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Unboxing and Trading: Let's Share the Hot Items!

Consultants attend for the perks and pay to attend NC to boost their business and have a chance to get in on the surprise boxes. Imagine how one feels when they arrive to buy surprise boxes but they have ran out.....because people who are not attending are buying some through others who are. Shouldn't those attending have first pick at the boxes?
Karen K
Can't wait to get mine! Can't wait for the trading to begin! Anyone willing to share some hot items found in their boxes?
Not until the end of Wave 3, please. :)
which size boxes have the most interesting items? or which do you most likely get your bang for the buck?
I agree with Rae....please ask NOTHING until the end of Wave 3.
OK, I understand the reason for all the "mums the word on NC", and I'll probably get slammed for this, BUT, I feel the surprise boxes are the same as legalized gambling. And since I'm going to wave 3 I'm just asking for a little insider trading info!!!!
I don't see how letting us know what's in the boxes etc really hampers my experience. A couple of years ago when they did the boxes that contained logo material, had I known about them, I would have gone earlier and grabbed one instead of being left out when they ran out.
Same thing about the Merrill booths, if I need to get there asap to get one of the few flip flops available, instead of waiting assuming there will be enough to go around, I don't see how this info hurts to know ahead.
The schedule is posted on CC when the surprise boxes become available, and what time the Merrill booth opens. Two years ago when I was at NC, there were big posters outside the SB area, one of which said that there was a logo wear box available (sold out by the time I got there, I didn't know what SBs were).If you want to ensure you get first dibs on what is available, I recommend checking the schedule and making sure you're in line when they open up.
When I was at NC 2 years ago the had the boxes listed by price and they had a category, Classics (older products), Incentives (former giveaways) etc. I am hoping they will do the same this year. Did they have it set up that way last year?
pjpamchef said:
OK, I understand the reason for all the "mums the word on NC", and I'll probably get slammed for this, BUT, I feel the surprise boxes are the same as legalized gambling. And since I'm going to wave 3 I'm just asking for a little insider trading info!!!!
I don't see how letting us know what's in the boxes etc really hampers my experience. A couple of years ago when they did the boxes that contained logo material, had I known about them, I would have gone earlier and grabbed one instead of being left out when they ran out.
Same thing about the Merrill booths, if I need to get there asap to get one of the few flip flops available, instead of waiting assuming there will be enough to go around, I don't see how this info hurts to know ahead.

I agree - I'm not a big fan of surprise boxes...I don't need or have room for more discontinued stuff....but I don't think Surprise Box contents fall into the same category as new product, promotions, and recipes. :rolleyes: It's all stuff we've seen before anyway.
Also even if they tell us that "the big box was awesome!" I may not get the same things in mine and be as gaga over them.
  • #10
I am going to have my D order me one, as I cannot go. :)
  • #11
My director wouldnt get me 1 last yr so this yr I didnt even ask. I would love a box but o well.
  • #12
Jennie4PC said:
My director wouldnt get me 1 last yr so this yr I didnt even ask. I would love a box but o well.

That's a shame! Mine got me 3 :)
I'm just patiently waiting for them to get here now...lol
  • #13
BettieC said:
That's a shame! Mine got me 3 :)
I'm just patiently waiting for them to get here now...lol

My director offered to get me ones after I told her people were able to do it last year but I had already talked to a cluster sister who offered. Mine are on the way and I know a few things in them but not all so it will be great fun when they get here (hopefully this next week!)!
  • #14
I see another problem at NC.... not only finding out what are in the boxes... Consultants attend for the perks and pay to attend NC to boost their business and have a chance to get in on the surprise boxes. Imagine how one feels when they arrive to buy surprise boxes but they have ran out.....because people who are not attending are buying some through others who are. Shouldn't those attending have first pick at the boxes? After all they are the ones who decided to invest in their business...think about it! I have no problem if there are any boxes left on the last day that they can be purchased for other but..... so hats off to those who refuse to buy for others who are not attending. It happens here in Canada also!!!
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  • #14
I didn't do a surprise box, but went around the room and watched people. From what I saw, they were very random. Of course they were discontinued items, lots of them are things that were/are on the outlet. Every box, big or small, seemed to have things in it that people were happy about. There was a lot of trading so people could complete sets and such.
  • #15
Chef Gilles said:
I see another problem at NC.... not only finding out what are in the boxes... Consultants attend for the perks and pay to attend NC to boost their business and have a chance to get in on the surprise boxes. Imagine how one feels when they arrive to buy surprise boxes but they have ran out.....because people who are not attending are buying some through others who are. Shouldn't those attending have first pick at the boxes? After all they are the ones who decided to invest in their business...think about it! I have no problem if there are any boxes left on the last day that they can be purchased for other but..... so hats off to those who refuse to buy for others who are not attending. It happens here in Canada also!!!

