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Profitable Pricing Strategies for Your Business: The Dangers of Discounting

In summary, the conversation was about the topic of discounting in business and the negative effects it can have. The participants shared personal experiences and discussed the importance of valuing one's products and services and not giving in to the pressure to constantly offer discounts. They also touched on the different approaches men and women may have towards money and business. The main takeaway was to focus on the value of one's products and services rather than constantly offering discounts.
I received this E-mail today from Success factory. I get theme very day, and today's really spoke to me, and I hope you will find it interesting also. I find myself in this dilemma with several of my customers, and trying to find a way out of it. What do you think?

Subject: Discounting…yes or no?

Tonight's dinner table discussion was an interesting one. Two of my children work at the same neighborhood coffee shop. The coffee shop had a recent change of owners at the beginning of the year. The new and current owner - we'll call him Sam - is in a bit of a dilemma. After owning the shop for nearly eight months now - he is hard pressed to realize a profit. Of course there is the normal three to five year `curve' that applies to any new business, except, that this business has been open - with a very established customer base - for over six years.

So…what's the problem, you may ask.

As in most businesses, there are a variety of contributing factors - including too many Starbuck's within close proximity. However, a HUGE issue is the practice of discounting for `favorite' customers, established by the previous owner. Sam is now trying to do damage control in order to begin to realize some profit without offending the regular customers. It is a tricky situation to be sure.

I share this story today as food for thought for you and your business. Certainly there may be times when you run special sales for your customers. I would caution the practice of discounting too regularly.

Getting into the habit of discounting does several things:

Your customers will begin to balk when you charge full price and only want to buy when they receive a discount.

It devalues your product line.

As in the case of Sam - it is difficult to reverse once started.

MOST IMPORTANTLY - your business is far less profitable when you discount.

As women, sometimes we have difficulty being paid what we are worth. Some of us feel guilty for taking money and therefore “giving a deal” seems like the right thing to do. Men don't do this. Somehow, they are wired differently - I'm convinced of this. Men don't apologize for things they didn't do (ever notice how often women say I'm sorry for something that they had no part in?). Men don't feel bad about or make excuses for money they are paid for a job done; whether in the form of commissions for sales or fees charged if they are a doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc;. The `why's' behind this phenomenon is the stuff self-help books are written about and not the subject of today's tip.

Just remember - you are in business to make money. If you are not in business to make money - then you probably will find yourself with an expensive hobby. Hobbies cost money - businesses make money…period
I get their email also. It was reminder for me not to give out so much discounts for people.

Ann R.
Thanks for posting!;)
Their e-mails are great. I like that they're short and sweet and always have a great idea! :)
Thanks for the article!
This is something I have been mulling over and thinking about myself alot these days. I used to give away so much to get bookings.....and I'm not sure that it really even helped that much.
I decided after Conference that I wasn't going to do that anymore - that I would concentrate on our Incredible host program, and monthly bonus, and the great value of our products. Well, without giving any other incentives - just being excited about what PC already offers - I have completely booked Sept & Oct! I'm thinking that I may have been looking desperate when I was offering a bunch of "Book to Look" and other of my own "deals" for booking.
ChefBeckyD said:
Thanks for the article!
This is something I have been mulling over and thinking about myself alot these days. I used to give away so much to get bookings.....and I'm not sure that it really even helped that much.
I decided after Conference that I wasn't going to do that anymore - that I would concentrate on our Incredible host program, and monthly bonus, and the great value of our products. Well, without giving any other incentives - just being excited about what PC already offers - I have completely booked Sept & Oct! I'm thinking that I may have been looking desperate when I was offering a bunch of "Book to Look" and other of my own "deals" for booking.

I've been thinking about that alot too lately, and like you, I'm booked for Sept and Oct with no "specials". It just reminded me of those postcards that you get in the mail, "You just won a free vacation" - of course, for the whole time you are there (aside from sleeping time) they are pressuring, uh I mean "talking" to you about their fantastic real estate opportunity.
When I got this email this morning I felt the same way as y'all... i think it was good timing, as all the guest specials being a discount vs. spend $60, get x free. It definitely made me stop and think!
I love their emails too! (thanks AJPratt!)
I was thinking the same thing this morning. I was debating offering an extra something if they buy cookware next month, but now I'm reconsidering!

Related to Profitable Pricing Strategies for Your Business: The Dangers of Discounting

What are some consequences of constantly offering discounts?

Offering discounts too frequently can lead to a decrease in the perceived value of your products, as customers may start to expect discounts and view your products as lower quality. It can also harm your profit margins and make it difficult to cover your costs.

How can I determine the right pricing strategy for my business?

The best pricing strategy for your business will depend on various factors, such as your target market, competition, and production costs. It's essential to conduct market research and analyze your financial data to determine the most profitable pricing strategy for your specific business.

Are there any alternatives to discounting for increasing sales?

Yes, there are several alternatives to discounting, such as offering bundles or packages, creating loyalty programs, and implementing upselling or cross-selling strategies. These methods can help increase sales without devaluing your products.

How can I effectively communicate the value of my products to customers?

One way to communicate the value of your products is by highlighting their unique features and benefits. You can also share customer reviews and testimonials that showcase the positive experiences others have had with your products. Additionally, offering excellent customer service and providing a seamless shopping experience can also help convey the value of your products.

What are some long-term effects of discounting on a business?

Constantly offering discounts can create a cycle of dependence for customers, where they only purchase products when there is a discount available. This can make it difficult to maintain consistent sales and can harm the overall sustainability and growth of the business. It can also harm relationships with suppliers and investors, who may view the business as unstable or unable to maintain profit margins.

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