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Trying Recipes from Fall/Winter SB Cookbook

In summary, consultants have shared comments about new recipes from the F/W SB being too fancy for their area. However, it is suggested to offer the new recipes to everyone and not pre-judge what customers may or may not like as everyone enjoys trying new things. Recipes that have been tried include Triple Onion Goat Cheese Tart, Confetti Shrimp Zucchini Cups, Grilled Apple
Silver Member
Has anyone tried any of the recipes in the new F/W SB?
I tried the Triple Onion Goat Cheese Tart. It was very good! I've never had goat cheese before and I enjoyed it. If you are doing this for a show, just have the host cook the bacon before hand. For the kickoff everyone brought the new recipes and they were all really good!
Last night for my Hosp Cluster Annual Picnic, I made the Confetti Shrimp Zucchini Cups. Great recipe for a demo and looks great! The problem? They didn't taste so great! LOL!! The topping and shrimp was fabulous but the last taste in your mouth was the zucchini and it was not good. After disecting the recipe, I would maybe make it a cold canape with cucumbers. It could have been the zucchini I bought as well....the recipe calls for 4 medium and all I could find were small ones so I had to purchase 6.

I LOVED the Grilled Apple & Gorgonzola Endive Boats as well as the Harvest Chicken salad (also a great demo!). We definitely had good eats last night!
I am going to stick with my regular show recipes and incorporate the new products. I know that PC is trying to class it up, but in Alaska those aren't going to fly!
Yum!I made the Phyllo Wrapped Asparagus for our meeting right after conference. It was yummy! I have to say though, you must eat it with the Roasted Red Pepper Aioli--it makes it so much better. Although, I guess if you don't like asparagus, you won't like this! LOL! I can't wait to try the Three-Onion Goat cheese tart--I love goat cheese--cheese of any kind really!!
I tried the Phyllo Wrapped Asparagus too & loved it!! (and yes - totally needs the aioli!)
I am going to try the onion tart this weekend. It sounds awesome!!
I am happy to see new recipes. I am finding many guests to be health conscious and/or "foodies" who don't want to see mayo & crescent rolls used in everything. I lke both options. I just love to eat it all!! LOL
I made the Cherry Spiced Sundaes and they were wonderful. Also, the Cannoli dip was very tasty!

at my firsdt cluster meeting we made the goat cheese tarts. everyone was like "ewwwwww." I thouhght it sounded awesome. and it was. more everyone liked it!
SusanBP0129 said:
I tried the Phyllo Wrapped Asparagus too & loved it!! (and yes - totally needs the aioli!)
I'm glad to know that because I'm bringing those to a family dinner this weekend to practice and now I know I need to make the sauce. Thanks!
  • #10
sarahmarie said:
at my firsdt cluster meeting we made the goat cheese tarts. everyone was like "ewwwwww." I thouhght it sounded awesome. and it was. more everyone liked it!
My problem isn't the goat cheese (love it!) it's the onions. I'll have to at least sample it at our big kick off with all the new recipes on Monday. I'm making those apple and gorgonzola endive boat thingies. I'm excited to try those!
  • #11
Has anyone tried making the homemade flatbread? I am making it this weekend!

  • #12
At our last meeting, we all brought recipes from the new SB.

Caramel Cakes
Harvest Chicken Salad
Chocolate Pecan Tart
Caniloni Dip
Asparagus Spears
Antipasta Pizza

All of the above were excellent! Good to demo: Harvest Chicken Salad, Pecan Tart, Asparagus Spears (if you made most of them ahead of time, and demo'd how to wrap just 2 or 3 of them and demo'd the sauce) and the Antipasta Pizza.

I am definately offering the Harvest Chicken Salad! (would be good with turkey, too...as we get closer to Thanksgiving!):)
  • #13
I have seen and heard a lot of comments from several consultants about the new recipes being too fancy for the people they know, or for their area, etc...

Can I just say that just as with offering the business opportunity, we shouldn't pre-judge what our customers may or may not like. Offer the new recipes, and have a backup if they are turned off by them being "so called fancy".

