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Should New Consultants Attend the Conference??

In summary, Krissy recommends attending the Conference. However, she does not know if it is a good idea to go this year or wait until next year after more experience.
I'm meeting with my consultant Saturday to complete my agreements and provide the dates of my first 4 shows (woohoo!) and she mentioned the Conference coming up. I live in the city of Chicago... and I'm debating on going to the conference.

Would you recommend a completely new consultant to attend or wait until next year after more experience?

(I'm unsure because 1) workshops will probably be full and 2) won't it be overwhelming since I'll be totally new??)
GO GO GO!!! I went 2 months after I signed and LOVED every minute of it. It'll show that you CAN DO IT TOO!!!!

Like you, I signed up to be a consultant at the end of June and my recruiter encouraged me to go to conference. I went and commuted from my home in the SW burbs each day. I registered on site and got all the workshops I wanted.

It was a little bit overwhelming, but it was SO exciting! I got to see everythiing first hand and really get a sense for the "big picture" of pampered chef.

I am now a director, I went on my first PC vacation in April, and my business is booming.

It is well worth it! If you get the days off work, you should go! You have the advantage over THOUSANDS of consultants of not needing to make travel arrangements or hotel reservations (although since communiting the first year, I now stay in the hotel). DO IT!!
I Have Never Missed It And Probably Never Will Either! I Think It Is The Best Investment You Can Make For You Business And Oh My Gosh If You Are Excited Now...just Wait!!!!!!!!!!! :)
This is a total no-brainer! GO!

Especially as a new consultant, you'll get great ideas right off the bat to start your business right.
(do you see a trend here?)
I would definately go especially since it is so close to you. Think about what your goals are and pick classes according to those goals. Need bookings and to get better at host coaching go there. Love tips and cooking ideas - Go to The Cooking Show seminar. Define your goals and go from there

I was rather new last year and couldn't go because of my employer and my mom was dying. I am super excited about going this year!
  • Thread starter
  • #8
I think it's unanimous! I'll be going since taking off of work won't be an issue and I guess I should take advantage that its in my home city! :D
Yes, you're very lucky that it's in your backyard!!! Have a great time in Wave 1~~ You'll be the first to see EVERYTHING!!!
  • #10
Go for it, it can only enhance what you need to do to get your business started with a bang!!! have a great time if you do go!!
  • #11
It's hard being in Wave 1 - gotta keep quiet about everything for a week!

But you do get to see the goofs as the presenters during general sessions get accustomed to their speeches. (Tassled napkin rings from last year, anyone?)
  • #12
I went last year and I was only a consultant for 3 months, I think my career in PC may have been different had I not gone. It definately showed THE BIG PICTURE...when I joined PC i just wanted to do a few shows and make a few bucks....well after conference last year my goals have really changed and I'm so happy to say I promoted to director June 1st and I hope to earn my 1st PC vacation this year among my many other PC goals!
Listen to everyone, GOGOGOGO!!! It will be the best thing you do for your business.. Enjoy It:)
  • #13
pckrissy said:
I went last year and I was only a consultant for 3 months, I think my career in PC may have been different had I not gone. It definately showed THE BIG PICTURE...when I joined PC i just wanted to do a few shows and make a few bucks....well after conference last year my goals have really changed and I'm so happy to say I promoted to director June 1st and I hope to earn my 1st PC vacation this year among my many other PC goals!
Listen to everyone, GOGOGOGO!!! It will be the best thing you do for your business.. Enjoy It:)

Krissy is absolutely right with getting to see the WHOLE PIC. I also believe that I wouldn't have been in PC as long if I didn't go. I am/will be a director next month and I earned a trip to San Francisco last year *Deb, Ginny and I went together in April of this year* and will Definitely being going on the cruise next year. It can be done!!!:D Okay, I'm done ranting!!!:p
  • #14
I'm going, and I haven't even finished my first 90 days. It will be overwhelming for everyone, but you go with goals in mind. Pick a few things from each session that you want to implement, and have fun. Glad you're signing up. In the files section there is a file to help you be ready. It was mentioned yesterday in a thread.
  • #15

You will not regret attending conference - great decision!

  • #16
I did not go my first year and soooo regretted it! I figured I was so new I did not need it... Boy was I wrong! It would have started me out in the right mindset from the start!
I know you have allready decided and Good for you!!!!! You have made the best possible investment in your business!
  • #17
You will have a blast! And your business will be off to an amazing start going to conference so soon:)
  • #18
Not that this answer will be a big surprise, but YOU HAVE TO GO!!! You're SO close to all the action, even if you don't stay at any of the hotels (I don't know how far you live from McCormick, but it's SO fun to stay downtown....I always do), it's SOOOO worth it. You'll see your business take off right from the start. And since you'll be new, you'd still get to come at the early bird registration rate.:)
  • #19
chefann said:
(Tassled napkin rings from last year, anyone?)
Oh boy, I forgot all about that!!!:) That was awesome.
  • #20
I just finished my first 30 days and I'll be there - Wave 1, too! Hope to meet you there!

And that Frontier Chicken on your Blog looks sooo good. Are you willing to share the recipe?
  • #21
The sure fire way to make this business a success for you is to attend! The support that you will receive at conference is totally awesome! Take those hesitations and throw them away! You'll be so glad you came!

Related to Should New Consultants Attend the Conference??

1. Should new consultants attend the conference?

Yes, absolutely! The conference is a great opportunity for new consultants to learn more about the company, products, and business strategies. It's also a chance to network with other consultants and gain valuable insights and tips.

2. What are the benefits of attending the conference as a new consultant?

Attending the conference as a new consultant can provide you with a strong foundation for your business. You'll receive training, resources, and support to help you succeed. You'll also have the chance to attend workshops and sessions specifically designed for new consultants.

3. Is the conference only for experienced consultants?

No, the conference is open to all consultants, regardless of experience level. Whether you're just starting out or have been with the company for years, there is something for everyone at the conference.

4. What can I expect to learn at the conference?

The conference offers a wide range of workshops, sessions, and presentations covering various topics such as product knowledge, business strategies, and personal development. You'll also have the opportunity to attend cooking demonstrations and see new products in action.

5. How can attending the conference benefit my business?

Attending the conference can help you grow your business by providing you with new ideas, strategies, and resources. You'll also have the chance to network with other consultants and potentially form partnerships or collaborations. Additionally, the conference can boost your motivation and enthusiasm for your business, leading to increased sales and success.

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