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Recent Show Orders All "Jacked Up"?

almost everything missing. I've submitted 4 shows this month and all 4 have had at least one item missing. I've even had bags and packing slips printed with a cartridge that needed ink. I've also had items missing, no bags, and packing slips printed with a cartridge that needed ink. My sample order had 5 items missing. 50% of my orders needed product adjustment. I've not been pleased with the quality of shipping. Fast shipping does not offset poor quality.
My last show submitted in Sept (submitted on the 28th) seemed to take a long time to process...I assume b/c of the cookware special. I'm ok with that as it was still less than 2 weeks from show date. The bigger problem is/was the 9 items missing. I expect 1-2 products to be missing - especially a bigger show like this one was, but 9?! The host was a little upset, so I requested PC send the products to each person instead of the host...she wasn't keen on waiting or delivering products twice. Has anyone else had any major troubles like this?
I've not ever had an issue like that.....9 items missing--yikes!! I'd be upset too!! That was a great idea about having them deliver to each guest, I've never thought about that.....
This makes me worry a bit as I just submitted a $1100 show on the 30th. I'd rather they take an extra day and make sure it's all there than rush and have to send so many items missing.

I hope it all works out.

Oh BTW I sometimes have offered a Season's Best or another item as a token I'm sorry when things have gone wrong, like missing item and then sent the wrong item. It may not hurt to give each person a call and let them know what's going on, especially if the host is really ticked off!!
I had 2 shows with errors last week. One had 5 items missing. The other had a damaged SS 12" skillet. I did call HO about it since we can't enter comments on the adjustment page. I, too, would not mind for it to take a day or two longer and everything be there.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I'm not "happy" that I'm not the only with a problem like this, but I guess relived I'm not the only one. I also let HO know about this as I thought 9 was excessive...I phrased it more as an FYI and I led with a compliment - I know those guys work their tales off the get every thing right and timely.
I have noticed that my orders seems to be messed up here lately... I submitted 4 shows last month, and all 4 shows were missing at least one item... I just find it quite odd, considering I have net had any problems prior to this...
I have had items missing, no bags, and packing slips printed with a cartridge that needed ink. My sample order had 5 items missing. 50% of my orders needed product adjustment. I have not been pleased with the quality of shipping. Fast shipping does not offset poor quality.
Darcia said:
I have had items missing, no bags, and packing slips printed with a cartridge that needed ink. My sample order had 5 items missing. 50% of my orders needed product adjustment. I have not been pleased with the quality of shipping. Fast shipping does not offset poor quality.

Just wondering.....does submitting adjustments count against the consultants for any reason??
I am hoping that once they get the kinks worked out of this new system that everything will be great.
Smashie said:
Just wondering.....does submitting adjustments count against the consultants for any reason??
Nope. If you have a lot of returns, they might start tracking them and keeping an eye on you, but generally they understand that things happen and we're honest. :)
  • #10
I have three shows submitted last week - one on the 1st and two on the 4th that have STILL not sipped! My hosts are getting fussy about waiting so long. :(
  • #11
yes i am still waiting for two of mine to ship. One on the 30th and the other on the 1st. I am getting impatient. I have some of the cookware in there for me!
  • #12
My ones from the Sept 29 have shipped I am waiting for the one from the 30th to ship yet.
  • #13
I called HO last week with product adjustments for a show that was submitted 1 Sep (i've been behind in my customer care calls...just found out some of the orders didn't come in)...the rep looked up the names and gave a start of surprise: some of the orders had NEVER shipped?!