Everyone enjoys trying new things now and then... offer the new recipes and themes to everyone and you might be surprised at the response.
  • #14
soccermama said:
I have seen and heard a lot of comments from several consultants about the new recipes being too fancy for the people they know, or for their area, etc...

Can I just say that just as with offering the business opportunity, we shouldn't pre-judge what our customers may or may not like. Offer the new recipes, and have a backup if they are turned off by them being "so called fancy".

Everyone enjoys trying new things now and then... offer the new recipes and themes to everyone and you might be surprised at the response.

Thanks for posting that! It's true to never assume! Alot of times people may want to try something different or fancy, but are afraid to - until you show them that it can be done simply! You can give them the confidence and tools they need, because Everyone like to WOW their friends and family occasionally!
  • #15
I had a host last night ask me about how difficult the rings are to make. Since its one of my favorites to do I offered to make one. I would certainly do one of the easier, new recipes at a show. I don't ever want my job to look hard!
  • #16
I made the Gruyere Chicken en Croute (pg 14) the other night. The recipe is for 8 and I cut it down to serve 2. It was good. My hustband really liked it and said he'd happily eat it again. A few tips though: I cut my chicken pieces too small - I think it would be better with more chunky chicken pieces. My husband said it needed more of the cheese too. I didn't care for the dijon cream sauce, I ate mine without the sauce. My husband put the sauce over his before he tried it, said it was okay, but wished he hadn't been so quick to put it over the entire thing.

I made the Tomatillo Chicken with Black Beans (from the new Cooking for Two and More cookbook) the other night.....delicious!

I'm making the Three-Onion Goat Cheese tart tonight, I love Goat Cheese and this sounds delicious!
  • #17
I was leary of the onions and goat cheese in that recipe, but ts very mild and delicious!
  • #18
pamperedlinda said:
I made the Tomatillo Chicken with Black Beans (from the new Cooking for Two and More cookbook) the other night.....delicious!

Yes, that one QUICKLY became a fave!!! Next time I make it I'm using fish! It will be a nice simple fish recipe :)
  • #19
soccermama said:
Yes, that one QUICKLY became a fave!!! Next time I make it I'm using fish! It will be a nice simple fish recipe :)
That sounds yummy! I was actually thinking about using shrimp.
  • #20
AJPratt said:
I was leary of the onions and goat cheese in that recipe, but ts very mild and delicious!
I LOVE this one!!! I was happily munching away on it and then after about 5 pieces I decided that with all the puff pastry this just couldn't be that good for me and had to have some mondo fat calories in it (doesn't all the good stuff work that way?)......so, I got brave and read the nutrition info....OMG :eek: then figured what the heck and ate another piece! It is so good and so hard to eat this one in moderation! I am going to have to get my tread-mill fixed if I'm going to be eating this very often. I think it would be excellent on a thin style pizza crust too.

Oh and by the way....you can thaw puff pastry too much! :rolleyes: I let mine sit on the counter for way too long this afternoon. It was a pain to work with, and wasn't very pretty either. But my-oh-my it was good!
  • #21
I love the 3 Onion Goat Cheese Tart. I'm not sure I like it for the demo. I also made the Baked Eggs Benedict. Delicious! I'm adding it to my Brunch theme show menu selection!
  • #22
I can't wait until Sunday - we are all signing up to make a different new SB recipe for our cluster meeting. Im really exciited to try the 3 onion goat cheese tart - I love onions on a pizza and this just sounds to die for. I have so far made the asparagus phyllo wraps and posted earlier that they were yummy and a good show recipe but definitely get your guests involved in this one otherwise the phyllo dries out (cover with damp paper towel) and also they take awhile.
The Antipasto Pizza is my favorite recipe from the last SB, I was glad they kept it in - but I was going to keep offering it anyway!
  • #23
pamperedlinda said:
Oh and by the way....you can thaw puff pastry too much! :rolleyes: I let mine sit on the counter for way too long this afternoon. It was a pain to work with, and wasn't very pretty either. But my-oh-my it was good!
YES!!! I had mine in the fridge at work and then took it to kick off to quickly assemble and bake. I wound up just rolling it out with the roller and then just cutting it. Not as pretty but it was still good.
  • #24
I made the Harvest Chicken Salad and the Caramel Apple Bread Pudding for dinner last night and both were delicious. I am planning to beg people to let me make the bread pudding at shows because not only is it wonderful, it shows a ton of products (so more sales for me:D ). I haven't tried anything else yet and have to admit I am a little intimidated by the "fancy" names and ingredients. They are not only new to most people, they are also expensive and harder to find if you are looking at them for show recipes. By the way, I bought the ingredients for both of my 2 recipes mentioned above for less than $20.
  • #25
I have made the Harvest Chicken Salad but had trouble with those orange segments - Very tasty The Spiced Cherry Shortcakes was yummy and easy to make