Um, isn't that a little rude???
  • #16
I don't think so - I will have to agree with you - Think about if you were in wave 3 and there was nothing for you - If you wanted the boxes so bad then you should attend conference.
  • #17
They set aside the same amount of surprise boxes for each wave, so they won't run out by the 3rd wave. Each wave gets the same exact things.
  • #18
Um, isn't that a little rude???
I think so too.Hey, I don't have to know exactly what's in your boxes, but I WOULD like to know the prices for each one and the basic differences between the boxes. I am going to ask a Cluster Sister to send some home with me during Wave 3 and I would just like to know how much to budget.
  • #19
Di_Can_Cook said:
I think so too.

Hey, I don't have to know exactly what's in your boxes, but I WOULD like to know the prices for each one and the basic differences between the boxes.

I am going to ask a Cluster Sister to send some home with me during Wave 3 and I would just like to know how much to budget.

I got the discontinued merchandise ones. They run $10, $25 or $50. You can get one or all. I had hoped to get merchandising ones but there weren't any..
  • #20
Not everyone who stayed home from NC did so because we "decided" not "to invest" in our business. There are a lot of us who had legitimate reasons for not being there. My business is very important to me, but when it comes down to investing in my business or my family obligations, the business takes a back seat HANDS down. Surprise boxes, or not.
I personally didn't order any surprise boxes, but don't believe those ones who weren't able to attend for good reasons be denied getting them.
Just MHO, sorry in advance if I offend anyone.
  • #21
Sorry if I offended anybody, but I did attend NC last year, wanted a box but they were sold out...probably because others were purchasing for others...unless you have been in that situation, you don't really know how it feels...try putting yourself in someone elses shoes.....sorry if this is rude but I am honest in sharing my feelings and opinions. Luv you all!!!!
  • #22
Actually, the reason they run out is not because others were purchasing for others but because the people purchasing for themselves usually buy 3-4-5 boxes at a time. They do only have so many for each wave. If you have not been there to see this surprise box time, it is CRAZINESS!! This year, there wasn't even a table for me to open mine on like there has been in the past. My director purchased one for one of her team members, but the person next to me on the floor had 4 boxes for herself!! I guess if people want to pay for the boxes it doesn't matter if it is for herself or not. The point is, don't wait -- get there first thing to get a box!
  • #23
Chef Gilles said:
Sorry if I offended anybody, but I did attend NC last year, wanted a box but they were sold out...probably because others were purchasing for others...unless you have been in that situation, you don't really know how it feels...try putting yourself in someone elses shoes.....sorry if this is rude but I am honest in sharing my feelings and opinions. Luv you all!!!!

I don't think you were rude, you were expressing your feelings and opinion.
I would be majorly bummed if I went up to purchase the first day and boxes were allready sold out. Surprise boxes are a PERK of going to conference.

I will probably get flogged again but I am PMS'ing so don't really care, plus I have gotten used to it in the past week.

I am really dissapointed in how nuts people get about every little thing. Yes I love all the carrots that get dangled too. If I earn them great! If not I am bummed but move on. Why have we become a society that has to have everything and have it NOW! We need to get a grip and decide what is really important. If you decide staying home for various family/work reasons are more important I salute you and have been there as well. BUT... accept what goes along with not participating!

Here is an analogy... I am a Girl scout leader, if I have a outing planned to earn a patch and last minute one of my girls misses the outing they do not get the patch. It is a tough lesson to learn but they learn it. The girls that were there not only made the comitment to be there but did the work or activities to earn the patch. Why should someone who did not get the smae rewards?

