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No Conference in 2012?:Cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:i Was so Looking

In summary, the conference will be held closer to home in 2012, but Leadership will still be present.
  • Thread starter
  • #2
Re: What?!?!?!?!Yes, I'm excited that the events will be closer, and mean less travel expenses, and I'm excited Leadership is coming back (though I'll have to promote for that), but I've missed meeting up with my non-local PC friends for two years in a row, and I was really looking forward to it in 2012.
Re: What?!?!?!?!oh man...say it ain't so?! I LOVE going to Chicago. :( and my new team member was looking forward to it. ANd meeting up with MY UPLINE who are spread all over the country.
I realize Leadership does that...but I love Chicago and it's so easy to get around.
Re: What?!?!?!?!I am in shock....
Re: What?!?!?!?!I am sad about this. I was looking forward to NC 2012, and walking as director.
Re: What?!?!?!?!I'm thrilled! I always felt I couldn't afford conference and the timing was always bad as far as my regular job is concerned, but this means I'll be able to attend Fall Launch at a time that works and (likely) a price I can afford. I'm giddy to get the same shot of excitement in fall that I have been getting in spring! I realize it won't be the same as attending conference, but it works for me!
Re: What?!?!?!?!Very disappointed about this. It will be very nice for those that can not go and have the opportunity to go to a location closer. However it was always a treat for me to go to Chicago and I love it there.
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Re: What?!?!?!?!I had very mixed emotions about this when I first heard about it on the call Friday. Then Jean explained the decision and I immediately got over being sad. I am very excited about it. I am happy more of my team will have the opportunity to attend the events. I was also sad about Leadership not being in Chicago. Jean explained that many of us asked to have it at different locations each year and also that the travel expenses are less. It is very expensive to fly to Chicago. I love the idea that we will not have 2-3 events a year to get motivated! It will keep us going! I am so excited about the changes!
Re: What?!?!?!?!I think it's a positive change! Plus I like the fact that dates are laid out well in advance, for all of 2012. Can't wait to see the new consultant planner, either!

(And kinda off-topic, loved Jean's hair in the video. Very bouncy!)
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Re: What?!?!?!?!
heather223 said:
I had very mixed emotions about this when I first heard about it on the call Friday. Then Jean explained the decision and I immediately got over being sad. I am very excited about it. I am happy more of my team will have the opportunity to attend the events. I was also sad about Leadership not being in Chicago. Jean explained that many of us asked to have it at different locations each year and also that the travel expenses are less. It is very expensive to fly to Chicago.

I love the idea that we will not have 2-3 events a year to get motivated! It will keep us going!

I am so excited about the changes!

I can totally understand why they're doing it this way, and I can see it as a positive thing (and wouldn't even dream of saying otherwise to any team members). I was just so looking forward to seeing my Cheffer buddies.
  • #11
Re: What?!?!?!?!I am thrilled! Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Chicago and always looked forward to getting to go. But I didn't often get to go. At least next year will be easy for me - Denver is an hour away. And I love the idea of a Fall Launch, similar to Spring Launch, to keep me motivated. Is it wrong to hope the year after that Leadership will be on a nice, sunny beach somewhere..............of course, then I'd have trouble making it to meetings!
  • #12
Re: What?!?!?!?!Figures the one year out of the 11 I can't go and it turns out to be the last! although I can't say that I am very disappointed as the wallet ALWAYS felt that one! Our Spring launch is in MILWAUKEE, WI on Feb 4th! And I am going to Schaumburg, IL in the fall! That will not hurt a bit! I am bummed though as I loved going to Chicago and seeing everyone!
  • #13
Re: What?!?!?!?!We should petition hard for the next Leadership to be in Cancun!! LOL!!
  • #14
Re: What?!?!?!?!I agree with bittersweet! I always enjoy getting away each summer to go to Chicago. Each year I've been trying to go do new things while out there. I'm glad that they decided to put Leadership back in the game though. The one thing I hate is that I don't like how they have been putting spring launch so late in the month towards the new season!! Drives me nuts. Not much time to try new recipes, waiting for new catalogs, etc.I guess we all have to be careful what we ask for. Asking for cheaper conference, less days, etc - they decide to change it. May not make everybody happy but change happens.
  • #15
Re: What?!?!?!?!I have been unable to go the last few years because of finances but loved every minute of it! Now that my roommate has been blessed financially and is finally paying a decent amount of rent, I was counting on going this summer! I had already planned to save the money, counted on getting my mega bus ticket early and was looking forward to meeting my Cheffer buddies ... and seeing my former hospitality director, who moved out of state.

