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Has Anyone Ever Done a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser??

In summary, the conversation is about a youth scouting organization that is looking for ways to fundraise for their summer activities. The idea of selling Krispy Kreme donuts at home improvement stores is suggested and one person shares their success with this type of fundraiser. They mention that it has a 50% profit and recommend it to others.
Staff member
We're new a youth scouting organization (Not BSA, but very much like it). Between uniforms, dues/registration, and activities....it can be expensive first starting out! That's not counting awards and such. I plan their activities and summer adventures. I know...Pampered Chef has a fundraiser. Haha...yes, got that. But it's not exactly a huge money maker...sorry. I AM going to offer that idea to the moms in our group as a secondary option, but for what I'm looking for, it wouldn't work. I'm looking for a quick easy way to make some quick cash to help offset the summer camp/adventures we're planning. Our regular fundraisers are still in the works, and might not be enough to cover the older boys summer plans. I've got about 30 boys and we're looking at needing about $100 each boy for the things planned this summer.
I keep coming back to the Krispy Kreme donut fundraisers....selling boxes of donuts and/or the BOGO Donut cards. I'd love to set up several tables at some area home improvement stores (Lowes, Home Depot, etc). We're a good sized metro area in NC with lots of small towns around...we have places to spread out, and no other Troops. Not many groups doing fundraisers this time of year either (a few sports here and there). With spring warm weather fast approaching in my area (I know- hard to believe right now since the news is all about the blizzard in the north)....I know those DIYers will be hitting the stores, plus contractors working more- and DONUTS are good! ;) I'm a contractors daughter...they like their donuts! hahaHas anyone done the KK fundraiser at a store and if so, how well have you done with it?
YES!!! I have done it for 2 years with my Relay For Life team and have made out like a bandit. Last year I actually had the donuts out at my booth with Starbucks Coffee. I had people hunting me down! I live 45 mins away from KK but I have a great man that drives out every year, picks them up, keeps his car warm and delivers them pipping hot.
It is a 50% profit fundraiser. I highly recommend it!
We need to make at least $3000. I'm wondering how much we can expect to make in a day at a store location. I'm sure there are a few factors that will depend on how many boxes we sell....I'm just trying to get an idea of what we can expect. I have not personally done a Krispy Kreme fundraiser at a store, but I have heard from others that it can be quite successful. It really depends on the location, timing, and how well you promote it. Here are a few tips that might help:1. Choose a high-traffic location: As you mentioned, home improvement stores are a good option because they tend to have a lot of customers. You could also consider setting up outside of grocery stores, shopping centers, or other popular spots in your community.2. Promote in advance: Don't rely on just the foot traffic at the store to bring in sales. Make sure to promote your fundraiser in advance through social media, flyers, and word of mouth. You could even ask the store if you can put up a sign or have an announcement over the intercom.3. Offer samples: People are more likely to buy something if they can try it first. See if you can get some sample donuts from Krispy Kreme to offer to customers. This can help entice them to buy a box.4. Set a goal: People are more likely to support a cause if they know what their money is going towards. Set a goal for how much you want to raise and let customers know what their support will help fund.5. Have a variety of options: Don't just offer boxes of donuts, consider also selling the BOGO cards and possibly other treats like coffee or hot chocolate. This can help attract a wider range of customers.6. Have a clear pricing structure: Make sure customers know how much each item costs and what their money is going towards. This can help them make a decision to purchase.7. Have a strong sales pitch: Train your scouts on how to effectively sell the donuts. Encourage them to be friendly, enthusiastic, and to explain why they are fundraising and what their organization does.As for how much you can expect to make in a day, it really depends on all of these factors. It's hard to give a specific number, but I would recommend setting a goal of selling at least 500 boxes of donuts (assuming you

Related to Has Anyone Ever Done a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser??

1. Can anyone participate in a Krispy Kreme fundraiser?

Yes, anyone can participate in a Krispy Kreme fundraiser. It is open to individuals, groups, and organizations such as schools, sports teams, and non-profits.

2. How does the Krispy Kreme fundraiser work?

The Krispy Kreme fundraiser works by selling boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts at a discounted price. The organization or individual purchases the donuts at a reduced rate and then sells them at a higher price to raise funds for their cause.

3. Is there a minimum amount of boxes that need to be sold for a Krispy Kreme fundraiser?

Yes, there is a minimum requirement of 50 boxes for a Krispy Kreme fundraiser. This is to ensure that the fundraiser is successful and raises a significant amount of funds for the organization.

4. How much profit can be made from a Krispy Kreme fundraiser?

The amount of profit that can be made varies depending on the number of boxes sold and the selling price. On average, organizations can expect to make around $5-7 profit per box.

5. Are there any restrictions on where the Krispy Kreme fundraiser can be held?

No, there are no specific restrictions on where the fundraiser can be held. It can be held at a designated location such as a school or community center, or the organization can sell the donuts door-to-door or at events.

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