Just something to think about...
  • #24
Saturday Gourmet said:
Not everyone who stayed home from NC did so because we "decided" not "to invest" in our business. There are a lot of us who had legitimate reasons for not being there. My business is very important to me, but when it comes down to investing in my business or my family obligations, the business takes a back seat HANDS down. Surprise boxes, or not.
I personally didn't order any surprise boxes, but don't believe those ones who weren't able to attend for good reasons be denied getting them.
Just MHO, sorry in advance if I offend anyone.

I totally agree with you. It would not be a wise investment for me to spend $1000 on a plane ticket.(I am in Japan) Everyone has some reason they could not make it. I went a few years ago and had the best time. It is also runs during my daughters birthday so I have to hope I am not in the wave at the same time.
It would be nice though if they would offer any surprise boxes that were left to be ordered online at the end of the conference to anyone who would like to purchase it.
  • #25
OK, I'll probably get flogged for this, but I don't really see the Surprise Boxes as a perk for going to NC. Fact is since the Outlet came out, much of what is in the Surprise Boxes are the same as what is offered there. Bottom line is, it's a form of entertainment and a way for HO to rid themselves of retired products! I have sent boxes home in previous years to sister consultants who for very good reasons couldn't make it. They both used the products as incentives in their business. Cool thing was, I got to do the trading, which is the fun part, and didn't have to buy the boxes!!!! win/win!!
  • #26
I think that I'm going to put the idea above on the suggestion board at conference. They ought to offer left over suprise boxes on the outlet. I'm sure someone would order them.
  • #27
etteluap70PC said:
I don't think you were rude, you were expressing your feelings and opinion.
I would be majorly bummed if I went up to purchase the first day and boxes were allready sold out. Surprise boxes are a PERK of going to conference.

I will probably get flogged again but I am PMS'ing so don't really care, plus I have gotten used to it in the past week.

I am really dissapointed in how nuts people get about every little thing. Yes I love all the carrots that get dangled too. If I earn them great! If not I am bummed but move on. Why have we become a society that has to have everything and have it NOW! We need to get a grip and decide what is really important. If you decide staying home for various family/work reasons are more important I salute you and have been there as well. BUT... accept what goes along with not participating!

Here is an analogy... I am a Girl scout leader, if I have a outing planned to earn a patch and last minute one of my girls misses the outing they do not get the patch. It is a tough lesson to learn but they learn it. The girls that were there not only made the comitment to be there but did the work or activities to earn the patch. Why should someone who did not get the smae rewards?

Just something to think about...

Oh my gosh! Blah Blah Blah!
Not everything in life goes by the book! Careful what you say, what goes around comes around!
BTW I am a Pack Leader for Scouts and glad not as strict as that!
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  • #28
You know, maybe they should offer an online form of conference for those of us that can not go due to unforseen circumstances! If I only had to pay for conference I could maybe be able to attend, minus the plane, bus or gas expense, ie... hotel, food, etc...
Then online have the option to get a surprise box sent to us. PC would make more money also!
Then maybe there wouldn't be all this mud slinging going on on this site!
  • #29
Triciascucina said:
It would be nice though if they would offer any surprise boxes that were left to be ordered online at the end of the conference to anyone who would like to purchase it.

That is an awesome idea! I also like the idea of allowing those who couldn't "physically" be there to pay for an online conference. I know it wouldn't be as amazing, but at least we could be in the loop.

I am totally bummed about not getting to go. I was going up until a month ago. Next year I'm there, barring any illnesses, surgeries, etc.

As for the flogging thing. I haven't been on here as long as most, but the thing that is neat about this community is that it's sort of like family. You can growl at each other and disagree, but it is soon forgotten and everyone is family again.

Now, back to why we all came into the wave 1 thread to start with: I can't wait to find out what all the new products are! What do you guys hope they have redesigned?
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  • #30
schel said:
Oh my gosh! Blah Blah Blah!
Not everything in life goes by the book! Careful what you say, what goes around comes around!
BTW I am a Pack Leader for Scouts and glad not as strict as that!

schel said:
Then maybe there wouldn't be all this mud slinging going on on this site!

My goodness! I read this thread and really didn't think it was bad until this. I thought Paulette was expressing an opinion kindly.

Society is way to focused on "things" and having things immediately and on our terms.

