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Too Many Consultants on Pampered Chef FB Page? Yikes!

In summary, the FB page has turned into a complete mess due to other consultants promoting themselves. No customer wants to go there because it is filled with junk.
Gold Member
Is anyone else annoyed with the amount of consultants trying to promote themselves on the PC facebook page?! It's like a feeding frenzy on there!! Yike!!:eek:
Yes, I do think that should be a NO NO
The whole PC page has turned into a complete mess, filled with so much junk thanks to other consultants. No customer would want to go there.
leftymac said:
The whole PC page has turned into a complete mess, filled with so much junk thanks to other consultants. No customer would want to go there.

agreed! Thought I was the only one who thought that. It's like a chef success on FB.....not a FB fan page for customers.
I'm being a jerk (and I don't care) and commenting: "You are not allowed to promote yourself as a consultant on this page. Please go to the online training center to complete the training classes, and read the policy on social networking via our consultant policy guide." on people who are promoting themselves on that page.
I agree, I keep wanting to report everyone that is going on there and saying if you like in such an such of area you need to contact me. So frustrating!
I have disliked the page......disappointed and do not want my clients there AT ALL.

Definitely not what it was meant to be.

I will just post my link on my FB page, my hostesses event pages...and keep it simple.

  • Thread starter
  • #8
I flagged a lot of things. I think it's completely ridiculous! Keith, that's awesome!! It's one thing to say, Hello from such & such, but another to say, "Do parties with ME!" Gee whiz!!
What's gonna happen is that it's gonna get so abused, they might just end up taking it away.Sometimes I wonder about half the people who are consultants. No one bothers to read the training and policies. They just hear "Facebook!" and go crazy. What a horrible representation for the company.
  • #10
ChefCKHall said:
I have disliked the page......disappointed and do not want my clients there AT ALL.

Definitely not what it was meant to be.

I will just post my link on my FB page, my hostesses event pages...and keep it simple.


I will continue to "like" the page only b/c on my wall I can only see the posts that the actual page puts up, and they're putting up good things. The rest is just ridiculous.
  • #11
Tropicalburstqt2 said:
I flagged a lot of things. I think it's completely ridiculous! Keith, that's awesome!! It's one thing to say, Hello from such & such, but another to say, "Do parties with ME!" Gee whiz!!

I think flagging the things signals Facebook and not PC, so flagging might not be appropriate. What to do?
  • #12
And these idiots are posting personal messages (ex: "Thanks for the great training last night, Jenny!") on the PC facebook page. Ridiculous. If you don't know how to use Facebook, figure it out before you go representing a company.Okay, I'm calm now. Sorry if anyone is offended by the word "idiots". I will rephrase:"And these Consultants are doing idiotic things such as..."
  • #13
And people wonder why I'm grouchy.
  • #14
I think you will see it die down in a short while. Everyone is all excited about it. We had an entire training on it tonight. Good Info but way over hyped!
  • #15
jesikaransom said:
I think you will see it die down in a short while. Everyone is all excited about it. We had an entire training on it tonight. Good Info but way over hyped!

The whole FB thing IS way over-hyped. They still don't want us "selling" on FB.
  • #16
leftymac said:
I'm being a jerk (and I don't care) and commenting: "You are not allowed to promote yourself as a consultant on this page. Please go to the online training center to complete the training classes, and read the policy on social networking via our consultant policy guide." on people who are promoting themselves on that page.

You missed a few but if you check out the pictures, there is a lady who added herself with a personal message with her website!
  • #17
Keith, I just went to the page and saw all the posts you are putting up for the violators! Wow, way to go!
  • #18
wadesgirl said:
You missed a few but if you check out the pictures, there is a lady who added herself with a personal message with her website!

Well, I stopped because I realized they're not gonna get notified of a comment, but at least other people might read it.

I'll say it again, but this time in French to emphasize it.

