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Oh My Gosh! Pam's Meijer Misadventure

In summary, the woman at Meijer was waiting for Pam to finish putting groceries away, but instead of putting the groceries in the van, Pam put the cart in front of her own van and got in. The woman then yelled at Pam and was rude.
Staff member
Warning: There is a bit of mild profanity in this post.

At a recent show one of the guests, Pam, was asked over and over about her experience at Meijer. Every time the person hearing her story responded, "Oh, my gosh!" and then laughed uproariously. Finally, after everything was done, I asked her to tell me the story. Here it is:

Pam had just finished shopping at Meijer. It was after work, and the parking lot was packed. As she approached her van she noticed that a woman was waiting to pull into the empty spot beside her. The woman was clearly waiting for Pam to finish putting her groceries in the van, so she decided to hurry.

Fast as she could, she finished putting the groceries away, then moved her cart. She said that she always puts her cart away, but this one time, for the sake of the woman waiting, she simply put the cart in front of her own van and jumped in. She quickly closed the door, then heaved a sigh before putting the key in the ignition.

Just as she started to turn over the key, there was a knock on her window. She looked over to see the woman who had been waiting standing just outside her door. She rolled down the window. The woman looked her in the eye and said, "Well, you could have at least put your cart away. That might have worked off some of your fat ass!"

I asked her what she said. She said that she was so stunned that it took her a moment to respond. When she finally was able to speak she said, "Well, that was rude," rolled up the window, and started backing out.

She said that when she told her husband about it later he asked if the woman was thin. She said, "I told him, no; she was fatter than me!"

She said that once she got over the shock she felt really sorry for the woman. I mean, how miserable do you have to be to treat a stranger this way?

I still chuckle when I think about it.
That is a funny yet sad story. I think people in this world are so inconsiderate of others its not even funny.
I totally agree the comment was rude and not called for but there is NEVER an excuse not to bring your cart back...
Oops! Maybe the other lady should have parked further to get some more excersize in. Okay, okay, I know a bad joke!
Chef Gilles said:
I totally agree the comment was rude and not called for but there is NEVER an excuse not to bring your cart back...

Hate to disagree, but yes there is.

When it's pouring rain, or below zero temps, and you have a baby with you....you place your cart out of the way, and get the baby buckled in and warm & dry asap. Oh - and there is NEVER an excuse for leaving the child unattended to return a cart. ;)
I'm the type that would have said.. "oh my, well then let me put it away.." and then take 5-10 minutes to do so...
ChefBeckyD said:
Hate to disagree, but yes there is.

When it's pouring rain, or below zero temps, and you have a baby with you....you place your cart out of the way, and get the baby buckled in and warm & dry asap. Oh - and there is NEVER an excuse for leaving the child unattended to return a cart. ;)

Couldn't agree more. 100+ temps in the baking sun is another one.
crystalscookingnow said:
Couldn't agree more. 100+ temps in the baking sun is another one.

Yes - there were a couple of times when DS was a baby that good Samaritans walking past offered to take my cart for me. That was nice. It made me think differently about the whole cart issue. I offer to do that for moms, elderly, etc...now if I'm walking past while they are loading their car w/ groceries.
colegrovet said:
I'm the type that would have said.. "oh my, well then let me put it away.." and then take 5-10 minutes to do so...

Hmmm...I would have just gotten out of my car and went back INTO the store!
  • #10
wow....you gotta wonder why that woman was so miserable that she made that comment to a total stranger. pam's response was perfect and showed a lot of class
  • #11
jwpamp said:
Hmmm...I would have just gotten out of my car and went back INTO the store!

I've done that! When there were plenty of spots in the lot, including one only 2 further from the store than where I was parked. I saw someone waiting, blocking the aisle, for me to pull out. So I put my bag in the trunk (it wasn't a grocery store), and walked back to the storefront.
  • #12
ChefBeckyD said:
Hate to disagree, but yes there is.

