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Lap Boards: The Pros, Cons & Alternatives

...the stickers off ebay (part of a consultant kit - got a roll for less than $1) and it didn't take very long. So, they are about $0.50 each instead of $2.50 - or factor in time to be $0.75 each. I actually have 24 white ones made up - with a clear back to put the Host specials or anything else I want in them. The only thing I want to buy now is the pocket on the front to stick my business card in.Does anyone have a website they recommend?
What is your opinion on lap boards? Do you use them?? Do you like them?? What do you do if you don't use them?

I use homemade lapboards. I put a catalog & an outside order form. Right now, I also have a retired products flyer. That's it. I pass out my Customer Care Information Cards (I don't use the dpds) & go through that with the guests.
I have lapboards and I absolutely love love love love ( did I say love ) them. They look sooooo professional and you just stuff them with the specials and whatever you want the guests to see. Some people make homemade ones and those are great too, but when I saw the lapboards at a show I went to before I thought they were just great. They were on the table with our names all ready. I felt so special. They had the PC logo and I thought..what a cool business this girl has. It was awesome! I also like the idea that for 15 bucks you can order 6 and they are all done. Some like to make theirs for cheaper....so either way is great. I definitely like them!!!
I use homemade ones as well. For my first couple months I didn't use them and now I HATE not using them!! They are so much nicer for the guest to have something hard to write on!
I use homemade ones you can buy some? where?
Merrill On Consultant Corner. They are so nice.
OMG they are very pricey. I ordered the refrigerator magnets and leather case for business cards.
A former consultant had some... that a former consultant gave her before she quit..then when she quit, she gave them to me... I do love them!
When i first started, I used folders...people would keep them!!
Then I went to a S.L. show and she had clipboards, i liked that a lot ..as a customer...so I went to Walmart and got a dozen..for $1 each... BUT I hated those! They were heavy and took up a lot of room in my bag...!!
So the lapboards are wonderful!!
I got these free, but if I hadn't I would give the homemade ones a try...
maybe you could even use the three ring part instead of throwing them away... just to hold things like customer care call log... Consultant News , etc...
I use the Merrill ones & love them! I just replace whatever was taken out at the show & they are ready to go for my next show. Customers are always commenting on how nice they look.
  • #10
I use homemade ones & love them! I have had past customers/guests from other shows comment "when did you get these? They are awesome!" Plus I put the current & future Host specials on the back. Then I have the guest who has that in there lap hold it up while I talk about it. They remind me of them during the show!
  • #11
I have the Merrill ones, but haven't used them since I have been pregnant. They are very professional, but get really heavy along with all my other stuff! My goal is to pare down what I bring, so maybe I will work them back in.
  • #12
Oh I don't think the are pricey.... $2.50 each really. That is average for a normal binder. Although yes people with the binders are getting 2 because they are cutting them, but by the time, you factor in the time, the sticker on them etc, you have to have 2.50 invested. I just love my lapboards. They look sooooo nice!!!
  • #13
I use cut up binders. Bought them for 98 cents in August (love back to school!) and it just took a pair of scissors to snip apart easily. Works well for me!

I put a label with my contact info on it so they don't walk :D
  • #14
I sort of disagree with the pricing....I considered buying them, but then I got my binders for $0.79 at Walmart, the stickers off ebay (part of a consultant kit - got a roll for less than $1) and it didn't take very long. So, they are about $0.50 each instead of $2.50 - or factor in time to be $0.75 each. I actually have 24 white ones made up - with a clear back to put the Host specials or anything else I want in them. The only thing I want to buy now is the pocket on the front to stick my business card in. I searched around and can't find them. Does anyone have a website they recommend?
  • #15
ChefinHarmony said:
I sort of disagree with the pricing....I considered buying them, but then I got my binders for $0.79 at Walmart, the stickers off ebay (part of a consultant kit - got a roll for less than $1) and it didn't take very long. So, they are about $0.50 each instead of $2.50 - or factor in time to be $0.75 each. I actually have 24 white ones made up - with a clear back to put the Host specials or anything else I want in them. The only thing I want to buy now is the pocket on the front to stick my business card in. I searched around and can't find them. Does anyone have a website they recommend?

Avery makes the pocket. I got some at Office Max or Depot. They are with the report covers and such.
  • #16
How bulky do these get? I've thought about them but I love that all of my paperwork fits in my briefcase. I'm trying to keep from looking like a pack mule when I come to the hostesses house!
  • #17
I use the ones from Merrill I love love love them as well... infact I am lost at a show if I don't have them to hand to the guest. Does anyoen have a good Customer Care Card ?

I want something other than the DPDS... more creative .. it is boring ot me...

