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Struggling to Get Bookings? Need New Ideas!

In summary, the person is trying to figure out new ways to get bookings for their calendar which is currently empty. They say they are doing everything according to their director and HD but bookings are non-existent. They express their frustration with not being able to get bookings from past shows and feel stuck at home all day. They offer suggestions on how to increase bookings, including looking at how the person is presenting bookings, trying new avenues such as grocery shopping or blogging, and reaching out to past acquaintances. However, the person says they are not doing anything wrong and are merely trying to be helpful.
I've been trying to think of new ways to get some bookings as my calendar is EMPTY! I just don't get it! According to my Director and my HD I'm doing everything like I'm supposed to, taking the right steps, yet bookings are non existent! When I can get a show my sales are pretty good, usually around $500+. It's just getting more bookings from those shows. My list of 100 is a joke! I've got maybe 20 people on it because most of the categories don't pertain to me, I've got little family (well...little family I associate with and acknowledge I'm alive), a few friends, and not many other contacts, most of which have already done shows.
I'm stuck at home all day with no car to get out and meet people to make new contacts.

Sorry, I don't want to sound like I'm whining here or feeling sorry for myself it's just that I want to be successful in the worst way.
I've never worked so hard at something in my life and it seems like I am getting nowhere. And right at the moment I really need the money and because of my husbands crazy schedule I couldn't even get a job right now if I wanted to.

Any out of the box suggestions? I've tried everything I can think of and am coming up short at every turn!
Alright Holly.....do not be offended....

It sounds like you are too stressed with finding bookings....you may be coming across as desperate or like you are asking for "them" to help you by booking a show. When we get worried or desperate, we sometimes focus on our needs rather than theirs. People will get that vibe.

What if you look at how you are presenting bookings. They will get LOTS of free items and discounts simply by inviting their friends to come hang out. They will help the host, their friend/family member, when they book because the host will get the booking benefit. YOU are extending them to a great deal...YOU are helping them get those items they want but can't afford at a discount or for free. YOU are teaching the host and their friends how to make an easy, quick and affordable meal. YOU are a live Food Network cooking show. YOU are getting people, who are often busy, together to relax, giggle and have a good time. YOU are providing people with an opportunity to make some money in a fun and easy way. YOU are a treat and something different to do on those Friday and Saturday nights. When you take "u" out....what u need, what u want on the calendar and focus on what you can offer the host and guests, you'll see more people drawn to the idea. You are showing them what service/benefit they will get all by simply inviting you to their home.

Not having a car makes it tougher, but you will have to rely on the phone to reach out. Do you go grocery shopping? There's an avenue for you....wear logo wear or carry a PC tote....if someone eyes it, there's your opening. Make sure you make eye contact, smile and then go for it. If you have children, the school and moms are another source. Do you blog or visit any sites with posts? There's another source. Do not post that you are with PC....but the friends you have can be contacted via email.

Email can be your friend too....what about past acquaintances from HS, college or your "glory days".

Make it a goal to talk to EVERYONE you come across about PC....it's a matter of numbers....many will say no, but eventually someone WILL say yes.

I'm not at all saying you are doing anything wrong. I am merely suggesting alternate options/avenues. I would have never posted this, but you did ask. You have opened yourself up to objective criticism, and I hope you do not get hurt or angry with this. I have read several posts by you about your lack of contact and the strained relationship you have with your family. It sounds like a painful situation, and I am sorry for it. You may have to revisit that, but in regards to PC....your family is not an avenue, so bless and release in biz terms....who could you contact? Drop all the "I can'ts, I have nots, and I'm needing". If you were to help someone in your situation, If they were your recruit....what would you suggest? What could that person do or count on? How could that person find people?

I truly am trying to be helpful, but may come across as harsh. So accept my apology now and know I do this in hopes of getting you to shift your sight up, rather than down.