  • #19
The thought occurred to me just now- how many of these folks are those who are NOT on ChefSuccess.com and do not have that "outlet" to ask questions, complain, etc? They are using FB, like we do use this site....except the advertising for ourselves part.Anyway....I'm not too surprised that some folks aren't paying attention to the rules. After all, rules are meant for everyone ELSE, right?
  • #20
It is a train wreck over there! I knew people would get out of control. I wish the moderator was more active and removing the violators. I just do not want HO to revoke these new guidelines!
  • #21
etteluap70PC said:
It is a train wreck over there! I knew people would get out of control. I wish the moderator was more active and removing the violators. I just do not want HO to revoke these new guidelines!

I'd like to apply for the position of Moderator. I have the summer off anyway, and I'd derive great pleasure from it. :)
  • #22
leftymac said:
I'd like to apply for the position of Moderator. I have the summer off anyway, and I'd derive great pleasure from it. :)

Seriously! I hope they all loose their websites! (OK That was mean... Oh well..)
  • #23
leftymac said:
I'm being a jerk (and I don't care) and commenting: "You are not allowed to promote yourself as a consultant on this page. Please go to the online training center to complete the training classes, and read the policy on social networking via our consultant policy guide." on people who are promoting themselves on that page.

I think you've been great! And they are "policing" it, so it should come to an end. I think it's those who didn't go to conference. I left an email on the facebook page for a specific person to contact me (totally spaced using a PM to her) and I got an email from HO about not self-promoting, so they are watching it. If we all just think about the ahaas that PC is with us- like yummy recipes, etc. we should all be good.
  • #24
lockhartkitchen said:
I think you've been great! And they are "policing" it, so it should come to an end. I think it's those who didn't go to conference. I left an email on the facebook page for a specific person to contact me (totally spaced using a PM to her) and I got an email from HO about not self-promoting, so they are watching it. If we all just think about the ahaas that PC is with us- like yummy recipes, etc. we should all be good.

You're too nice. I didn't go to conference and I understand the rules just fine. They're just not bothering to read the policy guide or take the online training.

And you're got it right on the money..post kudos about recipes and products, and tips. A customer doesn't want to read about how many bookings you got or how your own host is *this* close to signing.
  • #25
So true, Keith. Sorry I didn't mean anything about not going to conference. I was assuming with the major promoting of business that they didn't go to conference and didn't hear the to-to's. But you are right. I didn't go last year, and I read all the information and could easily follow rules if I took the time to read it. Good work Keith.
  • #26
I nominate Keith as moderator :D Do I have a second?
  • #28
I sent PMs to a couple of people who posted their PWS link. What really got me was the lady who was trying to help the other one post it to her FB profile and then spelled her PWS out. Obviously they haven't read the policy yet...and probably haven't read the whole policy manual. Noticed in the Chat Box that someone commented the "online courses are boring"! Yeah well...if you "think you know everything" they probably would be. Personally I have taken the courses a couple of times each to help me out. Glad some "newer people" in the biz think they know so much more than others! My Exec Director is taking the courses so I figure if she is, then I am not "too good" to do so!
  • #29
pcchefjane said:
Noticed in the Chat Box that someone commented the "online courses are boring"! Yeah well...if you "think you know everything" they probably would be.
Um...WOW! :grumpy: I am the one who said I found the new three boring, and I meant in the way the were presented in comparison to the previous courses, which I found more engaging (not that I should have to defend myself for how I feel about them.) You should really think twice before you go around bashing other people for expressing an opinion. I personally have completed all three courses, passed the quizzes, and never claimed to know everything so please be careful before you start judging others.ETA - I responded to your response in the text box - its a little presumptuous to assume that I wasn't paying attention to a course because of a comment I made, but I guess unpopular opinions are unwelcome. And if you are referring to me as one of the "newer people" please know that I started with Pampered Chef in 2003, became a Director in 2005, and quit in 2008 because of a divorce and came back a year later. So I'm no fresh fish in the PC game.
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  • #30
I said they were boring too. Boring doesn't imply that you know everything. Glad some "older people" in the business think they know more than others, too. Some people aren't auditory learners and have difficulties just listening to a recorded speech. That's why I said they were boring to me.
  • Thread starter
  • #31
keith, your suggestion for people to join chef success was great. I hope people are getting in trouble for cluttering the pc fb page with no sense. Its totally ridiculous & uncalled for. FB is not the place to find business. Pick up the darn phone people! Ugh! (Sorry!)
  • #32
leftymac said:
I said they were boring too. Boring doesn't imply that you know everything. Glad some "older people" in the business think they know more than others, too. Some people aren't auditory learners and have difficulties just listening to a recorded speech. That's why I said they were boring to me.
I thought they were boring for the exact same reason. In fact, I pulled up my free cell game, and played that while I was listening, and then I checked my email, and then checked my facebook page....I learn better if I have something else to do besides just listen to a recording - if I hadn't been doing those things I would have completely zoned out.Thanks for posting on the FB Page Keith - I started to, and then thought that I didn't even want to go there, but I'm glad you did. I actually thought about unfriending the page, but haven't yet.
  • #33
I missed a large chunk of the training on the courses because I can't hear the audio. You see, with dial-up at home it takes hours and hours to complete one course. So, I went to our local library. No problem going through the course, but you can't listen to audio. I did get the basic gist because of the synopsis that's posted on each page. And, yes, I'm emailing the HO about the issue. I'd love to have a transcript of the audio available.
  • #34
I think this shows a little why they didn't want us to advertise online (which I am all FOR...at least in the "normal" being able to tell people that you are a consultant way). People just don't read/listen and sometimes understand the rules. Give an inch, take an island type thing.

