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How Are You Doing With the New "Lead System"

In summary, many people are dissatisfied with the new lead system, as it does not seem to be generating leads fairly. Despite meeting all the requirements, many people have not received any leads since the new system was put in place, and customers now have to select a consultant from a list of 5 names, which may be causing them to walk away from placing orders.
Just wondering what everything thinks of the new lead system and how are you doing w/ them? I have been a TL since the beginning of the new career levels and I have not received ONE lead since this new system took place...I am truly happy for the consultants who can't make TL status and get them now, but I wish it were still the same "lottery" as before, instead of having the customers pick who they want to represent them.
ZERO leads except for sales. The last search I did for an address less than a mile from me netted my name not coming up in two tries. Some of my downline came up (thank goodness) but 3 other names were 70, 67 and 62 miles away....again, I have met ALL of the requirements and my name did not come up.

The month one of my new downline people met the requirements, her name never came up. Some others that did not meet the requirments showed up. HO has been kept informed.

On the plus side, one of my downline people did get a lead for a recruit and she signed. :thumbup:
We have had this discussion on a director loop and almost All directors have nt had a lead since early May
No leads or extra sales here.....but some of my team who didn't meet the $1250 a month ......there names came up.......not really liking the new way that they can pick from several.
Zero, Zilch, Zip, Nada, Nothing, IT SUCKS!

I went from at least one lead for biz or show a week and several hundred in sales to 2 or 3 very small online orders a month. Last month my total was under $50. I did get one lead since may - for a corn butterer.

I don't know if there are certain people getting ALL the leads or if it's so complicated that to simply get on the website thatpeople give up, thinking it's not worth it.
pchockeymom said:
I don't know if there are certain people getting ALL the leads or if it's so complicated that to simply get on the website that people give up, thinking it's not worth it.

I'm starting to think this is what's going on since so many people are getting little to nothing in the way of leads.
I am on the new web, Director title, met all requirements all months and have only gotten sales, not "leads". I am happy for the sales, but am curious as to where the leads are going? I honestly have mixed feelings about the new lead system. While I am happy that the consultant level can get leads, I think they should have kept the requirements the same. (sales of $1250 3 out of the last 4 months and 1 recruit in the same time period.)
heather223 said:
I am on the new web, Director title, met all requirements all months and have only gotten sales, not "leads". I am happy for the sales, but am curious as to where the leads are going?

I honestly have mixed feelings about the new lead system. While I am happy that the consultant level can get leads, I think they should have kept the requirements the same. (sales of $1250 3 out of the last 4 months and 1 recruit in the same time period.)

I haven't had a 'lead' for info since April 19th. I've also met all the requirements.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
heather223 said:
I am on the new web, Director title, met all requirements all months and have only gotten sales, not "leads". I am happy for the sales, but am curious as to where the leads are going?

I honestly have mixed feelings about the new lead system. While I am happy that the consultant level can get leads, I think they should have kept the requirements the same. (sales of $1250 3 out of the last 4 months and 1 recruit in the same time period.)

I agree...doing $1250 isn't THAT hard every month...I can honestly say, and I don't know if this is bad or not, that the MAIN reason I have maintained my TL status is to GET leads...it has definitely helped!

And I agree w/ you Heather, where ARE the leads going? I was wondering if mainly directors were showing up in the lead pool...I have done a search WITH MY NEXT DOOR address and I have NEVER come up in the system when I have gone to test it out...however, my director and a few area directors do. So...I don't know what's going on but I do wish they would modify it somehow to make it fair to everyone like they did before. I would at least get ONE a month...:grumpy:
  • #10
I have had zero leads since this all started. Two orders. I have qualified every month. I always got at least a couple leads every month and many more sales than this. I agree that it's probably much harder for them to get through the system now and some give up and don't bother - I know I would not want to jump through hoops... Plus when I have checked the listing it seems the same people are always on. I have seen my name about 2 times total and never at the top of the list and other names are there every time. Not liking it at all. I don't understand why they can't make the names come up in order of closeness to the customer's address. Then if they don't like what they see or see who they want they could click again to look further away.

The most exciting thing about promoting to Director for me was leads. I was a HO lead and I know how much they can do for your business. I was disappointed when TL's got it (but OK, if that makes the team work harder to earn a more attainable goal...) and now... I am not happy. I again am hoping more consultants will sell the $1250 to get the leads as that would make the team sales higher and more opportunity for more team members because everyone is in front of more people. BUT I have to say that if they are hearing that the leads aren't there (and my SCs who qualify most months have shared that they haven't gotten any) it doesn't give anyone that incentive. I do like that the recruit requirement is gone. It's nice to be rewarded for doing our job (selling) even when we aren't finding people ready to sign.

