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Snow day fun or shoveling nightmare?

In summary, Gina Miller lives in the Midwest and got hammered with a winter storm. No school today. It was sleeting and then snowing part of the night. It's a high of 85 degrees today. The past two weeks have been OK, but this weekend looks messy with snow, rain, and freezing rain.
Gina M
Gold Member
Hi Everyone,

I live in the good old midwest (suburb of Chicago) and we got hammered pretty good with a winter storm. But on the upside - no school today!! I'm still in my pajamas contemplating when I will go and try to shovel all this wet heavy snow. It was sleeting part of the night and has been snowing since midnight - looking at around a 12" total probably when it's all done. We went from a 60 degree day on Wednesday to upper 20's today. Over 1500 schools are closed - thank goodness it's Friday as well - My kids can't wait to play in it once the heavy stuff stops - hope everyone has a good day - sell those decorator bottles and deep covered bakers!!:)

Gina Miller
Sounds like that storm really built up once it left Kansas! We ended up with nothing where I live, a couple hours south of me they got hit pretty hard. I was hoping we wouldn't get anything since I have an open house Sunday!
Same here, we got lots of it, they cancelled lots of schools and OMG work even. I got a phone call from a coworker to tell me they weren't going to open the factory today at about 8 or later last night, they were told to call everyone they knew since they couldn't get through to the tv station or whatever.

I've got your snow Lacy, here it is.....


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ooooo...it looks so pretty. I want to live up north for at least ONE winter. It is a high of 85 down here today. I HATE the heat. The past two weeks it has been OK. We hit a low of 40 a few days. oh well. I knwo you are probably jealous. but i am jealous of you. we didnt even have any hurricanes this year. we don't get snow days. grrrr
You can take it with you Sarah, I actually HATE cold, don't mind looking at the snow from the warmth of my home, but I HATE cold. Did I mention I hate to be cold? LOLOLOL.
I don't love the cold, but I love having a reason to bundle up and hide under clothes for an entire season! and to like snow...you have to do something in it to like it. snowshoeing, snowmobiling, skiing, etc.... if you just have to drive in it, shovel it, etc...you only see it as a nuisance and will hate it!
I love the snow for the holiday season and for a bit of skiing, but then it can all go away! We had a dusting of snow here yesterday, but then it got very mild and turned to heavy rain. We have alot of fog today and chilly. Calling for a messy icky weekend with snow, rain, freezing rain and all that fun stuff... Hey at least we are not going through what British Columbia and Alberta are going through. Over 50cm of snow fell and extreme cold cold temps!! UG!!!! Is there anyone from over on that side of the country here??

I got to see snow 2 summers ago. i was 17 and we were in Breckenridge, CO the LAST day of summer and the first week of fall. It snowed for 2 days. I was in love! And after the two days it melted and was beautiful warm weather. I got to make my first snow man with my brother at the base of a ski lift. he and i walked around for hours. I only had Converse shoes (canvas) and high heeled boots. Not a good plan. oh well. I love it. I need to live up north for a little while. my dad and i are very similar. If it is cold outside you open the windows. I have my window open the nights that it snowed. it was awesome. I had a space heater by my bed and the wondow open.
my dad has gone skiing up there several times. one time he left the window open at night and there was snow on his bed! I dont know why we live in naples. My dad also HATES the beach. I am not the biggest fan either. give me mountains, lakes, and creeks and i am happy forever!
You should come live in upstate new york!! I was recently in CO....and there aren't enough lakes....lots of mountains though! we get the BEST fall foliage..
  • #10
also, i have NEVER seen fall. In CO a FEW of the aspen trees were turning yellow. But i want to see fall in all its glory.
  • #11
come to NY in October - gorgeous gorgeous colors...
  • #12
Good grief it would have to be like 100 degrees below zero here to close everything. We were negative 25 the other day and everything was open as usual. Before I had my boys a couple years ago I went to work and it was negative 80 outside. Eveyone's cars wouldn't start after sitting in the parking lot at work for a few hours. Of course we didn' close or get a day off work. I guess they are just used to that kind of weather up here.
  • #13
jdavis said:
Same here, we got lots of it, they cancelled lots of schools and OMG work even. I got a phone call from a coworker to tell me they weren't going to open the factory today at about 8 or later last night, they were told to call everyone they knew since they couldn't get through to the tv station or whatever.

