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The Young and the Restless: Today's Must-See Episode

In summary, the title of the post is "In summary, Y&R fans are excited for today's episode." Nikki's death is mentioned, and it seems that David may be involved. There are many potential outcomes to the episode, and it is unclear which one will happen.
  • #601
PUH-LEASE TELL ME SHEILA IS NOT BACK... How many times has this woman died? I'm going to be so disappointed in Y&R if she is.. come on people!!
  • #602
Sheila??? I don't recall much about her was she on B &B mostly? Is she the mystery mom?? IT's Just boring with out Victor/Nikki on the show IMO! ;)
  • #603
Yes.. Sheila always tortured Lauren. Kidnapped her son, etc. & most recently had plastic surgery to look like Phyllis & tryed to kidnap Fin. But Lauren had 'supposedly' shot & killed her. Now their insinuting that maybe she is Deacon, Rider, & Daisy's puppet master. Michael keeps saying 'Forget about Sheila, she's gone. Rider's the only one behind everything' yadda yadda
  • #604
O Yeah! Victor is BACK! :p
  • #605
I think Daisy is Sheila's daughter. That would make Ryder her son, but I don't recall Sheila having a son though. Lauren and Phyllis talked about how they saw Sheila die and saw the autopsy, but with soaps and Y&R you never know.
Sharon is just a NUT JOB and how can her and Ashley be so blinded by Adam??? I can not wait until Adam is exposed for the fraud he is, everyone sees it but those 2. I think Neil and Ashley are going to get together though. I love that Jo-Jo, she is a HOOT. My question is did everyone assume Katherine had a daughter? I was floored that Tucker revealed he was her son. Wouldn't she had known she had a boy and not a girl?? Cane and Lily~SNORE, bring the old Malcolm back~love me some Shemar Moore, this new one is not sexy at all. Snore Amber and Daniel. Little D is not her son, hate they are bringing up that whole storyline from B&B years ago, can't stand Amber. Yeah Victor is back. :)
  • #606
Ditto on Sharon-cocoo for coco puffs, and I second the foresight of Ash and Neil. Shocker that Tucker was K's kid and ITA about the old Malcom! This guy sux! I want Shemar back! :( And I cannot stand Amber!
  • #607
maybe Sharon and Ash both need to go back to the nuthouse because they are both crazy when it comes to Adam. Sharon is just a crazy slut who can't be alone for more than 2 seconds. She dated Adam for 5 minutes, then married him. Wonder how long it will be before she remembers the note Adam wrote her before the plane went down.
  • #608
LOL, up to date.. the ladies Ash and Sharon are both dreaming Crazy! lol This whole Jenna-Rydre-Daisy story is Lame! Adams days are doomed. :p
  • Thread starter
  • #609
Hi Heather. The storylines are getter better but I have one question. WHO IS DAISY/RYDER's mom? Any thoughts?
  • #610
DessertDivaFL said:
Hi Heather. The storylines are getter better but I have one question. WHO IS DAISY/RYDER's mom? Any thoughts?

I think it's Sheila or like a sister/relative of her's. I don't know who else would be out to get Lauren & her family.. I wish they'd just let Sheila go (if it is her)..

& clue us in already on who their mom is!!! It's really slowing down & I'm beginning to not care!!

Even if it was a dream, Sharon & Nick made me sick..

I'm going to feel bad when Ashley finds out that it was her baby who passed away.. Heartbreaking.. (Even is she is a b%^*$
  • Thread starter
  • #611
WLMcCoy said:
I think it's Sheila or like a sister/relative of her's. I don't know who else would be out to get Lauren & her family.. I wish they'd just let Sheila go (if it is her)..

& clue us in already on who their mom is!!! It's really slowing down & I'm beginning to not care!!

Even if it was a dream, Sharon & Nick made me sick..