I only missed one month of being on the lead system in 7 years as a director and that was during all those surgeries I had and that hurt because through it all I had the sales but wasn't in front of people to get the recruits. That won't happen with the new system but what does it matter when we aren't getting them at all?
  • #11
Same here, I've kept the 1250 and all the requirements as well... I usually got 2 to 3 leads a week for shows, purchase products, and biz.... but I have gotten NONE. I've gotten some sales directed to me, but not the leads. :(

And I don't get it either... consulants in my area are dropping like flies.
  • #12
When a customer goes onto the site to place an order, do they have to select a consultant from a list that comes up? Or if they want info about hosting or the biz, they have to pick a consultant?

If so, then yes.....customers very well likely are just walking away from it so to speak. Too much hassle.....especially for sales. Many times they didnt share their information anyway. If they have to select a consultant, they will think their name will be shared (as if we are stalkers....but oh well...the mind of a consumer. I can relate to that. I myself am tired of retailers having my info.)

I like that the sales requirements are easier to achieve for me, but I would be ok with $1250 in sales 3 out of 4 months, just cut the recruiting requirement.
  • #13
When you search your address it pops up 5 names. I searched last night (it only lets you do 2-3 addresses). Some were directors I knew, others were not. Not once did I pop up even when I searched my mother-in-law's address (who lives a mile from me) but another consultant popped up who lives clear across our large town. When a person does this it takes you to the consultant's website that you choose. You are on your own from there to browse and see what's available. From there it's on their own that they need to contact you.I have not received a single lead either.
  • #14
wadesgirl said:
When you search your address it pops up 5 names. I searched last night (it only lets you do 2-3 addresses). Some were directors I knew, others were not. Not once did I pop up even when I searched my mother-in-law's address (who lives a mile from me) but another consultant popped up who lives clear across our large town. When a person does this it takes you to the consultant's website that you choose. You are on your own from there to browse and see what's available. From there it's on their own that they need to contact you.

I have not received a single lead either.

If THAT's how a customer can order through the main website, then yes- what a pain. I would think that if left long enough, they will see their online sales DROP drastically because of it. That will get their attention if nothing else.

But in the meantime, keep complaining. Truthfully, now the system is more "transparent" to us as consultants in that you can see which names pop in the lead system and how random and messed up it seems. You couldn't see it before. You just assumed how it operated and pulled names.

. Obviously things have changed- but I bet it has alot more to do with the CUSTOMER interface with the system than anything. But who knows.
  • #15
vanscootin said:
And I don't get it either... consulants in my area are dropping like flies.

What kind of numbers are you talking about in terms of consultants leaving the business? I'm not surprised that people are leaving. It also seems like recruiting is down.
  • #16
Truthfully, now the system is more "transparent" to us as consultants in that you can see which names pop in the lead system and how random and messed up it seems. You couldn't see it before. You just assumed how it operated and pulled names

I would have to assume there was infact an order for leads in the old system since it was never an issue of one person in the area getting a ton of leads and another getting none. And, since all of us who've experienced the lead system of old for a good length of time, our leads were consistant, 1-2 a week, several online orders and during the holiday season it was multiplied.
To go from that consistancy to nothing, something is seriously wrong.
  • #17
pchockeymom said:
Truthfully, now the system is more "transparent" to us as consultants in that you can see which names pop in the lead system and how random and messed up it seems. You couldn't see it before. You just assumed how it operated and pulled namesI would have to assume there was infact an order for leads in the old system since it was never an issue of one person in the area getting a ton of leads and another getting none. And, since all of us who've experienced the lead system of old for a good length of time, our leads were consistant, 1-2 a week, several online orders and during the holiday season it was multiplied.
To go from that consistancy to nothing, something is seriously wrong.
  • #18
HA! I don't know what you are all talking about. My leads are ABUNDANT!!! I keep getting those darn SCAM email leads, you know where they want to overpay me and I can keep the extra $$ for myself!! SOOOOO irritating.....
  • #19
Teresa Lynn said:
HA! I don't know what you are all talking about. My leads are ABUNDANT!!! I keep getting those darn SCAM email leads, you know where they want to overpay me and I can keep the extra $$ for myself!! SOOOOO irritating.....