...and I agree with her that children aren't taught rules and life lessons like they used to be. We all have to make tough choices in life and live with the consequences of those choices good or bad. We can't have our cake and eat it too in all things. It's tough to watch sometimes especially when our kids have to learn lessons, but I'd rather have them learn actions have consequences with me by their side than to grow up spoiled and not know how to handle life.
  • #31
Saturday Gourmet said:
As for the flogging thing. I haven't been on here as long as most, but the thing that is neat about this community is that it's sort of like family. You can growl at each other and disagree, but it is soon forgotten and everyone is family again.

I agree, this is how it "usually" is. Sometimes people take things way too personally.
  • #32
janetupnorth said:
My goodness! I read this thread and really didn't think it was bad until this. I thought Paulette was expressing an opinion kindly.

Society is way to focused on "things" and having things immediately and on our terms.

...and I agree with her that children aren't taught rules and life lessons like they used to be. We all have to make tough choices in life and live with the consequences of those choices good or bad. We can't have our cake and eat it too in all things. It's tough to watch sometimes especially when our kids have to learn lessons, but I'd rather have them learn actions have consequences with me by their side than to grow up spoiled and not know how to handle life.

Well said, Janet. I totally agree.
  • #33
janetupnorth said:
My goodness! I read this thread and really didn't think it was bad until this. I thought Paulette was expressing an opinion kindly.

Society is way to focused on "things" and having things immediately and on our terms.

...and I agree with her that children aren't taught rules and life lessons like they used to be. We all have to make tough choices in life and live with the consequences of those choices good or bad. We can't have our cake and eat it too in all things. It's tough to watch sometimes especially when our kids have to learn lessons, but I'd rather have them learn actions have consequences with me by their side than to grow up spoiled and not know how to handle life.

Hear Hear! Totally agree with the point Paulette was making, and also with your further explanation of it!

I am always teaching my son that there are consequences to the choices he makes. It's much less stress to live your life w/o a sense of entitlement.
  • #34
janetupnorth said:
My goodness! I read this thread and really didn't think it was bad until this. I thought Paulette was expressing an opinion kindly.

Society is way to focused on "things" and having things immediately and on our terms.

...and I agree with her that children aren't taught rules and life lessons like they used to be. We all have to make tough choices in life and live with the consequences of those choices good or bad. We can't have our cake and eat it too in all things. It's tough to watch sometimes especially when our kids have to learn lessons, but I'd rather have them learn actions have consequences with me by their side than to grow up spoiled and not know how to handle life.

Thanks janet.

Yes I have been freely expressing my opinion lately. I have tried hard not to attack or get personal with anyone. I have said many times if others have differen views it is fine with me, but I don't have to like it.

Unless people have gotten personal and nasty with me I hold no ill feelings. As for some you say shame on me, well... back at ya.
  • #35
I don't see a big deal of people ordering boxes if they aren't going. I'm not, but I don't get them when I'm there either...it's fun to watch though! I almost think of it as if we only allowed hosts to get benefits if they have an actual kitchen shows. If they don't have time/space for a show, then they can't take advantage of the benefits. Some of us do not have time for conference this year. If it were available online, I'd be there (like a webcast or something) if I could do it in the moments I have time.

Of course, I don't think it's wrong to dislike that people do it. I'd be frustrated too if I didn't have first dibs, which I think would be fair, but impossible to enforce.

I'm not asking for info before it's available b/c it's just not that important. I would love to know, but delayed gratification can be fun. Plus, I'm too busy with other things to worry about info. I would love to know the discontinued products in that can affect my shows NOW, but still.
  • #36
Every year I have been to conference they had surprise boxes left on the last day. didn't go last year. I bought surprise boxes the first year I went but haven't since. I agree that the outlet and surprise boxes are basically the same.
  • #37
I bought a $10 surprise box on the last day of conference last year on purpose just because I didn't want to haul around some junk I had accumulated.There were plenty.Of course the "good" ones were sold out, but I'm not interested in the pricey ones this year. Just one or two inexpensive ones.Have a lovely day, all!
  • #38
Saturday Gourmet said:
Not everyone who stayed home from NC did so because we "decided" not "to invest" in our business. There are a lot of us who had legitimate reasons for not being there. My business is very important to me, but when it comes down to investing in my business or my family obligations, the business takes a back seat HANDS down. Surprise boxes, or not.
I personally didn't order any surprise boxes, but don't believe those ones who weren't able to attend for good reasons be denied getting them.
Just MHO, sorry in advance if I offend anyone.

