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Praying for Mike's Recovery: Help Support Our Friend in His Battle for Life

he is off of the high oxygen and is feeling a bit more comfortable. He is still in ICU, but they are hopeful that he will be brought home soon. He is also feeling a bit more anxious, so I will be leaving to get the nurse. Please continue to pray for him and his family.My love and prayers are with Mike and Kelly during this difficult time.Please keep us updated on Mike's condition.I am so sorry to hear of your friend's condition. Prayers are going up for him and his family.I'll be praying for him and his family as well.I am going to keep my friend and his family in my thoughts.My thoughts and prayers are with Mike
My dear friend Mike is in a battle for his life. He had a bone marrow transplant in April, and has been struggling pretty much since then, but we thought he was coming around. He is currently in ICU with 2 different types of pneumonia, and is fighting for his life. Please pray for him, and his wife Kelly, who has been by his side. Mike is a believer, and knows if the Lord should take him home, he is ready, but they have a 5 year old daughter, and he is not wanting to leave her fatherless. Please add him to your prayer lists, and thank you in advance.
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My prayers are with all of you.
Prayers going up for you all. That is so sad. :(
I am so sorry to hear that, I will keep you, your friend, and your families in my thoughts in hopes that he will pull through this...
I left them a message and will be praying - they have been through SO much!
I'll be praying for your friend and his family as well.
I will be praying for your friend and his family.
Prayers coming your way. I am so sorry to hear of the situation.
  • #10
I am praying for him and all of you.
  • #11
I pray that God will heal him completely and allow him to return home to his family! That would be so hard with a little one...
  • #12
May God be with each one involved... God's will is often hard for us to understand... May they each be given courage and strength and Dear Father, if it be your will... preserve Mike's life here on earth... let him testify of your faithfulness to him and give him more time with his dear wife and daughter.
  • #13
Prayers coming right up...please keep us posted as to his progress.
  • #14
They'll be in my prayers.
  • #15
They are in my prayers as well!
  • Thread starter
  • #16
The link to Mike's caringbridge journalHere is the link to his page on caring bridge- if you would like to post for him to read. Kelly says that he is gaining much strength from these messages and prayers. I had the link listed before, but I did not think it worked, but Janet posted, so I guess it works.

  • #17
You just have to have an account on Caring Bridge to post. I have never had an issue with spam or anything from them. It is a great communication with families.

For those reading, give him some prayers and encouragement - sounds like yesterday was a really rough day!
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  • #18
Yes, yesterday was very rough for Mike, and at times he feels like giving up. Kelly is exhausted also, and they are not in their home town, so family and friends are not near. Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement.
  • #19
My thoughts and prayers go out to this family. Just remember the Lord will not put more on us than we can handle. Keep us posted. I will leave a message on the website.
  • #20
prayers and best wishes for Mike and his family. Keep us updated!
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  • #21
Thank you for your prayersThank you all for your prayers and messages to Mike on his Caringbridge web-site. Here is Kelly's last post ...

Tonight has been a good night. Mike wants you all to know that he counts on your messages to get him through each new battle. You words have touched his soul and mine. You all have given us the will to keep fighting with God carting the sheild to protect from each enemy of illness.

God had filled our room with love, planning for the future, and the hope of a new tomorrow. We will continue to fight for each second of hope.

Please keep praying. Mike is having a little anxiety, so I need to go and get the nurse. I will write soon!

He is still in ICU, so please continue to pay for Mike and Kelly (and Mikkenzi- their 5 year old daughter) Mikkenzi started school this year, and must stay home for school, so not only are Mike and Kelly fighting this battle, but little Mikkenzi is away from her parents.
  • #22
Here is today's update I just found... Wednesday 9/12/07 - 10:07 AM

Mike is very exhausted today. I think his 9 1/2 hour push yesterday was too much. They tried to lower his oxgen intake today, and he only lasted 45 minutes, and that was a struggling 45 minutes. He is going try it again at lunch time. They want him off of the high oxgen because of the damage it can do.

Thank you all for your support, we will keep fighting with the fists of God, prayer is our weapon!


Mike & Kell
  • #23
Still praying for Mike and his family!
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  • #24
Update on MikeHere is the latest update, from kelly, Mike's wife ...

Today Mike is doing better the doctor's say. He stayed on his new breathing device for 3 hours yesterday, so I was impressed. I thinks that his five 1/2 hour visit with his friend Brent Pilger. His friendship was a gift, I got to have a lunch outside of the hospital, and do laundry.

