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Has Your Change Over Kit Shipped Yet?

In summary, Jennifer's SAT package is still in Illinois and it is not clear when it will actually be delivered. She is waiting for her Director's Benefis box and does not want to play with her new products before she leaves for her trip. COLLEEN has a trick to figure out the tracking number for the SAT package. HO said it was shipping out today and gave her the tracking number. FedEx does not have it in their system yet.
  • #51
janetupnorth said:
FedEx can only update where they can scan a package. For air (Express) they scan at the dock door and immediately have it in the system, then scan at each subsequent hub or delivery point.

Ground scans for the first time and the first hub, then subsequent hubs and delivery.
Yes, except that I've found that none of the intermediate scans show up on the tracking site until the box is on my porch. It'll show "Departed Addison." then nothing for 2 days. Then AFTER it's delivered, there'll be scans from Kalamazoo and Livonia (my local hub). It's weird. And less than helpful.
  • #52
janetupnorth said:
I found both of mine - had to go up a few numbers.

However, one is listed as 7/18 at 2:40 p.m., one as 7/24 at 9:46 a.m. Both have package data transmitted but NO pickup from Addison so they aren't really "in the system" yet.
Mine says the same thing!
  • #53
Mine is due to come 7/27!!! That's tomorrow!!!
  • #54
pamperedpals said:
I was able to locate mine on the FedEx site by reference number. I also have on showing "shipped" July 18th, with no delivery date listed. However, I have one that shipped on the the 23rd and it is due for delivery tomorrow.

I tend to agree with everyone that the July 18th package is probably the SAT.

I can't wait to get home from work tomorrow! What perfect timing, because I have a fair this weekend. I hope it shows up. :)
This is EXACTLY what mine says! On the PA page I only showed one but after looking closely I realized there was a # not on the screen and by looking up that one I found the July 18th shipment. Mine doesn't say anything about when it (July 18th package) will be delivered also! But the other package shows delivery of tomorrow also! They probably had such a mass shipping that Fed Ex still hasn't caught up!!!!
All I know is that it sucks that I won't be home tomorrow when it's due to be delivered! I have a recruit interview scheduled and I pray that she signs!
  • #55
chefann said:
Yes, except that I've found that none of the intermediate scans show up on the tracking site until the box is on my porch. It'll show "Departed Addison." then nothing for 2 days. Then AFTER it's delivered, there'll be scans from Kalamazoo and Livonia (my local hub). It's weird. And less than helpful.

That is odd... :mad:

If I run into our FedEx National acct. rep. here at work today I'll put a bug in his ear. He's usually in on Thursdays.
  • #56
wouldn't ya know, when I finially have time to sit down and look mine up... I can't get on CC
  • #57
I'm WAY over here in California. I'll probably be waiting a while!
  • #58
jrstephens said:
Estimated delivery July 26th. It shows that is SHIPPED July 23rd but then in the tracking it says it is still in IL, so, who knows when it will actually get here. Crazy!

I did not put enough 0's in the number when I tracked it earlier.

Mine says the same. I called fedex (yuk) and they said that someone made the trackiing # on the 23rd and they DON'T EVEN HAVE THE PACKAGE YET!!! So, I called back to pc. Turns out it just left TODAY and I'll get it on the 1st! So that might be what's going on with yours...:eek:
  • #59
chrpangel said:
Mine says the same. I called fedex (yuk) and they said that someone made the trackiing # on the 23rd and they DON'T EVEN HAVE THE PACKAGE YET!!! So, I called back to pc. Turns out it just left TODAY and I'll get it on the 1st! So that might be what's going on with yours...:eek:

Yeah, mine says the 11th on the product adjustment screen even before I left for conference!!! But I think that's when they package the items and try to get all the consultants done.
  • #60
mine said the same thing, It is being delivered on Sat.
  • #61
Cant seem to find anything here, bummer
  • Thread starter
  • #62
chrpangel said:
Mine says the same. I called fedex (yuk) and they said that someone made the trackiing # on the 23rd and they DON'T EVEN HAVE THE PACKAGE YET!!! So, I called back to pc. Turns out it just left TODAY and I'll get it on the 1st! So that might be what's going on with yours...:eek:

Probably so. How di u find out the 1st? Is tracking show it now or is that what HO gave you?
  • #63
ShanaSmith said:
mine said the same thing, It is being delivered on Sat.
:eek: WHAT!?!:eek:
Mine isn't even coming up:mad:
  • #64
I can't get mine to come up on CC or FedEx. I am going to be waiting FOREVER!
  • #65
chefann said:
I know where that is! There's a Caribou Coffee in the strip on the SE corner. It's a (tentative) date!
Ssshhh, Becky, day trip...
  • #67
JAE said:
Ssshhh, Becky, day trip...