Of course, I personally find facebook strange in general. Maybe b/c I have a big family, I don't feel the need to "know" strangers and I also don't need people to know what I'm doing each day. If I want someone to know something, I just tell them (through email or whatever, but not globally to everyone who is my "friend"). I get why others enjoy it, it's just not for me.

For my customers though, I really love the idea since THEY can share what they love with each other based on this topic (PC). However, I don't need them getting bombarded by other consultants endless chatting on the main PC page. I'm wondering if no posting should be allowed (of course, don't know that's possible) so that it's a clean place to look at new info. I GET that the idea is to be able to comment, but maybe it needs to just be somewhere that we can get info that transferrs well to our facebook page.

Okay...not enough sleep and too much to do.
  • #35
Thanks Keith for all of your messages on FB! I can't get over the way people are handling having access to FB.

In my opinion 99% of the posts thus far should and can be deleted by the moderator. If a CUSTOMER has a question and no consultant they should be able to post and receive a response from HO not 20 different consultants begging for business. There is no need for CONSULTANTS to post "yay, excited for a FB page"... "loved this recipe"... etc" Obviously they have no concept of FB pages, especially for businesses. :grumpy:
  • #36
I wanted to "share" the page on my FB page but have decided to wait until all this dies down - if it does.
  • #37
Wow! What a way to wake up this morning - great heated debates. LOL!
I must say I personally have not had a chance to do the FB online training. My computers has been down and won't get it back for a few more days. I have been "borrowing" my daughters here and there. I too, have noticed that some of the FB activity reminds me of an accident attorney chasing an ambulance.
PLEASE, no offense to attorneys. :angel:
I thought the same thing, everyone has been wanting this for sooo long, then the minute they get it, they take advantage of it and ignore the rules. Or worse yet, use no common sense or respect to other consultants. Again, even though I had not done the training, it is obvious that self promoting would not be allowed. I was thinking, really- we finally get what we want, then take advantage of it. Are we not adults?!
What really annoys me is the "discussion" threads. Fundraisers, booths, pampering a buss. That should not be an open conversation for customers to read. Isn't that why we are all here on CS :chef:. If I read consultants talking- how to get customers to book a party, I would be really turned off.
I still am not 100% sure as to what I am allowed to do with my own personal FB page. I will do the training and figure it out.
BTW- I too think Keith should manage FB. :)
  • #38
robochick84 said:
Thanks Keith for all of your messages on FB! I can't get over the way people are handling having access to FB.

