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Struggling to Get Bookings? Need Help!

In summary, the speaker is a new resident at Ft. Huachuca and is looking for ways to expand their business. They have tried different methods such as handing out invitations and participating in a baking class, but have not had much success. They plan on continuing to host open houses and participate in a cooking show, but are also looking for new ideas. Suggestions include decorating boxes for a giveaway, leaving catalogs at local businesses, asking out-of-state friends and family for help, and getting to know neighbors. The speaker is open to more ideas and is determined to make their business successful.
Ok, here is my story. I just moved to my town and actually my state (for the Army) two months ago. I don't hardly know anyone. Meaning I know about three people. My kids are 9 months and 3 years so no activities or school for them so no contacts through there. My husband's company isn't having support group meetings yet so no contacts through there either. He has taken business cards to work with him and told me he got good feedback, but I have no contact info for those people and no phone calls from them yet either. I am taking a baking class with the local community college, but I've already told them what I do and I got all blank faces like they could care less. Either that or they just didn't want to talk to me. hehehe

I went around a couple weekends ago to my neighborhood and knocked on 48 doors. I handed out 28 invites to an open house I help this past weekend. No one came. So no hope there. I got stopped when passing out invites by another consultant of another company and she said I couldn't do that. But I've recently found the rules for the base and talked to an MP and I can pass out invites, just not flyers that do any kind of advertising.

So I plan on doing an open house once a month for the next 3 months. Plus I plan on doing a Taste Of Home Cooking Show on November 8th. My family is in Indiana and I'm in Arizona so they can't really help. This is my starter month and really want to get my business going so I need help and ideas. Keep in mind I have two small boys that I have to take with me during the week days.

Thanks up front.
Brandi W.
One idea that my director mentioned recently was to decorate several boxes to put up at local businesses. People put in their contact info to win something. On the info card, they can put if they're interested in having a kitchen show. When it comes time to draw for the prize, you can just give one prize away total- so it won't cost you too much. My director says that everyone she knows who has done it has received bookings as a result.

Ft Huachuca?I'm taking a guess...just from what you've said. If you're at Ft. Huachuca, hit all the places on Frye Blvd. Leave catalogs in all the small restaurants, etc. Hit Bisbee and Tombstone, too. Leave catalogs with labels on the front (so they will be seen) with your contact info on it. Offer to do a gift basket for one of the post's upcoming silent auctions (tons around the holidays) and put your info in it along with the products. Get a booth and the upcoming post holiday craft fair.

Just some suggestions,
Catalog ShowsHow about asking our out-of-state friends and family to do a catalog show for you? I am sure they would like to help your business succeed. You can handle the show through your website. If you do not have a personal website, I would highly recommend getting one.

Just a thought.
Mingle with neighborsDo you live on base? Do your neighbors with young kids sit around outside on the street in the evening or on weekends? Something where you could stroll over and say "hey". I tried inviting my neighbors to a Pampered Chef party before I knew anyone and got very little response. After I got to know everyone a little bit, they were much more open to the idea.

Good Luck!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Booking helpYes I live on base. Yes, it's at Ft. Huachuca. I've tried the drawing slips thing before and it didn't work. So I really don't want to even try it again. I got one entry after two weeks and I couldn't even get ahold of her to give her the gift.

I don't want to start on family and friends back east until I really need it. They can't help me get more bookings and especially for kitchen shows out here which is what I need. I want to keep them as back up just incase it looks like I might go inactive later on. Since I'm in my super starter I can't go inactive yet.

It's not that I don't want to try anything. It's that I either have before the last time I was a consultant or it's just not working for me.

Thanks for all your help. I still would like more ideas on what I can do. Most of what's in the files for ideas are pretty much out of the question for me. I have my director working on ideas to help me. Unfortunately she lives over 80 miles away and it's hard to go to the meetings.

