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Maximizing Success: Transforming Your Business with These 3 Key Strategies

In summary, Amy plans to continue to coach her team, set a definite/specific goals with her host about outside orders after the show to reach next level, and increase her show average.
Ok, so at the beginning of Conference everyone suggests that you write down what you want to get out of Conference. Now that we are back, what 3 things are YOU doing to change your business?

Goals at beginning of Conference:
1. Learn to become a Coach to my team instead of being a cheerleader.
2. Increase my show average

Here's my plan:
1. I'm dedicated to setting up scheduled training/mentoring calls with dedicated/interested Consultants.
2. I will strive to continually and actively recruit and maximize my calendar to help set the "bar" for my team. Thus, if I can't change my team, I'll change my team.
3. I will talk with each team member to determine their NEW business goals. Encourage & praise the actions which help them to achieve those goals even if it is NOT measurable by sales/recruit leads.

Show Average:
1. I will always ask for the add-ons: SBRC, spices, etc
2. I will pay more attention to items instead of item #'s so that I can attempt to cross sell products!! (so simple, but I'm lazy:eek:)
3. I will set a definite/specific goals with my host about outside orders after the show to reach next level.
amy07 said:
Here's my plan:
1. I'm dedicated to setting up scheduled training/mentoring calls with dedicated/interested Consultants.
2. I will strive to continually and actively recruit and maximize my calendar to help set the "bar" for my team. Thus, if I can't change my team, I'll change my team.
3. I will talk with each team member to determine their NEW business goals. Encourage & praise the actions which help them to achieve those goals even if it is NOT measurable by sales/recruit leads.

Show Average:
1. I will always ask for the add-ons: SBRC, spices, etc Good one! I never do this.
2. I will pay more attention to items instead of item #'s so that I can attempt to cross sell products!! (so simple, but I'm lazy:eek:) This is sooo what I need to do.
3. I will set a definite/specific goals with my host about outside orders after the show to reach next level.

Great plan Amy! ( I just can't get over it how much fun it is knowing who I'm replying to. KWIM?)

My plan is to stop prejudging and start asking everyone about TPC opportunity. Right now that means, making phone calls and stepping out of my comfort zone when I'm out in public. Striking up conversations that lead to me offering TPC as a business and then a show plan. I'll be testing this out today when I go to the Secretary of State office to renew my driver's license. Such a lame trip, but I plan to use it for my business. I have my PC logo shirt ready to wear!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
yes, it is nice to "know the face"!:D

And you are on the right track with stepping out of your comfort zone. I think logo wear appears to be the easiest (or even the bags) but sometimes even that is hard for me. I feel like people start to cringe/walk away when they see me coming. Great job for already having it ready to go today! :)

anyone else?!?!? surely Jae and I are no the only ones ready to crank it up! or am I on everyone's iggy list that people are talking about in the lounge?:rolleyes:
  • Thread starter
  • #3
yes, it is nice to "know the face"!:D

And you are on the right track with stepping out of your comfort zone. I think logo wear appears to be the easiest (or even the bags) but sometimes even that is hard for me. I feel like people start to cringe/walk away when they see me coming. Great job for already having it ready to go today! :)

anyone else?!?!? surely Jae and I are no the only ones ready to crank it up! or am I on everyone's iggy list that people are talking about in the lounge?:rolleyes:
Okay - My goals (other than hanging out and socializing....because, as my director keeps pointing out to me since conference - I am a "Socializer"!:D)
Were to:
1.Get over this recruiting wall I keep hitting
2. Be more consistent in my show schedule

My plan:

1. To CONSISTENTLY have conversations with my hosts - throughout host coaching - about the PC business. Again...I am not looking for interested people, I am creating interest! (that's my new mantra!)