Mike tried his mask and it caused nasal irritation and bleeding. Mike has severe nasal problems. He has broken his nose 5 times, and he a deviated septum. So I went and bought him nasal breath right strips , and we are going to try them this afternoon.

His doctor says he is better, he still has fluid in his lungs. They might try to get him up in the next few days to walk. I am certain we will be here for another week or two. Please continue you to praise God for this awesome miricale!!!!!!
  • #25
Saw this today - talk about great news!!!!! ...but he's not clear yet - check the 2nd update too and keep praying!

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 11:30 AM, CDT
Mike's chimerisom is 100% he said that the cancer is gone. The nurse told me that it did not mean it was. But the doctor says it is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praise God!~!!!!!!!!

Mike is very tired today and they have lowered his oxgen, and he is having a little trouble with that. If he keeps improving we may be home in 1-2 weeks!

Please continue to pray for courage and strength each hour to accomplish what needs to be done to go home.

It was confirmed that Mike had GVHD and will probably go home on a low dose of steroids.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 02:42 PM, CDT
Mike is really struggling for air right now. He is having difficulty with his breathing. I can feel his panic and distress. Please God almighty Father grant us the courage and the ability .
  • #26
Mrssyvo hasn't been able to post an update for a day or so, but PLEASE guys, keep praying for Mike...he has some trouble yesterday and still needs a lot of prayers! See the last entry...

Saturday at 9:37 a.m.
Praise God for the prayers last evening. Mike's breathing became eaiser, he was lowered to the 50% mask and now is using the nasal cannula this morning. He is trying so hard because he just wants to go home!

Please continue those specific breathing prayers. They are firmly telling him that he has to walk today. So you can imagine his concern. Please pray.

We want to lift up the joys during this trial, Praise God, he has healed Mike from cancer. Please oh Father thank you for giving my husband the freedom from this horrible sentence. We ask for reassurance that Mike will be cancer free when they decide to do a bone biopsy. I ask you to remove the reluctantcy we hold, to believe we are truly free from this paralizing illness. Give us the comfort in testing him to reinforce the freedom. Please God be with Judy, Mike's sister. I know that a burden has been with her each day. Thank you Lord for creating her, you knew the plan and knew how important her role would be in Mike's life. Paise god for her willingness to help him with her cells.

God I ask you to cast out the puemonia from Mike's lungs. Satan still is lurking, and he must understand he can not defeat your efforts to save Mike. Show the world your almighty wishes and power of healing. Let us continue to be the example for the doubters and nonbelievers, that they will no longer doubt, and only believe!

Mikkenzi has a game today, so let her make a GOAL!!


Kell & Mike

Saturday at 1:25 p.m.
Mike has been moved to room 6394, due to another critical patient. Mike has been moved but there sre no beds in the ICU unit, so he is on the floor where that tragic night happened almost two weeks ago.

Saturday at 4:50 p.m.
Mike all of a sudden has spiked another fever. he is not doing so well. His breathing is difficult. When they tried to walk him, he turned purple/blue so they quickley sat him down. Resp. just came in and they had to turn up the oxgen. Please pray for him!!!! We just make two steps forward and back two.
  • Thread starter
  • #27
Sorry all, I have been out of town doing shows all weekend, and I have my 3rd today, so I have not been able to keep up. I plan to go see Mike tomorrow morning, and I will let you know how it is. Thank you all for the prayers. I am so excited that we are seeing improvement. Please pray that the bone scan comes back clean, and that he is truly healed of the leukemia!!! I am worried about his breathing, and oxygen levels. Mike was always so energetic, and on the go, and I know that this lack of energy, and weakness is driving him nuts. Lets also pray for increased energy, and strength.
  • #28
They are still in my prayers.
  • #29
mrssyvo said:
Sorry all, I have been out of town doing shows all weekend, and I have my 3rd today, so I have not been able to keep up. I plan to go see Mike tomorrow morning, and I will let you know how it is. Thank you all for the prayers. I am so excited that we are seeing improvement. Please pray that the bone scan comes back clean, and that he is truly healed of the leukemia!!! I am worried about his breathing, and oxygen levels. Mike was always so energetic, and on the go, and I know that this lack of energy, and weakness is driving him nuts. Lets also pray for increased energy, and strength.

Tell him "hi" from all of us and we'll keep praying!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #30
I just read an update on Mike and Kelly. He is not doing well and neither is she. She is totally exhausted... I think she wrote she has had 36 hours of sleep in 3 weeks ... They are at Loyola Univ. Hospital. If ANYONE is near there that could garner some help for Kelly... some "help with skin on" sounds like it is desperately needed. I'll keep praying... please.. .if anyone can reach out to them... I don't know them... just learned of their plight here and my heart goes out them.
  • #31
Here is another update and a plea from Kelly:

Mike has re-cooped. It was very frightening!!!!! This is why it is so hard for me to leave. The sitter works in the laundry room, he is not medically trained. So I looked up and he was sleeping so I had to grabb all the stuff.