  • #18
DPDS? What is that?
  • #19
door prize drawing slip...
  • #20
Phew..thank you Gillian. I can't keep up with you guys and these abbreviations..LOL
  • #21
Give it a couple weeks Jill, you'll pick it up!

I still stare blankly at some, LOL!!
  • #22
I just used the Merrill ones for the first time last night and I LOVE them!!! I had repeat customers and they commented how much they liked them as well!

I think they are worth the cost. I purchased 12 since most shows I don't have more then that at. If I ever do, the last people to arrive will just get a catalog and order form:)!
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Ok, so here is another question for those of you who make your own. Do you use any type of clip to keep the catalogs in place until you hand them out?? I was looking at the lapboards from http://www.expressyourselfonline.com/ . I kind of like the pocket and the pen holder on theirs.
  • #24

I NOW have the Merrill ones (which I adore!!) - BUT I started out with binders..... they worked for me for a while. I like that Merrills are narrow and fit in my bag better than the binder ones. I still keep them out in my car just in case we have a large guest turn-out....

Go to WalMart and look/buy one 1" white binder (I think white looks the most professional). Make sure you get the one with the clear plastic insert sleeve on both the front and back panels.

Carefully cut it apart at the seams - voile' - two lapboards.

They have a pocket to slip your catalog & order form in - PLUS - the clear plastic sleeve gives you a place to put monthly flyers. I somtimes put several different ones in the sleeves and guests start noticing that the other guests are differentr and want to read yours as well !!! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!

OR - I put the flyer behind the catty and put only ONE flyer of the guest special in one lapboard and ONE flyer of the monthly host special in another.

At just he right time I ask everyone to check their boards - I ask the person with the monthly guest special to tell us what it is - they get FREE shipping on their order if they qualify for the guest special (which they usually do - $4.00 off!!) I have had a few people who were to shy to talk and passed it off to someone else ot read and then was sorry they missed out on FREE shipping - give it to them if they turn in a qualifying order....

Then I ask the next person to tell us about the NEXT month's HOST special - for their efforts - if they book a show that night for the next month - I give them an estra gift of some sort for booking on site...

Just some ideas...
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  • #25
MicheleC said:
How bulky do these get? I've thought about them but I love that all of my paperwork fits in my briefcase. I'm trying to keep from looking like a pack mule when I come to the hostesses house!

They can get bulky/heavy. They may not fit in your briefcase with everything else but I LOVE having them. At most of my shows, guests are sitting where this is no hard surface for them to complete their order forms and the lapboards solve this problem.

After each show I refill whatver is missing (I include a survey/prize slip, catalog and order form. In the clear pocket on the other side I usually have the guest special or whatever I want to highlight.

I've made my own from binders but would like to upgrade. I would like to have the spot for my business card and a pen loop.

Be sure when you are making your own that the ring of the binder sits in the middle not on the edge of one of the pages. This is the latest design for binders and will mean that you can only get one lapboard from each binder.
  • Thread starter
  • #26
PCGINA said:

I NOW have the Merrill ones (which I adore!!) - BUT I started out with binders..... they worked for me for a while. I like that Merrills are narrow and fit in my bag better than the binder ones. I still keep them out in my car just in case we have a large guest turn-out....

Go to WalMart and look/buy one 1" white binder (I think white looks the most professional). Make sure you get the one with the clear plastic insert sleeve on both the front and back panels.

Carefully cut it apart at the seams - voile' - two lapboards.

They have a pocket to slip your catalog & order form in - PLUS - the clear plastic sleeve gives you a place to put monthly flyers. I somtimes put several different ones in the sleeves and guests start noticing that the other guests are differentr and want to read yours as well !!! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!

OR - I put the flyer behind the catty and put only ONE flyer of the guest special in one lapboard and ONE flyer of the monthly host special in another.

At just he right time I ask everyone to check their boards - I ask the person with the monthly guest special to tell us what it is - they get FREE shipping on their order if they qualify for the guest special (which they usually do - $4.00 off!!) I have had a few people who were to shy to talk and passed it off to someone else ot read and then was sorry they missed out on FREE shipping - give it to them if they turn in a qualifying order....

Then I ask the next person to tell us about the NEXT month's HOST special - for their efforts - if they book a show that night for the next month - I give them an estra gift of some sort for booking on site...

Just some ideas...

Excellent Information!! Thanks so much for sharing! I'll have to try that!
  • #27
mommyhugz1978 said:
I use the ones from Merrill I love love love them as well... infact I am lost at a show if I don't have them to hand to the guest. Does anyoen have a good Customer Care Card ?

I want something other than the DPDS... more creative .. it is boring ot me...


I am now using these Customer Care Information Cards that I made up for myself. So far, I have had great response to them. Maybe they can help you too. After the party, I put them in my Customer Contact holder behind the month that marks two weeks after the party so that I remember to do my Out of the Box calls. If I don't call them & take the slips out of my holder, it gets really big.