2. Renewed commitment to 3-2-1. NO MATTER WHAT - make 3 contacts a day, 5 days a week.
No, we're ALL ready to crank it up ... just have to do more mulling. That's a fun word. Mull, mull, mull ....My biggest one would be to get out of my shell and create more buzz about my business, and not expect the logo wear or catalog tote to do all the talking. While they may be conversation starters, I need to be bold and start the conversation.
I don't really like wearing PC logo wear because I feel the same as Amy, but I picked a shirt where PC isn't plasterd across the whole thing. Then it sort of keeps me accountable because I figure I can't walk around with it on my shirt and not say anything to anyone. That's just lame. I probably won't wear it to things where I know many of the people, like a church function or a get together with friends/acquaintances. But wearing it to the grocery store or to the DMV seems a bit more appropriate. I'll probably wear it to the Christian music festival in August, too. So many people there that I have to take advantage of that.
One thing I learned at one of my workshops from David Meenan is to ask the guests to help out Susie Host and get an outside order for her in the next 24 hours. I thought that was good. WE do the asking so it isn't the host feeling like they are "selling" and of course guests want to help the host if they can.
Like that idea, Janet.

I am proud to say that I have put some of my plans into action.

I am a "director" type. I don't like Hummers, Hitler and tanks...and I don't need it my way. But I want the facts and let me run with it. I have very messy desks at both my home and work, but I can tell you where something is on my desk. (I am hated for that trait!!)

1.So organization made my #1 choice. I have already made binders with the titles: Bookings, Recruiting and Coaching. These binders join catalogs, fall brochures and opportunity brochures in my new bag the PC gave us.

My HO leads go in either bookings and recruiting. I have note paper so I can contain it into one place and be able to refer back to it at a moment's notice.

2. I went to "Meetings that Rock" and have several ideas to incorporate. We had our first meeting last night and although this was not in the workshop, I have started a Pig challenge. Consultants feed their pig and as the director, I will also feed their pigs. They earn Pig points and who ever goes to conference can cash in my pig points next May. Who ever does not go to conference can get 50% of their pig points converted into cash.

3. First Class Coaching was wonderful and I want to start coaching the coachable consultants.

4.Recruit, recruit, recruit, recruit,recruit, recruit, recruit, etc.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
baychef said:
2. I went to "Meetings that Rock" and have several ideas to incorporate. We had our first meeting last night and although this was not in the workshop, I have started a Pig challenge. Consultants feed their pig and as the director, I will also feed their pigs. They earn Pig points and who ever goes to conference can cash in my pig points next May. Who ever does not go to conference can get 50% of their pig points converted into cash.


would you mind sharing details on this? I'm not good at structuring things like this, I need it spelled out
  • #10
I am at work right now so I will post it later. It was something someone else made up so all I did was tweek stolen material!!!

First, I bought 10 white piggy banks. They come with paints, but that was nothing I had planned. At home they feed their pigs when they perform certain tasks (which will be outlined in the future "thing" I will post). The Director feeds the pig when certain things are achieved in their business.

They can win prizes all along the way. Next meeting they are to dress the pig for travel. Whether it be fashioned after an incentive trip or conference. Those at the meeting will judge the best dressed pig and the winner will add $5 in pig points from.

If the consultant does not go to conference, they can keep the money they put into it, but I will only pay them 50% of the value of the pig points if they do not attend (for whatever reason).

Got to run for now but will check back later to post the challenge and to see there are any more questions.
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  • #11
your a doll Ann! Can't wait!
  • #12
Amy - for Coaching....are you setting up a specific day/time when you do all of your coaching calls or are you doing it whenever it's convenient for your downline.

I only have 4 in my downline...but I can see how as it grows, it will get more difficult to do those coaching calls with everyone.

Jen only does calls with the people who have said they want them, and then only as often as they want them....but she doesn't have set time or day.

Just wondered how you were planning on doing them???
  • #13
Ok, here are my updated Pig Challenge notes. Complete with Pig Point Coupons!! Let me know what you think.

On a side note, I found the pig that I wanted on Amazon/Target. It took 6 months to get the darn pigs!!! Not sure if they had to artificially inseminate the darn pig and wait for the birth or what!?!?!:grumpy:
I have ordered 10 and have given away 3 but hope to ditch all ten. Hopefully I will need to order more!