Also, all of my shows submitted since the first (five of them) are still showing 'received'. Yikes, what is going on? Usually HO just sends them out lickety-split!
  • #14
Has anyone called to ask yet? I tried to call earlier on a product adjustment but couldn't wait for a callback.
  • #15
Right now i'm concerned because i 'm tracking a shipment and it only has one box that weighs 13lbs. There were 2 sets of cookware plus another 300 in products....it'll be interesting to see what shows up.
  • #16
It's very frustrating when one show is received with in a week and the hostess who booked off the first must wait almost 3 weeks.
We need more consistency.
  • #17
I am glad to see that I am not the only one having these problems. I had my largest show a couple weeks ago and the host had 2 broken items and I had 3 other people from the same party call to let me know that they had damaged items.....I hope they get the kinks worked out soon. We don't want PC to get a bad name!
  • #18
One of my Sept. shows was jacked up too! My host had 12 items missing! Not a happy camper was she! She is barely getting the missing items today! Can you believe that? I called HO last week and told them that my host and her guests were quite upset and that I did not know what else to tell them. They said that because of the Cookware special we had in Sept and because of the system change over happening in the warehouse, they were backed up, but everything seemed to be back on track, so they say.
  • #19
I just had a host contact me yesterday with 3 items missing... and it wasn't that big of an order to start with. But my worst was in mid to late September... a host got the exec. 7 piece set but they sent the stainless 12" instead, returned that and they sent the professional 8" skillet. She did finally get the 7 piece set but I was bummed b/c she had the opportunity to get more cookware later in the month and passed on it... I had hoped by then she would have the 7 pc set out and well used, but honestly I think she was frustrated with the whole experience by then. I know they must be busy but it seems a bit ridiculous... this stuff all weighs very different amounts so how could it be passing through those final checks?
  • #20
Yeah, I recently had one show that had no bags or summary sheets. Then this recent show that just got shipped out is missing 4 items. I'll be calling HO tonight when I get home. I've never had any issues with the shipping or missing products till recently. :(
  • #21
A show I helped unpack last week had a Stainless Mixing Bowl in it that no one ordered nor was it on the packing slips. I am going to call to get them to pick it up. If me or the host was dishonest, that is a $50 product.
  • #22
Yeah, in my boxes from my open house, somehow I ended up with two pastry matts. Something odd is happening in the warehouse!
  • #23
Since HO was in the process of changing the distribution center, and in addition to the enormous amount of shows and orders received in the last 2 days of Sept. (reminder to always submit as soon as possible!) they hired temp workers to help with the huge volume thus some of the mistakes in the show orders. Please be patient with them. They are doing the best they can.

And this is a good thing to remember too with the holidays approaching... DON'T promise super quick shipping to hosts and customers! That way when it arrives sooner, they will be thrilled!
  • #24
My last order was all jacked up. Got a Springform pan set instead of the new SA piece.
  • #25
We have been so spoiled in the last year. Shipments have been at light-speed and errors have been few. I think that's why the current issues at HO are so upsetting to us.

I have recently had 2 shows with major errors - one had the label for the Prof Grill Pan on the box of a 12 inch Stainless Skillet so they printed the right thing but sent the wrong. :eek: (I asked if I could just keep the product sent in error but she said no - don't understand why.:p ) Then I got a call last night that a home office lead host had 6 items missing. She was very stressed by it because she had just complained about her last consultant (long story - bad consultant) and was afraid they wouldn't believe the items weren't there since they were listed on the packing slip. I reassured her and the operator was very "no way it was her fault, of course we believe her" and is sending her a 29 Minutes to Dinner Cookbook as an apology gift.

Last week I emailed HO and expressed my concerns and many of those I have heard on this forum. We represent PC in the field but the operators on the phones and the packages that are delivered (warehouse quality control and our delivery company) also affect how our company is perceived. They replied that they appreciated the email and would send it to the appropriate area. Don't know what will happen, if anything, but I do know that they listen to us and they feel that Customer Service is VERY important to our Brand.

When someone is upset about things shipped wrong or broken I am sympathetic and immediately send in the adjustment. I do not bad mouth our shipping department but I do say that we do everything to make it right and I apologize. I usually do not give them anything for the error beyond my good customer service. I think that implies that I did something wrong. I have not had anyone think I was "cheap". They appreciate us going to bat for them and that's all most are asking for - what they ordered in good condition and in a timely manner.

HO is very aware of the issues we have faced lately and they have addressed them but occassionally we will still get errors and broken items (real people pack the VOLUMES of orders we generate). In my opinion, if the problems are infrequent and are taken care of in a timely manner all is good!
  • #26
I just got a supply order last night. I ordered 10 different items in different quantities and only got 4 things in my box. 2 of them were what I ordered and the correct amount, 1 was 2 of 4 that I had ordered and the last was 4 of something I didn't order at all.