When it's pouring rain, or below zero temps, and you have a baby with you....you place your cart out of the way, and get the baby buckled in and warm & dry asap. Oh - and there is NEVER an excuse for leaving the child unattended to return a cart. ;)

Agree!!! I have done it in this type of situation. I have got dirty looks for it but did not care!
  • #12
ChefBeckyD said:
Hate to disagree, but yes there is.

When it's pouring rain, or below zero temps, and you have a baby with you....you place your cart out of the way, and get the baby buckled in and warm & dry asap. Oh - and there is NEVER an excuse for leaving the child unattended to return a cart. ;)

I have to disagree with you on this one. Leave the baby in the cart, take it (the cart) back to the store or the cart corral, then return to the car with the baby in your arms. Most stores have enough cart corrals in the lot that one is never more than 15-20 spots away. And if your baby is properly dressed for the weather, then another minute outdoors won't kill them.
  • #13
colegrovet said:
I'm the type that would have said.. "oh my, well then let me put it away.." and then take 5-10 minutes to do so...

I would have done this and would also started crying (pretending of course) and kept apologizing and crying. I might even cried a little loud so maybe someone would have seen this and see that this women was being mean to me

Actullay, something like this happen to a cousin of mine and I thought that it was so funny. We live in a small town that there is always people around looking and being nosey. This would make her feel real embarrassed.

  • #14
colegrovet said:
I'm the type that would have said.. "oh my, well then let me put it away.." and then take 5-10 minutes to do so...

Love that! :D

I would've said, "I'm sorry, I usually put my cart away, but when I saw you were just arriving, I assumed you'd like a cart to shop with."
  • #15
ChefBeckyD said:
Oh - and there is NEVER an excuse for leaving the child unattended to return a cart. ;)

This is why I've started parking next to the cart corral. I can load the car, and put the cart in the corral without leaving my child.
  • #16
She could have REALLY been rude to her and peered out the window a bit and said "Well, looks like you need the exercise more than I do!" and then pulled out.I'm glad she didn't get out and do it.And I too park closer to the corals so I can put the cart away without walking more than a space away from my kids (5 and 8) in the car...AND I LOCK the doors when I Do that too. But I had occasionally left a cart carefully placed, when my kids were much smaller- especially when I had two to wrangle and couldn't just pick the one up and walk back to the car. Having kids does give you a new perspective, but most people are just plain lazy, unfortunately.
  • #17
NooraK said:
This is why I've started parking next to the cart corral. I can load the car, and put the cart in the corral without leaving my child.

I did that too, when there was an empty space. Still do, just because it's easier.
  • #18
chefann said:
I've done that! When there were plenty of spots in the lot, including one only 2 further from the store than where I was parked. I saw someone waiting, blocking the aisle, for me to pull out. So I put my bag in the trunk (it wasn't a grocery store), and walked back to the storefront.

That's just...awful.

I knew there was a reason I really liked you! ;)
  • #19
think people in this world are so inconsiderate of others its not even funny.you must live in a small town.
  • #20
I usually park close to the cart corral, if I can, too - but, that's so I can find my car easily when I come out of the store!!

Years and years ago, I went to a shopping center shortly before Christmas, and, of course, the parking lot was full. Someone was loading their purchases, obviously about to leave, so a car stopped and turned on their blinker. The lane was too narrow to go around, so there was a line of cars (with incredibly patient drivers and passengers) growing behind him. Just as the car starts backing out, another car comes from the other direction and, even though he can clearly see the line of cars behind the waiting car, decides he's going to sneak in. The driver of the departing car quickly turned his wheels, blocking this rude driver completely until the waiting car got into the spot. All of us who had been lined up behind finally started beeping - in approval!!
  • #21
ChefBeckyD said:
Hate to disagree, but yes there is.

When it's pouring rain, or below zero temps, and you have a baby with you....you place your cart out of the way, and get the baby buckled in and warm & dry asap. Oh - and there is NEVER an excuse for leaving the child unattended to return a cart. ;)

Totally agree with you! I ditch my cart all the time. A shopping cart being returned is NEVER worth something happening to my children!
  • #22
I can't BELIEVE that woman! How unhappy she must be to actually go out of her way to hurt someone else's feelings!