Again, this is material that I did not come up with, but tweeked for my own needs.:chef:


  • PiggyChallenge[2].doc
    35.5 KB · Views: 353
  • Pig Points.doc
    195 KB · Views: 266
  • #14
janetupnorth said:
One thing I learned at one of my workshops from David Meenan is to ask the guests to help out Susie Host and get an outside order for her in the next 24 hours. I thought that was good. WE do the asking so it isn't the host feeling like they are "selling" and of course guests want to help the host if they can.

I love that I must use it for my next show......
  • #15
I had many Pre Conference Goals:

1. Increase Show Average
2. Promote to Director (and attend New Director Academy for Free)
3. Improve my host coaching
4. Decrease show cancellations and get a consistent show schedule

My plan of Action:

Increase Show Average:

1. Increase product knowledge by review PIG's and taking online courses
2. Ask for add-ons and cross sell at checkout

Promote to Director

1. Follow up with all leads on a regular basis
2. Of course I will be calling all of them this week

Improve my host coaching

1. Start coaching them the moment the date goes on my calendar instead of after I send them their host kit.
2. Show excitement for them, and build their excitement

Decrease show cancellations:

1. I am hoping that by requesting their guest list within a week of booking their show, and starting the coaching immediately, I will see a decrease in cancellations.

Another plan of action I have is to prepare my call list the night before, or during the morning so that I am not flipping through my binder wondering who I should call for the day (and I also miss the opportunity for daytime phone calls).
  • #16
I think this is a great thread! Anybody else going to post?

I think we should start another thread in another month titled something like "Post conference plan of action updates" and keep each other updated on how we are doing. This would be a great way to encourage each other to meet our goals.
  • #17
My plan is to actually, really talk to people about the business opportunity. I mention it, but I wasn't truly talking to people about it--especially my hosts.
  • #18
ChefBeckyD said:
Amy - for Coaching....are you setting up a specific day/time when you do all of your coaching calls or are you doing it whenever it's convenient for your downline.

I only have 4 in my downline...but I can see how as it grows, it will get more difficult to do those coaching calls with everyone.

Jen only does calls with the people who have said they want them, and then only as often as they want them....but she doesn't have set time or day.

Just wondered how you were planning on doing them???

Bumping this question for Amy, so maybe she will see it!
  • Thread starter
  • #19
Becky, can you read my mind? I was just coming back to post my plan....

So, what I did was pick the days that I do not do shows. Ex. Wed nights since my DD has gymnastics and DH has his karate. So, I will do coaching calls while I am driving to the gym, at the gym, and on my way home. I also determined the DAY hours and days that I would be willing to commit to doing calls. Those are what I am offering. Not that I'm not open to changing if the need arises, but I want a plan. Just like with our hosts, they will schedule shows on the days we offer.

I want to help my team grow their business, but it can't be my primary focus. Experience has taught me that often I have become too involved in helping the the "uncoachable". I am focusing my attention on those who want it and will work for it. As in they will have an action plan at the end of each call to work on prior to our next call. I am not going to continue playing mother hen, I want to become a coach.

Also, these calls do not last forever. Most only really do them for the first few weeks, then fall off. Those that want to start back up are welcome to, but I'm sticking to my hours of availability. I will not allow my personal business to suffer again.

also, this is not to say that I will take phone calls except during scheduled times. It's just that if it is a real business growing/building/maintaining problem, then we need schedule a time to talk so that I can focus on providing quality information, not just a pep talk.

so, I guess the cliff notes version is:
1. I'm setting schedule
2. I'm only working with "working" consultants
3. I'm going follow the guide PC gives us to help new consultants - go figure

wow, that sounds harsh doesn't it? I really don't mean it to be. But I've got to get in the habit of setting some limits.
  • #20
amy07 said:
Becky, can you read my mind? I was just coming back to post my plan....

So, what I did was pick the days that I do not do shows. Ex. Wed nights since my DD has gymnastics and DH has his karate. So, I will do coaching calls while I am driving to the gym, at the gym, and on my way home. I also determined the DAY hours and days that I would be willing to commit to doing calls. Those are what I am offering. Not that I'm not open to changing if the need arises, but I want a plan. Just like with our hosts, they will schedule shows on the days we offer.