The packing list was correct for what I ordered, but not for what I got. I ordered 10 packs of holiday catalogs and got none. I'm dissapointed, I really wanted those. It least the fair I'm doing is a few weeks away, hopefully I'll have them by them.

I called HO right away and Diane was very helpful and said she thought I should have my stuff by the end of next week. I hope this gets fixed soon.
  • #27
My first three shows had items missing. One had three missing, one had one missing. My supply order was incorrect as well. Ugh. I hope they get the kinks out before November. I'm sure it will be a big month for them. But I'm glad it's not just me.
  • #28
I just found out today that an adjustment that I made on October 5 did not get sent out until October 12! So, my host does not have the Smoky BBQ Rub, yet. It was sent USPS. LAME! I don't like to tell customers that. It's way too slow when HO messed up. It should have went out right away, and not by USPS - snail mail!
Also, my show from the 9th came in three shipments, ending today. Two items were missing. Hopefully, they will come quickly after today's adjustment.
  • #29
My show also was missing one item, it arrived on the 12th and still have not received the adjustment. Do you get an email when they ship it or can you look on consultants corner?
  • #30
Get this one. I live in CANADA. Today I received a replacement adj measuring cup for a customer (within the first 30 days - no return required) or so I thought. It was addressed to her c/o me. Opened it up to find the 5 inch forged cutlery paring knife and the microplane adj grater!

Better yet...the packing slip inside matched the products not my outside label (so obviously they labeled the box wrong) but............ the package was meant for someone named Amanda in Greensboro, NC USA!!!! LMAO

So I don't know if this Amanda W is the host/guest/or consultant. I have an address, phone number and consultant number but don't know if the name and address match the cons number or if that's her customer. Anyone know an Amanda W that's a NC consultant or have that name as a guest/host? :) If I knew this was a consultant I would have phoned to say "hello from Canada, guess what I have!" :D but I thought uh, oh, what if it's a customer :eek: better not!

BTW, after the 6 digit consultant number it has - G - 0001. What does that mean?
  • #31
kcjodih said:
BTW, after the 6 digit consultant number it has - G - 0001. What does that mean?
G is usually an earned item. Maybe it's something she bought with PC$.
  • #32
I was hoping to find out if PC stopped sending the big bags for customer orders with shows. I helped two host this weekend that had HUGE orders and were totally overwhelmed. So we start unpacking boxes at both locations, and lots of big stuff... cookware, trifle bowls, silicone floral, etc. We unpacked the bags they provided.... uh, yeah. Not one single big bag in the bunch. All of them were the small bags. How embarrassing to ask my hosts for big bags to put her guests stuff in. SOme had to go in garbage bags even.... nice.
Thankfully though, only two items missing from one of the shows, and one from the other... a lot better than I was expecting from all the talk lately.
  • #33
My show that arrived on saturday was missing 14 items. Its all the little things that they usually put in a bag and stick in the box. Its like they forgot to put the bag in.

Related to Recent Show Orders All "Jacked Up"?

1. Why did my recent show order take a long time to process?

The processing time for recent show orders can vary depending on the volume of orders received and any current promotions or specials. The cookware special in September may have caused a delay in processing time. However, the average processing time is typically less than 2 weeks from the show date.

2. Why were there 9 items missing from my recent show order?

It is normal to have 1-2 items missing from a larger show order. However, 9 missing items is not typical and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please reach out to our customer service team to have the missing items shipped to you or directly to the customers who have not received their products.

3. What can I do if my host is not willing to wait or deliver products twice?

If your host is unable to wait for the missing items or is not willing to deliver products twice, please contact our customer service team. We can arrange to have the missing items shipped directly to the customers who have not received them.

4. Have other customers experienced similar issues with missing items in their show orders?

We apologize for any issues with missing items in recent show orders. Our customer service team is dedicated to resolving any issues and ensuring that all customers receive their products in a timely manner.

5. What should I do if I have any other troubles with my recent show order?

If you have any other troubles with your recent show order, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. We are here to assist you and ensure that you are satisfied with your Pampered Chef experience.

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