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Revolutionize Your Pampered Chef Parties: Let the Guests Cook!

In summary, the speaker has changed the way they do their Pampered Chef shows by having the guests make the dishes instead of them demonstrating. They set up 2-3 stations with all the necessary ingredients and recipes, and the speaker introduces themselves and talks about Pampered Chef while the guests socialize and cook. The speaker answers any questions and demos as needed. This interactive approach keeps the conversation focused on Pampered Chef and the sales have increased. The speaker also uses this as an opportunity to recruit and gather potential leads. However, they have found that this method works best with smaller groups of around 10 people. The speaker also manages the food costs by only purchasing what they would normally use for a demo.
I have been doing my shows in quite a different way and I think my sales have increased because of it.

I let the guests make the dishes! When I get to the hosts home we set up 2 or 3 stations with everything needed to make a recipe. I have the recipes printed up. Once the guests have arrived I introduce myself and talk briefly about Pampered Chef - why I do what I do; monthly specials; booking benefits and of course I recruit right along with this. The guests are very suprised once I let them know that I will not be demonstrating for them - they will! I have had a couple of people say that they just didn't want to, but once they got started they realized that it is a lot of fun! :D This allows the guests to catch up with one another while using all of the really cool Pampered Chef things!

While they are making their food I go back and forth to the stations and answer any questions and demo anything there is a question on. The conversation really tends to stick to Pampered Chef a lot more than if they were sitting and watching me demo (waiting for me to finish so they can eat). :rolleyes:

Any questions about how I do this just e-mail me! It works for me!
This sounds interesting! I am doing a show tomorrow where I am demo-ing the preparation of different fillings and the guests are going to make their own calzones....and I have another show scheduled to make the dim sum potstickers as an interactive show (I do the prep, they make the potsticker). I hope that it goes over well. Maybe I will get the nerve to try this out, too!
I was just thinking of trying this at my next show! I'm glad to hear that it works well for you. How do you manage with recipes that all use the same items and isn't it harder for your host to purchase that much more food?
i had a show last week and only 4 people turned up. I thought it would be a wasted time so i got the guests to create the Garden Ranch Pizza, I stood back and got them around the kitchen table and talked about PC and all the other bits and then told them they would be helping me create the masterpiece. I think they enjoyed using the products and the sales were over £250. I was delighted. It shows if people find the instruments easy to use they will buy them. :) :)
I'm avery happy consultant this month. Things are looking up after a slow 4 months.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Update on Lets The Guests CookOkay - I had a show today and learned of one downfall to this. There were about 15 guests. We only had 2 recipes for them to make - which is normal for a show. There were too many people trying to cook. I think this has worked extremely well if there are about 10 people at a show. If there are more than ten, ask some to help prepare and some to help present!

Everyone did have a great time today and the conversation did stay on Pampered Chef but it was a little confusing.

I don't ask the host to purchase more than I would if I were preparing the recipes myself. Today we made the Lemon Herb Chicken Ring, Autumn Fruit Salad and I took the ingredients for Chocolate Fondue. The guests are amazed when they see that they can make such a beautiful recipe like the chicken ring! A lot of bragging goes on. :p

I try to use recipes that don't use a lot of the same products. I am walking back and forth to each station and I can go rinse something that is needed twice.

This is also a great way to feel around for possible recruit leads! There are usually a couple of people that can't stop saying how much they like using a certain product and they take that product over.
Cookingpcmom said:
I have been doing my shows in quite a different way and I think my sales have increased because of it.

I let the guests make the dishes! When I get to the hosts home we set up 2 or 3 stations with everything needed to make a recipe. I have the recipes printed up. Once the guests have arrived I introduce myself and talk briefly about Pampered Chef - why I do what I do; monthly specials; booking benefits and of course I recruit right along with this. The guests are very suprised once I let them know that I will not be demonstrating for them - they will! I have had a couple of people say that they just didn't want to, but once they got started they realized that it is a lot of fun! :D This allows the guests to catch up with one another while using all of the really cool Pampered Chef things!

While they are making their food I go back and forth to the stations and answer any questions and demo anything there is a question on. The conversation really tends to stick to Pampered Chef a lot more than if they were sitting and watching me demo (waiting for me to finish so they can eat). :rolleyes:

Any questions about how I do this just e-mail me! It works for me!

