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What Are Essential Safety Tips for Conference Attendees?

In summary, the conversation provides various tips for staying safe and prepared while traveling, such as creating an ICE contact on your cell phone, carrying a whistle or pepper spray, and using common sense. It is also recommended to have a copy of your itinerary with family back home and to check in with them regularly. Other tips include carrying ID, keeping your phone charged, and using the buddy system when out and about. The conversation also touches on the safety of Chicago, reminding listeners to use caution and common sense while traveling. The conversation ends with some humorous suggestions for getting people's attention in a potential emergency situation.
Gold Member
Another thread mentioned something so I thought we could make ourselves a good reminder - add tips as you think of them:

1. Make sure your family back home has a copy of your itinerary and you check in with them.

2. Do not wear your badge outside the McCormick Place.

3. Refer media questions related to PC to the HO.

Ok, keep it going with tips...
janetupnorth said:
Another thread mentioned something so I thought we could make ourselves a good reminder - add tips as you think of them:

1. Make sure your family back home has a copy of your itinerary and you check in with them.

2. Do not wear your badge outside the McCormick Place.

3. Refer media questions related to PC to the HO.

Ok, keep it going with tips...

Use the "buddy system" when sight-seeing or out on the town.
ChefBeckyD said:
Use the "buddy system" when sight-seeing or out on the town.

Don't carry excessive personal info with you, but be sure TO carry id.

Keep cell phones charged and with you at all times. Make sure others who are likely to miss you at any given moment know your number. Enable the GPS feature in your cell phone.

Don't become so obsessed that you fail to enjoy conference. Do that and the bad guys win!
Another thing about cell phones - you should create a contact "I.C.E." which stands for In Case of Emergency...with a phone number. Especially when you are most likely traveling without any other family members. Also keep insurance cards on hand.
jenniferknapp said:
Another thing about cell phones - you should create a contact "I.C.E." which stands for In Case of Emergency...with a phone number. Especially when you are most likely traveling without any other family members. Also keep insurance cards on hand.
That is very important! Others don't know who your husband or mom or whoever you would want contacted is in your phone. Putting someone in as ICE helps emergency workers!! I have my husband and my son (in WI) on mine and I say "husband" "son".
When you check in at your hotel, pick up one of their business cards. Should you need to take a cab or get turned around while out walking, this will help you find your way back "home."
Very helpful information....Thank you!
Kinda scary though? I know it's just caution. I have heard scary things about Chicago though.
If you don't have pepper spray or mace, at least carry a whistle. And actually carry it in your hand so that you don't have to dig in a bag to find it.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
chefann said:
If you don't have pepper spray or mace, at least carry a whistle. And actually carry it in your hand so that you don't have to dig in a bag to find it.

I always go for a good kick in the balls...

Can I say that here? :rolleyes:
  • #10
Chicago really isn't any different than any other big city, and where we will be is probably better than many.

You just have to use your head.

When traveling on the trains, don't go sit in the middle of the group who is passed out and holding onto their bottles in brown paper bags ... :eek:

You know. Common sense sort of stuff.
  • #11
If you don't have those, remember to never yell, "Help!" People will ignore you. I've been told that you should yell, "Fire!" but I think everyone is onto that one. Since the idea is to get people's attention, I think I'd yell, "Hey, look! It's Brad Pitt!"
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Yes, most of safety is COMMON SENSE. If you don't have any buy some on Amazon.

It's by Thomas Paine...he-he-he-he-he-he....
  • #13
janetupnorth said:
I always go for a good kick in the balls...

Can I say that here? :rolleyes:
As they point out in "Miss Congeniality": SING

Solar plexus
  • #14
raebates said:
If you don't have those, remember to never yell, "Help!" People will ignore you. I've been told that you should yell, "Fire!" but I think everyone is onto that one. Since the idea is to get people's attention, I think I'd yell, "Hey, look! It's Brad Pitt!"
I would think, that if you want to get mens attention - it would be better to yell "Hey Look - a Naked Woman!"
  • #15
raebates said:
If you don't have those, remember to never yell, "Help!" People will ignore you. I've been told that you should yell, "Fire!" but I think everyone is onto that one. Since the idea is to get people's attention, I think I'd yell, "Hey, look! It's Brad Pitt!"

LOL! Or maybe Oprah! :)
  • #16
I wondered how long it would take for this thread to totally degenerate ... they all seem to do that around here ....

Have you noticed that when your emotions run so high, it's almost easier to laugh out loud?
  • #17
Hey, whatever it takes!Actually, I think yelling, "That woman's naked!" would get the attention of both men and women.
  • #18
MomToEli said:
I wondered how long it would take for this thread to totally degenerate ... they all seem to do that around here ....

I know it sounds like I'm joking, but, honestly, this is serious advice. If you're in trouble, yell something that's going to get people's attention.
  • #19
raebates said:
I know it sounds like I'm joking, but, honestly, this is serious advice. If you're in trouble, yell something that's going to get people's attention.

And good advice, too. It started back up around Common Sense on Amazon ...
  • Thread starter
  • #20
MomToEli said:
And good advice, too. It started back up around Common Sense on Amazon ...

I couldn't resist hijacking my own thread... ;) Even though I was serious...most is common sense - keep your wits about you.
  • #21
raebates said:
I know it sounds like I'm joking, but, honestly, this is serious advice. If you're in trouble, yell something that's going to get people's attention.

That from the woman who looks like a llama with big lips ... :rolleyes: Let's hope THAT one doesn't get published in the paper .... :D :D Although, it does make the Furry Guy more understandable ...

I'm sorry, I have to go dry the tears off my face right now ...
  • #22
LOL Janet, Ann, & Rae:) I'd say a good kick in the balls is always a good defense!
Before that, the suggestions were good!
  • #23
Personally I think yelling, "Hey, Look, Its Spiderman" might get a good response. Ok so I am not the best comedian.

Related to What Are Essential Safety Tips for Conference Attendees?

What are the top 5 safety tips while at conference?

1. Stay aware of your surroundings: It's important to be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially in a large conference setting. Pay attention to emergency exits, potential hazards, and any safety protocols in place.

2. Keep your belongings secure: Make sure to keep your personal belongings close to you and secure at all times. This includes your purse, laptop, and any other valuable items.

3. Stay hydrated and nourished: Conferences can be long and exhausting, so it's important to stay hydrated and nourished. Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat healthy meals throughout the day to keep your energy levels up and prevent any health issues.

4. Use hand sanitizer frequently: With so many people in one place, it's easy for germs to spread. Keep yourself healthy by using hand sanitizer regularly, especially before and after meals and after using shared items.

5. Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures: In case of an emergency, it's important to know the procedures in place. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the conference's emergency protocols, including evacuation routes and meeting points.

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