I'm going to feel bad when Ashley finds out that it was her baby who passed away.. Heartbreaking.. (Even is she is a b%^*$

I agree with you. These storylines go on and on like the flu. We need some relief from some of these storylines. Everybody in Genoa City is in a crisis situation.
  • #612
OK...Here are some random thoughts! What if Daisy/Ryder are messing with Michael by messing with Lauren? What if their mother is .....wait for it........
Cricket!!!! Daisy & Ryder are the children she gave away after being raped by Michael years ago. She gave them up for adoption but they found out who their mother was and why she gave them up. So they are back for revenge. What better way then to destroy Lauren! Could be, maybe..;)
  • #613
Cricket wasn't a vindictive person though and her and Michael made up... I'm thinkin it's more than likely Sheila to have come back from the DEAD????

But then again, I wasn't watching at the time Cricket left the show? How did she exit??? Her and Paul were together I thought???
  • #614
Cricket is not a part of it. It is her evil spawn, here for REVENGE. Because they found out that their mother gave them away because they were a product of rape.

As far as history goes, Y & R is rewriting history every day!!!
  • #615
What in the world is this "HUGE" plan the entire cast is undertaking to catch Adam?? I wanna know! :p
  • Thread starter
  • #616
So Adam got clunked on the head. Now what???
  • #617
Lame, I saw the previews.. he's tied up and the Whole world is there to witness his "confession" yeah right!
  • #618
heat123 said:
What in the world is this "HUGE" plan the entire cast is undertaking to catch Adam?? I wanna know! :p

Man, I see I have alot to catch up on this weekend!
  • #619
Today is the episode I think! So catch up and watch it! :p
  • #620
heat123 said:
Today is the episode I think! So catch up and watch it! :p

I better read the recaps before 7 then and I'll just watch it on soapnet this weekend. I just want the town to string up Daisy and Adam together and light them on fire. Or lace some of "Gina's famous lasagna" with arsenic and feed it to both of them. :)
  • #621
mandy412 said:
I better read the recaps before 7 then and I'll just watch it on soapnet this weekend. I just want the town to string up Daisy and Adam together and light them on fire. Or lace some of "Gina's famous lasagna" with arsenic and feed it to both of them. :)

Totally, they BUG!:p
  • #622
OMG, please tell me Phyllis comes to her senses and shows everyone the letter!?!? :O I get she's worried about Nick but Come on! Everyone needs to know!
  • Thread starter
  • #623
heat123 said:
OMG, please tell me Phyllis comes to her senses and shows everyone the letter!?!? :O I get she's worried about Nick but Come on! Everyone needs to know!

The end of yesterday's episode, they made it look like Phyllis was going to burn the letter but the way they ended it makes you think someone will see her and stop her. Wonder what she'll do. :eek:

She is always worried Nick will go back to Sharon. I don't blame her, he always does! I think once all the truth comes out Ashley will officially go nuts. :yuck:
  • #624
I know.. heehee, I was just making drama! lol Michael probably stops her. :p

Yeah, once Ash finds out..she will go COOCOO for sure!
  • #625
O, I hope Adam Offs himself! lol Since he "cannot live without Sharon" :p
  • #626
Poor Ashley is gonna have to give up Faith.. How sad would that be. :(
  • #627
BOOHOO, no Y & R thur or friday due to basketball. :(
  • #627
I am looking into trying WW again but can anybody tell me about Momentum? Do they combine that with Pts. system are they seperate from eachother? Pts. Vs Momentum?? I was confused when I went to the website. I swear when I tried it before it was called something else started with a C something? I think??? That was over a year ago. TIA!
  • #628
OUUHHH, today's cliffhanger was exciting! What's going down with Adam??? and who is the mystery woman with Ryder and Daisy??? The voice almost sounds like Lauren's..does she have a sister??
  • #629
I know I seem to be talking to myself.. lol but I hope the charred person was Adam! lol
  • #630
I think it's a body he and Patty stole from the hospital....oh, and Ryder and Daisy's mom is Sheila. YES....that nightmare is back!
  • #631
What body from the hospital? The gaurd guy?
  • #632
I was thinking they probably stole one from the morgue.
  • #633
I think the body is Adam , I think Patty killed him in the basment and then turned on the gas . Cause that person that is dead had no smoke in him
  • #634
I think Mr. Kitty killed Adam.
  • #635
I kind of hope it is Adam....he's getting on my nerves! I hope you are right too about Patty killing him so they can finally get her off the show. That storyline is very annoying!
  • #636
Yeay, Adam is Dead! I think Emily-Patty killed him!??? :p
  • #637
Ok, this whole Patty-Sarah Smyth plot is soo lame! I hope it ends soon (with Heather doing the DNA testing!)
  • Thread starter
  • #638
I think the Emily/Patty/Sarah/Daisy/Ryder storyline has been exhausted. They need to speed this up or something.