Now no Chicago? I LOVE Chicago and have a cousin nearby!

In addition, I went to Spring Launch the first year they had it ... and hated it! The trainings seemed lame and cookie-cutter. There was no real choice in workshops. Everything they said in trainings felt very "been there, done that." It was not anything like conference!

I'd like to say this means I'll be there and maybe I will but meanwhile ... let me sulk about it!
  • #16
Re: What?!?!?!?!I'm not happy!:cry: I do not know if I will be able to see my director near as much! I thoroughly enjoyed Chicago and it was my one time for getting away! I loved being there! I hope they change it back.. because it's the one time we could ALL be together! And I enjoyed seeing all the people from all over the country!! Yes I can understand saving money, for those that couldn't make it, but I feel that they could do both! Leadership is cool but, if you are not to team leader status, then you can't go, and I don't think that that is fair! Very disapointed.. I need a while to let this soak in and see if I can accept it better, with time.. hmmmm...:(
  • #17
Re: What?!?!?!?!I absolutely love Chicago but this might be better. I haven't checked the locations yet. Sure hope there is a Spring Launch closer than there was last year.
  • #18
Re: What?!?!?!?!I realize that people who have gone to Chicago year after year are disappointed, but realistically that was only feasible for people who lived within a few hours--the expenses were too great for so many other consultants who also need the motivation. Hopefully this will make attending so much easier for the thousands of other consultants who couldn't afford traveling and attending in Chicago.
  • #19
Re: What?!?!?!?!One of the main reasons they made these changes is that attendance was way down at NC. Of 65,000 consultants 5,000 went to NC. Few non directors went more than once to NC. The first Spring Launch had over 11,000 people; last year there were over 13,000 at SL. They want to reach more of us. in our conference call they were promising a better SL and FL with more of what NC was. They said they can't do breakouts for this SL as the venues are already secured but they promised more. I know my team was underwhelmed in the past. They listen so send your concerns onto HO. Tell them what you thought of previous SL's and what you're looking for. I'll miss Chicago too (my family is just 90 minutes from there and I always visited them as part of my trip) but seeing other cities will be nice too! Let's make lemonade.
  • #20
Re: What?!?!?!?!WOW! Totally get where they're going with this and think it's great, but I will miss Chicago.
  • #21
Re: What?!?!?!?!NOOOOO!!! I love NC in Chicago!! I've only gone three years, but found it to be the best shot-in-the-arm ever. Spring Launch was always "nice", but nowhere near the excitement and enthusiasm of Conference.

:grumpy: now what do I do with the airline credit I was planning to use for my trip to Chicago? I guess I'll have to take a trip somewhere :rolleyes:

On the up side, having a semi-local launch will save a ton of money.
  • #22
Re: What?!?!?!?!
PamperedchefDaly said:
NOOOOO!!! I love NC in Chicago!! I've only gone three years, but found it to be the best shot-in-the-arm ever. Spring Launch was always "nice", but nowhere near the excitement and enthusiasm of Conference.

:grumpy: now what do I do with the airline credit I was planning to use for my trip to Chicago? I guess I'll have to take a trip somewhere :rolleyes:

On the up side, having a semi-local launch will save a ton of money.

You could use it for leadership? Promote to at least TL if you haven't already. :)
  • #23
Re: What?!?!?!?!
wadesgirl said:
I agree with bittersweet! I always enjoy getting away each summer to go to Chicago. Each year I've been trying to go do new things while out there. I'm glad that they decided to put Leadership back in the game though.

The one thing I hate is that I don't like how they have been putting spring launch so late in the month towards the new season!! Drives me nuts. Not much time to try new recipes, waiting for new catalogs, etc.

I guess we all have to be careful what we ask for. Asking for cheaper conference, less days, etc - they decide to change it. May not make everybody happy but change happens.