Yes. I believe this new system made that easier. Great, just great.
  • #20
Searched w/my address. My name was first and the 2nd. name was from NY (I live in OH) The next 3 though were either in my area code or a nearby area code. Then I tried searching w/my mom's address and was told I had done too many searches
  • #21
Becca_in_MD said:
What kind of numbers are you talking about in terms of consultants leaving the business? I'm not surprised that people are leaving. It also seems like recruiting is down.

I had 6 inactive consultants this month.... 2 fell off my team... and out of our whole cluster only 10 were active... we used to have over 200 consultants in the area this time last year.
  • #22
I think that new consultants are giving up because the web is just too complicated to use. I am not happy with it, I feel like it's getting harder and harder to do my job.
  • #23
I've e-mailed HO multiple times about some issues with P3 regarding Consultant Gifts not showing up as an expense and have heard NOTHING from them. I also mentioned in that e-mail that I feel like they are making it harder on me to do my job and not easier. And not seeing any leads is kind of frustrating.....
  • #24
I got a lead today. I am mailing her a catalog. It is my first ever lead. She said she put in her location and got a list of people and I was the only one w a picture so she picked me. ;) lesson to you to put a nice picture up in your profile.
  • #25
I am new to the lead system. While I like the new requirements - my area is overly saturated with consultants already, so recruiting is difficult - I wish they divided out the leads like before. I think they were trying to make it easier on customers, but actually made it more difficult! hopefully once they get the new web worked out, they can focus on this issue.
  • #26
I haven't received a single lead. I've gotten 3 online sales and about six scam emails. I was really excited about promoting to Team Leader to get these leads. I'm really disappointed that I haven't gotten a single one. I've been recruiting on my own and need three more recruits to become a Director... would be nice if being a Team Leader still had that advantage. Now, it's a lot harder to promote.
PC has historically been very fair and equananimous, this seems out of character.
  • #27
I don't get anymore leads with the new system. Disappointing, for sure. Can't help but wonder if leads/sales are being taken directly by HO, say it isn't so.
  • #28
I just heard last night that the way you're notified of a lead is different. Once your name is chosen from the list of 5, they are given your contact info to contact you - we are only notified if they click the Contact Me link on your site. The old "confirm your lead" e-mails are a thing of the past. Kinda makes me mad that we aren't given their info to contact them, we can't be proactive, we have to depend on them to contact us...I did hear rumors that that may be changing as well though ;)
  • #29
monicag said:
I've e-mailed HO multiple times about some issues with P3 regarding Consultant Gifts not showing up as an expense and have heard NOTHING from them. I also mentioned in that e-mail that I feel like they are making it harder on me to do my job and not easier. And not seeing any leads is kind of frustrating.....

Couldn't agree more...
  • #30
frozenchef said:
I just heard last night that the way you're notified of a lead is different. Once your name is chosen from the list of 5, they are given your contact info to contact you - we are only notified if they click the Contact Me link on your site. The old "confirm your lead" e-mails are a thing of the past. Kinda makes me mad that we aren't given their info to contact them, we can't be proactive, we have to depend on them to contact us...I did hear rumors that that may be changing as well though ;)

Ha! We know how often THAT happens! Does HO have their heads in the sand?? :(

  • #31
sandilou said:
Ha! We know how often THAT happens! Does HO have their heads in the sand?? :(


It is especially crazy....a very double standard message since they always tell us to get contact info so WE can follow up. So unless there is some law they have to follow that we dont know about, it is very likely no one will bother. Before, they didnt because they thought theywere placing an order online without being "bothered" by a consultant.

The only ones who might are the ones looking for a show or business info....if they are really serious about it.
  • #32
I've had one show lead....it was a show and the host sent me a Contact Me email. Prior to the new system I was getting 3 - 4 a month. I have no idea what's happening to those leads now. Maybe the HO is weeding out all the warped microcooker lid problems but I seriously doubt it! But on the bright side I have had at least four calls asking me to participate in advertising with various golfclubs in my area!! "Target" market apparently....they obviously have not been on any golfcourse in my area recently!
  • #33
Yeah, and those that want their 20yr old scraper or stone replaced free!

  • #34
Sorry to hear the new lead system isn't what it used to be.