In my opinion 99% of the posts thus far should and can be deleted by the moderator. If a CUSTOMER has a question and no consultant they should be able to post and receive a response from HO not 20 different consultants begging for business. There is no need for CONSULTANTS to post "yay, excited for a FB page"... "loved this recipe"... etc" Obviously they have no concept of FB pages, especially for businesses. :grumpy:

To me, that sort of seemed like what PC wanted....POSITIVE feedback about Pampered Chef- but not business-bragging or shoving PC in folks face. The "tried a new recipe and LOVED it!" sort of thing was exactly the sort of thing they expected. They didn't want to see negative things about the company or issues you might be having as consultants, etc- BECAUSE it is customer facing. I think that's why some of the comments have been made...like about the training being boring. It probably IS boring...I think most of them are! But I don't know that I'd post it where customers would see it- and potential recruits. We tell them they get great training from PC, and we do....but then say it's boring. (Just using THAT one as an example- not singling out or anything....this would apply if anyone was commenting on FB about a return issue or something.) We just have to be mindful of that. It would be like talking in front of your 4 yr old. You tell your child they can't say certain words or act a certain way, but then when they are around- we do that very thing. Something most parents probably wouldn't do, right?

Personally, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that of the 36000+ fans - MOST of them are consultants anyway! Especially if a customer sees what is being discussed on the page/wall. I'd find the REGULAR PamperedChef.com site to have more information of value to me (recipes, tips, etc). I don't see any of that sort of thing on the FB page (yet). Just my humble opinion. :) I'd see more value to a consultant with their OWN FB page....not corporates (other than being able to link to the specials or something maybe).

As always, I think it's "CYOA" (cover your OWN A**). :D
  • #39
esavvymom said:
To me, that sort of seemed like what PC wanted....POSITIVE feedback about Pampered Chef- but not business-bragging or shoving PC in folks face. The "tried a new recipe and LOVED it!" sort of thing was exactly the sort of thing they expected. They didn't want to see negative things about the company or issues you might be having as consultants, etc- BECAUSE it is customer facing. I think that's why some of the comments have been made...like about the training being boring. It probably IS boring...I think most of them are! But I don't know that I'd post it where customers would see it- and potential recruits. We tell them they get great training from PC, and we do....but then say it's boring. (Just using THAT one as an example- not singling out or anything....this would apply if anyone was commenting on FB about a return issue or something.) We just have to be mindful of that. It would be like talking in front of your 4 yr old. You tell your child they can't say certain words or act a certain way, but then when they are around- we do that very thing. Something most parents probably wouldn't do, right?Personally, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that of the 36000+ fans - MOST of them are consultants anyway! Especially if a customer sees what is being discussed on the page/wall. I'd find the REGULAR PamperedChef.com site to have more information of value to me (recipes, tips, etc). I don't see any of that sort of thing on the FB page (yet). Just my humble opinion. :) I'd see more value to a consultant with their OWN FB page....not corporates (other than being able to link to the specials or something maybe).As always, I think it's "CYOA" (cover your OWN A**). :D
Just to clarify - any mention of the training being boring has been made in the chatbox and threads on this site, NOT on the FB page.;)AND - there have been customers on the FB page, but as soon as they post, they are jumped on by several consultants salivating all over them.
  • #40
ChefBeckyD said:
Just to clarify - any mention of the training being boring has been made in the chatbox and threads on this site, NOT on the FB page.;)

AND - there have been customers on the FB page, but as soon as they post, they are jumped on by several consultants salivating all over them.

I've glanced at the FB page a few times- so hard to keep up. ;) Anything on here- even though we know a few people are on here checking out the company BEFORE they sign- I think it's a 'safe zone'. FB would be a public-zone. Not that I'm implying we should lie to our customer...honesty is my policy and I'd probably tell a potential recruit the truth- but with clarification, etc.