I think they are putting it later (I hope) as everyone is complaining because of weather reasons. Last year even I got caught in a snowstorm and we were almost an hour late to the Launch when we had left well over an hour early to get there. (I only live an 1 1/2 away) And we just live in Ohio...
  • #24
Re: What?!?!?!?!When I first got the message a part of me was sad, but more so I was relieved. Chicago was an expensive trip to say the least. Out of the three years I have been a consultant; I have only been able to financially afford it one of those years. Dont get me wrong, I had a blast, and learned so much. BUT I learned just as much at a spring launch nearby (closer to home). The SL was cheaper overall and I even stayed in a hotel overnight. Money is hard to come by for alot of people and Conference's timing was never right for me as many of you had mentioned. Taking off work for an entire week eats up allowed days off during the summer months.

Look at it this way, with FL and SL you will be able to keep your business motivated through out the year and it is based around our selling seasons. As much as I would love to go back to Chicago, my finances do not. So overall I am excited and I truly do feel like they listen to what we have to say as far as complaints or suggestions about events. I know Spring Launch last year compared to the first year was a mile of difference, so like many have stated, let them know. With PC doing launches instead of conference you never know what we will get. I think many times we become accustomed to a certain way but there is always room for change. As PC consultants we are truly spoiled and very lucky to have a company who listens to what we say. Lets go with this and see what it holds... you never know you may just end up liking it more.
  • #25
Re: What?!?!?!?!I have mixed feelings about this too! I'm THRILLED that there will be more of an opportunity for my team to attend, who couldn't go to Conference. Although none of them went to the last Spring Launch - so we'll see if I can get them motivated for this. I do like the incentive to promote in order to go to Leadership, though!

However - it is going to be more expensive for me - no only will I have 3 events to attend, but flying to Denver is going to cost me about $500 whereas flying to Chicago (or driving) was only about $200.
  • #26
Re: What?!?!?!?!I am excited about the addition of a Fall Launch. I have not been able to make it to conference for the last 3 years due to finances. The Fall launch will give me that renewed motivation that comes with conference. I will miss Chicago (that is if I am ever able to afford the trip, anyhow), but hope that someday I will promote and be able to afford a trip for Leadership to see all my cheffer friends (as well as my "sister cluster").
  • #27
Re: What?!?!?!?!Just to get you thinking beyond Denver itself... Other Leadership conferences have been in San Diego, Atlanta, San Antonio, Dallas. There's nothing to say they won't do a Leadership in Chicago. They're doing the Exec retreat in Ft. Lauderdale in Jan.
  • #28
Re: What?!?!?!?!
Shawnna said:
I absolutely love Chicago but this might be better. I haven't checked the locations yet. Sure hope there is a Spring Launch closer than there was last year.
They have a list of the fall launch locations on CC.

gailz2 said:
I realize that people who have gone to Chicago year after year are disappointed, but realistically that was only feasible for people who lived within a few hours--the expenses were too great for so many other consultants who also need the motivation. Hopefully this will make attending so much easier for the thousands of other consultants who couldn't afford traveling and attending in Chicago.
Actually that isn't true, a lot of consultants from all over go, not just those that live close. We were fortunate enough to live only 6 hours away so we had been taking the mega bus out the last couple years but usually drove.
  • #29
Re: What?!?!?!?!
chefliz said:
I think they are putting it later (I hope) as everyone is complaining because of weather reasons. Last year even I got caught in a snowstorm and we were almost an hour late to the Launch when we had left well over an hour early to get there. (I only live an 1 1/2 away) And we just live in Ohio...

We can get snow here clear until March/April - in fact we've had horrible blizzards in the middle of March before. I don't think that is their factor in doing so. They even chose the same weeks to do the FL.
  • #30
Re: What?!?!?!?!I'm excited about it! But I never got to go to Chicago - couldn't take time off work or spend the extra money. Loved Spring launch and now I can go to both! Plus I live in Evansville, IN - so fall will be really easy for me.
  • #31
Re: What?!?!?!?!I have to say this kind of stinks! :( :( :( I love going to Chicago! My director and I had already planned on giving ourselves extra days for more time to sight see! I love leadership is back and now I need to promote to Director to go there but am bummed about not getting to walk the stage etc!