Brandi W.
same situationI have definitly been in that same situation what i did when i moved in a lady brought me over cookies from my church and I asked her if she would be willing to hold a show for me and she did, i have gotten a few other bookings off her show but not much so if you belong to a church ask someone you kind of know or would like to get to know better. Also i have heard you can get good leads from the taste of home cooking show (which i am also doing) on my business cards i put on the back call and book a show by Jan 31 and they will recieve a free gift. instead of doing business cards spend a little bit more and buy the recipe cards that come with your supply order form people are more likely to throw away a business card but more people are going to keep a free recipe. I actually would have done those instead of the cards if I had more time Well again good luck I really hope i helped you out.
Also i know you said you wanted to wait till the last resort for your family my mom has done a few good catalog shows for me since i moved out to NV
Go to the files section and search for 118 booking ideas.doc. I don't know if you have seen this document yet. I would also suggest trying to get a booth in your local fair or a craft show booth. If you are having a garage sale before the end of the summer set up a PC table and offer a free kitchen show drawing. Just a few ideas for you to try. My start was a very rough one but I still have 3 shows this month and 4 for Oct and 4 for Nov so far. I've been with PC since April and things really didn't pick up until Sept. for me. I also have been to the fair 3 times this year for leads and bookings and it really helped me.
Kid classes?You have young children that aren't in school--is it possible to take a class with them (some sort of "Mommy and Me" thing?) where you could network? Is there a family center at your base? Someplace where you could post a flyer? Could you use the mini-catalogues plus the flyer to take around door to door?
It's hard to be in a new place (my husband is also in the military and we move around a lot, so I know how frustrating it is trying to establish yourself in a new community). Callous as it sounds, try to shamelessly use your children! :D No, I'm half-kidding. I was thinking of things like taking them to the park or the pool or where ever other mothers gather with their kids.
Also is there a welcome wagon on the base? Maybe you could get your name on it with a coupon for a free prize or a free show? Or if you knew other people who were new to the base, you could have a "Newbies Night" Pampered Chef show??
Good luck with your business. Don't give up hope! Things may seem down for a little while, but you will meet people and get things going agian!!
  • #10
Brandi. I am right there with you. my husband is also Army. I have moved my business once last year and we are moving to New Mexico next month. What I did, was to hit up my neighbors first. I enticed them by offering free shows. You provide the ingredients, they provide the guests. Also at the show, encourage guest to book their own show by offering additional free products at their show. You might want to hook up with other home-based business consultants and have a combined open house party with them. I hust had one on Friday and did great with sales. Feel free to contact me at www.pamperedchef.biz/wallace if you want some more ideas. Also contact ACS to see if they have a newcomers breifing that you could set up a booth at. Just keep trying and it will be ok.
  • #11
I was reread my SS newsletter last night it suggests to call the local chamber of congress and offer your self as a free speaker. Then to contact your director for help converting your show to a speech. Just another idea. I have lots of documents on how to find bookings and how to increase sales if you would like them I will email them to you. Here is one list I know not all of it will work for you but it is full of ideas.
Here is 82 ways to get bookings