The poor customers! You think they are still "friends"? :D
  • #41
esavvymom said:
To me, that sort of seemed like what PC wanted....POSITIVE feedback about Pampered Chef- but not business-bragging or shoving PC in folks face. The "tried a new recipe and LOVED it!" sort of thing was exactly the sort of thing they expected. They didn't want to see negative things about the company or issues you might be having as consultants, etc- BECAUSE it is customer facing. I think that's why some of the comments have been made...like about the training being boring. It probably IS boring...I think most of them are! But I don't know that I'd post it where customers would see it- and potential recruits. We tell them they get great training from PC, and we do....but then say it's boring. (Just using THAT one as an example- not singling out or anything....this would apply if anyone was commenting on FB about a return issue or something.) We just have to be mindful of that. It would be like talking in front of your 4 yr old. You tell your child they can't say certain words or act a certain way, but then when they are around- we do that very thing. Something most parents probably wouldn't do, right?

This is EXACTLY my understanding (per what we learned at conference) of what those postings are to be. It is a place to post POSITIVE messages about recipes and products. Not a place for self-promotion and negativity.

My plan was to take the online courses today and be on Facebook (I'm not yet a member) by the end of the day. Not sure now how that will all pan out.
  • #42
This isn't just a problem with PC, I am a fan of another DS company on FB and saw our worst fears as consultants come up. The company posted a status and a potential customer asked a general question about the product. Within an hour there were 67 comments from consultants "offering" their services!!! On top of that the customer wrote that they were completely turned off by this, their phone kept alerting them for an hour from people all over the US to buy from them and they recieved over 30 private messages for the person to contact them. This customer said they were now no longer interested in the product and very irritated, whats worse, people didn't read the post and there were numerous posts after her post of consultants still trying to "sell" to her. It really upset me to read this, it gives us all a bad name.

I "liked" PC on FB but after reading all the self-promotion posts, I'm irritated. As a consultant I love the idea of the PC page, but for now it is ruined...the moderator needs to delete the posts that are in violation not just notify the offender. The whole page is a swamp right now :(
  • #43
esavvymom said:
I've glanced at the FB page a few times- so hard to keep up. ;) Anything on here- even though we know a few people are on here checking out the company BEFORE they sign- I think it's a 'safe zone'.

ChefSuccess is public, it is not private in any way. Anything you post can be seen by anyone who stumbles upon the page. Even those who have not signed up for a membership are able to view the posts in any of the threads. After (I think) five pages, they'll get a request to sign up, but even that will go away if they clear their cookies. Also, Home Office does monitor CS to a certain extent.

Never post anything you wouldn't feel comfortable printed on the front page of the NY Times.
  • #44
pamperedmom24 said:
This isn't just a problem with PC, I am a fan of another DS company on FB and saw our worst fears as consultants come up. The company posted a status and a potential customer asked a general question about the product. Within an hour there were 67 comments from consultants "offering" their services!!! On top of that the customer wrote that they were completely turned off by this, their phone kept alerting them for an hour from people all over the US to buy from them and they recieved over 30 private messages for the person to contact them. This customer said they were now no longer interested in the product and very irritated, whats worse, people didn't read the post and there were numerous posts after her post of consultants still trying to "sell" to her. It really upset me to read this, it gives us all a bad name.

I "liked" PC on FB but after reading all the self-promotion posts, I'm irritated. As a consultant I love the idea of the PC page, but for now it is ruined...the moderator needs to delete the posts that are in violation not just notify the offender. The whole page is a swamp right now :(

That is frightening - and I've seen some of the same on the PC FB page!
  • #45
Given the response on FB (#s), hopefully they are adding more moderators. If they only have the one, they are seriously understaffed for the job! :) That poor lady got more than she probably bargained for!
  • #46
esavvymom said:
Given the response on FB (#s), hopefully they are adding more moderators. If they only have the one, they are seriously understaffed for the job! :) That poor lady got more than she probably bargained for!