  • CustomerCareInformationCard.doc
    28.5 KB · Views: 383
  • #28
mommyhugz1978 said:
I..........I want something other than the DPDS... more creative .. it is boring ot me...

This is mine. I found part of it in the files and tweeked it for myself.....


  • DOOR PRIZE_Linda.doc
    37.5 KB · Views: 425
  • #29
I am going to try the new Taste of the Tropics display folder cut into thirds at my next show. I think they look FUN and fit the spring summer theme. I am hoping it will draw some questions about the new theme and lead me into my spiel about bookings. I think it shows off the wonderful new recipes and people will talk about how great they look (the recipes) All I put in them are the catalog, order form and DPDS and pen. I get 3 free (changeover kit) and can order each folder for $1 on supply which will give me three lapboards. They aren't professional, but I hope they get people talking about the FOOD! Does anyone use these?
  • #30
For those of you who make these at home, could you post a pic? I want to see what the end product looks like.
  • #31
I won't be doing the binder thing. The cheapest Binders I can find (even at Wal-Mart and the 1$ store) are $3.50.I'd rather pay $2 per lap board and have them pre-done.
  • #32
krzymomof4 said:
For those of you who make these at home, could you post a pic? I want to see what the end product looks like.

Sorry. . . I don't have a digital camera.
  • #33
Winnipegk said:
I won't be doing the binder thing. The cheapest Binders I can find (even at Wal-Mart and the 1$ store) are $3.50.

I'd rather pay $2 per lap board and have them pre-done.

Most office supply stores sell them cheaper by the box. I think I got a box of twelve. If you do decide to make your own, remember to open the box to check and see where the rings are located.
  • #34
I have homemade ones I really like too, but another option (Carol Radu uses these) is manila folders. She puts her info and "The Pampered Chef" on the tab and tells them to keep the folder with their receipt in their file under "P" for PC or, under their silverware drawer if they like....she also suggests they write any tips/recipes she gives on the folder, too, if they want.

Just another way of doing things....
  • #35
I bought mine as a box of 12 at Office Max when I started. I made up 12 boards at first and had binders for other office stuff that I needed. I bought 1 off Merrill to see what I think and I may have to invest in them as they look much more professional than the homemade ones and I don't cut myself on the jagged scissored edges! :) It may have to be a reward for myself one of these months...

I also thought man, I wish that my director used these as a promotion... Maybe like you get a board everytime you have a thousand dollar show. Imagine how hard we would all be working to get a set of those lap boards... Now I just need to recruit 3 more, qualify the 2 that I have and reactivate my 1 inactive so I can put all these fun ideas into practice :)
  • #36
GourmetGirl said:
I also thought man, I wish that my director used these as a promotion... Maybe like you get a board everytime you have a thousand dollar show. Imagine how hard we would all be working to get a set of those lap boards... Now I just need to recruit 3 more, qualify the 2 that I have and reactivate my 1 inactive so I can put all these fun ideas into practice :)

Ooh-- that's a good idea. My SD is having a promo all year for which we earn $ that we can use at any vendor or PC$. Getting lapboards with it is a good idea.
  • #37
There are business card pockets with adhesive compatible for vinyl, fabric and paper. I just ordered these from Office Depot online.

They are Cardinal Hold It! available as top-loading or side-loading. Packs of 10 with our discount for $3.77. OD has free dely with $50 order.

I also found some available on Sam's Club online office supply catalog slightly cheaper but have to pay for shipping.
  • #38
I also LOVE the lapboards, I use homemade ones, and I used the i-slice to cut two slits in the pocket to hold my business card in place, I tell everyone to be sure to take the business card with them.
  • #39
Does anyone have the link for the lapboards through Merrill? I can't find it. thx!
  • #40
The link for MerrillYou get to them through CC. Promoting your business, Licensed Vendors, Then at the bottom of the page click on Merrill, once there go to other business building tools.

I love my lap boards, but I got mine when we were still with Town & Country. They are black and when I ordered them they came in a set of 12 and with a cloth carring bag.

Theresia Aylward
Independent Consultant
Depoe Bay on the Beautiful Central Oregon Coast
  • #41
I've made my own from binders but would like to upgrade. I would like to have the spot for my business card and a pen loop.