1. Send a catalog to a co-worker that has moved
2. Send a catalog to your tupperware, discovery toys, etc reps or exchange shows.
3. Post a catalog in the teachers lounge at your local school.
4. Have your husband post a catalog in the employee lunch room.
5. Hold an open house
6. Have a booth at a school fair
7. Advertise in your Alumni newsletter and or a local newspaper
8. Give a catalog to the receptionist at your doctors or dentist office
9. Include a wrap or flyer with your bills payments
10. Call past hosts
11. Put current catalog or wrap in your neighbors door. Include a incentive to contact you.
12. Ask your friend to have a show
13. Advertise in your church bulletin
14. Take a PC recipe to every potluck
15. Host an office party or brunch (would your husband do this for you)
16. Host a show before or during a PTA meeting.
17. Mail out samples, catalogs, and a wish list
18. Host your own show. Could even be a fundraiser for your favorite charity
19. Get a list from the welcome wagon. New people may be looking for a consultant or a new job in the area.
20. Set up a display at a craft fair
21. Participate in a school fundrasier
22. Have your husband promote the product at work ( my husband is an electricain and he always has some PC things with him at job sites.)
23. Have you and your family members wear PC clothing.
24. Hold a Christmas shopping show for men
25. Offer a Christmas wish list to your guest and then call the gift giver
26 Set up a dispaly at the mall
27. Put an ask me button on your coat or purse (I have 1 on my purse, 1 on the diaper bag)
28. Ask past hosts at shows to talk about their free products
29. Hold an opportunity night
30. Random mailings. Open the phone book and randomly chose.
31. Mention Hostess half price gifts and other benefits at least 3 times during a show
32. Hold up higher priced products and mention half price products to encourage bookings
33. Mention how much your average hostess get in free products
34. At the beginning of your show mention the hosts goal
35. Share up coming specials at shows and during phone calls.
36. Tell your hostess how much she saved by having a show.
37. Encourage frequnt customers to regularly plan shows.
38. Encourage hostess to rebook a show in 6-9 months. She'll be the fist to see and try new products
39. Treat your hostesses to a special host apprectiation tea
40. Encourage relatives to book a show
41. Call your realtor with suggetions of new home packages
42. Offer to do a class for your local grocery store
43. Start an email address book of customers who want to know what the monthly specials are, Don't forget to mention the hostess specials
44. Encourage your hostess and guests to refer potentail hosts to you
45. offer a bridal registery
46. promote the bridal showers
47. Describe and highlight the hostess plan during shows
48. Be freindly and enthusiastic
49. Follow through with every booking lead
50. Ask, ask, ask
51. use open ended questions especially when dealing with bookings
52. Use your products and samples at home, office, camping, parties, etc
53. Read sales, self inproment, and postive thinking books
54. Call atleast 2 potentail hosts every night
55. Dream and imagine the possibilites
56. Set goals and review them constantly, post them where you can see them
57. Ask friends to help you get started or reach a certain goal
58. Use hostess flyers
59. Use postcards or newletters to continue to spark interest
60. Follow up phone calls to interested guests
61. Have the hostess tell why she decided to host ashow
62. Give products as gift or donations
63. Don't be shy talking about your products or business
64. Smile when talking on the phone
65. Review orders from the past shows
66. Be prepared to answer questions about your work
67. Write down names of the people who owe you a favor and then follow up
68. Call the most familar first
69. Call potentail hostess who postponed or never booked
70. Spend time every day working on some aspect of your business
71. Be willing to share the opportunity
72. Call anyone who has said maybe or sometime
73. Contact schools
74. Leave your business card or catalog at local businesses
75. Talk about upcoming specials with everyone
76. Keep alist of special requests and let those guests know when the products are on sale
77. Suggest hosting a show to do Christmas shopping with out leaving the home
78. Offer a bonus for hostess who book on days or months you need an extra show
79. Give extra service and time to good customers-they will br repeat hostesses and potential consultants
80. Carry a note pad to jot down names as you think of them
81. Let guests keep a catalog or sales brochure to keep on hand or pass around work
82. Love what you do! SMILE!
  • #12
You can do it!Hi Brandi, My husband is also Army. We've lived here (Fort Sill) for 5 years now which is almost unheard of in the military! If I were you , I would also consider sending out fundraiser packets to the local schools and churches. Or maybe pick a school for a Pampered At Work show with permission from the prinicipal ofcourse. Make a fun snack for the staff, have out some catalogs and order forms. Offer an incentive for booking a show so help get your name out there. I'll be moving my business in less than a year as well and that is what I plan on doing. When your husband's battery/company does start up the FRG or support group join for sure and offer the group leader the opportunity to hold a ladies night out or mom's night out for the wives. I am doing a fundraiser for our wives club in October which is something else you can offer. Try to contact other unit's support group leaders and offer it to them as well. Ask yor husband to help you get the info or call their staff duty desk and ask for the info. They should be able to help you find a number you can contact for the family support group leaders. Good Luck to you!!! :D
  • #13
You might also try......joining the post's Officers' Spouses Club or Enlisted Spouses' Club. Again, just as a way to meet people and get your name out there.

