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The Young and the Restless: Today's Must-See Episode

In summary, the title of the post is "In summary, Y&R fans are excited for today's episode." Nikki's death is mentioned, and it seems that David may be involved. There are many potential outcomes to the episode, and it is unclear which one will happen.
  • Thread starter
  • #551
Totally agree with you, Heather. Whenever the crossover characters like that it is a recipe for disaster. Go back to B&B!

So Sharon is in the crazy house, Nikki is in a field, Ashley is going Coo Koo, Victoria is kissing strangers, Victor is in denial, Adam is not seeing the "light" of his revenge, Nick is saying he's not in Sharon's life anymore then he says "Say the word, I'm there." Is it any wonder we are all confused?!
  • #552
Danielle...so true! The Nick/Sharon thing is really wearing me down! Enough already with pathetic Sharon! Maybe she'll gain some independence in the hospital! Ugh.
  • #553
DessertDivaFL said:
Totally agree with you, Heather. Whenever the crossover characters like that it is a recipe for disaster. Go back to B&B!

So Sharon is in the crazy house, Nikki is in a field, Ashley is going Coo Koo, Victoria is kissing strangers, Victor is in denial, Adam is not seeing the "light" of his revenge, Nick is saying he's not in Sharon's life anymore then he says "Say the word, I'm there." Is it any wonder we are all confused?!

Yeah, these stories are all over the place!:eek: I wonder what will become of Nikki-Victor-Ashly, Sharon-Nick-Phyllis triangles? Victoria, get over yourself!
And finally, get Adam off the show! Enough tortue to drive Ash insane already!
  • #554
REALLY, Victoria, come on!

I guess Patty will confess to Paul, about everything???

Right, Tom Fisher was connected to Deacon?
  • #555
Bumping... Victor will be exposed or proven guilty by Paul and Jack.

Uh-OH... what will happen while Phyllis is away? :(

All these storylines are dragging!
  • #556
If Nick dares go back to Sharon again I will just scream! I love him and Phyllis and think they have a great attraction! And how the heck will Victor stay in the clear and out of jail???
  • #557
Is Nikki going to come back and if so how are they going to explain her being hit my a car - driven by Ashley and being hurt this long ? ? ?

If Nick goes back with Sharon - I will stop watching - I like Phyllis (I know she has done some bad things) but sometimes good people do bad things. But I still like her.

Just my weird !!!

  • #558
whiteyteresa said:
Is Nikki going to come back and if so how are they going to explain her being hit my a car - driven by Ashley and being hurt this long ? ? ?

If Nick goes back with Sharon - I will stop watching - I like Phyllis (I know she has done some bad things) but sometimes good people do bad things. But I still like her.

Just my weird !!!


I know, it's like Nikki fell off the face of the earth right!?! lol OR it could be like the Catherine story ...hit and found by someone to take care of her? It's not like she could be left for dead.. dying all this time! lol
  • #559
I'm still thinking that they may just be leading us to believe she was hit and than alas she'll return safe and sound from her trip. Who knows...
  • #560
OT - can anyone recommend another soap? I love Y & R but I want to add another one to my DVR so when hubby's not home I have more to watch! Used to watch B&B but can't stand it anymore.
  • #561
I don't think my blood pressure could get any higher talking about Nick & Sharon getting back together. UGH!! Can't even talk about, just hope it doesn't happen! She make me absolutely SICK! :yuck:

I don't what it is, after all the rotten things Victor has done, I still like him. :p So I hope he doesn't get into trouble.

Could definately do w/out Adam.

I know Victoria's as guilty as JT, but I wish Victoria would have slapped the crap out of Colleen.

I like Cane, but I just can't like him & Lilly together like I did BEFORE Chloe.

Don't know what it is, but I like Billy & Chloe together! :blushing:

Deacon/Amber/Rider/Daniel/Kevin/Jana storyline could be completely dropped & I wouldn't miss it. Actually include the Mary Jane/Patty one, too. I used to like this show b/c it was a little dramatic, but "real". It's starting to go off the deep end!

dkitten13 said:
OT - can anyone recommend another soap? I love Y & R but I want to add another one to my DVR so when hubby's not home I have more to watch! Used to watch B&B but can't stand it anymore.

I used to watch B&B, too about 4 years ago.. Got way to annoying!
  • #562
My friend and I think that Ashley will end up going to the same psych ward as Sharon. They both go into labor and Ashley kidnaps Sharon's baby because Ashley can't wrap her mind around having no baby.
  • #563
I think that's a possibility about the Ashley & Sharon baby thing.

The Victoria ick with Deacon, she's WORSE than JT, all he did is kiss Colleen, she did the deed with yucky Deacon, wonder who'll be preggers next and will it be JT's or the ick mans??