I'm ready! Lets Go! That would be so much fun JAE!....and Ann & Colleen!:D
  • #68
I just tracked mine and it is supposed to ship today and arrive on the first. Once I got all the numbers right, it showed up fine.

Yahoo, love this technique and will have to remember it. THANKS
  • #69
I had one that said shipped on the 18th (10lbs) and the next number said shipped on the 23rd (10lbs)... no est. delivery date yet... I am a 2 day ship from HO so I am guessing since I'm just a consultant it will ship on Sat...

p.s. I had to go up a few numbers as well...
  • #70
DebbieJ said:
I'm a Director, but I live in IL, therefore mine is shipped last, and I have NOTHING under product adjustment! GRRRR!!

I hate waiting--I want my stuff!
Me neither! :( I can't find anything and I've tried all kinds of reference numbers. Bummer! As Directors, we should get the changeover packages at least a LITTLE sooner, but I don't see anything for me. Dang! I want everything!!!
  • #71
GourmetGirl said:
I had one that said shipped on the 18th (10lbs) and the next number said shipped on the 23rd (10lbs)... no est. delivery date yet... I am a 2 day ship from HO so I am guessing since I'm just a consultant it will ship on Sat...

p.s. I had to go up a few numbers as well...

I have exactly the same thing as Alison's when I go to fedex.com - I don't show anything under adjustments yet. I am usually a 2 day ship from home office as well. I am leaving town next Wednesday morning though until August 6th!

I only earned the submit 2 shows in June of the sell a thon as well as the July submit 2 shows (well after I submit this last show tomorrow).
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  • #72
missydivine said:
What cool information! I will have to file that away.
  • #73
Now I'm bummed. Just called HO to see if I could get the tracking info and she told me my director's benefits box has not been shipped and she has no idea when it's going to ship either. She told me, "They just haven't gotten to me yet." Now I'm so bummed. I explained the situation and she just told me to work it out with my neighbor. She told me to call back on Monday to see. I'm leaving Sunday for 10 days for vaca with my family and really don't want to be calling HO daily to see what the status is! And I feel bad asking my neighbor to come by daily "just in case" it's been delivered. I love everyone at HO but could they be any less helpful? Okay... I'm done complaining... have an accountability call with my upline in 6 minutes.
  • #74
That stinks, Colleen! I hope it arrives tomorrow before you leave.
  • #75
Colleen I hope they are wrong and your boxes arrive before you leave.
  • #76
Thanks guys! Although now on my accountability call I made a deal with my NED that I wouldn't open the box until I had invited over anyone who wanted to see the products early before our TEAM Training on Aug. 14th. (Ann... I'll let you know when I do it if you want to come!!!) So now I actually hope they don't come because I don't think that I could really wait until after my trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess that's what happens when you're a Christmas baby... all I want to do is open my presents!!!! :)
  • #77
Ooh ooh ooh! I'd love to come! I earned some, but not all of the new stuff and am thinking seriously about what I can afford to buy. My SD's group is having a meeting on the 7th, and we'll have product there, but there's no guarantee how much time we'll have to play.
  • #78
I'll let you know when I plan it! :)
  • #79
Thanks! You're sweet!
(I can bring food to the event, if you want to have a new recipe tasting.)
  • #80
Excellent! I'm thinking it will be August 6th or 8th. I have a show on the 7th and might decide to come home on the 5th now. I'll keep you posted on what I decide. :)
  • #81
Sounds good.

dancing around my cubicle...
I get to meet Colleen... I get to meet Colleen...
  • #82
My changeover kit is showing up on CC if I try to do an adjustment. That is the one that supposedly shipped on the 23rd but is still only showing shipping data transmitted to FedEx. The other one then has to be my submit 2 shows in June sell a thon.