I want more information! I also like to invite my guests to try the products, but actually setting up and PLANNING for them to do it, that's bold and fun! What recipes did you use? Do you have 3 of the same recipes going on, or 3 different?

[email protected]
  • Thread starter
  • #7
It's all up to the hostI always leave it up to the host whether or not she wants me to demo or if she would like to open it up to her guests to cook and play with the products. I ask her right away when she books. I have only had one host tell me that she rather I do the demo and that is just because she doesn't have a large enough area for people to gather around.

I try to do simple recipes. If you only have your SS kit you can still do this. You can set all of your products out in a general area and the guests have to go get what they need at that moment. One person can be in charge of getting and returning whatever they need and have finished with. If your recipes are too involved the guests will be turned off right away. For some people the chopper is too intimidating.

I have yet to do this but it would be fun for a couples show. You could have the guys make a pizza or some type of 'ring' and the ladies make something to compliment that. Have recipes that use a lot of the same products. This way the guests have to bargain to get what they need. Make it a game.

I know it's an older recipe but the Lemon Herb Chicken Ring is ALWAYS a hit! Something simple to go with that is the low-fat Autumn Fruit Salad. If you need a third recipe or more food let another group use the garnishing tools and work on a veggie plate/platter.

I type up my recipes on paper or cardstock. I make sure to highlight the Pampered Chef products so they know ahead of time what they will need. I also put at the bottom of my recipe the 'Featured Products In This Recipe' along with the page numbers in the book, price and guarantee.

Try this - you will enjoy yourself and your host and guests will as well!
Love it, thank you!

Can't believe that's how you spell your name - that's how I created my version of "Susie" before changing to Susan (though some still know me as Suzie). I'm so happy to see your name. :)

Susan :)
OutlineI love this idea but I am the type of person who needs to be very organized and have lesson plans (former 1st grade teacher ;) ). Does anyone have an outline on how you organize and flow this type of kitchen show? I would really like to try this.
  • Thread starter
  • #10
This is what I do...Host coaching is VERY important still.
Make sure all of your ingredients are pre-washed and pre-cooked if
Upon arrival set up your stations (2 or 3) with all of the necessary tools
and ingredients. If you are just getting started and don't have a lot of
products yet set them all in one location and have the guests get what
they need when they need it.

When the guests arrive have them sit as if they were going to watch a demo.
Introductions and thank-you's as usual.
Spend about 10 minutes talking about PC.
Has anyone never been to a PC show? If so - welcome them :)
Does anyone have a PC product at home that they have never used?
If so ask why and offer suggestions.
Discuss return policies. Let them know PC wants them to use and enjoy
our products!
Host benefits and recruiting plug is always good - give them a reason to
invite you to their home! - or better yet, join you! ;)
You could do a game or drawing if you would like. I don't bother because
it takes time and I want the guests to know that they won't be spending
their entire day/evening at the show.
Introduce them to their catalog, order form and any extra's

I then let them know that I am glad they came and that we will be doing our show a little different today. You will have the opportunity to use all of the great products that I have brought today! I have set up 2 stations with 2 different recipes for you to choose from. The products, ingredients and recipes are all ready for you!
While they are getting to their stations I help get things started if needed I go back and forth to each station to offer help or suggestions and to show special features and benefits of products.
Once the food is finished - or in the oven if necessary they can browse through the catalogs or press some more garlic! :rolleyes: Even though the things are used and dirty they still can, and do, play with them.
While eating I set up a place to take orders and answer any questions. If I have time and everyone is done with the products I pack so they know that I won't leave their home messy. I want the host to feel good about the experience too!

I take the orders - book shows and get out!

For the recipes - use only one that has to go in the oven - a pizza or veggie pizza that the crust could be cooked and ready for them already. Make a dessert - one that presentation is simple but looks and tastes wonderful. Fruit pizza or the old stand-by Taffy Apple Pizza, you can bake the cookie ahead of time. A fruit salad - low-fat one is a plus. Don't limit yourself or your guests.