  • #564
WLMcCoy said:
I don't think my blood pressure could get any higher talking about Nick & Sharon getting back together. UGH!! Can't even talk about, just hope it doesn't happen! She make me absolutely SICK! :yuck:

I don't what it is, after all the rotten things Victor has done, I still like him. :p So I hope he doesn't get into trouble.

Could definately do w/out Adam.

I know Victoria's as guilty as JT, but I wish Victoria would have slapped the crap out of Colleen.

I like Cane, but I just can't like him & Lilly together like I did BEFORE Chloe.

Don't know what it is, but I like Billy & Chloe together! :blushing:

Deacon/Amber/Rider/Daniel/Kevin/Jana storyline could be completely dropped & I wouldn't miss it. Actually include the Mary Jane/Patty one, too. I used to like this show b/c it was a little dramatic, but "real". It's starting to go off the deep end!

I used to watch B&B, too about 4 years ago.. Got way to annoying!

I soo think the same thing about Y & R going off the deep end. It used to be so much more real (for a soap) compared to others. Now it's just out there like most others! lol
  • #565
After Friday...really, how could Coleen get taken by Mary Jane? A little silly I have to say.
  • #566
Any opinions on the cliffhanger? Even though the whole situation is a little silly, I thought it was a good way to end a Friday.
I think the gunshots were fired in the air & were caused by someone trying to take the gun from her.

I did hear Tammin Sursok (Colleen) was leaving Y&R though.. but that was a while ago. so maybe?
  • #567
I wondered what will happen with Colleen? It seemed thursday after seeing Brad take her hand that she would die and all those 1 on 1 moments with her frenz and family ? IDK, then friday it seemed she would live? Who knows!? But Jack sitting there arguing with Patty wasn't helping Colleen out at all! lol

I wonder what will happen now that Victor has NOT denied his involvement with Patty? Good cliffhanger friday though for sure!
  • #568
Wow, Colleen is dead.. off the show. :( Hm... Nikki gone in Asia somewhere??? WTH? Who did Ashly hit then????
  • #569
I wonder if Colleen will be a heart donor for Victor?? wouldn't that just tick Jack off. I don't understand Nikki either.. I figured she was hit and had amnesia somewhere..
  • #570
Snore today! ZZZZZZZ
  • #571
I agree Heather! I could care less about the Taroni. I am getting tired of Daniel, Amber, Jana, and Kevin. I wish Jeff and Gloria would go away. I wish they would give Michael a good storyline instead of the stupid wimpy story of following his family around. Stupid!!
  • #572
well I was right... Victor will get Colleen's heart..I wasn't prepared for the baby switch though
  • #573
crissy11 said:
well I was right... Victor will get Colleen's heart..I wasn't prepared for the baby switch though

What baby switch???? Or is that what is coming next??
  • #574
I just seen it on the cover of the soap opera digest and it showed Ashley and Sharon.. I hate that!!!
  • #575
crissy11 said:
I just seen it on the cover of the soap opera digest and it showed Ashley and Sharon.. I hate that!!!

Someone foresaw this storyline to come in the future!:grumpy::p Lame! lol
  • #576
I know, I don't like that either. The strangest thing is Adam...he seems evil but I can't help but believe that he's torn...he must actually care about Ashley. I guess we'll see!
  • #577
dkitten13 said:
I know, I don't like that either. The strangest thing is Adam...he seems evil but I can't help but believe that he's torn...he must actually care about Ashley. I guess we'll see!

He is EVIL but I do think he is torn when it comes to Victor. I think he is just using Ashly and wants to be able to manipulate her, is why he doesn't want her to leave the ranch.
  • #578
Victors leaving?!?!?!

  • #579
WOW, what will they do to fill his shoes, this shoe will NOT be the same.

I can't imagine it without him.

Enough of the painting storyline, and I can see Nick torn now to help Sharon, enough already, pick a woman and stick with her.

I can also see it down the line baby needs something and Ashley not a match.
  • #580
I read about Victor today too...why did they save him? Did Colleen leave on her own terms? Its a little much to be getting rid of so many characters in a short time...Brad, Coleen, and now Victor? I imagine they won't kill him off so that he or someone else can come back but geez, I love this soap and hope this doesn't mean its going downhill!

Also, regarding the baby switch...do we think they will disclose it sooner rather than later? Maybe they could have it come out sooner and get rid of Ashley - I can't stand her!
  • #581
SAY WHAT?? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! It WOULD NOT be the same! :(
  • #582
OMG, if Victor goes out like that, that is truely SAD! I thought they'd send him off to "rehab" so he could come back???? :(
  • #583
The evil man is gone... but this is soap world, he can always come back.
  • #584
Shell Northway said:
The evil man is gone... but this is soap world, he can always come back.