Sometimes I just don't feel safe enough to walk to the cart return area. I try whenever I can to return it.
  • #23
Judybabe said:
think people in this world are so inconsiderate of others its not even funny.

you must live in a small town.

I live in a medium small suburb and we have many inconsiderate dolts living here. Of course, I'm not one of them. :angel:
  • #24
AJPratt said:
I can't BELIEVE that woman! How unhappy she must be to actually go out of her way to hurt someone else's feelings!

Sometimes I just don't feel safe enough to walk to the cart return area. I try whenever I can to return it.

Obviously that lady proved that point...strange crazy people walking around the parking lot at night assaulting people (verbally in this case). The woman probably would have been angry at her if she HAD walked the cart to a coral because then she had to wait even longer....I'm sure Pam would have gotten her wrath one or the other no matter what she did.
  • #25
AJPratt said:
I can't BELIEVE that woman! How unhappy she must be to actually go out of her way to hurt someone else's feelings!

Sometimes I just don't feel safe enough to walk to the cart return area. I try whenever I can to return it.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllll, lookee who's here!
  • #26
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllll, lookee who's here!

I know, AJ and Kitchen Diva, the gangs all here...... well almost
  • #27
And...as you all know, we're all here, because we're not all there.
  • #28
Since I am on a cane and sometimes have one or both of my grandkids with me, I don't take the cart back... It is hard enough to unload the kids and then get my stuff and me into the car. I am far enough away from the cart corral that I would have screaming hot children when I got back! I think I would have just sat there and refused to move until the woman drove away! What a jerk! I too would have presumed I was being nice to leave a cart close by for someone else! Someone must have spit in her cherios or something!
  • #29
The rude woman was waiting to get into the empty spot BESIDE the person loading their car. Not waiting on that woman's parking spot. So taking her time to take the cart back was not an issue. Why she didn't just shut the car door & push her cart to the rear of her car to allow the other woman room to pull in is beyond me. Why rush like that? She could have let the other lady park & get out & then she could have taken her time loading her purchases into her own vehicle.

I'm also one of those people who hates to see carts left in the parking area. They have a tendency to get bumped & roll into the way ... another space, the aisle or into a parked car. Ex hubby's car got a terrible ding once from a shopping cart on the loose.

Since becoming a Mom, I've been stuck one time where I couldn't park close to the return area and was not willing to leave the children alone in the car to return the cart. The Commissary (grocery store) and the Exchange (the closest thing that we have to Wal-Mart) are side-by-side here on the military base. I had an "Exchange" shopping cart but was parked closer to the Commissary. I saw a bagger (these people don't work for an hourly rate, they work for tips ONLY) finishing up with another car close by so I pulled $2 out with the intention of asking him to take my cart for me & tipping him. He was rude & told me that it wasn't his cart. Oh well, he just lost $2!!! I left the stupid thing and drove off. LOL It was in his zone, so he probably had to move it later anyway.
  • #30
Amen! and Amen!

ChefBeckyD said:
Hate to disagree, but yes there is.

When it's pouring rain, or below zero temps, and you have a baby with you....you place your cart out of the way, and get the baby buckled in and warm & dry asap. Oh - and there is NEVER an excuse for leaving the child unattended to return a cart. ;)
  • #31
Almost the same thing happened to me actually. I had a five/six wk. old baby and it was raining like crazy. I had parked in the second or third parking spot from Wal-Mart. I put my baby in the car and then proceeded to put my groceries in the trunk while this guy sat and waiting for the parking spot. I did not put the cart away - for one I had a baby I could not leave alone in the car and for two it was raining and I figured this guy would use the cart if needed. So when I went to get in my car, he started yelling "Hey! Hey!". I turned around and looked at him thinking that I had forgotten something and he started cussing me about not taking my cart back and how I needed the exercise, blah, blah, blah. I just got in the car and sat there for a few minutes, but then I was afraid he might get out of his car, so I went ahead and left. He promptly pulled in my parking space and took my cart inside. UGH!!! I am sure if I would have taken the cart back, he would have called DFS on me too...LOL.
  • #32
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
And...as you all know, we're all here, because we're not all there.