I've got your snow Lacy, here it is.....

Aww thanks Jennifer....you can keep it though!
  • #14
WOW! -80? hmmmm the coldest i ever felt was -8 on top of the empire state building.
well today on my lunch break it was 99 outside. YOu can't breathe when you get in your car!
  • #15
I HATE SNOW!!! I live in New England and Fall is beautiful but I hate what comes after. I am a beach bum and spend my summer on the beach. I could never leave the ocean! My brother inlaw and his wife live in Arvada, CO which is close to Denver. It was nice to visit but I missed home alot!
  • #16
sarahmarie said:
ooooo...it looks so pretty. I want to live up north for at least ONE winter. It is a high of 85 down here today. I HATE the heat. The past two weeks it has been OK. We hit a low of 40 a few days. oh well. I knwo you are probably jealous. but i am jealous of you. we didnt even have any hurricanes this year. we don't get snow days. grrrr

I always laugh when I see stuff like this!!!

I HATE the cold weather! And the ice, and the snow! You get the idea. I guess we always want what we don't have. It was 60 yesterday, gray but 60, and today got to 35 and all that rain we have gotten is going to freeze up really good and solid tonight. Can't wait to drive is this muck tomorrow morning.

Besides, snow days only apply to kids. Us working folk have to slog through the mess. When I was working for someone else, I always dreaded the mornings when I saw zillions of school closing. I knew that it would take me 1-2 hrs to get to work (it was a 20 min drive!) But better yet, was trying to get home in bad winter weather. Nothing says fun like blinding snow, dark, ice covered roads, and huge semi's passing me!

Give me a month or two and I can send you some snow!
  • #17
PamperChefCarol said:
I always laugh when I see stuff like this!!!

I HATE the cold weather! And the ice, and the snow! You get the idea. I guess we always want what we don't have. It was 60 yesterday, gray but 60, and today got to 35 and all that rain we have gotten is going to freeze up really good and solid tonight. Can't wait to drive is this muck tomorrow morning.

Besides, snow days only apply to kids. Us working folk have to slog through the mess. When I was working for someone else, I always dreaded the mornings when I saw zillions of school closing. I knew that it would take me 1-2 hrs to get to work (it was a 20 min drive!) But better yet, was trying to get home in bad winter weather. Nothing says fun like blinding snow, dark, ice covered roads, and huge semi's passing me!

Give me a month or two and I can send you some snow!

I agree! Of course, as a teacher, I DID get snow days. But it was no fun making them up in the summer when the weather was actually nice!
  • #18
[ give me mountains, lakes, and creeks and i am happy forever![/QUOTE]

If you love the mountains you will have to try UT maybe I am just biased since I grew up there but everytime we go back there we come home missing it so much what I really love about UT is the different scenery you have the mountains, red rocks and the salt flats and it does get cold there. I am in Elko and the other night it was 0 degrees at 8:00 p.m hae no clue how cold it was in the middle of the night
  • #19
I think Arizona is good for a variety of seasons too. You can have the hottest temps in the country 115 average in lake havasu in the summer (where I lived) then you drive 3 hours and your in Flagstaff and its cool, snowy nice mountains and pine trees, etc. Sedona gives you the red rock, and there are the mountains in the eastern part of the state too. and don't forget the Grand Canyon. It's an absolutely beautiful state for all.

Don't ask why I'm back in Illinois in this lovely winter weather.........BUT, 7 mores years and I'll be back in AZ!!!! although, when we moved back here my son was 7 and he had never seen the fall and change of seasons, that was really fun to go leaf picking. what a joy in his eyes. now he only gets excited about video games and tv shows! the joys of an 11 year old :)
  • #20
I'm here in Central IL right now, living at my il's for a few days. We have no power & right now we have their house running off of a generator. We got hit with a storm similar to what Chicago did. Last night our trees were breaking & falling from the weight of the ice that came last night in the form of rain. Pray for me to stay sane as we move in with the il's. The bil & sil are staying here too..... :S
  • #21
Maine is nice for the season changes. We have a distinct 4 seasons...but as someone said before we all want what we don't have...I would love to live somewhere that was mild most of the year. I hate heat and humidity and hate snow and ice even more. There is nothing better than fall in Maine...now I just wish it would stay that way year round!
  • #22
I live in Nebraska and so far we haven't gotten any snow. It is starting to get real cold here but no snow. I hope we get snow soon b/c I love it and my kids do too. The only bad thing I don't like about snow is if we get a whole lot of it at one. Also if we get ice and sleept it is not fun to drive in. My favorite thing to do when it is cold is put on my flannel pants and a sweatshirt and crawl under a blanket and either read a book or watch tv which eventually leads to me falling asleep.
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Good luck Crystal,

