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Making Contacts at Christmas Time

That's a great idea, but then you miss out on the holiday shopping reminder. Thanks for the ideas everyone! I think I will do a Thanksgiving card. I better start planning now!!I've done the Christmas card in the past, but I think I'll switch to a Thanksgiving card this year. Hmm. I'll get started on that.
Silver Member
What does everyone do at Christmas time as far as making customer contacts/past hosts? Do you send Christmas cards? Special newsletter?

Just looking for some possible ideas of something different to do.
I'm planning to send Christmas cards - non PC ones.
I send calendars with my business card attached around Thanksgiving. It is an easy and inexpensive gift and I make sure to write the address out, not use labels, so it is more personal. You can get these at magnetstreet.com. The reason I do it in November is everyone receives a lot in December, so this puts me in front of them at an opportune time. Plus, this gives them time to still order stuff through me.
I read several years ago that it's better to send something out for Thanksgiving for the reasons Kate mentioned AND because then you don't offend the people who don't celebrate Christmas, because even if your card is a secular card and says "happy holidays," people still know it as sent because it's Christmas time. And with Thanksgiving, you can mention how thankful you are for their business, so it ties in a little easier.
I'd LOVE to send a card or something!! But, being an APO/FPO consultant, we can't use the military post office for our business... so, there'd be no way to mail them to my past customers. =(
The other thing about sending it out at Thanksgiving is that there's still time if they want to order before the December Holidays (trying to be politically correct here! :) ) If we send them out December 20th-ish, it's too late to order.

Plus, if the card is going to past hosts, we could include something like, "I'd love to assist you with your holiday shopping... remember you receive 10% off anything ordered and all products are guaranteed for Christmas delivery." (Okay.. that part wasn't politically correct, but you know where I'm going with this...!)
angmillar said:
I'd LOVE to send a card or something!! But, being an APO/FPO consultant, we can't use the military post office for our business... so, there'd be no way to mail them to my past customers. =(

Even if you are sending them a Christmas Card? Don't other people send Christmas Cards?
What about a "Happy New Year" mailing? Send it out a few days after Christmas with welcoming a New Year warm wishes or a thank you for another year of business and a calendar would totally be a appropriate. As a family we do this b/c I can never get Christmas cards out on time.
missyciccolella said:
What about a "Happy New Year" mailing? Send it out a few days after Christmas with welcoming a New Year warm wishes or a thank you for another year of business and a calendar would totally be a appropriate. As a family we do this b/c I can never get Christmas cards out on time.

That's a great idea, but then you miss out on the holiday shopping reminder.

Thanks for the ideas everyone! I think I will do a Thanksgiving card. I better start planning now!!
  • #10
I've done the Christmas card in the past, but I think I'll switch to a Thanksgiving card this year. Hmm. I'll get started on that.
  • #11
I've got some Thanksgiving postcards from Nancy's available. They're in the marketplace area, in my Nancy's Postcards thread. :)OfficeMax currently has some nice harvest/Thanksgiving decorated printer paper and matching envelopes. If you're handy with a word processor, you could make something really striking.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Thanks for all the great ideas!! I like the Thanksgiving idea and love the calendar idea too.

Oh, so much to do and think about, so little time...........:p
  • #13
For those of you that have done this in the past - who all do you send to? Just past hosts and preferred customers?

I think it would be quite an undertaking to send them to all past customers. It seems like a great idea - I just want to get my mind around it to figure out if I could pull it together for this year - or just wait and get ready for next time...
  • #14
I send cards to my past hosts and good customers. I think I'll do the Thanksgiving cards this year.
  • #15
I send the magnetic calendar to all past hosts and repeat customers as well as people who have referred good hosts/customers to me and people who bought a lot at one time.
  • #16
angmillar said:
I'd LOVE to send a card or something!! But, being an APO/FPO consultant, we can't use the military post office for our business... so, there'd be no way to mail them to my past customers. =(

Could you send a package of cards (or whatever) put together, addressed, stamped, etc. to someone stateside and have them drop them in the mail here?
  • #17
cmdtrgd said:
Could you send a package of cards (or whatever) put together, addressed, stamped, etc. to someone stateside and have them drop them in the mail here?

Hmmmmm.... I'm not sure about that.

Any other overseas military consultants know?? It sounds like a great idea!!
  • #18
ChefBeckyD said:
Even if you are sending them a Christmas Card? Don't other people send Christmas Cards?

Yep, I can send a Christmas card, but I don't think I could identify myself as a PC consultant in it. And, I'd definitely want them to know how they know me!! :)

The military postal system has very strict guidelines, and we're not supposed to "profit" from our military box.
  • #19
Merrill offers holiday cards that includes a recipe... I sent those last year and got a nice response. I included a 10% off coupon (printed on labels that I attached to the back of my business card) that expired 1 Jan... since Jan is usually a big cancellation month, I got a lot of outside orders that way.
  • #20
sfdavis918 said:
That's a great idea, but then you miss out on the holiday shopping reminder.