I want to help my team grow their business, but it can't be my primary focus. Experience has taught me that often I have become too involved in helping the the "uncoachable". I am focusing my attention on those who want it and will work for it. As in they will have an action plan at the end of each call to work on prior to our next call. I am not going to continue playing mother hen, I want to become a coach.

Also, these calls do not last forever. Most only really do them for the first few weeks, then fall off. Those that want to start back up are welcome to, but I'm sticking to my hours of availability. I will not allow my personal business to suffer again.

also, this is not to say that I will take phone calls except during scheduled times. It's just that if it is a real business growing/building/maintaining problem, then we need schedule a time to talk so that I can focus on providing quality information, not just a pep talk.

so, I guess the cliff notes version is:
1. I'm setting schedule
2. I'm only working with "working" consultants
3. I'm going follow the guide PC gives us to help new consultants - go figure

wow, that sounds harsh doesn't it? I really don't mean it to be. But I've got to get in the habit of setting some limits.

Thanks Amy!

I don't think it sounds harsh - I think it sounds like you are treating your business as a business!:thumbup:
  • #21
I have lots of goals for my business but my 2 main goals are:

1. Take control of my business (aka...don't let the hosts make all the decisions)

2. Promote to Director by October 1st (December 1st as a back up date)

As far as taking control of my business, I will set up "business hours" and work my business only during these hours. I will also only offer a choice of 2 recipes per month instead of doing any theme show that they want. I haven't decided what to do about the invitations yet though. Right now I give the host the choice and it is about 50/50 on when they do them and when I do them.

As far as promoting to Director, I have 4 active right now (unless 2 of them don't submit anything by the end of this month). I need to recruit at least 3 more as soon as possible. I will ask EVERYONE no matter what.
  • #22
1. I will pay more attention to items instead of item #'s so that I can attempt to cross sell products!! (so simple, but I'm lazy)
I felt the same as Amy. Also getting everyone to that $60 order and adding on the $1 cookbook makes a difference.

2. Using the host coaching tools I have that I don't use. Win Win Host Coaching taught me to go over the guest list person by person to find out who really is coming and who the host needs to follow up with. Great idea!!

3. Ask everyone about the business. It's working!! I have 4 that are really interested and I think will be signing in the next two weeks. Unbelievable. I'm with Ellen and looking at October for promoting. I already have one still active.
  • Thread starter
  • #23
I'm putting it in action!!
amy07 said:
so, I guess the cliff notes version is:
1. I'm setting schedule
2. I'm only working with "working" consultants
3. I'm going follow the guide PC gives us to help new consultants - go figure

wow, that sounds harsh doesn't it? I really don't mean it to be. But I've got to get in the habit of setting some limits.

I am sooo proud of myself. I sent an email to my team outlining my plan and hopes of starting coaching calls. I listed the days/times I am willing do to calls AND I also stated the times that I will NOT answer my phone at all. Before 9am, after 9pm and during our family dinner time 5pm-6:30pm. No, we do not eat for that long, but usually we are eating at some point between those hours and just talking and hanging out. I need to set some personal limits to the random calls.

I also took it a step further, and outlined the anticipated length of the call and how long of a committment they will be making 3-5 weeks. AND that there will be a call to action after each call. So, those who want to jump in know that there will be an expectation of "working on it",not just talking about it.

Phew, what a relief. Now, here's to hoping I have some takers......
  • #24
Re: I'm putting it in action!!
amy07 said:
I am sooo proud of myself. I sent an email to my team outlining my plan and hopes of starting coaching calls. I listed the days/times I am willing do to calls AND I also stated the times that I will NOT answer my phone at all. Before 9am, after 9pm and during our family dinner time 5pm-6:30pm. No, we do not eat for that long, but usually we are eating at some point between those hours and just talking and hanging out. I need to set some personal limits to the random calls.

I also took it a step further, and outlined the anticipated length of the call and how long of a committment they will be making 3-5 weeks. AND that there will be a call to action after each call. So, those who want to jump in know that there will be an expectation of "working on it",not just talking about it.

Phew, what a relief. Now, here's to hoping I have some takers......