Please almighty Father hear my plea, please send someone to comfort me and hold me. I know that you do not give us anything we can not handle. I have tried oh , Lord, to follow you wisdom. But I cry out to you to send someone who can renew my faith, bring me comfort, and rest. Please hear me oh, Lord.

Thank you all for praying!
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  • #32
I was unable to go see Mike yesterday as planned, because I have been running a fever/ flu symptoms. Until I know that I am symptom free, I can not go on the floor. Mike's resistance is so low, that anything can make things worse. Such good news about Mike's blood count, and the Dr's believe that the cancer is GONE!!!! Mike and Kelly have been on a roller coaster with the blood counts, where it is good news and then bad news, it seems each time they test, it tells a different story. I am praying that the bone biopsy will confirm that the cancer is gone. Thank you all for your prayers and concern.
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  • #33
Update on MikeI am sorry it has been awhile since I gave an update. Mike is out of ICU, and back on the bone marrow floor. Kelly is still with him most of the time, and his daughter will be coming up this week to spend some time. An old friend of Kelly's live sin the Chicago area, and has found a place for her to stay near the hospital. The doctor thinks the pneumonia will get better, but they are having a hard time weaning Mike off of the high oxygen, he feels like he is suffocating. he also had a reaction to a medicine he was on, and it caused hallucinations. I have been out of town, and working a lot, and so I have been out of touch with them lately, but getting updates on caringbridge.
  • #34
So sad to hear today's post on Mike:This is a difficult day, we have been told that Mike is at a stand still. They say he will either live or die, no in between. They feel it is more likely that "the shoe will drop", this was the doctors qoute. They feel Mike will probably die within the next 6-8 weeks.But we have a friend Jeff Slunder, that was told he too would die, and he almost did several times. Jeff has physical limitations, but he is home, buying a new house, and working. That is our phrase each day "don't forget Jeff Slunder, miricales happen".I am not sure if I am coming home this week-end. If anyone is willing to pick me up in Bloomington Sat. and take me to Bloomington Sunday to the Amtrack station , please call me at XXX/XXX-XXXX. I will make a decision later this week.Mike's friend Terry is working on his chopper still, we have had some bumps in the road. I am praying that it can be done soon, I will feel terrible if Mike never gets to see it, that has been his only big dream, besides accomplishing the dream of seeing Mikkenzi go to kindergarten. We need to figure how we can trailor it here.May God be with you all. I know that God will cover us through any storms, and I am prepared to love and cherish the time that we have. I still believe in miriacles!
  • #35
Just an update on Mike - this family is facing a battle I never wish on anyone! Please be in prayer for Kelly and their little girl Mikkenzi who is soon to lose a father!

Mike will be taken off life support between 9:00a.m. and 10:30a.m. tomorrow morning.

I sit here alone with God, and praying that a miricale happens. My heart is heavy and I feel like I can't breath. The numbness that fills my soul is like no other.

This entire journey has been filled with sorrow, hope, joy, love, disappointment, heartbreaks, and tender moments together. But the best part has been the time with Mike. I have loved him 24/7 and even when he could not speak his spirit spoke volumes.

We will be having the visitation Saturday at Dawson and Wikoff in Mt. Zion, from 3:00-7:00. There will be banjo and guitar by our good friend Chuck Willhite. Sunday the funeral will be at 3:00p.m. . Miley Palmer will do the opening, and our pastor, Dave Hutton, will do the closing.

Music will be performed by Julie McClarey, Larry Wade, and Carol Drayton.

We will go to the graveside led by motor cycle bergade, and have services by the grave side.

We will then proceed to the Lion's center where Christine Cutler and Carol Drayton will be organizing the Celebration of Life. Julie McClarey will be performing until 7:00. Then we are encouraging people to bring their voices and instruments for an open jam session. Carol Drayton is bringing a sound system so that we can enjoy Mike's Blues Music for a filler.

There will be a ""Memories of Mike" card. We are asking that each friend fill out the card to share their memories of Mike.

I will be with Jayne tonight, and Pam and Becky are coming late tonight/morning around 1-2:00. I am going to drench Mike with love and prayer. I need to be held and those three can do the job.