Yeah, in "ghost" form like Jon Abbot, but that's just so lame!:grumpy:

Or maybe he has a twin they could bring in! lol:p
  • #585
I think he will come back. He wasn't really dead, like Phillip. It was all a ploy so he can recover without all of the stress of his family and business. Then he will come back a stronger and more evil Victor! mooohhahahahahahaha
  • #586
Shell Northway said:
I think he will come back. He wasn't really dead, like Phillip. It was all a ploy so he can recover without all of the stress of his family and business. Then he will come back a stronger and more evil Victor! mooohhahahahahahaha

Well after reading somewhere of him quitting because of $alary disputes, I hope he is able to come back, if like ratings start to slide!:p
  • #587
Nick probably had all this done cause he knew Adam was watching , Victor would not die that way but he would like to see what Adam would do if he where dead
  • #588
chef131doreen said:
Nick probably had all this done cause he knew Adam was watching , Victor would not die that way but he would like to see what Adam would do if he where dead

Ya, I thought it looked fishy the way Nick was soo quick to announce him dead to Adam. Hmmmmmm:rolleyes::eek:
  • #589
Yeah, I thought the way it happened was a little strange as well. The show wont be the same w/o him!!! Who was the lady at the end of Monday's (??) episode?? She was reading the newspaper article about Patti?? I wonder if that's the "real Patti". :confused:
  • #590
Blmal said:
Yeah, I thought the way it happened was a little strange as well. The show wont be the same w/o him!!! Who was the lady at the end of Monday's (??) episode?? She was reading the newspaper article about Patti?? I wonder if that's the "real Patti". :confused:

O Yeah who was that lady?:confused: lol IDK... will find out soon though!;)
  • #591
So he is just leaving town (Victor).... He WILL be back... cuz it WILL Not be the same without him! ;P
  • #592
What the... Victoria and family are moving too...!?!? Nick's the only Newman left to take control! I see disaster with Adam fighting Nick the whole way!
  • #593
Victoria and JT left town so that the actors can have time off to have their real-life baby!!
  • #594
Lifeat50 said:
Victoria and JT left town so that the actors can have time off to have their real-life baby!!

O wow, I didn't realize she was prego! lol :p

What's the word on Victor's leaving? At first stories read he was let go.. due to salary disputes but it sounded like his trip was temporary and he would be back!?:D
  • #595
Victor will be back! EB and Sony execs reached a new contract after they announced he was permanently leaving. I'm not sure when his return air date is tho. He may be an old pain but Y&R would not be the same without him
  • #596
nene960 said:
Victor will be back! EB and Sony execs reached a new contract after they announced he was permanently leaving. I'm not sure when his return air date is tho. He may be an old pain but Y&R would not be the same without him

O today was a Total Snore! lol:p:yuck::cry:
  • #597
O today was a Total Snore! lol:p:yuck::cry:[/QUOTE]

I havent watched the last couple of days but have them on Tivo so thanks for the heads up lol
  • #598
nene960 said:
O today was a Total Snore! lol:p:yuck::cry:

I havent watched the last couple of days but have them on Tivo so thanks for the heads up lol[/QUOTE]

It was about Jabot and Neil and family and Chance-Chloe, Philip-Nina, Jack and the New Dr. charactor MJ Bentson chic. LAME!
  • #599
OMG, has it beena Total BORE since Victor and Nik left or what? I FF my DVR thru most of the epis lately! :( lol
<H2>1. What time does "The Young and the Restless" air?</H2><p>The show airs weekdays at 12:30 p.m. EST on CBS.</p><H2>2. Will there be any major plot twists in today's episode?</H2><p>We can't give away any spoilers, but there are always unexpected twists and turns in the world of Genoa City.</p><H2>3. How can I watch the episode if I miss it during its original airing?</H2><p>You can catch up on missed episodes on the CBS website or on the CBS app.</p><H2>4. Are there any new characters or guest stars appearing in today's episode?</H2><p>We can't reveal any surprises, but keep an eye out for any familiar faces or new additions to the cast.</p><H2>5. How can I stay updated on all the latest "Young and the Restless" news and updates?</H2><p>Follow the official social media accounts for the show and check out fan sites for the latest news, spoilers, and behind-the-scenes content.</p>

Related to The Young and the Restless: Today's Must-See Episode

1. What time does "The Young and the Restless" air?

The show airs weekdays at 12:30 p.m. EST on CBS.

2. Will there be any major plot twists in today's episode?

We can't give away any spoilers, but there are always unexpected twists and turns in the world of Genoa City.

3. How can I watch the episode if I miss it during its original airing?

You can catch up on missed episodes on the CBS website or on the CBS app.

4. Are there any new characters or guest stars appearing in today's episode?

We can't reveal any surprises, but keep an eye out for any familiar faces or new additions to the cast.

5. How can I stay updated on all the latest "Young and the Restless" news and updates?

Follow the official social media accounts for the show and check out fan sites for the latest news, spoilers, and behind-the-scenes content.

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