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Preparing for My First Show: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Start

In summary, Gretchen recommends watching the kitchen show video that came with your start up paperwork, preparing one or two recipes, and having cards to read off of. She also recommends inviting all the kids from your daughter's class to her birthday party as a test run for your first show.
I have my first show in a week, and I feel like I am not even close to being ready! My recruiter and director are no where close to me, and when I email them, it takes a couple of days to hear back, and it's never anything about helping me prepare! I'm on my computer pretty much all day, therefore check my email constantly. It's my preferred method of communication. How do i get an answer right away? I haven't been to an actual show in over 2 years, and can barely remember it. I know what I ordered, but not how the show went. I have no idea what recipes to prepare, or what format to do it in! My recruiter told me a couple of months ago that she just prepares the recipes in advance, and then adds the finishing touches once people have arrived. Is this a good way to do it? I'm slightly frustrated because I really want this business to get off to a great start, and feel like I'm getting no help with the people above me. I've read the booklet that comes in our kit, and I know what I should do, but don't know if I can actually do it because it's been so long since I've been to a show. How do you guys tie in all the other products? I'm having my first show at my house, and sent out 50 invites. So far, there are 8 RSVP's with 3 bringing a guest. I've decided to do a mystery hostess theme, hoping that it will entice more people to come. Do I do cards to read off of? How will I remember all the info? What if there is a question that I can't answer?

Sorry that this is so long, I'm venting and asking a million questions all at once!
Wow, that's a lot of questions. Breath :)
The first thing I suggest you do is watch the kitchen show video that came with your start up paperwork. It REALLY helped me with my first couple of shows. As for having cards to read off of I wrote out an outline of what order I was going to do things and that was all I had. 1. thank everyone for coming and host for having us. 2. ask everyone to introduce themselves (do they have a fovorite PC product?) 3.go over what we will make today 4. go over the benefits of hosting a show.....................
When it comes to preparing the recipes it depends on how many you are doing. If you are only going to do one recipe I would recommend that you do most of it at the show so people can see the products. It is a good idea to have a good portion of each ingredient prepared ahead and only do a small amount at the show, that way people don't get sick of seeing you grate carrots for 5 minutes. I have been doing two recipes, but am thinking of cutting down to one. If you decide to do two, then I would have that one all done except the finishing touches. Make sure you let them know this is your first show, they will be very sympathetic. Feel free to e-mail me if you want talk about it. I will be gone most of today, but am usually home much of the day. Good luck!

P.S. If there is a question you can't answer tell them that, but also tell them that you will find out and follow up with them (and then make sure you do it)
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Thanks Gretchen! I appreciate all the help I can get! I think what's making me so nervous is that my husband asked me, what if all 50 show? Where are you going to fit them? (We live in base housing, and it's not that big!)I know that the probability of all 50 showing is slim, however...

Last year, we invited all the kids from my daughter's class to her birthday party, along with all the kids in the nieghborhood. Since her birthday is 10 days before Christmas, we figured that maybe 10 would show. No one RSVP'd, but on the day of her party, 27 kids showed up!

So of course, my husband had to bring that up to make me more nervous! LOL We've lived in the area a little over a year, and as long as I've been here, no one on my block has had a PC party, so I think more might show. I'm putting myself WAY out of my comfort zone, I am terrified to talk in front of people! Thanks for letting me know to only make 1 or 2 recipe's. I was thinking I needed to do about 4!
The more the merrier!!!If you have all 50 show, just think what the total of the show could be! Of course, it could ruin your future totals forever! :) I think you're right that everyone won't show but if you get more than you have seating for, turn it more into an open house. Grab a couple of potatoes and have some people use the USG, a couple use the Crinkle Cutter, etc. There's a file in the PC Files area that has something about how to do a potato show. Good luck and I hope you get lots and lots of people to show up!
Relax!!We have all had a first kitchen show so we certainly know how you feel. I never really had any official training. I did all my shows basically from watching the Kitchen Show video. Watch it a couple times and write down ideas. Also, try to read your recipe for success. Call me a nerd, but I read the whole thing. It has helped me tremendously. There is no certain format you need to go by and if you forget something, who is going to know but you. Don't get so nervous, it will all work out. Good Luck and let us know how it went.