I AGREE 100% I think that statement was rude. I cannot go to conference as we JUST MOVED. My husbands job required a move for us this year...not my choice.
  • #39
Sorry if I offended anyone also. I am done with my 2 cents here on the site, I will only be reading and observing from here on out.
  • #40
I read this year on the schedule that the surprise box purchase time is much more limited than last time - should make it interesting! :)
  • #41
Saturday Gourmet said:
Not everyone who stayed home from NC did so because we "decided" not "to invest" in our business. There are a lot of us who had legitimate reasons for not being there. My business is very important to me, but when it comes down to investing in my business or my family obligations, the business takes a back seat HANDS down. Surprise boxes, or not.
I personally didn't order any surprise boxes, but don't believe those ones who weren't able to attend for good reasons be denied getting them.
Just MHO, sorry in advance if I offend anyone.

I agree wholeheartedly. I do see both sides of this... however, I am someone who DESPERATELY wanted to go to conference this year but couldn't due to my husband's medical issues and him loosing his job, we just couldn't swing it financially being a 1 1/2 (thanks PC for the 1/2 income!) family and the pile of medical bills we're slowly making our way through. Chicago this year wasn't an option for me. Doesn't mean I decided not to invest in my biz, it means I couldn't. And let me tell you how much it broke my heart to tell my director I couldn't go. :cry:
  • #42
OMG, can we have a thread that doesn't have to start a BIG Argument every time! Geesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O :/
What happened to Happy Go Lucky, Supportive CS!?!?!?!? :(
  • #43
Triciascucina said:
It would be nice though if they would offer any surprise boxes that were left to be ordered online at the end of the conference to anyone who would like to purchase it.

I think this is a GREAT idea... again before we get yelled at notice it said at the end of the conference. what a great idea for them to file the old and us to have some fun at the same time.
  • #44
OK ... I was out looking for answers but let me explain for a moment the perils of asking somebody else to buy a suprprise box for you:

On Sunday, I called, then e-mailed, the three clustermates of mine who are attending conference 3. I followed up by phone with all of them on Tuesday. The only one who returned my call was a very sweet lady I know. She said she didn't have the money to pay for mine and i said OF COURSE I was not asking her to. I told her my address, consultant ID and cel phone number was in the e-mail I sent, and asked if she needed any other info. She said my PC debit card number so at her suggestion, I e-mailed her the first digits ONLY and said the last digits were my consulant ID. For good measure I tossed in my home phone number, in case HO needed it. (that's the only number they have, I got the cel after I signed.) She assured me she had printed BOTH e-mails.

I left for work at 1:30 p.m. and came home at midnight to find two frantic messages from the lady in question on my HOME answering machine. The first one said she had bought me a $25 box and a $10 box. I have $26.74 in my PC bank account so I guess I will be making a deposit. (I had told her two $10 boxes or a $10 and a $15.)

The second message said she needed my home address so she could ship them, and said she really didn't have the money for shipping. Um, hello, my address was in the first e-mail, along with my consultant ID, and she couldn't have purchased those boxes without that e-mail printout. And don't they charge the shipping to your next commission?? She said she was stuck in the room until she called me, which really made me think she had lost the first e-mail. I'm picturing this poor lady, stuck in the surprise box room with two boxes she couldn't ship. I WISH she'd called the cel!

Of course, I sent her two immedate text messages and will be calling her this afternoon when she is at lunch.

So be careful what you wish for .... At least HO assured me they don't charge sales tax!
  • #45
schel said:
Oh my gosh! Blah Blah Blah!
Not everything in life goes by the book! Careful what you say, what goes around comes around!
BTW I am a Pack Leader for Scouts and glad not as strict as that!

Going to have to agree with Paulette. I am also that strict, if you will. My troop walks away KNOWING why and what they have learned. They also understand that if they miss something then they missed it period.
  • #46
Di_Can_Cook said:
OK ... I was out looking for answers but let me explain for a moment the perils of asking somebody else to buy a suprprise box for you:

On Sunday, I called, then e-mailed, the three clustermates of mine who are attending conference 3. I followed up by phone with all of them on Tuesday. The only one who returned my call was a very sweet lady I know. She said she didn't have the money to pay for mine and i said OF COURSE I was not asking her to. I told her my address, consultant ID and cel phone number was in the e-mail I sent, and asked if she needed any other info. She said my PC debit card number so at her suggestion, I e-mailed her the first digits ONLY and said the last digits were my consulant ID. For good measure I tossed in my home phone number, in case HO needed it. (that's the only number they have, I got the cel after I signed.) She assured me she had printed BOTH e-mails.