I do however, understand the reasoning behind it but it is a bummer! Might just have to plan a July trip to Chicago just for fun! :)
  • #32
Re: What?!?!?!?!Katie- you don't have to be a director...not that it isn't a great goal! You can go as a TEAM LEADER!!! :)After thinking more about it, I can understand the "why". I just hope that occasionally they DO go to Chicago. I love the ease of getting around in Chicago and the amount of things to do in a small area (and within walking distance). Spring Launch didn't do much for me, but if what some have said is true, and they improve the Launches, then I"m willing to give it a try. :)
  • #33
Re: What?!?!?!?!Well I guess I am blessed that I live less than 3 hours from a location ... but the transportation alone is more expensive than conference, believe it or not, because the Mega Bus doesn't go there.I agree we should make lemonade ...I think we do need to tell them what we want in a Fall Launch. If they don't offer breakouts and something more interesting than those cookie-cutter group sessions, I'm not going. I would have loved to have gone back the last few years but financially and time-wise it was not in the cards and was REALLY looking forward to it this summer. If my hospitality cluster does a caravan in the summer and maybe rents a hotel room I will consider it. Otherwise ... not happening. And we do get horrible blizzards in the winter and it's harder for me to take a random Friday off in February. In July I'd likely be on vacation anyway.
  • #34
Re: What?!?!?!?!
kcmckay said:
I have to say this kind of stinks! :( :( :( I love going to Chicago! My director and I had already planned on giving ourselves extra days for more time to sight see! I love leadership is back and now I need to promote to Director to go there but am bummed about not getting to walk the stage etc!

I do however, understand the reasoning behind it but it is a bummer! Might just have to plan a July trip to Chicago just for fun! :)

You would get to walk at leadership.
  • #35
Re: What?!?!?!?!The city of Chicago is probably weeping right now. The hotels and the convention center and everyone else they hired...ouch.
  • #36
Re: What?!?!?!?!At first my jaw hit the floor like everyone else when I heard the news. But we only had about 5000 people in Chicago last year and 2.5x that many attended one of the launches. I love that more people will be touched by Home Office visits then ever before. Also, You will be surprised at the difference in travel costs when traveling in September verses July (the height of the summer). Also, Denver is a hub for many airlines. I am personally excited about the change now as I will be able to attend more events with my team. Ususally it is just 3 or 4 of us that go to conference. I am planning to get a couple of rooms at a local hotel where we can all stay after the launches so we can have fun rehashing everything that occurred.
  • #37
Re: What?!?!?!?!My best friend just moved to Chicago and I was excited making all these plans with her about Conference. Now I'm bummed. But I completely understand the reasons of switching to this and I'm looking forward to it. I know it won't have the same "magic" about it and I am sad not to be able to meet other Cheffer buddies from all over the country. But this way more people can attend and be excited about their businesses. I enjoyed our Spring Launches and am looking forward to a Fall one. Going to Chicago is a huge time and money commitment, so this is a great way for everyone to be able to go.
  • #38
Re: What?!?!?!?!
esavvymom said:
Katie- you don't have to be a director...not that it isn't a great goal! You can go as a TEAM LEADER!!! :)

After thinking more about it, I can understand the "why". I just hope that occasionally they DO go to Chicago. I love the ease of getting around in Chicago and the amount of things to do in a small area (and within walking distance). Spring Launch didn't do much for me, but if what some have said is true, and they improve the Launches, then I"m willing to give it a try. :)

I know I don't HAVE to promote I just want to is what I meant and at least need to maintain TL status since none of my 3 recruits were active last month and 1 has yet to qualify (signed in April) and the other is probably not coming back to business, but I plan to work on her. So I need to continue recruiting and we'll see. I'm definitely planning to go to leadership!
  • #39
Re: What?!?!?!?!Well, I was thinking this might be better for me because Chicago is a long way from Oklahoma...but, I just looked at the list and the closest city for Fall Launch is 8 hrs and for the Spring Launch it is 10-11. It was only about 13 to Chicago, so still puts me having to fly. No cities in Oklahoma or Arkansas...kinda stinks. We have lots of consultants here too.
  • #40
Re: What?!?!?!?!Man... Just read about the conference. See what happens when I am not around? LOL
  • #41
Re: What?!?!?!?!
heather223 said:
I had very mixed emotions about this when I first heard about it on the call Friday. Then Jean explained the decision and I immediately got over being sad. I am very excited about it. I am happy more of my team will have the opportunity to attend the events. I was also sad about Leadership not being in Chicago. Jean explained that many of us asked to have it at different locations each year and also that the travel expenses are less. It is very expensive to fly to Chicago.

I love the idea that we will not have 2-3 events a year to get motivated! It will keep us going!

I am so excited about the changes!