  • Thread starter
  • #14
Booking Help ThanksYou all are so great. Thanks for all the ideas. Surely something in there has to work. I've had a bad few days (computer keeps crashing, husband gone, open house disaster, etc.) and this helped to cheer me up and give me some hope.

Thanks so much. I love how we are all so helpful. It makes me proud to be a part of this company.

Brandi W.
  • #15
I am a new consultant, and here is one thing that has worked for me. I got my hair cut the other day, and I shared with my beautician my new adventure. She invited me to leave a catalog there in the waiting room. I am taking it one step further. Tomorow morning, I am fixing a cherry cheese danish, and I am taking it in to the beauticians, with catalogs and outside order forms for them, and also a catalog for the waiting room. I made up a flyer to attach to the catalogs, for the beauticians, I explained I would be back in 1 week to collect any orders, and if the orders totaled more than $150.00, I would be drawing one of them, and they would be the hostess, and get all the hostess benefits. I also included the guest and hostess benefits flyers for October and November. The flyer for the catalog in the waiting room included the hostess specials for for the coming months, and that also since I was in my super-starter month, there would be additional free products for bookings. I am excited to see how this goes. I have a dentist appointment this afternoon, and I will discuss with them doing the same thing.
  • #16
What a great plan, Sue! I'm so proud of you! Be sure to let us all know how it turns out!

Welcome to the site, and I hope you find lots of great ideas and information here! I'm sure you'll be a great asset to the site, as well as to our team! :)
(Sue is in my cluster...yeah!)
  • #17
Here's one more!I have yet to do this & I know nothing about living on a base. (I'm married to a basketball coach, and am always scared to death of moving anywhere).

I do plan on doing this idea myself though...we've only lived in our little town for 4 years & I have just started reaping the benefits of being the only local PC consultant. Just recently there are 2 new recruits who have signed with PC, so now there's competition!

Anyway, I am planning on making up flyers advertising that I am a consultant w/ the PC & am going to put them up in the local grocery stores & gas stations around town on the community boards. I am also going to make little info tabs (that can be pulled off the bottom of the flyer), so that people can take my contact info with them. (I got the idea from college several years ago, where people were advertising tutoring services or old books for sale).

Good luck with your business & hope this helps!
  • #18
I got this from this site--no need to reinvent the wheel!
Hope its helpful!


  • Would you like to earn FREE kitchen tools.doc
    186.5 KB · Views: 733
  • #19
That is an awesome flyer...great to post at like laundromats and stuff...I hope you don't mind i "borrowed" it. Thanks!

Related to Struggling to Get Bookings? Need Help!

1. How can I increase my bookings as a Pampered Chef consultant?

In order to increase your bookings, it is important to actively market yourself and your business. Utilize social media, host cooking parties or demonstrations, and reach out to friends and family for support. Additionally, offering special promotions and incentives can also attract potential customers.

2. What can I do if I am struggling to get bookings?

If you are struggling to get bookings, try reaching out to past customers and offering them a special discount or promotion for hosting a party. You can also ask for referrals from satisfied customers or collaborate with other consultants to co-host events.

3. How can I reach a larger audience for my Pampered Chef bookings?

Utilizing social media is a great way to reach a larger audience for your Pampered Chef bookings. Create a business page on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and regularly post about your services and promotions. You can also join local community groups or attend events to network and spread the word about your business.

4. What are some effective ways to promote my Pampered Chef business for bookings?

There are many effective ways to promote your Pampered Chef business for bookings. Some ideas include hosting online parties, offering virtual cooking classes, collaborating with local businesses for events, and utilizing email marketing to reach potential customers.

5. How can I make my Pampered Chef bookings more successful?

To make your Pampered Chef bookings more successful, it is important to provide excellent customer service and follow up with your customers after their parties or events. Offer personalized recommendations and make yourself available for any questions they may have. Additionally, continue to market your business and offer promotions to attract new customers.

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