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Help With People Who Haven't Been to a Show!

give a ticket to someone at the show and they are the host for the night. You can also have a silent auction or raffle at the show and things like that.
Can anyone help with overcoming what is becoming a common problem?
I recently did a School Fayre and got a booking for a Kitchen Show from a lady who hadn't heard of PC before. I went round to see her and left her a Host Pack making arrangements to ring her the week after. She contacted me, before I had chance to ring her, cancelling the show because her friends were not interested in attending! It is hard for a prospective host to sell the idea to her friends when she hasn't attended a show herself I suppose. I have left it with her that I will keep in touch (I have added her to my e-mail newsletter circulation list) and will invite her to my next home show so that she can see what it is all about, and maybe she can bring one or two of her friends with her.
What should I have done? Any ideas? You can't make people book, and once booked you can't stop them from cancelling. At least she gave me a few week's and didn't leave it until the last minute.
One thing comes to mind. How about the lets get together and socialize while we view a cooking class and taste some great food. You can tell her to let them know you will give them some great tips to get in and out of the kitchen to enjoy family or even some great recipes when they need to bring something to a party. Hope that helps. Good Luck.
I think its a great idea to invite this lady to one of your other shows. That way she can see the products and will be able to tell all her friends how awesome PC is. Maybe then they will come to her show.
I like changing the words to, "I'd love to teach you and a few friends how to make the ______. What day works best for you, Friday evening or Sunday afternoon?" It is not as intimidating when you are saying, "a few friends and learn how to make...." instead of "have a show". She doesn't know what "have a show" really means.
Mystery Show may be answerWhy don't you do a Mystery Host show and invite her to that? Do it either in August or in September with the new fall products. Mine are usually successful. Maybe she can meet more people at the show and they can be invited to her potential show in the fall. For mystery host show, give tickets where they get a certain number of tickets per what they do..i.e. RSVP by a certain date is one ticket; booking a show in September is eight tickets, etc.. You get the idea. At the end of the evening, choose a ticket and that person is the "host" of the night. If you would like more info, let me know and I will send you my flyer.
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Chefkasey said:
Why don't you do a Mystery Host show and invite her to that? Do it either in August or in September with the new fall products. Mine are usually successful. Maybe she can meet more people at the show and they can be invited to her potential show in the fall. For mystery host show, give tickets where they get a certain number of tickets per what they do..i.e. RSVP by a certain date is one ticket; booking a show in September is eight tickets, etc.. You get the idea. At the end of the evening, choose a ticket and that person is the "host" of the night. If you would like more info, let me know and I will send you my flyer.
Thanks for that - I have done a mystery host show before which was quite successful. My director has just told me about a Macmillan Coffee Morning event in the Uk on 30th September, so I am having a home show for that and have send an invite round to all my PC e-mail contacts. I will follow her up specifically to see if I can get her to come and see for herself. Thanks girls you are great! Yvonne ;)
DorisI would love to find out a little more info about the Mystery Host Show if you wouldn't mind sending it to me. I'm in my third month of Super Starter and would like to get more bookings for August and September.
If you type in "mystery host" under the search engine on this website it will bring up lots of threads about mystery hosts and the ideas everyone's had for them. Basically it is just a show you do normally at your own home. Instead of you being the host you invite your guests to come and tell them that there will be a drawing for a host at your show. The person who is drawn gets all the host benefits after everyone has ordered.
Kitchen ConsultantThank you so much for your help, it sounds like something I want to do.

Related to Help With People Who Haven't Been to a Show!

1. How can I get my friends and family to attend my Pampered Chef show?

One way to get people to attend your show is to personally invite them and explain the benefits of attending, such as trying out new products, learning new cooking techniques, and possibly winning free products. You can also offer incentives, such as hosting a raffle or providing a discount on their purchase if they bring a friend.

2. What should I do if someone RSVPs to my show but doesn't show up?

If someone RSVPs to your show but doesn't show up, it's important to follow up with them afterwards. Send them a friendly message asking if everything is okay and if they would like to reschedule for another time. You can also offer to send them a catalog or have a virtual show for them to make up for missing the in-person show.

3. My guests are hesitant to make a purchase at the show. How can I encourage them to buy?

One way to encourage guests to make a purchase is to offer a special deal or discount for purchases made at the show. You can also highlight the benefits and features of the products and how they can improve their cooking experience. Another approach is to have a cooking demonstration and let your guests try out the products themselves.

4. What should I do if my guests seem disinterested during the show?

If your guests seem disinterested during the show, it's important to engage them and keep them involved. Ask for their opinions, let them try out products, and ask if they have any questions. You can also liven up the atmosphere by playing some background music or having a fun game or activity related to cooking.

5. Is it appropriate to follow up with my guests after the show?

Yes, it is appropriate to follow up with your guests after the show. This can be a great opportunity to thank them for attending and remind them of any special deals or discounts that are still available. You can also ask for their feedback and if they would be interested in hosting their own Pampered Chef show in the future.

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