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Just in Case You Are Wondering.....

In summary, the conversation revolved around how dogs can be destructive, especially when it comes to kitchen tools such as scrapers, blender, cheese graters, and even bamboo spoons. Many participants shared their stories of their dogs getting into their kitchen items and destroying them, leading to the use of child locks and other measures to keep their dogs away. Some also shared their tactics for preventing their dogs from getting into the garbage, such as using hot sauce or spraying Lysol on the top of the can. Despite the destruction, everyone still loves their dogs and finds humor in their antics.
Gold Member
Our scrapers are not dog proof! :mad:
I came home from picking up my daughter at school today to find one of my mix n scraper in pieces on the floor! I left my TT bag open and Ollie, our 1 year old Chocolate Lab, apparently got into it!
Not that I am surprised....he has figured out how to get into everything but the fridge by this point!:D

It is a good thing that I have multiple scrapers!!!
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Neither are the Prep Bowl tops!!!:D :eek:
Oh Erin!! They're aren't blender proof either! I was mad enough when I broke mine in the blender (for the second time :(), but I would LOSE it if my dog got into mine!!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
He is my baby so I can forgive him! :)
He has a basketfull of babies but apparently my stuff is SO much better!!
erinyourpclady said:
He is my baby so I can forgive him! :)
He has a basketfull of babies but apparently my stuff is SO much better!!
LOL!!! Your dog has good taste Erin. Maybe you should recruit him!!:D
I have a chocolate lab too:) He's 5 & finally not hyper anymore! I'm thinking about the only thing that would be safe around labs would be the cookware; they can tear anything up!
My sister has gone through 3 food choppers with her lab & German Shepard, she doesn't know what it is. She has just ordered another one, I told her to keep it up high, so she has to get a step stool. Her dogs will open the cupboards and find those choppers.
pamperedalf said:
My sister has gone through 3 food choppers with her lab & German Shepard, she doesn't know what it is. She has just ordered another one, I told her to keep it up high, so she has to get a step stool. Her dogs will open the cupboards and find those choppers.

I'd probably put child locks on the cabinets and see if that helps.
The cheese grater is not dog proof either...especially when a recruit of mine didn't clean it out before leaving the kitchen.
  • #10
My sis's fiance doesn't want those on his cabnets. I told him he'll just have to keep buying food choppers @ $29.50 and that I don't mind selling them to him.
  • #11
My dog like the bamboo spoons and spatulas!!
  • #12
hee hee I"m kind of happy I have a cat!!! She couldn't be bothered!!! :p

  • #13
At least our dogs know quality "chew toys" when they see them.

Enzo, the structurally huge golden, loves to chew up my cooking/food magazines. Not husbands car ones, just the food ones. But I am sure if he got his paws on a scraper he would go to town.
  • #14
PamperChefCarol said:
At least our dogs know quality "chew toys" when they see them.

Enzo, the structurally huge golden, loves to chew up my cooking/food magazines. Not husbands car ones, just the food ones. But I am sure if he got his paws on a scraper he would go to town.

Hee hee perhaps with all those photos of food on the covers of your magazines, your pooch probably believes it will taste better!! :p

  • #15
Boy I am so glad that I just have five year old little girl... and doesn't use my PC stuff for chew toys, I think I would be rather upset...... Though my friends toddler like the mix and scrapers for nawing on for teething...... LOL...
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  • #16
tlennhoff said:
I'd probably put child locks on the cabinets and see if that helps.

We had to put one on our pantry!!!! Just for the dog! He ALWAYS opens my stoneware cabinet but just sniffs and leaves. We also are having garbage can difficulties. We have a Stainless can that he slobbers all over and then he figured out how to open it. So......we started using electrical tape to close it at night. He figured that out as well. So now we move the can into the garage. I am not sure what we will do when it warms up. I don't like the idea of the garage smellinglike hot garbage..........
  • #17
My 14 month old (human LOL) loves to gnaw on the small bamboo spoons. He actually bit a hole in one! He's got strong lil' choppers, I guess! LOL
  • #18
I have a golden Retreiver /yellow lab/chow mix named mississippi mudd
He is sweet as all heck and hyper too. Love s being up my you know what all the time and would try to get in the garbage. I tried everything. Hot sauce, putting it high etc. Couldn't put it out because of the country critters so one night I sprayed the whole top of the can with a good dosing of lysol!
There was a ice cream container on the top and he just sniffed and walked away.
Try it, I hope it works.

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