Wishing you much success!
Sounds like you need the '100 No's' challenge. I want you to go out (or phone out LOL) and get 100 people to say no to you in the next 3 weeks.
I know it sounds silly, but like Laurie is saying, shift your expectations. Your GOAL is to get No's. Ask EVERYONE! When you are on the phone with ... fill in the blank (make sure they are local) tell them you have been challenged to get 100 No's and you would like to get a 'No' from them. Then explain you are a PC Lady and ask if they would like to book a party. When they say no, thank them and let them know they are your 13, 59, etc. No. Be excited they said no, because they may say, "Ask me again." so they can say yes. Do it at the bank, the grocery store, etc. You can even start with your original list of 100, I mean you ARE looking for 'No's'.
When you are looking for a 'No' it's amazing how many people say 'Yes'. Plus it really takes the pressure off of you regarding the asking part and them regarding the answering part. Plus you find yourself asking and approaching people you wouldn't normally.
Good luck and keep your chin up!!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Crystal Patton said:
Sounds like you need the '100 No's' challenge. I want you to go out (or phone out LOL) and get 100 people to say no to you in the next 3 weeks.
I know it sounds silly, but like Laurie is saying, shift your expectations. Your GOAL is to get No's. Ask EVERYONE! When you are on the phone with ... fill in the blank (make sure they are local) tell them you have been challenged to get 100 No's and you would like to get a 'No' from them. Then explain you are a PC Lady and ask if they would like to book a party. When they say no, thank them and let them know they are your 13, 59, etc. No. Be excited they said no, because they may say, "Ask me again." so they can say yes. Do it at the bank, the grocery store, etc. You can even start with your original list of 100, I mean you ARE looking for 'No's'.
When you are looking for a 'No' it's amazing how many people say 'Yes'. Plus it really takes the pressure off of you regarding the asking part and them regarding the answering part. Plus you find yourself asking and approaching people you wouldn't normally.
Good luck and keep your chin up!!

Oh, oh, oh...now this is what I'm talking about! Thank you so much, this is something I would have never thought about. My Director told me about something similar but when she said it it didn't make as much sense as how you just explained. I was going through workshops on CC and found something about making a "No Chart" (not sure if that was exactly what it's called LOL) and for every No you get you mark it off, then after so many no's you give your self a reward. I think I'll print it out and use that to keep track of my 100 no's.
chefHLM said:
Oh, oh, oh...now this is what I'm talking about! Thank you so much, this is something I would have never thought about. My Director told me about something similar but when she said it it didn't make as much sense as how you just explained. I was going through workshops on CC and found something about making a "No Chart" (not sure if that was exactly what it's called LOL) and for every No you get you mark it off, then after so many no's you give your self a reward. I think I'll print it out and use that to keep track of my 100 no's.

Free Stuff

You can download the 100 No's pdf here.
chefHLM said:
Oh, oh, oh...now this is what I'm talking about! Thank you so much, this is something I would have never thought about. My Director told me about something similar but when she said it it didn't make as much sense as how you just explained. I was going through workshops on CC and found something about making a "No Chart" (not sure if that was exactly what it's called LOL) and for every No you get you mark it off, then after so many no's you give your self a reward. I think I'll print it out and use that to keep track of my 100 no's.

Glad to help!! Good luck getting those 'No's'!!
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  • #7
I just wanted to thank you again Crystal! And give a little update...I've decided to make 10 calls a day and tell everyone I come in contact with about my challenge. So far I've got 6 No's, and within those 6 I've got a future booking (they literally just moved into a new house and want to get settled in but she says there are a ton of things she needs!), and a possible referral! :D
chefHLM said:
I just wanted to thank you again Crystal! And give a little update...I've decided to make 10 calls a day and tell everyone I come in contact with about my challenge. So far I've got 6 No's, and within those 6 I've got a future booking (they literally just moved into a new house and want to get settled in but she says there are a ton of things she needs!), and a possible referral! :D

OK, your not understanding, you want No's not Yes's! Just Kidding!!!!

Great job!!! Give her a Housewarming PC Party! If you need some flyer's let me know. I just did one and the Host got everything on her wish list.

Oh, and keep after those No's!!
Holly, what about:
- booking tree
- booking coupons
- asking your Hostesses for help/bookings
- change-up your 'bookings talk'
- change-up your show format/outline
- higlight the REASONS to Host (or try the Bookings Slide)
- ask for referrals
  • #10
I haven't tried this yet, but my hospt. director suggested I call those on my contact list and let them know that I've been given a challenge, etc....but don't ask THEM for a show, ask if they can refer someone they know who would be interested in getting their friends together for a fun night out with some great food. She said alot of times, depending on the word-picture you paint, the person you call will say "What about me? I'd like to have that!" Now, you said several had already done shows- but depending on when, maybe they'd be willing to do another (did they do one this season?) or have a fundraiser they'd like to do for a kid's sports team or something. Also- try Pampering any Businesses? Do you have any in your area that you can hit. Search for Pamper a Business on here and you'll find several threads with great information.Good luck!
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  • #11
Crystal Patton said:
OK, your not understanding, you want No's not Yes's! Just Kidding!!!!