At our cluster meeting I tried the Chocolate Pecan tart - Head it was easy to make and it was also tasty
  • #26
At our cluster meeting today, we had the Spice Cherry Sundays (yummy!!) The Carmel Cake sans carmel (my director ruined it LOL) and the homemade flat bread with all 3 spreads that are listed around it in the sb. All of it was delish!! The flatbread is more like a cracker I highly reccomend it!!
  • #27
susan g said:
I am planning to beg people to let me make the bread pudding at shows because not only is it wonderful, it shows a ton of products (so more sales for me:D )

DON'T BEG!!! Let your hosts know that you are offering dish one and dish two for the month of...whatever.

I'm offering Cold Stone shows and Lemon Chicken Pasta Toss with an optional add on (I bring the ingredients for add on's) of Profiterole Puffs if they have more than 15 guests in attendance...or at least 15 who have RSVP'd yes.

It makes it so much easier! I love to entertain and hate doing the same recipe over and over again for guests. However, this is a business. You want to look like you know what you are doing and you want to make it look as easy as possible. With less choices, the hosts don't have to think as much, which usually makes them much happier! Now, if they ask for something different, I'm not sure what I would do - I haven't come across this yet.

Another aspect of this is that it lets you be in control of what you show. Hmmm...I'm doing coldstone shows to show off the stoneware and get bookings in September. I'm doing the Lemon Chicken Pasta Toss because I know it really well and it shows off one of this month's host specials.
  • #28
Kate -- what do you do though if they get a friend to book? Will you do the same recipe at the friend's show? I just don't like doing the same recipe as the show they booked. Make sense?!!?
  • #29
pamperedbecky said:
My problem isn't the goat cheese (love it!) it's the onions. I'll have to at least sample it at our big kick off with all the new recipes on Monday. I'm making those apple and gorgonzola endive boat thingies. I'm excited to try those!
I'm with you, the Goat cheese sounds GREAT, but I don't like onions, really dislike them!
  • #30
I'm making the Baked Eggs Benedict for the cluster meeting tomorrow. Do you think I'll be able to bake it in a stone instead of the cookware? Has anyone tried doing this?
  • #31
Can anyone explain what a cold stone party is?
  • #32
I just made the homemade flat bread. It is really good. Quick to make and once I become more use to it, it would be good for a demo. The butter is EXCELLENT!! Both recipes could be adjusted a bit to have a completely different taste.
  • #33
KellyTheChef said:
At our last meeting, we all brought recipes from the new SB.

Caramel Cakes
Harvest Chicken Salad
Chocolate Pecan Tart
Caniloni Dip
Asparagus Spears
Antipasta Pizza

All of the above were excellent! Good to demo: Harvest Chicken Salad, Pecan Tart, Asparagus Spears (if you made most of them ahead of time, and demo'd how to wrap just 2 or 3 of them and demo'd the sauce) and the Antipasta Pizza.

