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Leadership and Conference Buttons

Ann has created a bright button that is easier to see at conference. She also created magnets which can be used on incentive trips or as buttons to wear at conference.
Gold Member
Good morning, Cheffers!

As promised, I have created buttons that we can use to identify each other at Leadership and National Conference. You can view them at my Cafe Press store. They are a simple cream background with maroon lettering (much like this page) and a line drawing of a chef's hat. You can use a fine-tip permanent marker to write your Chef Success ID in the white area of the hat so that everyone knows who you are. :)

I have not added any markup to the cost of the buttons, so I'm not making any money on them. Should you decide to order directly from the online store, they are $1.25 each, plus shipping. (Cafe Press has a lot of really cool stuff, so feel free to shop some of the other storefronts there - they'll ship everything together and you'll only have one shipping charge.)

But if you don't want to deal with them, I have ordered a bunch of the buttons and will send one to you for $2, including postage. You can PayPal me $2 (send it to ann (at) dannann.net) or you can pop a couple of bills in the mail to me (Ann Szwarc, 26670 Shiawassee Road, Southfield, MI 48033). Please note that I just ordered the buttons 10 minutes ago and don't actually have them in my hot little hands yet, so if you contact me right away, you'll have to wait a week or so.

Looking forward to meeting everyone at Leadership and Conference!
  • Thread starter
  • #2
OK- Anne posted a request (another thread) for a BRIGHT button so that they're easier to see at conference. I created a bright version of the cream one, but because I'm not gonna pay for a Cafe Press site, I couldn't do buttons (they limit the free stores to one of each item). So I made the bright ones magnets. You can use a small piece of ferrous (iron-based, that means its magnetic) metal on the back, much like the magnetic name badges available through Merrill. I do not have any of the magnets on order, so those you'll have to order on your own or someone else can handle a bulk order of them.

the store

Thanks so much, Ann! They look great!
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  • #4
supergirljennie said:
Thanks so much, Ann! They look great!

Thank you. It's amazing what you can do with Powerpoint, clip art and about 20 minutes of free time. :)
Thanks they look awsome!!!!
Fabulous! I'll pop a check in the mail soon. Sorry I won't meet you at conference, though. I'm in Wave 2.
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  • #7
And if anyone wants to get several (like for your cluster), let me know. I'll figure out how much shipping would be for more than one.

(Can you tell that I don't want anyone to think that I'm ripping people off and making a quick buck from this?)
Wave?How did you guys find out which wave you're in for 2007?
Hi Ann, I am going to be sticking some money in the mail to you for my button! Thanks so much for doing this.

Very cute:D Great job Ann!
  • #10
These are great ann. I might get one just to have for when I have cluster meetings so I can tell people about this great forum.
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  • #11
Tasha, what a great idea!They'll also be great on incentive trips. I always forget about those since I've never earned one. :(
  • #12
How in the world did you do this? They look awesome!
  • #13
These look great! I'm not going to Leadership, do you think we'll use the same ones for July? Not sure I want to buy one now if it will change.
  • #14
Now that we have these I would think we'd use them for everything. I'm going to wear one whenever I go to cluster meetings to help get the word out.
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  • #15
I'm not going to change them. So you can get one with confidence, knowing that it won't be out of date in a month. :)I made the graphic in Powerpoint, then exported it as a graphic ("save as" function). Then I set up the Cafe Press store (which is free), uploaded the graphic, and set it as the graphic to use on the buttons.Cafe Press does pretty good work. And it's nice to not have to order a million of something. Lots of people use them to print shirts, calendars, and stuff with pictures. I used to have a storefront with them for the semi-professional choir I was in. Got a really cool travel mug - not as nice as the one we got at conference, but it was a stainless steel mug.
I think they'd be a great option for making cluster bags or shirts to wear at conference.And thanks for the positive comments. I'm blushing.
  • #16
A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.

  • #17
AJPratt said:
A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.


I love that too:D :D
  • #18
chefann said:
Thank you. It's amazing what you can do with Powerpoint, clip art and about 20 minutes of free time. :)

I'm so glad you joined our group Ann! You have given us so much info:)
  • #19
chefann said:
OK- Anne posted a request (another thread) for a BRIGHT button so that they're easier to see at conference. :D

Awww... shucks! You didn't have to do that! I might just have to get one of each!
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Good morning, everyone!

I got my button shipment last night, and now I need to sell a bunch of them. My DH is very skeptical that I'll sell them all. (And I told him I ordered 75, when in fact I have 100.) I did receive a PayPal already - that one will be going in the mail this evening.

One button is $2, including postage. I'll post prices later for multiples (didn't have a chance to pull out the scale at home this morning). I accept PayPal (send to ann (at) dannann.net - please remove the spaces) or checks/money order made out to Ann Szwarc (26670 Shiawassee Road, Southfield, MI 48033). If they're not all sold by then, I'll have some at Leadership, too.

To the folks who posted that they like the quote in my signature, I can't take credit for that. In fact, I have no idea who to attribute it to. I was it on a sign in the cafeteria at work. :) It seemed appropriate.
  • #21
My check went in the mail today. I really appreciate the way you took charge and got this done. I'll think of you fondly every time I get to meet one of the others at National.

