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Is a Contract with David's Bridal Worth It?

In summary, four people are in contracts with David's Bridal, but only one has been successful. The contracts are expensive and time-consuming to maintain, and the company does not reimburse directors for their "fairs" expenses.
How many people are in contracts with David's Bridal? Is it successful? How many times have you been able to set up a table in the store? What did you bring with you? Are you booking any shows from it or is it just registries?
Thanks for your time to respond. :D
I didn't know you could do this. I'd love to hear more about it!
I looked into it once before and thought it was really expensive. If I remember correctly, I think it was like $3800 a year. I had no one to split it with, so I passed on the opportunity.
Wow! Thats a ton of cash to sit in someones shop hoping for leads. Maybe if an entire cluster pitched in and took shifts it might work but doesn't sound worth it.
My local cluster signed with DB this year and it's $375 a month and split it up / 12 people to get a list of leads every other month. I pulled out because I had no luck on my cold calling for 3 months. I don't know how the rest of the group is doing lately? Hopefully better than I did! But then again, I hate the phone and cold calling was the most horrifying experience for me!!
pchefmartha said:
How many people are in contracts with David's Bridal? Is it successful? How many times have you been able to set up a table in the store? What did you bring with you? Are you booking any shows from it or is it just registries?
Thanks for your time to respond. :D

We are going to terminate our contract. I have had success (created 23 registrations in one weekend... then never had time to make more calls). I just have very little time to make the calls. I have lists to keep me busy for weddings during the next 3 years... but the $97 each every month (I split with 2 others) is just too much, and the list too much work. I hear PC isn't reimbursing directors their $50 "fairs" amount for having tables...

I've heard that some are successful asking for the bridemaid's number and offering to set up a bridal shower for the bride...

Good luck!
shiba momDon't do it, it's not worth it! I have been doing it for 9 months with only 1 registry booked!
Apparently HO does not encourage us to do this... My overall cluster got in a contract with this, and some folks who signed up to chip in every month have since gone inactive (or simply said "I don't wanna do it anymore") leaving one of my clustermates with the bill and the contract. David's charges her CC about $275 every month but as people have "pulled out", she's been stuck with a bill that she can't get out of until next year. She's in the hole (big time) because of people dropping out and not paying her. We called Corporate @ David's and they were total snots about it, and will not let her out of the contract.
My $0.02: Stick to Expos!
I Just called David's Bridal . Hey said they had no idea what I was talking about .
  • #10
debramrml said:
Don't do it, it's not worth it! I have been doing it for 9 months with only 1 registry booked!

That's too bad! I hope my cluster is doing better than that! Now I feel bad because I am the one who mentioned it to them and they put it together with the group.:(
  • #11
Yikes! I am so glad I didn't get into this!
  • #12
mykids326 said:
I Just called David's Bridal . Hey said they had no idea what I was talking about .

You have to go through the corporate website. A lot of the individual stores don't even know it's going on...and if they do, they don't participate in the way that corporate says they're supposed to.

We looked into it, but decided it wasn't worth the risk. If they would give a shorter contract, or a "trial" period, I would definitely think more about it, but $275 a month (which varies by location) for a year BY CONTRACT is too much of a risk for a maybe, in my opinion.

A lot of individual stores will let you come in anyway. Our store did. We brought food for the sales staff, talked to some of the brides, and left flyers. I did book one show from leaving the flyers that turned into quite the string of shows, including a couple of showers.

Definitely think (and pray if you do) long and hard about it before signing that contract!
  • #13
I've heard nothing but bad things about the David's contract, so I wouldn't do it.
  • #14
I've heard of 2 clusters having success, the rest... not so much.
  • #15
Don"t Do It!!!
  • #16
Sounds like a nightmware, that for some I hope develops a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end.
  • #17
My upline did it and was charging us $10 for every confirmed lead. Then $25 to set up on a Saturday. It was a bomb when I did it all day! I just got an email giving me leads if I wanted them because there are too many to do. I think I got about 10-15 names but it is so hard to cold call... I say don't do it. I have not heard of anyone having great success with this.
  • #18
not worth it!
  • #19
Chefgirl2 said:
My upline did it and was charging us $10 for every confirmed lead. Then $25 to set up on a Saturday. It was a bomb when I did it all day! I just got an email giving me leads if I wanted them because there are too many to do. I think I got about 10-15 names but it is so hard to cold call... I say don't do it. I have not heard of anyone having great success with this.
I agree, the cold calling was very difficult for me to so I backed out of our group!
  • #20
I would like to know how you ask DB to set up in their shop? Oh and also how your set up went?
  • #21
Well....I am giving it a try. I always think you never know until you try; & I"m always up for trying new things. A couple cluster-mates of mine have done it for the last year with 2 stores & have been pretty successful. They say they've gotten too many leads to follow up with, so 5 more of us are splitting it with them. For this month, it will be $55, so we'll see what happens!
Now to work on my great bridal spiel! One goal is to promote & educate more on these! I think with all the new advertising; that will help alot.

Related to Is a Contract with David's Bridal Worth It?

1. What is the "Contract With David's Bridal" and why is it important?

The "Contract With David's Bridal" is a partnership agreement between Pampered Chef and David's Bridal, a popular wedding and special occasion retailer. This contract allows Pampered Chef consultants to hold cooking demonstrations and sell products at David's Bridal locations, providing a unique shopping experience for customers and generating additional sales for both companies.

2. How can I become a Pampered Chef consultant for the "Contract With David's Bridal" program?

To become a consultant for the "Contract With David's Bridal" program, you must first be a current Pampered Chef consultant. Then, you can apply for the program through your back office and complete the necessary training and paperwork. Once approved, you will be able to book demonstrations at David's Bridal locations.

3. Are there any specific products or tools that I should focus on when doing demonstrations at David's Bridal?

While you can still showcase and sell any Pampered Chef products at David's Bridal, we recommend focusing on our bridal and wedding-related products such as our wedding registry items, bridal shower gifts, and kitchen tools perfect for newlyweds. This will cater to the specific needs and interests of the David's Bridal customers.

4. Can I offer special promotions or discounts at my demonstrations at David's Bridal?

Yes, you are allowed to offer special promotions or discounts at your demonstrations at David's Bridal. However, please note that any discounts or promotions must be approved by both Pampered Chef and David's Bridal before being offered to customers.

5. What are the benefits of participating in the "Contract With David's Bridal" program?

Participating in the "Contract With David's Bridal" program can provide several benefits for Pampered Chef consultants, including access to a new customer base, increased sales, and the potential to build a strong partnership with David's Bridal for future opportunities. It also allows consultants to offer a unique and memorable shopping experience for customers, which can lead to repeat business and referrals.

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