I'm proud of you too! I might start this with my team...even though there are just the 4 of them right now! Start right from the beginning!
  • Thread starter
  • #25
Do it Becky! You may have 4 now, but you are going to grow your team this year!!! And in all honesty I only have 4 at any given time who are really working their business. But it can still bog you down when they are all calling. To your Consultant it is ony 2 short calls a day. But multiply that by the number on your team and you quickly start running on empty!
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  • #26
so this doesn't really directly apply to my goals, but I FINALLY got a newsletter together! maybe it'll increase my online sales which would be a wonderful!!
  • #27
And I just sent out an email with an invitation to my Sampling of PC....to be followed up by mailed invitations, and phone calls....so I guess I'm really doing it Amy!

It's making me sort of sick to my stomach to think about it....fear of failure maybe?
  • #28
JAE said:
Great plan Amy! ( I just can't get over it how much fun it is knowing who I'm replying to. KWIM?)

My plan is to stop prejudging and start asking everyone about TPC opportunity. Right now that means, making phone calls and stepping out of my comfort zone when I'm out in public. Striking up conversations that lead to me offering TPC as a business and then a show plan. I'll be testing this out today when I go to the Secretary of State office to renew my driver's license. Such a lame trip, but I plan to use it for my business. I have my PC logo shirt ready to wear!
So, my plan is still in the process of starting. My actual plan is offering $25 in PC product for a referral that hosts a show in August or September. I just started this week, and I've only offered it to about 5 people. Then I pray and tell God that I don't like thinking about this all the time, which is what I'm doing. I also ask him to send me random phone calls of people that want to have a show! :O I did really pray that, but I also pray for courage and for Him to help me see what my issue is that makes me so not want to make phone calls. I'm reading my bible and reading books like Build It Big and a Lemonaide Lady book. I'm also reading a book about self talk because I talk myself out of calling people all day long. I'll get to my origianl plan as soon as I work out my issues.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
ChefBeckyD said:
And I just sent out an email with an invitation to my Sampling of PC....to be followed up by mailed invitations, and phone calls....so I guess I'm really doing it Amy!

It's making me sort of sick to my stomach to think about it....fear of failure maybe?

Absolutely NOT!! It is fear of the unknown!

You are going to be fortunate enough to reap the rewards of your hard work! People LOVE you! Look at your bookings - they WANT to be around you! I'll say it again......People want what we have.
  • Thread starter
  • #30
JAE said:
So, my plan is still in the process of starting. My actual plan is offering $25 in PC product for a referral that hosts a show in August or September. I just started this week, and I've only offered it to about 5 people. Then I pray and tell God that I don't like thinking about this all the time, which is what I'm doing. I also ask him to send me random phone calls of people that want to have a show! :O I did really pray that, but I also pray for courage and for Him to help me see what my issue is that makes me so not want to make phone calls. I'm reading my bible and reading books like Build It Big and a Lemonaide Lady book. I'm also reading a book about self talk because I talk myself out of calling people all day long. I'll get to my origianl plan as soon as I work out my issues.

Jae, that is more than 1 a day!! So, it looks like you are succeeding to me. I bet that is more than you were doing before, right?

2nd part - Yeah, I'd LOVE that too! That made me laugh out loud. Not at you, WITH you!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #31
amy07 said:
so this doesn't really directly apply to my goals, but I FINALLY got a newsletter together! maybe it'll increase my online sales which would be a wonderful!!

Confession! I may have another new addiction to add to CS. With my newsletter it is too cool to track who has opened it and what they are looking at! Who knew!?!?!:eek:
  • #32
amy07 said:
Confession! I may have another new addiction to add to CS. With my newsletter it is too cool to track who has opened it and what they are looking at! Who knew!?!?!:eek:
I can only imagine. I'm obsessed with checking my e-mail already. I bet if I did the newsletter the way you do it, I'd be checking constantly to see who's opening it.

Related to Maximizing Success: Transforming Your Business with These 3 Key Strategies

What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Maximizing Success: Transforming Your Business with These 3 Key Strategies"?

1. What are the 3 key strategies for transforming my business?

2. How can I become a better coach for my team instead of just a cheerleader?

3. How can I increase my show average?

4. What specific actions can I take to achieve my goals after attending the conference?

5. How can I effectively cross-sell products to increase my sales?

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