Of course!!!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #33
Judybabe said:
think people in this world are so inconsiderate of others its not even funny.

you must live in a small town.

I live outside of a very small town, but this took place in Fort Wayne, IN. It's a fairly large city--only slightly smaller than Indianapolis. In my experience it really doesn't matter whether the town is large or small--there are wonderful people everywhere, and there are rude, nasty people everywhere.

The rude woman was waiting to get into the empty spot BESIDE the person loading their car. Not waiting on that woman's parking spot. So taking her time to take the cart back was not an issue. Why she didn't just shut the car door & push her cart to the rear of her car to allow the other woman room to pull in is beyond me. Why rush like that? She could have let the other lady park & get out & then she could have taken her time loading her purchases into her own vehicle.

Pam said later that if she'd thought about it she would have scurried out of the way to take the cart back. It was the end of a long day at work, and she just did what came to mind.

My telling of the tale was shorter than hers. She tried to move out of the way and let the woman into the space, but the woman gave her a just-go-ahead-and-hurry-up motion.

And, even if you believe there is absolutely no reason to leave a cart in the lot, there's even less reason to be completely rude and confrontational to a stranger.

I'm one of those people who often take carts back for someone who has children or seems to need a little help. Our son often collected carts that were scattered all over the lot and placed them in the cart corral.
  • #34
well,it wasn't about you at all. Compassion tells me there is something else going on and you were a convenient punching bag. She's probably been trying to say that to the person who deserves it but can't. Forgive her and hold some compassion for her.
  • Thread starter
  • #35
Good advice, muffetts. Just to make it clear, though, this was a customer of mine. No one's been quite that rude to me for a while. :)
  • #36
I just have to say... one of the reasons i love my lil scion tc... (usafe i know and impossible for a family) but i just LOVE being able to pull into those spots at 20 mph with 3 carts in them and STILL be able to fit well with out my tail /front end sticking out. vrooom! ok maybe not 20 mph, but it feels like it!

Am I the only one who breaks a sweat also loading my groceries. Its like I am literally sweating when I get back from picking up the cart (when i actually do it) ... maybe its the heat and humidity down here.
  • #37
and to further my thoughts... if i saw a person leaving a cart, i would think to myself (what a lazy butt).... but seriously...when i do park in a space with a cart ALREADY in it... why dont I just take it into the store...I know i'm going to grab a cart right inside the door? why not kill two birds with one stone???

And why is it that I ALWAYS seem to get the stinkin cart with the 3 inch wad of gum/tape/weird hard stuff on the bottom of one wheel. And then I am rolling around the store sounding like a drum line from a high school band? lol.... i feel like i am being too "picky" I guess you would call it, if i am all selective about which cart I grab in the store.
  • #38
ChefBeckyD said:
Hate to disagree, but yes there is.

When it's pouring rain, or below zero temps, and you have a baby with you....you place your cart out of the way, and get the baby buckled in and warm & dry asap. Oh - and there is NEVER an excuse for leaving the child unattended to return a cart. ;)

I agree 100% on that one. Been there, done that.

Related to Oh My Gosh! Pam's Meijer Misadventure

1. What happened during Pam's Meijer trip?

Pam encountered a rude woman in the parking lot who insulted her weight.

2. Did Pam put her cart away after loading her groceries?

No, she did not put her cart away in order to hurry for the woman waiting for her parking spot.

3. How did Pam initially respond to the woman's insult?

Pam was stunned and took a moment to respond before saying, "Well, that was rude."

4. What did Pam's husband ask about the woman?

He asked if the woman was thin, to which Pam responded that she was actually larger than herself.

5. How did Pam feel about the woman's behavior after the initial shock wore off?

Pam felt sorry for the woman, realizing that she must be very miserable to treat a stranger in such a hurtful way.

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