As for your quote, I don't know if it originated with him, but Dr. Phil uses it frequently.
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  • #22
Rae and Michelle (Stillson), your buttons are in envelopes here at work and will be going to the post office tonight. I apologize for the delay getting them to you. (Somehow, my car club stuff always seems to get hectic right when I want to focus on PC.)
Thanks, ladies!!

  • #23
I just got mine in the mail, foolish me I'd ordered directly off the website. These look fantastic. I will be keeping one on my purse whenever I expect to see other consultants, like at cluster meetings. Hmm, I should print off little cards explaining to someone how to sign-up for this site when they ask.
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  • #24

Don't forget to write your ID on the "poofy" part of the hat. Then we'll know who you are at conference! Unless you want to stay incognito...
  • #25
LOL. I don't know if I'll be going to conference. I still have not clue which wave I'm in. If the wave falls over a saturday then I would not be able to go for religious reasons so I have not really bugged my "she just made" director.
  • #26
T-shirtsI had posted this idea on another loop I am involved with. I did this about a month ago. I had a tee shirt made at one of those custom shops in the mall, black girls shirt with white text. In the front it says "Got Chef?" and on the back it says "Ask me how...". I wore it to the mall and WOW, did I get a response. I am in the process of getting all the legal mumbo jumbo done so I can contact HO about selling these to all of the consultants out there, but what is this cafepress? Is it easy? I am a photoshop dummy so do I have to know this to do this? Maybe I'll try it...
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  • #27
Tasha,Well, you've only got a one in three chance of your conference being on the Sabbath. But I will tell you that they put zero effort into the kosher meals. The second year I went I decided to request kosher, on the theory that it's better than the "regular" because they're preparing fewer and each meal will get more care and attention. (I've heard this about airline food, too - order vegetarian or kosher to get something tastier.) Maybe it's gotten better in the past 2 years, but you might want to be prepared with some snacks (in case you can go). I'd love to meet you - hope you're in Wave 1!:D
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  • #28
Darby,Cafe Press is a website that allows people to sell items without having to keep inventory or order a million of something. If you poke around on their site, there are guidelines and sizes for various items. They do carry black shirts, so you could probably see if they'll work for yours. (They sound pretty funny - great for a fair.)
  • #29
chefann said:

Well, you've only got a one in three chance of your conference being on the Sabbath. But I will tell you that they put zero effort into the kosher meals. The second year I went I decided to request kosher, on the theory that it's better than the "regular" because they're preparing fewer and each meal will get more care and attention. (I've heard this about airline food, too - order vegetarian or kosher to get something tastier.) Maybe it's gotten better in the past 2 years, but you might want to be prepared with some snacks (in case you can go). I'd love to meet you - hope you're in Wave 1!


If I come I'll probably do a lot of tuna sandwiches. And pay the extra for a refrigerator. Actually I have a number of online friends in the area so I might be able to get them to bring me meals. Thanks for the head-up.
  • #30
We got the fridge and it was well worth it!
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  • #31

Reminder to all - these buttons would make a great gift along with a membership to this site for your team for the holidays! I've got BUNCHES of the buttons at home and would be very happy to distribute them all to Cheffers before the end of November. :D

The buttons look like this:

If you go to My Cafe Press Store, there is also a bright version that's a magnet:

I'd love to meet every one of you at Leadership and Conference, but we won't recognize each other without a button!
  • #32
Thanks Anne...I went onto cafepress and I really like the idea of doing your own shirt(s). Only one problem...I am a photoshop weenie!! I have no idea how to create a template to upload on to their server to make the shirts. I am a wiz at word, but that isnt going to work... :(

I would love to get these out there for everyone and not take the profit, but put that towards one of the programs PC sponsers (HWC, Round up...)

Anyone out there who can help me with the photoshop document? Shocking I cant use this program as I am an AVID scrapbooker and really should learn. TIA:)
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  • #33
I'm bumping this up to the top of the Lounge again because:
  1. I've still got over 80 in a box and don't want DH to be right that I shouldn't have ordered them
  2. They'll make great gifts for your team for the holidays (although it's already a little close to the wire if you're getting them for Hanukkah)
  3. It's getting closer to Leadership and that's a perfect time to wear them!
  • #34
Just paid Paypal for one, Ann.

I'm going to Leadership (just bought plane tickets!) but I need to find my second recruit still. LOL
  • #35
Anne--Do we email you and get them or order them through the website you listed? I definitely will take some off your hands. I thought I was too late. Sorry for the last minute!
  • #36
You did VERY good one these. I am not going to the Leadership meeting. I have no idea if I will make it to Dallas. But dang it, I will have my button. :D
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  • #37
I have buttons here at the house. If you want to help me get them out of my office, order them through me (you can email me at chefann (at) dannann.net, or just post to this thread). I take PayPal or checks - and we can work out something if you want a bunch for cluster gifts.If you want the bright magnets, you'll have to order from Cafe Press.I was thinkin' that these will be good not just for Leadership, but also for Conference.
  • #38
chefann said:
I was thinkin' that these will be good not just for Leadership, but also for Conference.

They are also great to wear to cluster meetings to find out who else on your cluster is online here.

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