I don't think PC realized how big it would be. They wanted 10,000 fans by August 15, and they got that in 3 days! Seriously underestimated!
  • #47
Posting pretty much blind ... didn't they address this in the PC Newswire and say that self-promoting posts on the wall would be deleted?

I pretty much stayed off Facebook until late evening.
  • #48
Di_Can_Cook said:
Posting pretty much blind ... didn't they address this in the PC Newswire and say that self-promoting posts on the wall would be deleted?

I pretty much stayed off Facebook until late evening.

Yes, it did state that, and it was probably in response to all the unwanted postings by the consultants.
  • #49
Di_Can_Cook said:
Posting pretty much blind ... didn't they address this in the PC Newswire and say that self-promoting posts on the wall would be deleted?

I pretty much stayed off Facebook until late evening.

But if you didn't bother to read the policy, or even the blurb on the left side of the page, are you really going to pay attention to the NewsWire?
  • #50
This was one thing I first thought when I first saw a person, assuming it was a customer, post a comment and like 3 different consultants "jumped" all over that person. I dont find that as very professional. As many people have stated, if they want information there is a place to request it. I agree with all you about posting certain stuff on facebook. I think like most of you; people are not thinking before they post anything on FB... SAD, some people need the training.... I did share this site with my customers and I am sadly almost regretting it because of this.
H2: What is the issue with the number of consultants promoting themselves on the Pampered Chef Facebook page?<p>The issue is that it can become overwhelming for members of the group who are not consultants themselves. It can also make it difficult to find relevant information or posts from other members.</p>H2: Why is there a high number of consultants on the Pampered Chef Facebook page?<p>The Facebook page is a popular platform for consultants to promote their businesses and reach a larger audience. It is also a way for them to connect with other consultants and share tips and advice.</p>H2: Are all of the posts on the Pampered Chef Facebook page from consultants?<p>No, not all posts on the page are from consultants. The page is open to anyone who is a fan of Pampered Chef and wants to share their experiences, recipes, or ask questions about the products.</p>H2: Is there a limit to the number of consultants allowed in the Pampered Chef Facebook group?<p>No, there is no limit to the number of consultants allowed in the group. However, it is important for consultants to be respectful and not overly promote themselves in order to maintain the group's focus on Pampered Chef products and experiences.</p>H2: What can be done to address the issue of too many consultants on the Pampered Chef Facebook page?<p>If you feel that the number of consultant posts is becoming overwhelming, you can reach out to the group moderators or administrators. They can remind members of the group's guidelines and ensure that the page remains focused on the Pampered Chef brand and products.</p>

Related to Too Many Consultants on Pampered Chef FB Page? Yikes!

H2: What is the issue with the number of consultants promoting themselves on the Pampered Chef Facebook page?

The issue is that it can become overwhelming for members of the group who are not consultants themselves. It can also make it difficult to find relevant information or posts from other members.

H2: Why is there a high number of consultants on the Pampered Chef Facebook page?

The Facebook page is a popular platform for consultants to promote their businesses and reach a larger audience. It is also a way for them to connect with other consultants and share tips and advice.

H2: Are all of the posts on the Pampered Chef Facebook page from consultants?

No, not all posts on the page are from consultants. The page is open to anyone who is a fan of Pampered Chef and wants to share their experiences, recipes, or ask questions about the products.

H2: Is there a limit to the number of consultants allowed in the Pampered Chef Facebook group?

No, there is no limit to the number of consultants allowed in the group. However, it is important for consultants to be respectful and not overly promote themselves in order to maintain the group's focus on Pampered Chef products and experiences.

H2: What can be done to address the issue of too many consultants on the Pampered Chef Facebook page?

If you feel that the number of consultant posts is becoming overwhelming, you can reach out to the group moderators or administrators. They can remind members of the group's guidelines and ensure that the page remains focused on the Pampered Chef brand and products.

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