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Today I went to the bank to make a deposit from a show I had this past weekend. Well, the teller noticed that my guest’s checks had Pampered Chef in the memo line of the check. She asked if I was a consultant and told me that she loves their beer bread and then asked for a catalog. I didn’t have one (I literally had about ten seconds to run in and deposit and leave) so I told her I would bring her one tomorrow. This is the first time a total stranger has approached me and inquired about the products. I really want/need some business out of this. Right now I’m running the following promotions –
November –
Book a show with more than 350 in sales and get your choice of the small bar pan or quick stir pitcher free
More than 500 in sales and get your choice of the med. Bar pan and another product (I can’t remember what it was off the top of my head)
More than 750 in sales and get your choice of the lg. bar pan or the food chopper free.
December – a free product for every day of the month (I made a calendar and whatever date the customer picks to host the show, they get the free item for that day.
I need to know what I should give her besides just a catalog – should I give her a small bag with some of the two step fudge or some cookies from the cookie press? I’m just not sure. I’m hoping I’ll get at least a catalog show and not just an individual order out of this.
November –
Book a show with more than 350 in sales and get your choice of the small bar pan or quick stir pitcher free
More than 500 in sales and get your choice of the med. Bar pan and another product (I can’t remember what it was off the top of my head)
More than 750 in sales and get your choice of the lg. bar pan or the food chopper free.
December – a free product for every day of the month (I made a calendar and whatever date the customer picks to host the show, they get the free item for that day.
I need to know what I should give her besides just a catalog – should I give her a small bag with some of the two step fudge or some cookies from the cookie press? I’m just not sure. I’m hoping I’ll get at least a catalog show and not just an individual order out of this.