Heather, if you think Chicago is expensive, you should know that Denver is one of the most expensive hubs in the country.
  • #42
Re: What?!?!?!?!I will definitely miss Chicago. I only get to see many of my CS friends at NC, and lots of you aren't eligible for Leadership. Plus, as one person mentioned, the teachers who PC won't be likely to be able to attend Leadership. For those who love the pomp and ceremony of NC but aren't interested in moving up the ladder, I know this is a disappointment.However, I'm really excited about the idea of more people being able to experience the fun of a HO event. I'll be attending everything. That's right. Everything. I'll be in Toledo on February 4, and Columbus on July 28. And, of course, I'll be in Colorado in September. I'll be wearing my CS button and looking for Cheffers. :D
  • #43
Re: What?!?!?!?!Not just teachers, but parents as well will be affected. School will only be in session for my area for 2 weeks. It will be hard to find a sitter to get my daughter ready for school and then off the bus. Oh well, it is what it is. I wish they would have kept well enough alone, but what can you do. Rae, me and my group will also be in Toledo and Columbus! I'm hoping it is going to me more a "national conference" environment, with workshops, etc. If I have to "turn to my neighbor" to role play much longer I'm going to go batty.

Do we know yet where this is going to be held in Denver? My sister in law lives in Denver so I was thinking of staying with her if I can swing going out there.
  • #44
Re: What?!?!?!?!I loved my very first conference this year and was blown away! I'm sad that this was my first and last NC in Chicago. That said, I hated having to sit all the way in the back and not be more blown away during the big presentations. I was naive when I was shooshed away from a 'saved seat' although I was at the front of the line. I was determined to just sit down next year and let people save seats around me! LOL I also loved rubbing elbows with nationwide leaders. I'm happy in some aspects, but sad in others. I'm just hoping that this is the right decision by the HO.
  • #45
Re: What?!?!?!?!Chefsteph07, they might have said on the call where it will be, but if they did I don't remember.
  • #46
Re: What?!?!?!?!I've always liked the smaller trainings more than conference for learning. Conference was a get-away for me. I was disappointed when I sat in that general session this year and had to watch a tv screen to know what was going on. I can buy a training DVD and watch it at home and be more comfortable.
I've been to Director Express three times and told Cora Fischer I was her fan club following her around the country.
  • #47
Re: What?!?!?!?!I have to agree on the big screen thing. Also, I was thinking the other day, when you take away the hours we sit for the promotion recognition and Excellence Awards, and some of the goofy stuff, which don't get me wrong, helped break up the monotony of the rest.....but how much are you rule left with? Probably not much different than what we get at Spring Launch!
  • #48
Re: What?!?!?!?!When you figure that NC was what, Five 1 hour sessions you get basically 5 hours of training tops. Then of course about 1 or 2 hours hours of time for product and new consultant promo info and you get a day. I intend to make the most of it by looking at it like I AM attending NC. We never attended everything, saw everything nor did we see everyone in the three days anyway and this simply makes it more focused on the training end and not the pomp circumstance part. There is still recognition, just not as much time spent on it as it will now be regional rather than country wide. Not that I think no one deserves to be recognized for their achievements as I certainly do but personally, after an hour, I always wish it were over with. I think everyone will find SL and FL as exciting as we did with NC. Even more so because NC will not be there. I will say this. Even though we always seemed to lately have a very poor turn out for the CS get together, I will miss that the most.
  • #49
Re: What?!?!?!?!
Even though we always seemed to lately have a very poor turn out for the CS get together, I will miss that the most.
Me, too, John.

Related to No Conference in 2012?:Cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:i Was so Looking

1. Will there be a Pampered Chef conference in 2012?

Unfortunately, there will not be a Pampered Chef conference in 2012. We apologize for any disappointment this may cause.

2. Why is there no conference in 2012?

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have decided not to hold a conference in 2012. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

3. Will there be any virtual events or online resources to make up for the lack of a conference?

While we will not be holding a conference in 2012, we will continue to offer virtual events and online resources to support and connect with our consultants.

4. Can I get a refund for my conference registration fee?

Yes, you can receive a full refund for your conference registration fee. Please contact our customer service team for further assistance.

5. Will there be a conference in 2013?

At this time, we are still evaluating our plans for future conferences. We will make an announcement as soon as a decision is made. Thank you for your understanding.

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