Great job!!! Give her a Housewarming PC Party! If you need some flyer's let me know. I just did one and the Host got everything on her wish list.

Oh, and keep after those No's!!

The house warming flyers would be great if you don't mind sharing! LOL Thanks again!
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  • #12
stefani2 said:
Holly, what about:
- booking tree
- booking coupons
- asking your Hostesses for help/bookings
- change-up your 'bookings talk'
- change-up your show format/outline
- higlight the REASONS to Host (or try the Bookings Slide)
- ask for referrals

I've been thinking of using a booking tree...when I do get a cooking show I think I may try it out. I just started using the booking slide and changed up my show a bit when I started with it. I've been trying to get in the habit of not being so shy about asking for referrals...that's a big one of my problems! As far as asking the host for help with the bookings...I never find the right time or words to say with that aspect....any suggestions? Thanks for the ideas!
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  • #13
esavvymom said:
I haven't tried this yet, but my hospt. director suggested I call those on my contact list and let them know that I've been given a challenge, etc....but don't ask THEM for a show, ask if they can refer someone they know who would be interested in getting their friends together for a fun night out with some great food. She said alot of times, depending on the word-picture you paint, the person you call will say "What about me? I'd like to have that!" Now, you said several had already done shows- but depending on when, maybe they'd be willing to do another (did they do one this season?) or have a fundraiser they'd like to do for a kid's sports team or something.

Also- try Pampering any Businesses? Do you have any in your area that you can hit. Search for Pamper a Business on here and you'll find several threads with great information.

Good luck!

LOL, maybe I can do the No challenge and this one at once...tell them I have 2 challenges and when they give me my no I can ask for a referral. :D As far as those who have done shows already I have one person who has been saying she wants to have another show but refuses to pick a date! My mom and sister have both had 2 shows in the past year...waiting til fall to ask them again LOL.
I've read alot about the Pamper a Business but haven't tried it yet, maybe I'll talk to my HD and see if she's tried it in this area and see how it went, any thoughts, suggestions, etc. Thanks! Oh and thanks for another challenge!!!
  • #14
Here are the things I used for the housewarming:

The first is the invite I sent out with the second inculded.

There may be another way to track the gifts & what has been bought, but my host only had one page of items so I did it my self. Good luck!!


  • full page invite - housewarming.doc
    43.5 KB · Views: 407
  • Housewarming Gift Reg.doc
    42 KB · Views: 421

Related to Struggling to Get Bookings? Need New Ideas!

What can I do if I am struggling to get bookings?

If you are struggling to get bookings, there are a few things you can try. First, reach out to your existing customers and offer them a special discount or incentive for hosting a party. You can also try networking with other local businesses and offer to do a joint event or promotion. Additionally, utilize social media to showcase your products and reach a larger audience.

How can I come up with new ideas for bookings?

One way to come up with new ideas for bookings is to think outside the box. Consider hosting a themed party, such as a holiday cooking class or a girls' night in. You can also offer virtual parties for those who may not be able to attend in person. Another idea is to partner with other consultants and host a vendor event or market.

What type of incentives can I offer to encourage bookings?

There are many different incentives you can offer to encourage bookings. Some ideas include free products, discounts, or hostess-exclusive items. You can also offer a raffle for a special prize for anyone who books a party. Another option is to offer a host credit for every guest that attends the party.

How can I reach a larger audience for bookings?

One effective way to reach a larger audience for bookings is through social media. Utilize platforms like Facebook and Instagram to showcase your products and share any upcoming events or promotions. You can also ask your friends and family to share your posts to reach an even wider audience.

What should I do if I am not having any luck with traditional bookings?

If you are not having any luck with traditional bookings, consider thinking outside the box. Look into alternative ways to showcase your products, such as hosting a virtual party or partnering with other consultants for a vendor event. You can also offer to do a cooking demonstration or workshop for a local community group or organization.

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