook page?

The frequency of your Facebook page posts will depend on your specific goals and audience engagement. Generally, it is recommended to post at least once a day to maintain a consistent presence and keep your audience engaged. However, it is important to find the right balance and not overwhelm your followers with too many posts.

4. Can I schedule posts on my Facebook page?

Yes, you can use Facebook's scheduling feature to plan and schedule posts in advance on your Facebook page. This can be helpful for maintaining a consistent posting schedule and saving time. Simply click on the arrow next to the "Publish" button and select "Schedule" to choose a date and time for your post to be published.

5. Should I only post promotional content on my Facebook page?

No, it is important to have a mix of promotional and non-promotional content on your Facebook page. This can include sharing relevant articles, behind-the-scenes content, user-generated content, and personal updates. This variety will keep your page interesting and engaging for your followers.

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