Thanks for the ideas everyone! I think I will do a Thanksgiving card. I better start planning now!!
Yeah, I kind of spaced on the Holiday shopping thing, but you could kick off the New Year with a BANG...
  • #21
Oh, and you can have Merrill send out the holiday post cards for you for an extra fee. That way you aren't using your military box to profit.
  • #22
Another idea, is it possible to rent a post office box off base to receive things? Can you go off base to send things?
  • #23
angmillar said:
Yep, I can send a Christmas card, but I don't think I could identify myself as a PC consultant in it. And, I'd definitely want them to know how they know me!! :)

The military postal system has very strict guidelines, and we're not supposed to "profit" from our military box.
And you don't want to get your military sponsor in trouble either...when overseas they have the right to send you back if you break the rules and don't comply - your sponsor has to finish out the tour without family:cry: . But there are ways around the system:D !
  • #24
I like the gift certificate idea for the new year. I actually have been using a gift certificate for individual orders as a thank you. I usually make it $4 off shipping. I have ended up with a few bookings because of this.


  • Gift certificate.pdf
    54.7 KB · Views: 698
  • #25
cmdtrgd said:
Oh, and you can have Merrill send out the holiday post cards for you for an extra fee. That way you aren't using your military box to profit.

Now that's an idea! I don't think this would be breaking the rules...
  • #26
Thanks giving thank you cardHere is what I had in my files that someone else made up. I like the idea of the coupon on back of your business card.

Ann R.


  • Thanksgiving thankyou2.doc
    49.5 KB · Views: 445
  • Thread starter
  • #27
msturrock said:
I like the gift certificate idea for the new year. I actually have been using a gift certificate for individual orders as a thank you. I usually make it $4 off shipping. I have ended up with a few bookings because of this.

That's a really nice GC!! Love the idea!
  • Thread starter
  • #28
aried said:
Here is what I had in my files that someone else made up. I like the idea of the coupon on back of your business card.

Ann R.

Those are beautiful, Ann! I will definitely have to add to my list for next Thanksgiving....since it's past already in Canada! :rolleyes:
  • #29
msturrock said:
I like the gift certificate idea for the new year. I actually have been using a gift certificate for individual orders as a thank you. I usually make it $4 off shipping. I have ended up with a few bookings because of this.

I love this gift certificate. Can anyone convert it to word, so we can change the contact info?

Thanks in advance!
  • #30
aried said:
Here is what I had in my files that someone else made up. I like the idea of the coupon on back of your business card.

Ann R.

awesome awesome awesome! Thanks for sharing!
  • #31
pamperedpals said:
I love this gift certificate. Can anyone convert it to word, so we can change the contact info?

Thanks in advance!

Here you go...

ETA - That didn't work out so good. Maybe you can work with it though.


  • Gift Certificate.doc
    88.2 KB · Views: 536
  • #32
My two year anniversary is Nov. so if I get my act together I'll send a thank you out with a coupon. Last year, I sent ALL my Christmas cards (family and some PC) with a photo of my two kids wearing a PC shirt. If I can find the second shirt, I'd like to do that again this year. It's a cute, non-aggressive way to remind people that I'm still selling PC. AND, I used it as a tax write-off.....
  • #33
sfdavis918 said:
Here you go...

ETA - That didn't work out so good. Maybe you can work with it though.

Thank you!
  • #34
Thanks for the compliments on the gift certificate. I converted it so that the contact info can be modified to suit your needs. If for some reason it doesn't work for you just drop me an email with your contact info and I can change and email it directly to you. Enjoy!


  • Gift certificate.doc
    237.5 KB · Views: 585
  • #35
I'm glad I read this thread... I'd been thinking of sending out Christmas time cards but I really like the idea of doing "thankful" Thanksgiving cards! And it would definitely (hopefully) inspire folks to order for the holidays.
  • #36
msturrock said:
Thanks for the compliments on the gift certificate. I converted it so that the contact info can be modified to suit your needs. If for some reason it doesn't work for you just drop me an email with your contact info and I can change and email it directly to you. Enjoy!

Thank you so much! I have a three more fairs this year and two of them want a door prize and I wanted to do the gift certificate.

Thank you again! I love this site for all of the help and ideas one can gleam from others!
  • #37
I LOVE the coupon idea in the cards! I always send out my cards before Thanksgiving, but think I will include a coupon this year!!
  • #38
Last year I sent out magnetic fridge calendars to all my past hosts (& maybe some good customers too-can't remember). I can't remember where I ordered them from though! Does anyone else order these? If so, where do you get them?

Related to Making Contacts at Christmas Time

What does everyone do at Christmas time as far as making customer contacts/past hosts?

During Christmas time, many Pampered Chef consultants reach out to their past customers and hosts to offer holiday specials and promotions. This could include sending personalized emails, making phone calls, or even hosting a holiday-themed virtual party.

Do you send Christmas cards?

Some consultants choose to send Christmas cards to their past customers and hosts as a way to stay connected and show appreciation for their business. This can be a great personal touch, but it's important to consider the cost and time involved in sending physical cards.

Special newsletter?

Yes, some consultants create a special holiday-themed newsletter to send to their customers and hosts. This newsletter may include recipes, gift ideas, and special promotions. It's a great way to keep in touch and provide valuable content to your audience.

Do you offer any unique holiday promotions?

Many Pampered Chef consultants offer special holiday promotions and deals to entice customers and past hosts to make a purchase during the busy holiday season. This could include discounts, free shipping, or exclusive holiday-themed products.

Any other ideas for reaching out to customers during Christmas time?

Some consultants also use social media to connect with their audience during Christmas time. This could include creating a holiday gift guide on Pinterest or hosting a Facebook Live event to showcase holiday recipes or products. It's important to get creative and think outside the box to stand out during the busy holiday season.

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