Have fun! Your guests will see that you are relaxed and they will be too!​
  • #11
Before becoming a consultant, I had all my shows like this. The lowest show I had was 700.00. It is so much fun. It also gives the consultant the chance to see who is intimidated by what products and to teach them how to use them correctly. The guests that already have PC products help the naive ones with the proper use and great ideas. They actually help sell the products for you. I went to a show where the consultant cooked for us and I was bored to tears. I am hosting my first show the 29th of October and we are going to let the guests prepare the food. I'll let you know how it goes when I do it as an consultant.

Wish me luck!
  • #12
Hands on has been a great thing for me!I have been doing Hands On shows for several years now. Especially if I find someone at a show with a "problem" product or some one who just can not decide if they really will use a tool if they buy it.
I put it in their hands and let them use it. I never make fun of any one who can not use the Can Opener either! Just laugh slightly then tell them how long it to you to figure it out! It works great and I usually sell lots of the products we use in the recipes.
I sold two USGs and three Food Choppers because I let the guests use them on Saturday. Not to shabby! My shows average about $600 each by doing this. When I do an Express Show, I just do not get the sales. So literally put the show in your guests hands and let them "play".
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  • #13
Just curious if it would work if you would just lay all of the tools you will be using on the table and tell the guests as they enter to pick a tool they would like to try out and then call them up in the order called for in the demo recipe?
  • #14
Might not be a bad idea, but...That would be neat. One thing I will tell you tough, and it has happened to me, I have had groups where there was no way they were cooking. They basically sat there. The way I find out if they will do hands on, is to start the recipe myself then say something like, "Have any of you not tried our Food Chopper?" Wait for resposes then pick one of the people who said no, "Would you like too?" This gives them the choice and it won't be forced upon them. The other thing I say sometimes is, "This recipe is slightly involved, at least for me, could I get some help?" I always get volunteers.
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  • #15
I can see where there might be concern that the guests might not want to become involved. This is why I always ask the host what she wants to do. If it was her choice in the first place she probably knows what type of people she has coming to her show - whether or not they will participate.

I love the idea of having everyone pick up a product before they are seated! That's a great idea :rolleyes: . I might have to try that if I end up with a show that the host doesn't want to have everyone cooking. - Thanks! ;)
  • #16
I did this at my last show and I only had one lady who didn't seem to happy about it. She said " I didn't know we were going to have to come here and work tonight" but, this was a group that I just did a show for 3 weeks before. They are all co-workers so they've heard and seen my usual presentation so I thought this would be different for them. I found it easy to go into a recruiting speech after they were done. I said " Now you guys have done exactly what I do at my shows, you all talked about how well you liked the products you were using and you shared ideas with each other the types of things you cook on your stoneware. That's how easy it is to be a Pampered Chef consultant. They were all shaking their heads and agreeing with me but, nobody signed. I did get another booking from the group though for Feb.
  • #17
Tried thisI did this for the first time last Saturday. When I got to my host's house she was disappointed that her friends were cancelling at the last minute and would only have 4 or 5 at her party. I am in my 1st trimester with our 4th child and am constantly sick. I asked her if her friends would be the type to resist doing a hands-on, she said no. So we went with it.