I left for work at 1:30 p.m. and came home at midnight to find two frantic messages from the lady in question on my HOME answering machine. The first one said she had bought me a $25 box and a $10 box. I have $26.74 in my PC bank account so I guess I will be making a deposit. (I had told her two $10 boxes or a $10 and a $15.)

The second message said she needed my home address so she could ship them, and said she really didn't have the money for shipping. Um, hello, my address was in the first e-mail, along with my consultant ID, and she couldn't have purchased those boxes without that e-mail printout. And don't they charge the shipping to your next commission?? She said she was stuck in the room until she called me, which really made me think she had lost the first e-mail. I'm picturing this poor lady, stuck in the surprise box room with two boxes she couldn't ship. I WISH she'd called the cel!

Of course, I sent her two immedate text messages and will be calling her this afternoon when she is at lunch.

So be careful what you wish for .... At least HO assured me they don't charge sales tax!

Don't worry- no sales tax and the shipping should come out of your commission check. Sorry she didn't get your order right! ;)
  • #47
Shawnna said:
Every year I have been to conference they had surprise boxes left on the last day. didn't go last year. I bought surprise boxes the first year I went but haven't since. I agree that the outlet and surprise boxes are basically the same.

I bought a $50 and a $25 box. I believe my $50 box had about $200 worth of products in it.
  • #48
What was in your boxes?

You can see my Marketplace post for most of the contents of mine!
  • #49
I don't have most of it anymore to make a list. The big items were a round deep dish baker, a large platter with the squares pattern, 2 square stiped simple additions plates, and a set of colored small sqaure bowls. I know that I sold most of it for about half price and got back about $100 and I still have some things left.
  • #50
I have the square bowls too, if anybody wants them!
<h2>1. What is "Unboxing and Trading" and how does it work?</h2><p>"Unboxing and Trading" is a fun way for Pampered Chef consultants and customers to share and trade hot items found in their boxes. It works by participants posting pictures or descriptions of the items they received in their boxes and offering to trade with others.</p><h2>2. Can anyone participate in "Unboxing and Trading"?</h2><p>Yes, anyone who has received a Pampered Chef box can participate. This includes both consultants and customers.</p><h2>3. Are there any rules or guidelines for trading?</h2><p>Yes, we ask that all trades are done fairly and with honesty. We also recommend using a tracking system to ensure that both parties receive their traded items. It is also important to communicate clearly with the person you are trading with to avoid any misunderstandings.</p><h2>4. How do I find out what items are considered "hot" for trading?</h2><p>You can check out our social media pages or online forums to see what items are in high demand. You can also ask other participants in the "Unboxing and Trading" group for their opinions.</p><h2>5. Is there a deadline for participating in "Unboxing and Trading"?</h2><p>No, there is no deadline. You can continue to post and trade items as long as you have received a Pampered Chef box. However, we do recommend participating as soon as possible to increase your chances of finding a trading partner.</p>

Related to Unboxing and Trading: Let's Share the Hot Items!

1. What is "Unboxing and Trading" and how does it work?

"Unboxing and Trading" is a fun way for Pampered Chef consultants and customers to share and trade hot items found in their boxes. It works by participants posting pictures or descriptions of the items they received in their boxes and offering to trade with others.

2. Can anyone participate in "Unboxing and Trading"?

Yes, anyone who has received a Pampered Chef box can participate. This includes both consultants and customers.

3. Are there any rules or guidelines for trading?

Yes, we ask that all trades are done fairly and with honesty. We also recommend using a tracking system to ensure that both parties receive their traded items. It is also important to communicate clearly with the person you are trading with to avoid any misunderstandings.

4. How do I find out what items are considered "hot" for trading?

You can check out our social media pages or online forums to see what items are in high demand. You can also ask other participants in the "Unboxing and Trading" group for their opinions.

5. Is there a deadline for participating in "Unboxing and Trading"?

No, there is no deadline. You can continue to post and trade items as long as you have received a Pampered Chef box. However, we do recommend participating as soon as possible to increase your chances of finding a trading partner.

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