I am definately offering the Harvest Chicken Salad! (would be good with turkey, too...as we get closer to Thanksgiving!):)

Have you done the Carmel Cakes?
I am thinking of doing them at a show, for a new recipe for add ons with my original recipes. I don't care for asparagus and I can't afford a lot for new fall products, (like the new grill pan) so since the silicone pan will not break my bank, I thought that would be a good one to add since I needed something more sweet and new.
Just wondering how they are and thought I could ahead of time have the carmel design done ahead of time and just demo a 1/2 recipe to show the guests.
  • #34
Kathytnt said:
I have made the Harvest Chicken Salad but had trouble with those orange segments - Very tasty The Spiced Cherry Shortcakes was yummy and easy to make

At our cluster meeting I tried the Chocolate Pecan tart - Head it was easy to make and it was also tasty

I made the Chocolate Pecan Lattice Tart this weekend, it was very easy to make, and the tips from the Recipe for Success are awesome! It would be great to do at a show because it shows a lot of tools and all super starter ones. It was good except I did heat the chocolate and butter a little too long so parts were a bit chewy. :p Also, I put the pecan halves on top between the lattices on half of it and some of them burned on top! So, if I were to do it again, I would leave them off. And serving it with vanilla ice cream is highly recommended because it's actually pretty chocolatey, plus you can use the ice cream dipper too! :D
  • #35
It was VERY choclate-ty!!
  • #36
Chocolate Pecan TartThis is one recipe that shoud be followed pretty close to the recipe. I generally try to add EXTRA's where I can. There is not much room for that in this recipe. MORE is defenitely NOT better here. The pic crust will start to overflow if filled to full. So - not extra chocolate or pecans here.

I think this tart would be better if using a homemade piecrust recipe - one taht would allow you some extra dough to build a dam around the edge better. The prepackaged dough tasted fine - just wish there was a little extra around the edges though.

Make sure you take the pie crust out of the frig and let it warm a little before trying to demo it as well...
  • #37
The tart was a real hit at our cluster meeting last night. The girl that made it said it was easy as pie, no pun intended. And it was soooo good. The other really good thing was the flat bread and the spreads....artichoke/sundried tomato, an olive one and the flavored butter. The girl that made the flatbread said it was a PIA tho to make and she does not know if she would recommend it for a show. My director said to just roll out french bread dough really thin and add the same seasonings and it works beautifully.
  • #38
Has anyone found the sundried tomatoes packed in oil that are needed to make the Artichoke and Sun-dried Tomato Tapenade? I went to two large groceries stores last night and neither of them carry this item. Do I need to go to a specialty store? I bought everything else and I can't wait to make this for my husband.
  • #39
The only place I have ever found them was Sams Club or Costco. YOu can buy the dried kind and soak them in some olive oil for a few hours and I am told that works. That question was brought up at cluster meeting on Sunday night!
  • #40
I try to look online at the stores's websites to see who has it. Thats how I found those darn crepes.
  • #41
kalmata olive and red pepper spreadI made the homemade flatbread and the kalmata olive and red pepper spread the other day. Both were so good and very easy to make. Also, they would be good for a 'free show' too because most of the ingredience you would already have on hand. :)
  • #42
f/w sb 06
pkd09 said:
Has anyone tried any of the recipes in the new F/W SB?

My first real cooking show was at our cluster mtg last night, actually I made the item and took. I rarely cook anymore, but now can't wait to get back at it!!

I have a tiny kitchen and was running everywhere, but made the Harvest Chicken Salad and everyone absoultely raved about it. I don't care for Mustard but this mustard really put a nice bite to the recipe :)

Very easy and I"m planning on taking to my next home show and possibly making another one during the show :)

  • #43
Cindycooks said:
The only place I have ever found them was Sams Club or Costco. YOu can buy the dried kind and soak them in some olive oil for a few hours and I am told that works. That question was brought up at cluster meeting on Sunday night!

Not sure of what of grocery stores you have by you, but, I have bought them at Coborn's by my home in the fresh produce section. They are not refrigerated. They were in a smaller jar not a big one, kind of on an end cap by the tomatos.
  • #44
The flatbread freezes nicely! I have 4 big ziplocs full - for express shows! All I have to do is thaw the morning of and demo the spread!
  • #45
Peppered Glazed PecansOh my gosh, these are so yummy. I just made a batch (I used 1/4 t pepper - the recipe says 1/4 - 1/2 t), and then another. I thought I'd play around a little bit, so I tried the glaze with pretzels (I reduced the cook time to 4 minutes and it was perfect). My daughter is going nuts over it!

Definitely try this recipe, especially at the holidays. Makes for a perfect host gift!


