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How can I help my struggling recruit find willing hosts in a tough situation?

In summary, the military wife has been trying to launch a cooking show for over a year but has had little success. She recently tried to have an open house to no avail. Her neighbors have all claimed they have no money to spend and won't attend her show. There are a number of ways she can try to get into the cooking show business, but it will require some effort.
I have a recruit who signed for her business over a year ago but she's a military wife and they've moved 3 times within this year and she still has not been able to do a cooking show. She did enough catalog shows to qualify but hasn't done anything in nearly a year now.

She just tried to have an open house and everyone told her at the last minute they couldn't come. She lives on a military base and all of her neighbors claim they have no money to spend and won't attend or even host a show (they say everyone they know is broke too).

Any advice to help her find folks who are willing to host?:confused:
she needs to get off base! My step daughter is struggling with the same problem (although most of her kit is still in AZ!!)

She should look for fairs/booths/church bizarres, etc to try to get into. Maybe try to find some other direct sellers on base and see if any are having an open house that she can join in. And even ask them what they did to get out of the circle of "no money cuz we live on base".

Maybe go to some bridal shops in the area and ask to put her info for the registries up. Take an ad in the paper in the wedding section?

There are lots of ways, she just needs to branch out of her comfort zone. It's not easy, but if she wants to succeed, she'll find a way!
A bridal expo would be good but they can sometimes be costly. This time of year is great for fairs, tell her that she should call all of her surrounding cities/towns and ask about fairs and festivals. I have done this and found that most of them are only about $35-$100 for a table for several days. She should get a few leads or enough to jump start her business.
I second the Craft Fairs/Flea Market. At the very least it will get her out and meeting people. Its the easiest way to meet a bunch of people.
Have you found her a Hospitality cluster yet? I am SO close with my Director, we talk all the time and she does encourage me TONS! But I love the enthusiam that you can only get from a great Cluster meeting!
Being military and moving makes it hard to be a consistent consultant but it can be done!
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Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll pass them on to my consultant. I have not checked into hospitality since she moved to this new location...considering she hasn't done anything yet I wasn't sure if she would even go. Keep them coming if anyone has any other good ideas.

As far as hospitality goes, do I have to go through home office to do that? I myself am just a consultant and don't have the privledges of directorships (yet...working on it). Would it be acceptable to see if anyone on here is in her area?

Related to How can I help my struggling recruit find willing hosts in a tough situation?

What are some suggestions for improving my recruiting success?

1. Utilize your network: Reach out to friends, family, and acquaintances who may be interested in joining your team. They already know and trust you, making it easier to recruit them.

2. Attend events: Take advantage of events hosted by Pampered Chef, such as virtual parties or in-person cooking demonstrations, to meet potential recruits and showcase the benefits of joining your team.

3. Offer incentives: Consider offering a special discount or free product to anyone who joins your team during a certain time period. This can be a great way to motivate people to sign up.

4. Be a mentor: Show potential recruits that you are committed to their success by offering to mentor and support them as they start their own Pampered Chef business.

5. Utilize social media: Use your social media platforms to share your Pampered Chef experience and the benefits of joining your team. This can help reach a larger audience and attract potential recruits.

How can I overcome objections from potential recruits?

1. Address their concerns: Listen to the potential recruit's objections and address them directly. This shows that you are understanding and willing to work with them.

2. Share your own experience: If you have personally faced similar objections, share your experience and how you overcame them. This can help them see that it is possible to overcome their concerns.

3. Provide information: Offer to provide more information or resources to help address their objections. This can help them make a more informed decision.

4. Offer a trial period: Some people may be hesitant to commit to joining your team right away. Offer a trial period for them to try out the business and see if it is a good fit for them.

5. Be patient: Understand that it may take time for someone to overcome their objections and make a decision. Be patient and continue to offer support and resources to help them make a decision.

How can I set realistic goals and expectations for my recruits?

1. Be transparent: When talking to potential recruits, be open and honest about the time and effort it takes to build a successful Pampered Chef business. Set realistic expectations from the start.

2. Share success stories: Share success stories from other team members to show what is possible with hard work and dedication. This can help set realistic goals for your recruits.

3. Provide resources: Offer resources and training materials to help your recruits set and achieve their goals. This can include business planning tools, training sessions, and support from experienced team members.

4. Encourage consistency: Remind your recruits that consistent effort and dedication is key to achieving their goals. Offer support and accountability to help them stay on track.

5. Celebrate small victories: Recognize and celebrate the small victories of your recruits, such as reaching a sales goal or signing their first team member. This can help motivate them to continue setting and achieving goals.

How can I support and motivate struggling recruits?

1. Offer one-on-one support: Reach out to struggling recruits and offer to meet with them one-on-one to go over their goals, challenges, and provide support and guidance.

2. Hold team meetings: Host regular team meetings to provide training, support, and motivation for your entire team. This can also foster a sense of community and support among team members.

3. Recognize their efforts: Celebrate and recognize the efforts of struggling recruits, even if they have not yet reached their goals. This can help boost their confidence and motivation.

4. Provide resources: Offer resources, such as training materials or connections with successful team members, to help struggling recruits improve their skills and reach their goals.

5. Remind them of their "why": Encourage struggling recruits to remember their initial reasons for joining Pampered Chef and remind them of the benefits and opportunities that come with being a consultant. This can help reignite their motivation and drive to succeed.

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