I remember back on Valentine's Day 1990 - when I was going to U of I in Champaign - we had a huge ice storm similar to what you described - our friends lost power in their apartments and had to stay with us - I do remember having to still go to class and all the trees looked cool with the ice on them - but man what an inconvenience for you! Hope it's a short one - take care,

Gina Miller
  • #24
Up here in Minot we always joke that we only have 2 seasons: 3 months of summer and 9 months of winter. These past 2 winters have been a whole lot easier than our first 2 here. When I ran to the store today it was 0 degrees outside but I know the windchill made it colder. I can't wait til we move to Flordia!!
  • #25
You should get on the phone if everyone is stuck at home! You can probaly reach them and they probaly aren't in the middle of anything urgent!
  • #26
sarahmarie said:
ooooo...it looks so pretty. I want to live up north for at least ONE winter. It is a high of 85 down here today. I HATE the heat. The past two weeks it has been OK. We hit a low of 40 a few days. oh well. I knwo you are probably jealous. but i am jealous of you. we didnt even have any hurricanes this year. we don't get snow days. grrrr

HI: Sarah Marie:

I left Northern OH where we get buried in Snow 7 yrs ago to come to McAllen, TX about 45 min West of where I'm living now. I couldn't get used to Palm Trees and things decorated with Christmas lights and no snow, so I thought I'd move back to OH. Well we had extremely cold weather that yr and I wondered what it was about Palm Trees I didnt' like??? LOL 2 yrs ago I was thoroughly disgusted with my State Hospital job and moved back to extreme S. TX (no more UNIONS) but same old sh_t. No overtime paid either, no comp time, but I still love the heat, warmth. In fact it hadn't snowed in over 200 yrs and my first Christmas back in S. TX/Mexico it snowed all night Christmas Eve and 4.5 inches stuck to our warm ground. It was beatiful. My co-worker's didn't understand why I left such pretty weather behind, however it was pretty and not extremely cold but that's not what we usually got either.

My former room mate was a school teacher here and every so often they got "snow/hurricane" days and had the whole day off. Since it rarely snows here and hurricanes are every so often the schools here get days off for bad weather since we don't have bad weather!! lol Up North school would be cold if heat went out and we still went to school, down here if it drops below 40 school closes as they don't know how to handle it!!!

Lately it's been like nice Fall brisk days down here and you ought to see all the Natives in heavy winter coats. I wear shorts, and my Pampered Chef show was where the heat was on today and I cooked myself :( It was in the 60's and my Host had her heat on!!!!

My head is hurting pretty bad and my pain pills are making me feel loopy so I had better sign off and go to bed as tomorrow will be here before I know it and into work!!!


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Related to Snow day fun or shoveling nightmare?

What is "Yea for Snow Days!!"?

"Yea for Snow Days!!" is a special promotion from Pampered Chef that celebrates the joy of snow days by offering exclusive deals and discounts on our products.

How can I participate in "Yea for Snow Days!!"?

To participate in "Yea for Snow Days!!", simply visit our website during the promotional period and browse the selection of discounted products. You can also contact your Pampered Chef consultant for more information.

When does "Yea for Snow Days!!" take place?

The dates for "Yea for Snow Days!!" vary each year, but it typically takes place during the winter season when snow days are more common.

What types of products are included in "Yea for Snow Days!!"?

"Yea for Snow Days!!" includes a variety of Pampered Chef products, including kitchen tools, cookware, and bakeware. Each year, we offer different products at discounted prices.

Are there any exclusions for "Yea for Snow Days!!"?

Some products may be excluded from "Yea for Snow Days!!" due to availability or other factors. Be sure to check the promotional details for a full list of included products.

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