I am liking Billy/Victoria together. Interesting chemistry.

I am not used to the new Heather very well. I know they will be bringing in a new Abby soon too.

Who is going to get shot??? Michael or Phyllis or someone else?
  • Thread starter
  • #639
OK, I have to bring this thread up to date.

Today's episode is huge, people! I already know what happens but I am not going to add a spoiler. Let's wait until this evening to comment on today's episode. Holy cow!
  • #640
Oh OH, tell me please! PM me Danielle! :p If it's re: Adam and the Hightower guy?

Ps. I don't like the New Heather either! Totally different than the last and I DO NOT like this New, bratty wanna be tv star ABBY, (not that the last was any better). lol
  • #641
  • #642
I wonder if Adam was at Billy and Victoria's wedding? LOL!!
  • #643
Wow, that was a DOOZY of a cliff hanger! I thought for sure Adam was dead and Patty killed him! lol
  • #644
I knew he wasn't going to be dead. There were too many holes in the story line. I can't wait to see how he pulled it off!!
  • Thread starter
  • #645
Lifeat50 said:
I wonder if Adam was at Billy and Victoria's wedding? LOL!!

Never thought of that. Good one. I guess Patty didn't kill anyone and it was Adam that killed Hightower or maybe not. I am so confused! :yuck::eek::grumpy:

Anyway, this sure does bring a different spin on things.

Has anyone gotten used to the new Abby? She is certainly playing the spoiled brat part well.
  • #646
"dislike" the new Abby! :p
  • #647
Abby a little bitch too
  • Thread starter
  • #648
Who likes Billy and Victoria together? I do! It is a quirky relationship but it is adorable. They need to get out of the trailer!

Abby is getting annoying, isn't she?
  • #649
ITA about this New Abby. I didn't like the other one but this one ANNOYS me! lol
  • Thread starter
  • #650
So Billy and Victoria aren't legally married. I think they may consider it anyway. Not right away but I have a feeling it may happen.

I hope they don't let the "Adam is alive" storyline go by the wayside. I can't imagine Adam not coming back to Genoa City to see his plan unfold before his own eyes and not just read about it in the paper.
<H2>1. What time does "The Young and the Restless" air?</H2><p>The show airs weekdays at 12:30 p.m. EST on CBS.</p><H2>2. Will there be any major plot twists in today's episode?</H2><p>We can't give away any spoilers, but there are always unexpected twists and turns in the world of Genoa City.</p><H2>3. How can I watch the episode if I miss it during its original airing?</H2><p>You can catch up on missed episodes on the CBS website or on the CBS app.</p><H2>4. Are there any new characters or guest stars appearing in today's episode?</H2><p>We can't reveal any surprises, but keep an eye out for any familiar faces or new additions to the cast.</p><H2>5. How can I stay updated on all the latest "Young and the Restless" news and updates?</H2><p>Follow the official social media accounts for the show and check out fan sites for the latest news, spoilers, and behind-the-scenes content.</p>

Related to The Young and the Restless: Today's Must-See Episode

1. What time does "The Young and the Restless" air?

The show airs weekdays at 12:30 p.m. EST on CBS.

2. Will there be any major plot twists in today's episode?

We can't give away any spoilers, but there are always unexpected twists and turns in the world of Genoa City.

3. How can I watch the episode if I miss it during its original airing?

You can catch up on missed episodes on the CBS website or on the CBS app.

4. Are there any new characters or guest stars appearing in today's episode?

We can't reveal any surprises, but keep an eye out for any familiar faces or new additions to the cast.

5. How can I stay updated on all the latest "Young and the Restless" news and updates?

Follow the official social media accounts for the show and check out fan sites for the latest news, spoilers, and behind-the-scenes content.

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