We are leaving on August 1st (will not be back until the 6th) and I am hoping I get both boxes before we leave so I don't have to have my neighbor keep watching for them!

Ann - have fun meeting Colleen and going to her meeting! That sounds sooooooooooooo fun!
  • #83
Mine is SUPPOSED to be here today, but we shall see... I couldn't find it yesterday because on the adjustments screen it was showing it "shipped" on the 11th and I was assuming that was something else since you all were talking about getting tracking numbers around the 18th.
  • #84
You guys are great. This was a fantastic tidbit!! My package shipped also. I don't know when it will be here yet, but I know it's on the way.
  • #85
I just talked with HO about the shipments. I am upset that consultants are apparently getting your shipments before directors. Mine is scheduled to be delivered July 31 and August 1!:eek: Directors were supposed to get theirs a few days before consultants (BY the 28th) and I had my meeting planned so that I could share information and have handouts (catalogs) at the meeting. LOL Not happening now. Good thing I went to conference so I at least have one to show them, and the Special Edition CN. Did I say I'm not happy.:mad:

I also asked about the sellathon and she said none of them have been shipped and they don't have a date yet for sending them. So whatever you all are seeing is not sellathon.

In past seasons the director packets were always sent to arrive within a week of the last wave of conference. Of course this is another of their changes - not liking it at all.

vent over.
  • #86
BethCooks4U said:
In past seasons the director packets were always sent to arrive within a week of the last wave of conference. Of course this is another of their changes - not liking it at all.

vent over.
I wonder if the change, both in getting Director boxes out and the samples not being available until Aug. 1, is a reaction to slow sales the last month of each catalog. Perhaps HO is trying to delay our focus on the new season until the current season is completely booked and almost over.

Just a theory...
  • #87
chefann said:
I wonder if the change, both in getting Director boxes out and the samples not being available until Aug. 1, is a reaction to slow sales the last month of each catalog. Perhaps HO is trying to delay our focus on the new season until the current season is completely booked and almost over.

Just a theory...

It's a good theory!

An area consultant (not in my cluster) sent out her Going, going, gone e-mail (Including restyled products) about a week ago. This means there is already the focus on the new season 6-7 weeks before it is over...now people are "waiting" for the restyled product and it is forcing the explanation of things early.

As for the packages...mine show up but neither ship.

Product packages for Directors and above should have gone already...

...then was supposed to come fall paperwork by the end of this week...

Then, the sell-a-thon items...

...and for those "tracking early"...a reminder...they haven't shipped until they show at the first hub...tracking information received just means data from PC to FedEx was transmitted. And, the weights shown may/may not be accurate until the scan at the first hub. Often companies log/print labels ahead of time and just put in a set weight for the batch. The correct weight will show up in the tracking later...

...just what I've read and picked up so far.
  • #88
I just checked and my changeover box was shipped yesterday and due to arrive on Tuesday the 31st. (I checked using PA)
  • #89
Turnover kithmmm, i'm in KS, and still am not able to locate mine through PA or FedEx - guess it hasn't been shipped yet. :-( I'm getting REALLY anxious to see what is included in the sample packages. The prices aren't bad, just need to know what's in them. ;-)
  • #90
My changeover box shows that it is 10 pounds, btw.
  • #91
Beth I am so glad you brought up that fact that we are supposed to get ours first. I have been secretly upset about that for a few days. Not that it is a big deal, but I plan on it too!
  • #92
If I were a Director, I'd be a little upset, too. Especially when all the dates published by HO indicated that they were to be RECEIVED by the 28th.

  • #93
I just got my changeover kit today as well as two director benefit boxes. I believe those two are the June ones, but I'm not opening them until I can get people over to see them - people as in possible recruits!!! Love that idea!
  • #94
I'm calling it a New Product Party and have specially invited some great hosts, people who are on the fence and my team as well. I'm not anticipating most of my team coming because they can see the new products a week later at the cluster meeting. I also put a teaser in the email (and yes, I will follow up with calls!!!) saying we will make an easy new recipe using the new products in less than 15 minutes - Tangy Brie!
  • #95
cmdtrgd said:
I also put a teaser in the email (and yes, I will follow up with calls!!!) saying we will make an easy new recipe using the new products in less than 15 minutes - Tangy Brie!
That brie is FANTASTIC!!! It's so easy and good.
Just had to put that out there. :D
  • #96
I just got my changeover kit and 2 boxes of prods (didn't earn level one). I'm excited cuz I have a death by chocolate show tonight and I'm baking 2 brownies and a cc cookie now--going to use the new stone to generate interest for Oct shows! Also doing turtle fudge skillet cake and when I do my cookware spill will pull out the new catalog to show pick of new ss!!!! Sept bookings here I come!!!!!
  • #97
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the boxes still arrive tomorrow before I leave town. I tried tracking AGAIN and then I tried tracking a shipment from my last show and both came up nothing and I know the show shipment arrived. So we will see...