P.S. I bet this glaze would be good with walnuts and/or almonds, too.
  • #46
I too almost made the assumtion mistake...The S/Summer recipes - especially the Caprese Mini-Sandwiches were a major hit with all my hosts. I never did to those Puff thingys as it looked like too much time and work to demo. But the Caprese and the Chichen dishes were right on target. And most of my guests and hosts are stricktly working class people with simple tastes. It never hurts to ask the host about those recipes and at least give them the option. You just never know. And I love the idea that the Three Onion and Goat Cheese tart seems to taste good. I am making that tomorrow for our kick off. I plan to make the filling ahead as I work all day but the final assembly will be at the directors home. I looked very closly at the recipe and you could very easily cheat with the bacon. There are several commercially pre-packaged, pre-cooked, pre-crumbled bacons out there that would very much work. So when you go to the show, bring the prepared bacon needed in a prep bowl. This way no one knows it is precooked or packaged. You simply toss it around in the pan for a minute to warm it and let some of the grease come out. Or you could just substitue a very small amount of light vegatable oil for the bacon grease you leave in the pan when you go to cook the "onions" mixture. Then add the bacon to heat it through as you need to do this anyway. Hormel has one in a jar and a pouch that are real bacon so...
It htink I was surprised that when I was talking about this recipe to some co-workers, they though it sounded great. So.. I will be asking my hosts if this is soemthing they would like to do for there shows. Especially if it is simple for me to make. No need to make things harder than they have to be!
  • #47
pampered1224 said:
The S/Summer recipes - especially the Caprese Mini-Sandwiches were a major hit with all my hosts. I never did to those Puff thingys as it looked like too much time and work to demo. But the Caprese and the Chichen dishes were right on target. And most of my guests and hosts are stricktly working class people with simple tastes. It never hurts to ask the host about those recipes and at least give them the option. You just never know. And I love the idea that the Three Onion and Goat Cheese tart seems to taste good. I am making that tomorrow for our kick off. I plan to make the filling ahead as I work all day but the final assembly will be at the directors home. I looked very closly at the recipe and you could very easily cheat with the bacon. There are several commercially pre-packaged, pre-cooked, pre-crumbled bacons out there that would very much work. So when you go to the show, bring the prepared bacon needed in a prep bowl. This way no one knows it is precooked or packaged. You simply toss it around in the pan for a minute to warm it and let some of the grease come out. Or you could just substitue a very small amount of light vegatable oil for the bacon grease you leave in the pan when you go to cook the "onions" mixture. Then add the bacon to heat it through as you need to do this anyway. Hormel has one in a jar and a pouch that are real bacon so...
It htink I was surprised that when I was talking about this recipe to some co-workers, they though it sounded great. So.. I will be asking my hosts if this is soemthing they would like to do for there shows. Especially if it is simple for me to make.

"No need to make things harder than they have to be!"

I'm with you there!!!
  • #48
John: I made the same thing for our Kickoff! I made the filling ahead of time and just plopped it onto the pastry and cheese baked it. I stored it in my small BB-love the lid! If you don't mind my advice: I have worked with puff pastry a lot. Its very easy IF you don't leave it out too long. I thawed it the night before in my fridge and kept it in the fridge all day until I got to my Director's house. WHAT A MESS!!! It stuck together and then I finally gave up and just rolled it out with the bakers roller. It still tasted great but I wish I would have kept it frozen. So, if you can, keep it frozen until about a half hour until you need it and then let it defrost at room temp. Also, if you can spray just a bit of olive oil on the pan before baking the crust, it will help. Mine also stuck to the stone a bit. Let me know how it comes out!
  • #49
The goat cheese tart went over BIG at my fall preview show on Friday night. I didn't even get to taste it because it was all gone!

For those of you who have a Trader Joe's nearby, the goat cheese is super cheap there.
  • #50
I keep my recipies for my shows pretty simple, I offer three recipies that don't require a lot of effort on my part or the part of the host, I buy the ingridenacne( my personal perferance that way I get ingridence that I know that work with the recipie) I personaly make the antipesto veggie pizza, or the mini capressie sandwhiches, or the garden ranch pizza..... Simple works for my host as well as the guest..

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