If you cut 2 small diagonal slits diagonally from each other too) in the half sleeve you can just insert your bus. card there. It holds quite well. (use your b/c as a template to determine where to cut slits. My b/c's have a magnetic back and this works well. People have a tendency to keep a magnet more than a plain business card. As far as the pen loop, I just clip mine to the board (I like Click pens rather than stick pens) That being said, since I tend to lose a few pens at every show, I am thinking of poking a hole somewhere on the board, fastening a decorative string to the board and tying it to the pens so they don't end up walking away as easily.
  • #42
When I was a teacher (former life!!!) I used to tape a BIG flower to the end of my pen. They were VERY visible, and never walked away. I kept them in a vase on my desk. That may be easier than attaching them to the board, although I like that idea, too!
  • #43
DizziePixie said:
I have homemade ones I really like too, but another option (Carol Radu uses these) is manila folders. She puts her info and "The Pampered Chef" on the tab and tells them to keep the folder with their receipt in their file under "P" for PC or, under their silverware drawer if they like....she also suggests they write any tips/recipes she gives on the folder, too, if they want.

Just another way of doing things....

I used to do this for awhile! My customers really liked it because they were able to just slip it in the filing drawer at home. I stopped using them because I ran into alot of repeat hosts/customers. They already had the folders and wouldn't take them. I don't know I guess I just got out of the habit. I did like doing it. On the tab that sticks up I put a little label sticker "The Pampered Chef" then on the top right corner of the folder I put my stamp. I still think this is good idea. Of course now I have invested in the Merrill lapboards. I guess I could hand them out at check-out, especially considering I still have a gi-normous box of the manilla file folders.
  • #44
Chef Kearns said:
I used to do this for awhile! My customers really liked it because they were able to just slip it in the filing drawer at home. I stopped using them because I ran into alot of repeat hosts/customers. They already had the folders and wouldn't take them. I don't know I guess I just got out of the habit. I did like doing it. On the tab that sticks up I put a little label sticker "The Pampered Chef" then on the top right corner of the folder I put my stamp. I still think this is good idea. Of course now I have invested in the Merrill lapboards. I guess I could hand them out at check-out, especially considering I still have a gi-normous box of the manilla file folders.

I give out a manila file folder with the receipt. Usually I know if someone has been to my show before and has a folder, or I ask. I think guests find it to be a nice touch.

I have a file folder lable that says The Pampered Chef on the tab and a sticker with my name, phone number and website on another label on the body of the folder.
  • #45
LOL I do the flower on the pen trick!!"When I was a teacher (former life!!!) I used to tape a BIG flower to the end of my pen. They were VERY visible, and never walked away. I kept them in a vase on my desk."

And I totally love it, I bought an antique looking small bucket at wally world for like 1.59.
So I have them all in the bucket and will asked the guests to pick the flower they want. Works like a charm and I get them back everytime!! I have not lost a pen since!!
  • #46
smarteez2 said:
"When I was a teacher (former life!!!) I used to tape a BIG flower to the end of my pen. They were VERY visible, and never walked away. I kept them in a vase on my desk."

And I totally love it, I bought an antique looking small bucket at wally world for like 1.59.
So I have them all in the bucket and will asked the guests to pick the flower they want. Works like a charm and I get them back everytime!! I have not lost a pen since!!

I like this idea but have been thinking that I want to do a kitchen theme. What could we use?? Herbs? Maybe an edible flower?? Any ideas?
  • #47
workinitout said:
I like this idea but have been thinking that I want to do a kitchen theme. What could we use?? Herbs? Maybe an edible flower?? Any ideas?

What about taping a mini whisk? or a spatula or something? And keep them in a crock? Or maybe spoons or forks???
  • #48
ok okAfter reading all these posts, I broke down and bought 18 lapboards from Merrill!! LOL Of course I have never had a party that big but it never hurts to be prepared!! :eek:) I am so excited to get them!!
  • #49
I love the idea of taping spoons to my pens and keeping them in a crock (won't do the forks... too pointy... i can see me stabbing myself!) My director made me some pen flags that Nancy's used to have, but they still went missing, so I think I may hit up the Goodwill this weekend...

Also, I am so on the verge of splurging at Merrill and getting a dozen lapboards! We'll see how my shows go tonight and Sun and if I hit my $15,000 (I need $700 more!!!) I may have to go ahead and get them!
  • #50
I splurged back in December and got the lapboard from Merrill (Merry Christmas to me! :D ) I LOVE THEM! I used to use homemade ones, and while that met my need at the time, these just look so nice.

I was a little concerned about the weight of them, as I've been struck down with a back problem the last few months, but I found a plastic storage box that they can all lay flat in (istead of vertical), and this worked out much better for me. When I had them vertical in my show to go bag, they were heavier or more awkward to carry.

I love the ones from Merrill and I just may have to find a reason to splurge on another dozen!

The other thing that I like to do is take our seasonal trifold and cut that down into 3 folders. Since I only have 12 lapboards, I've been using these as back up for shows with larger attendance. I like these because they alway pique interest on the recipes that they show off and those are some of my favorite recipes to do at shows.


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