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Jumpstart Your Pampered Chef Journey: Tips for a Successful Start

following up. Not only do you want to make sure they actually use the catalog, but also to see if they have any questions or suggestions. This way you can give them the best PC experience possible. You have also started carrying your catalogs in different places to increase your chances of meeting potential customers. Lastly, be sure to ask everyone you know to host a show for you! Not only will this help you get your feet wet, but it will also bring in new customers.
I will be buying my super starter kit in the next week or so. I hosted a party to get my kit at a discount and am very excited about joining PC. I found this site by accident and love it. Everyone has such good ideas. So here is my question, any advise on how to start off with a bang!? I was considering having an open-house and 2 people have offered to have catelog parties to get me started. But other than that only two other people have said they would host a party end of May or June. Any advise or words of wisdom would be much appreciated. and thanks again for everything I have read so far. It helps to know you have such a great support system.
An Open House is a great way to get started. Invite everyone you know, friends, neighbors, etc. Just make sure to hostess coach yourself and follow-up after inviting, to see who is coming. The best way to start off with a bang is to ask everyone you know, and I mean everyone, to host a show for you. Tell them you want to be successful, and you need their help. Don't pre-judge and say they won't have a party before you even ask them. So get on the phone and get more shows on your calendar!!
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  • #3
I just need to ask everyone I come across. I talked to my step mother again today, she likes the chopper, so I told her, host a party and you can get that and other products free. She said it sounded like a good idea. So that is one more. I can't wait to get started. Thanks again.
ask ask askHi!

I just started selling PC the first of April. I carry catalogs in my car, I carry catalogs in my bag, if I'm in the grocery store...I prop one up against by diaper bag. If I see anyone even giving a good once over to my book, I ask "Could I give you a catalog...I try to exchange information and go from there." I put one in my hand when I go shopping for clothes, when I go to rummage sales....need I go on??

I also asked everyone I know...and then some!! I spent a lot of time with my first hosts in trying to help them get bookings from their shows. My first SS month, April, I had 3 shows and turned in over 1,400 in sales. I have 6 parties booked for May and June...I'm hoping for 8! I also have 2 parties in July, 3 in August & 1 in September. I also have 5 people who are interested in learning about the business. (Don't forget to ask about that to help you get to future director...I hope to be there by December!!)

I just try to remember at this point, if I don't ask, they won't have the opportunity to share my love of Pampered Chef!!

I wish you the best...let me know how it goes!

kitchen queen said:

I just started selling PC the first of April. I carry catalogs in my car, I carry catalogs in my bag, if I'm in the grocery store...I prop one up against by diaper bag. If I see anyone even giving a good once over to my book, I ask "Could I give you a catalog...I try to exchange information and go from there." I put one in my hand when I go shopping for clothes, when I go to rummage sales....need I go on??

I also asked everyone I know...and then some!! I spent a lot of time with my first hosts in trying to help them get bookings from their shows. My first SS month, April, I had 3 shows and turned in over 1,400 in sales. I have 6 parties booked for May and June...I'm hoping for 8! I also have 2 parties in July, 3 in August & 1 in September. I also have 5 people who are interested in learning about the business. (Don't forget to ask about that to help you get to future director...I hope to be there by December!!)

I just try to remember at this point, if I don't ask, they won't have the opportunity to share my love of Pampered Chef!!

I wish you the best...let me know how it goes!



Sounds like you are truley a Super Starter! You have the attitude that will not only get you to Future Director by December but DIRECTOR!! Go for the stars!! After all YOU are one!
Sara be sure when you give out your catalogs that you are receiving contact informaiton. Each catalog costs you .33 and if you have no way of following up with them then that's like throwing money away.

Good luck and congratulations on your current and future success!
I know...butI know if I don't get there contact information then it seems like I'm throwing my money away, but I think of it as an investment. What's the difference in handing out several catalogs & getting a few orders through your website vs. putting an ad in the paper. If you put an ad in the paper, you have no way of following up...it's a leap of faith.
Stacie.....CONGRATS on starting your business. You are off to a good start with your Open House idea. The best way to do an open house is to have it 2 days in a row...one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Personally invite EVERYONE you know and ask them to bring a friend. This will count as 2 shows. Make the same recipe for both shows. This will allow you to practice in the comfort of your own home for your first show.

Get 2 friends to do catalog or kitchen shows for you I would recommend kitchen shows so you get the extra practice and bookings. Kitchen shows also would give you high sales which means meeting those Super Starter bonuses! (Gotta love FREE stuff!)

That would get you 4 shows and qualified.

You need to ask your recruiter or director to host coach you so that you make sure your open house gets off to a good start.

If you need help, let us know. That's what we are here for....SUPPORT!
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  • #9
thanks Ginger. I went to a new consulting meeting last night and met my hospitality directer. I was so excited when I got home I could not sleep. I am going to get on the phone tonight with friends who said they would host a party and get dates set. Just to make sure I understand, my first ss month is June, but whatever I can do in May will go towards June. Do I have that right? Thanks again for all the help.
  • #10
SS MonthStacie,

Yes - any shows you submit in May will be credited towards your first SS month in June!
  • #11
Stacie....glad you are excited and got to meet your hospitality director. Let us know how the calls go today!
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  • #12
I have one showed booked on May 25 and I have a friend who is coming to the open house who said she will set a date then. When I talk to friends & tell theim I am joining PC a lot of people have said good, they do not know of anybody selling PC in our area and would love to host a party. So how do I get theim to set a date for a show without being pushy? :)
  • #13
Know the feelingWhen I started PC I wondered the same thing.

I started the conversation by telling them, "Okay Susie this is a Pampered Chef call." We would get a quick laugh but then she knew that it was a business call. Then simply say, "I am trying to hit my Super Starter goals and would like to count on your party. Which day did you want to book? I've got June 3 or June 5." That narrows down the month and also gets her thinking in specifics.

Hope this helps you.
  • #14
Your enthusiasm is GREAT! If you keep that up, people are bound to WANT to host shows when you ask them to and you'll earn lots of those Super STarter bonuses! That's a great way to start with a bang and get your momentum up for the summer. Way to go!

I also found when I started out (and even now-2 years later!) if you ask someone to do you a favor by hosting a show, you'll find how supportive and helpful people are. Once you get them "hooked in" by asking them to do you a favor, you can explain that they'll actually reap the best rewards in the form of all the host benefits. They'll be so happy they did! Good luck!


Related to Jumpstart Your Pampered Chef Journey: Tips for a Successful Start

What is "Off to a Good Start"?

"Off to a Good Start" is a Pampered Chef program that provides tips, recipes, and products to help you and your family start your day off on the right foot. It includes breakfast ideas, meal planning suggestions, and time-saving kitchen tools.

How can I access "Off to a Good Start"?

You can access "Off to a Good Start" by visiting the Pampered Chef website and clicking on the "Off to a Good Start" tab. You can also ask your Pampered Chef consultant for more information and assistance with ordering products.

Are there any discounts or promotions for "Off to a Good Start"?

Yes, there are often promotions and discounts available for "Off to a Good Start" products. Check the Pampered Chef website or ask your consultant for current deals and specials.

What are some popular products included in "Off to a Good Start"?

Some popular products in "Off to a Good Start" include the Breakfast Sandwich Maker, the Quick Cooker, and the Deluxe Air Fryer. These products are designed to make breakfast prep easier and more efficient.

Can I customize my "Off to a Good Start" experience?

Yes, you can customize your "Off to a Good Start" experience by choosing which recipes and products you want to incorporate into your daily routine. You can also work with your consultant to create a personalized meal plan and shopping list.

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