Pray for me, please help me heal Mikkenzi's heart Lord. I will not tell her until Halloween has passed. I know this will be the hardest Halloween, but I will put on a happy face, and cry in my closet later. I love you all. Goodbye from Mike, and a deep thank you for loving our family.

So long,

God, Mike, Mikkenzi, & Kelly (Forever!)
  • #36
Oh Janet - I'm so sorry for what you are all going through - praying for Mike and his family at this tragic time.
  • #37
OH... I will be lifting them up in prayer. I have not been able to access their carebridge site lately so I was wondering how they were doing. May God be holding them tightly in His arms through this most difficult time.
  • #38
Gina M said:
Oh Janet - I'm so sorry for what you are all going through - praying for Mike and his family at this tragic time.

Gina - I only know Mike through this and have been praying for him since I heard.

Mrssyvo is the one who knows the family personally. If you pray for anyone outside this family - pray for her. I am just playing messenger.
  • #39
quiverfull7 said:
OH... I will be lifting them up in prayer. I have not been able to access their carebridge site lately so I was wondering how they were doing. May God be holding them tightly in His arms through this most difficult time.

I think they had some people giving them a hard time during this so she blocked the site to those she knew. I had been praying for them for awhile so they still let me in I guess. It's been a long, rough battle for them!
  • #40
thanks for keeping us updated - I will be praying.
  • #41
While I don't know what it is like to have to lose a spouse, I do know how difficult it is to make the decisions that, though painful for the people going through it, are the best for the person involved. We lost our 3 year old in April and we were faced with some of the same decisions that Mike's family is faced with. I will be praying for his family and while we don't know why or what will happen God is in control. We were lucky enough to have Josh for 3 more days after his support was removed. Please whoever knows the family just pass along that we are all praying for him and his famly.
  • #42
They will continue to be in my prayers.
  • #43
I am really sorry to hear this. We may not understand all the "whys" but I know Jesus is always there to help us through those times. I pray for this family right now. Death is a very hard thing to face. :cry: :cry: I know that God has a plan...Hang in there!
  • #44
I just posted a message to Kelly on Caring Bridge that she has MANY of you holding her up in prayer!
  • Thread starter
  • #45
Mike passed away on Tuesday. Please pray for Kelly and Mikkenzie as they face life without him. He was a wonderful father, husband and friend.
  • #46
My prayers are with his family and friends to help them make it through this touch time. May GOD be with them.
  • #47
OH :( I am so sorry to hear that. Prayers going to the family.
  • #48
They'll be in my prayers.
  • #49
I'm so sorry. The family will be in my prayers.
  • #50
mrssyvo said:
Mike passed away on Tuesday. Please pray for Kelly and Mikkenzie as they face life without him. He was a wonderful father, husband and friend.

Thanks for the update, so sorry to hear!!!! :(
<h2>1. What is the latest update on Mike's condition?</h2><p>The latest update on Mike's condition is that he is currently in ICU with 2 different types of pneumonia and is fighting for his life.</p><h2>2. When did Mike have his bone marrow transplant?</h2><p>Mike had his bone marrow transplant in April.</p><h2>3. How has Mike been doing since his bone marrow transplant?</h2><p>Mike has been struggling since his bone marrow transplant, but there were signs of improvement before he was hospitalized with pneumonia.</p><h2>4. How can I support Mike and his family during this difficult time?</h2><p>You can support Mike and his family by keeping them in your thoughts and prayers. You can also reach out to them with words of encouragement and offer any practical help they may need.</p><h2>5. Is there anything specific that Mike's wife, Kelly, needs during this time?</h2><p>At this time, Kelly needs prayers for strength and support as she stands by Mike's side. She also needs prayers for their 5-year-old daughter, who is facing the possibility of losing her father.</p>

Related to Praying for Mike's Recovery: Help Support Our Friend in His Battle for Life

1. What is the latest update on Mike's condition?

The latest update on Mike's condition is that he is currently in ICU with 2 different types of pneumonia and is fighting for his life.

2. When did Mike have his bone marrow transplant?

Mike had his bone marrow transplant in April.

3. How has Mike been doing since his bone marrow transplant?

Mike has been struggling since his bone marrow transplant, but there were signs of improvement before he was hospitalized with pneumonia.

4. How can I support Mike and his family during this difficult time?

You can support Mike and his family by keeping them in your thoughts and prayers. You can also reach out to them with words of encouragement and offer any practical help they may need.

5. Is there anything specific that Mike's wife, Kelly, needs during this time?

At this time, Kelly needs prayers for strength and support as she stands by Mike's side. She also needs prayers for their 5-year-old daughter, who is facing the possibility of losing her father.

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