Working on my patience!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #98
I just tracked mine: My COK is now saying delivery August 1st - it has been picked up my FedEx. My SAT has still not left HO.
  • Thread starter
  • #99
pcmom2abm said:
I just got my changeover kit and 2 boxes of prods (didn't earn level one). I'm excited cuz I have a death by chocolate show tonight and I'm baking 2 brownies and a cc cookie now--going to use the new stone to generate interest for Oct shows! Also doing turtle fudge skillet cake and when I do my cookware spill will pull out the new catalog to show pick of new ss!!!! Sept bookings here I come!!!!!

How did you get products if you did not earn SAT? Are you a Director and got your package?
  • #100
ShanaSmith said:
Beth I am so glad you brought up that fact that we are supposed to get ours first. I have been secretly upset about that for a few days. Not that it is a big deal, but I plan on it too!
Grrrrrr.....I'm mad too.:mad: I can't even find mine anywhere....on CC under adjustments OR on the FedEx website by playing around with reference numbers. I am bummed!! And I live 45 minutes from the HO. I know they try to coordinate their arrivals, but obviously they didn't time something right.:( Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
<H2>1. When will my Change Over Kit be shipped?</H2><p>The Pampered Chef Home Office typically ships out Change Over Kits within 24-48 hours of receiving the order. However, please keep in mind that this may vary depending on the current volume of orders.</p><H2>2. How can I track my Change Over Kit shipment?</H2><p>You can track your Change Over Kit shipment using the tracking number provided by the Pampered Chef Home Office. Simply enter the tracking number on the FedEx website to get real-time updates on the status of your shipment.</p><H2>3. When can I expect my SAT package to ship?</H2><p>The Pampered Chef Home Office typically ships out SAT packages within 24-48 hours of receiving the order. However, please keep in mind that this may vary depending on the current volume of orders. If you have not received any updates on your SAT package, please contact the Home Office for more information.</p><H2>4. Do I need to submit my July shows before receiving my SAT package?</H2><p>Yes, in order to receive your SAT package, you must first submit your two shows for the month of July. This is a requirement for receiving your SAT package and should be done as soon as possible to avoid any delays in receiving your products.</p><H2>5. Should I call the Home Office if I have not received updates on my shipment?</H2><p>The Home Office does not recommend calling for updates on your shipment as they are working to fulfill orders as quickly as possible. However, if you have not received any updates or tracking information after 48 hours, you may contact the Home Office for more information.</p>

Related to Has Your Change Over Kit Shipped Yet?

1. When will my Change Over Kit be shipped?

The Pampered Chef Home Office typically ships out Change Over Kits within 24-48 hours of receiving the order. However, please keep in mind that this may vary depending on the current volume of orders.

2. How can I track my Change Over Kit shipment?

You can track your Change Over Kit shipment using the tracking number provided by the Pampered Chef Home Office. Simply enter the tracking number on the FedEx website to get real-time updates on the status of your shipment.

3. When can I expect my SAT package to ship?

The Pampered Chef Home Office typically ships out SAT packages within 24-48 hours of receiving the order. However, please keep in mind that this may vary depending on the current volume of orders. If you have not received any updates on your SAT package, please contact the Home Office for more information.

4. Do I need to submit my July shows before receiving my SAT package?

Yes, in order to receive your SAT package, you must first submit your two shows for the month of July. This is a requirement for receiving your SAT package and should be done as soon as possible to avoid any delays in receiving your products.

5. Should I call the Home Office if I have not received updates on my shipment?

The Home Office does not recommend calling for updates on your shipment as they are working to fulfill orders as quickly as possible. However, if you have not received any updates or tracking information after 48 hours, you may contact the Home Office for more information.

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