When I joined 5 years ago, they gave me a director over a 1/2 hour drive away. Later I found another one not even 5 minutes away. I always wondered why they did it that way - so inconvenient for me.
Just saying, the new system might not take distance into account. The old one sure didn't seem to!
  • Thread starter
  • #35
Before this, it seemed more "fair"...your name was put on a rotation and someone who wanted info would just put their contact info in and you sat and waited for it...I've had many leads who were more than a half hour away, and no one seemed to mind...I've also had ones that are 5-10 minutes from me. It just seems odd that hardly anyone who has responded to this thread, who used to have 4-5 leads per month like myself, now have NOTHING. It's very discouraging and I will be honest...it has shown in my business. I didn't "rely" on leads for shows, but they counted for probably 2 shows a month for me...
  • #36
Let's be honest. We no longer have a lead system. Now customers just go to PC.com and can search for a consultant. If THEY choose they can contact one of the consultants. A lead system gves US the info of someone who wants something.

I have looked for info from other companies and gotten names of consultants and never contacted them for the very reasons people are not coming to us. With our old lead system many seemed bogus but I am sure that most of those were people who wanted info from the company but didn't want a consultant or were afraid they would be bothered too much by that person. If they gave us real contact info we were in charge and could actually help the person. Many just wanted a replacement or small item but ended up booking a show once they were comfortable with me.

What a loss for our company and our businesses.
  • #37
I actually spoke to our Home Office last week about this and shared my feelings on it. We NEED to flood the new web email address about this. This is what I was told- there is an issue with the zip code calculator. It is supposed to give you a consultant in the zip code, or the closest consultants, when a customer enters the zip code. It isn't doing that. They are aware of it and are working on a fix. As for us getting the contact information- this is the new way the web is setup and isn't going to be changed anytime soon. I agree with everyone else- this simply isn't fair to us or the potential customers. They can keep the new requirements (and I don't agree with them, I get they are supposed to help the consultant level, but I am sorry, you need to sell more than $1250 one month to get leads) but give us the contact information. Customers are NOT going to go the extra step and contact us. I am sorry, but that isn't how it works. (And yes, I told the Home Office this.) I also need to add- when I called the Home Office it was a 1.5 hour wait. The reason I am mentioning this is because I haven't waited to talk to the Home Office in YEARS! Clearly something isn't right!
  • #38
Off topic but has anyone noticed that the visit our new website like is off the PC main website and there is a smaller link at the top saying visit our beta site? Interesting.
  • #39
I wonder how long before HO sees the results with regards to the actual $$$$. THEY lose also when customers dont follow through.

As a consumer, when I go to a website, if I get to a point where I am told I have to contact a consultant or company agent to complete a purchase, guess what I do? i LEAVE THE SITE! If I was looking for a kitchen item, and that happened, I would log off and go to Target or wait until I found someone I could talk to. HO will eventually see the downward trend in sales, if they refuse to listen to us.
  • #40
heather223 said:
I actually spoke to our Home Office last week about this and shared my feelings on it. We NEED to flood the new web email address about this. This is what I was told- there is an issue with the zip code calculator. It is supposed to give you a consultant in the zip code, or the closest consultants, when a customer enters the zip code. It isn't doing that. They are aware of it and are working on a fix. As for us getting the contact information- this is the new way the web is setup and isn't going to be changed anytime soon. I agree with everyone else- this simply isn't fair to us or the potential customers. They can keep the new requirements (and I don't agree with them, I get they are supposed to help the consultant level, but I am sorry, you need to sell more than $1250 one month to get leads) but give us the contact information. Customers are NOT going to go the extra step and contact us. I am sorry, but that isn't how it works. (And yes, I told the Home Office this.)

I also need to add- when I called the Home Office it was a 1.5 hour wait. The reason I am mentioning this is because I haven't waited to talk to the Home Office in YEARS! Clearly something isn't right!

I don't get all the problems that they are having.....my husband is a computer programmer and has worked on lots of new systems and I can't ever remember them having problems like this. Really makes me wonder who they hired to do their projects and did they talk to "real" people who use the systems before they started the programming process. I'm really aggravated with the new lead process, too. Have not received anything and when I go to put in addresses of my neighbors looking for a consultant, I don't even show up.
  • #41
I have contacted HO concerning the so called lead system several times. Their logic fails me...but all I know is that I have a lead that live 82 miles from me. This is not an improvement in my eyes.
  • #42
I have gotten 1 random, h.o. sent, order/lead this entire month. That's one of the ones where someone simply goes online to purchase and doesn't look for a consultant. I have gotten NO leads this month and only 1 since May (for a cornbutterer). I know they are loosing sales, they HAVE to be!