Debbie :D
We've all been there - and no-one died!What's the worst that can happen? I've never written a script, but I think things through in my head regarding the order I want to say things. Practice what you will say as you pick up each piece of kit you will use - the PIG (product information guide) helps with that. Think about the benefits of each piece and, where possible, alternative uses. e.g. egg slicer would never be used in my house if I couldn't also use it for strawberries, kiwi fruit, banana, mushroom and for straining the contents of canned food! Think about what people's questions might be - can it be dishwashed? what's the guarantee? can it be used in the microwave? You don't need to know all these answers, just have your PIG with you to refer to. Tell them it's your first show, tell them you are NOT a chef nor a salesperson, and tell yourself you're there to have FUN!
I start by telling the guests what to expect (almost like an Agenda to a meeting) then I try to stick to the Agenda. A bit about the company and why I became a consultant (my infomercial), do a little ice breaker if you are comfortable with that, talk them through the paperwork and payment options, talk about the 3 key products (stoneware, cookware and simple additions) then do the demo. Put the product next to the ingredient if this helps, and put them in the order in which you will use them in the recipe to lead you naturally through it. Once the recipe is in the oven (or refrigerator) do the close. I say something like "if you like to spend - place an order, if you like to save - book a show, if you like to earn - meet me for a coffee and I will tell you how you can start your own business. Once you get a bit more into it you can drop in booking and recruitment bids through the show.

You'll be great!

Good luck

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  • #7
Just thought I would post an update....the show is tomorrow, and I have 15 who have RSVP'd, plus their guests! One girl is having a Partylite show in the afternoon, and she is going to bring all of the people from her show to mine! Hopefully it will be a huge show! I'm really nervous now! I'm going to make the decadent dessert pizza and probably the cool ranch pizza. Any other ideas?
have you made these beforeI would suggest rolling out the dough for the garden ranch pizza first, before the guests arrive, and then keep it in the fridge. I use to always have trouble rolling the dough only at my shows !! It never seemed to want to work with me ! Then It would make me nervous my whole presentation ! So i started rolling it out before the guest show up ! Then I take it out and just kinda go over it to show them how the bakers roller works !
You will be fine ! When it is over you are going to say I got all worked up for nothing ! It was easy !! It sounds like you are going to have a great show !! Attendence of 15 or more is AWESOME !!! Be sure to post and let us know how well :D it went !!

If you own the mini tart pan, I would get some cookie dough and put them in the tart pan and add a kiss on it. Of course, bake the cookies first. I found this idea from someone on here *(Thanks for the idea)* and made them at my next show and everyone loved them. In fact, when I went to do my next show (the one that was booked from the first one that I tried these) my host had already pre-done these and talked all about how easy it was to make.!!! :D
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Thanks Kristi! That sounds like a great idea! What kind of cookie dough should I use?
  • #11
Here is the recipe I believe you're looking for. I do these all the time for shows. It came from the use and care card for the mini tart shaper.

Enjoy! :)

Lee Anne


    20 KB · Views: 428
  • #12
That's it! Thanks for posting that Lee Anne! :)

Related to Preparing for My First Show: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Start

What should I do to prepare for my first show?

Before your first show, it's important to make sure you have all the necessary supplies and products. This includes your demonstration kit, order forms, and any other materials you may need. It's also helpful to practice your presentation beforehand so you feel confident and prepared.

How can I calm my nerves before the show?

One way to calm your nerves is to take deep breaths and remind yourself that you are prepared and knowledgeable about the products. It can also be helpful to visualize your presentation going smoothly and successfully. You can also try some relaxation techniques, such as meditation or listening to calming music.

What should I do if I make a mistake during the show?

Mistakes happen, and it's important to remember that it's okay to make them. If you do make a mistake during the show, try to stay calm and correct the mistake if possible. If it's not possible to correct the mistake, simply acknowledge it and continue with your presentation. Your guests will appreciate your honesty and authenticity.

What if I don't know the answer to a guest's question?

If a guest asks you a question that you don't know the answer to, it's okay to say that you're not sure and offer to find the answer for them. You can also direct them to the product's information or contact customer service for more information. Don't feel pressured to know everything about every product.

How can I make sure my first show is a success?

The key to a successful first show is to be prepared, enthusiastic, and genuine. Make sure to engage with your guests and showcase the products in a way that highlights their benefits. Follow up with guests after the show and offer excellent customer service to ensure they have a positive experience with Pampered Chef. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the experience!

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