The recipe was the fritata from this season's Celebrations. I read through the recipe first so people knew what was involved and I showed them which tools they would be using for each part. Then they selected which part they wanted to do. One lady wanted to buy the whisk so she did that part. Another lady wanted to use the prof. cookware, so she did that part, etc. They LOVED it!! She had 3 bookings and 1 potential recruit from 5 guests. And her sales are over $600, before outside orders!! WHOO-HOO!!!
  • #18
I've been playing a game at my shows where they pass a mini spatula around if they yell out "love it have it" or "want it" or when they volunteer to come up and use a tool. Anytime a person participates the spatula is passed to them. Whoever has the spatula when the demo is over keeps it. My last 2 shows I did this were over $700 in sales and a combined total of 8 bookings. Anytime you get guests involved I think it helps your sales.
  • #19
I did this at a small show, butI was amazed at what happened on a windy, cold Thursday night. I had a show where half of the people cancelled. We ended up with only 7 guests. We were making The Medditerrainian Hummus Squares, Season's Best F/W, and a Cool Vegie Pizza.
Easy to do both as the crusts were already baked. We decided to get into the kitchen and I started out simply by having a conversation with everyone who was there. I told them about the host bonuses and about our opportunity. I thank the host and we went around and I asked about favorite products. When we got to tools being used in the recipes I asked what the person who brought it up liked so much about it. When they answered I looked a the other guests and I then said, "If you like why Lucy likes this and have nt tried it, how about now?" I then handed them the tool and let them use it. I can not tell you how many of the products we used were purchased. It was multiples. The show total just from the 7 people there, over $800!
It was amazing! then I got the shock of a lifetime. One of the people in my audience, was a past consultant. A guy to boot so that was a kick too. But he even had to admit that if he had know about how well the hands on thing worked, he may still be in business. I naturally told him it was not to late to start again. But it was. Since that time he had opened his own business and really did not have time. Oh well! But at least I asked! We are closing this show at a little over $1200! Alot of the outside orders came from people who were friends of the guests. They mentioned about how well the products they tried worked for them. I got this from the host who actually heard her guests telling co-workers about the neat product they used and Deidra got orders she was not expecting. Too cool!
  • #20
THat's very cool! I need to incorporate more hands on stuff into my demo. When I'm a guest at parties, I'm the type of person who HATES having to get up and have lots of participation (funny! now look what I'm doing as a business! Go figure :confused: ), but this makes it sound so fun and relaxed. I like this idea for crowds that are smaller or not as many people show as were expected because it makes it fun. Thanks for sharing!
  • #21
A fellow consultant told me that she has gone to all guest participation, especially with shows for groups who are familiar with the product already. It makes it new and fun. She said her show average went up $100 a show without changing anything. She just says, "OK guys, everybody come up here. We are going to cook this together so you can see how easy it really is!" I am going to try it.
  • #22
Hands on Halloween partyOne of the best hands on experiences I had was at a couple's halloween costume party. All of the guests were pretty familiar with PC. We had a guys against the girls challange to carve a pumpkin with as many tools as they could use. They had to list the tools by the proper name and tell what page it was on in the catalog. This got them really digging into the catalog. Unfortunately, the guys chickened out. :mad:
  • #23
Let Them Decorate Their Own CrepesHey everyone! First post to the site, but I've been reading for about a month now. Thanks to everyone for their wonderful advice and tips! I wanted to share a fun tip I tried this past weekend.

I had a chocolate celebrations show on Friday night and we had a ton of fun! I made all the crepes (shells) ahead of time and just demonstrated the mousse. I decorated the first shell and then handed one out to each of the guests and had them decorate their own. Everyone had so much fun decorating the plates with chocolate sauce, making designs on their crepes, using the easy accent decorator to add the mousse and grating chocolate chips over the top. We ended up just passing all the tools around and some people even made two or three each! The table was a mess but everyone had a ball! People were getting creative with their strawberries and trying to out-do eachother in their creations.
So I think it was pretty successful in getting everyone interested in the products. This way, they all got to try out not only a new recipe, but all the great Pampered CHef products needed to make it!

Related to Revolutionize Your Pampered Chef Parties: Let the Guests Cook!

What is "Let the Guests Cook!"?

"Let the Guests Cook!" is a fun and interactive Pampered Chef party experience where guests get to create their own delicious dishes using our high-quality kitchen tools and ingredients.

How does "Let the Guests Cook!" work?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, you will provide all the necessary tools and ingredients for your guests to use. You will then guide them through a simple and easy-to-follow recipe while they prepare and cook their own dish.

Do I need to have any cooking experience to participate in "Let the Guests Cook!"?

No, absolutely not! "Let the Guests Cook!" is designed for everyone, regardless of their cooking experience. Our recipes are easy to follow and our consultants are there to assist and guide you every step of the way.

Do I need to provide my own ingredients for "Let the Guests Cook!"?

No, as a Pampered Chef consultant, you will provide all the necessary ingredients for the recipes. All you need to do is invite your guests and provide a fun and welcoming atmosphere!

Can I customize the recipes for "Let the Guests Cook!" to accommodate dietary restrictions or preferences?

Yes, our consultants are happy to work with you to customize the recipes to fit any dietary restrictions or preferences. Just let us know ahead of time and we will make sure to have alternative ingredients available.

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