I have done consultant searches for other d.s companies when looking for consultants to participate in a vendor event. Most other ones will give you EVERY active consultant, their title, their town location, distance from your address, phone, email, and website. In my opinion, if they want to forgo the prior lead system, this is the way to go. Don't give "random" names, give them all!
  • #43
I think that when you have to create an account to order from someone's show that that will cause people to leave the site. My husband gets so aggravated when he's on a web page and that make you create an account.....he won't even bother.....he'll go find somewhere else to order. So do they have to create an account to just look around or to look for a consultant? If so, I see less sales/leads in the future....although there have been a lot less sales/leads so not sure how much worse it could get.
  • #44
The distance thing doesn't bother me. I live in a valley of 4 towns and we all do biz in all of them. Most of mine are in the biggest one 1/2 hour away. If the leads were by distance only, I would really loose out. I haven't gotten a lead (except for a few online sales) since mid-April. :confused:

  • #45
Well, with the announcement that was just released (see the "just heard" thread), I wonder how it will affect the lead system.
  • #46
baychef said:
I have contacted HO concerning the so called lead system several times. Their logic fails me...but all I know is that I have a lead that live 82 miles from me. This is not an improvement in my eyes.

This is what they told me was wrong- it should be consultants that are the closest!
  • #47
After today's email about the new web, I know in my heart they are going to fix all of this for us! I am still excited about the new web and can't wait to use it once it works properly.
  • #48
heather223 said:
After today's email about the new web, I know in my heart they are going to fix all of this for us! I am still excited about the new web and can't wait to use it once it works properly.

It benefits THEM to fix things.
  • #49
heather223 said:
This is what they told me was wrong- it should be consultants that are the closest!

Also, I have not had a HO Lead since May! I have worked for 6 1/2 years to get to Director & keep my Sales high enough to qualify every month & recruit every 3-4 months to keep my leads, just to have them taken away really Stinks!! Something is VERY wrong with the NEW system! Stepping off the soap box.... ;)
  • #50
I wonder how the change to beta will affect the lead system.
<h2>1. What is the new lead system for Pampered Chef?</h2><p>The new lead system for Pampered Chef is a new way for customers to choose their preferred consultant for their orders. Instead of a lottery system, customers now have the option to select a specific consultant to work with.</p><h2>2. How has the new lead system affected your business as a Team Leader?</h2><p>As a Team Leader, I have not received any leads since the new system was implemented. However, I am happy for consultants who were previously unable to reach Team Leader status and can now receive leads through the new system.</p><h2>3. How do customers choose their preferred consultant under the new lead system?</h2><p>Customers can choose their preferred consultant by either entering their name or ID number at the time of purchase. They also have the option to search for consultants in their area and select one based on their profile and reviews.</p><h2>4. Do you prefer the new lead system or the previous lottery system?</h2><p>As a consultant, I preferred the previous lottery system as it gave all consultants an equal chance to receive leads. However, I understand the benefits of the new lead system for both customers and consultants.</p><h2>5. How has the new lead system been received by customers?</h2><p>The new lead system has received mixed reactions from customers. Some appreciate the ability to choose a specific consultant, while others preferred the convenience of the previous lottery system. Overall, it seems to be a positive change for the company.</p>

Related to How Are You Doing With the New "Lead System"

1. What is the new lead system for Pampered Chef?

The new lead system for Pampered Chef is a new way for customers to choose their preferred consultant for their orders. Instead of a lottery system, customers now have the option to select a specific consultant to work with.

2. How has the new lead system affected your business as a Team Leader?

As a Team Leader, I have not received any leads since the new system was implemented. However, I am happy for consultants who were previously unable to reach Team Leader status and can now receive leads through the new system.

3. How do customers choose their preferred consultant under the new lead system?

Customers can choose their preferred consultant by either entering their name or ID number at the time of purchase. They also have the option to search for consultants in their area and select one based on their profile and reviews.

4. Do you prefer the new lead system or the previous lottery system?

As a consultant, I preferred the previous lottery system as it gave all consultants an equal chance to receive leads. However, I understand the benefits of the new lead system for both customers and consultants.

5. How has the new lead system been received by customers?

The new lead system has received mixed reactions from customers. Some appreciate the ability to choose a specific consultant, while others preferred the convenience of the previous lottery system. Overall, it seems to be a positive change for the company.

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