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Happy First Day as a Director- Pampered Linda!

In summary, Linda was congratulated for becoming an official Director. She said her family celebrated when all of her consultants qualified. She forgot to update us on the call her husband answered.
Kitchen Diva
Gold Member
I wanted to be the first person to congratulate you (because I "heart" you!) on your very first day of being an official DIRECTOR! Happy June 1st and Happy National Pampered Linda Day! :)

I hope you enjoy being a Director- I think you will be awesome! :)
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Way to go Linda!!! Great job and good luck in you new found position!:D YAHOO!
Yay!! Congrats!!!:)
Congrats Linda!!! Hope you are still feeling that awesome feeling of promoting!
Enjoy your HO call and ALL the Perks :)
Congrats Linda!
:balloon: :balloon: :) :) Congratulations Linda!!:balloon: :balloon: :) :)
  • #10
It's official!! Congratulations Linda!!
  • #11
Thanks everyone - I'm still waiting for HO to call me.
  • #12
Way To Go!! You deserve it!!!:D
  • #13
Linda---you deserve it!! You rock! Enjoy it!
  • #14
Linda...I promoted waaaayyyy back in 2004, and still remeber the chills I got when the phone rang and the HO number came up on caller ID! You think you are ready for it, and then you go all goofy when it actually happens! ENJOY!
  • #15
I know what you mean Meg. The week before last I got a call from our HO Sales Director, Angela Arico (sp?). When I saw the info on Caller ID I thought wow they are really on top of their game! Angela introduced herself and quicky said that this isn't the official call (she called it the call before the call! LOL) that she just wanted to congratulate me and that Career Solutions woud be calling soon....I'm waiting!
  • #16
Go Linda!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #17
You'll have to tell us all about the call! :) I'm very happy for you!!!
  • #18
Congratulations, Linda!!!!!!!!
  • #19
Thanks Harriet - where have you been? I've missed you around here.
  • #20
Monday or Tuesday Linda - you really think they'll come in on a Saturday to call you. ;)Congratulations again! Enjoy the perks!!!!
  • #21
pamperedlinda said:
Thanks Harriet - where have you been? I've missed you around here.

Thanks Linda. My DH has been ill and is now recovering from hernia repair surgery he had 2 weeks ago. Needless to say with him "down" I've had more than my share of things to do and haven't had much "me" time. He is feeling better each day but still has a way to go and trying to keep him from overdoing has not been easy. I don't know if I ever told you he has Alzheimer's too and every now and then it kicks in and I have to remind him of what he can and cannot do. He is still considered early stage but there are days when I think he is heading to the mid stage. He has been ill for the past 5 years. Tomorrow is another day of doctor's appointments for him (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) so it is another day down the drain. Hopefully the appointments will lessen this week to give me a rest. Our dog doesn't even ask him for anything since he came back home from the surgery as she knows her daddy isn't supposed to walk her, etc for another 3-4 weeks. It is amazing how smart dogs are! So you know who is running in and out with her as we are not fenced in!
  • #22
Sorry to hear abotu your DH Harriet, glad he is feeling better. Take time for yourself and visit us when you can.
  • #23
Congrats Linda :)
  • #24
Congrats did your family do anything special to celebrate??
  • #25
Yeah Linda:) Are you anxiously waiting by the phone today?!
  • #26
No phone call yet - and I have several errands to run. I'm thinking of changing my answer message to say "If this is PC HO calling me, my cell number is....." LOL!
  • #27
Teresa Lynn said:
Congrats did your family do anything special to celebrate??
We celebrated when all of my consultants qualified
  • #28
Congratulations Linda!:sing:
  • #29
So, I see in your siggy that you got the call!
  • #30
CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so happy for you!!! You will be a great Director!
  • #31
pamperedlinda said:
Thanks everyone - I'm still waiting for HO to call me.

Congratulations Linda ~ makes you want to not go anywhere, huh!
  • #32
Hey Linda when I promoted to a Director the first time selling I was waiting like you for the call and I had to help at my son's school one day so my hubby suggested I forward the phone to my cellphone and we were right in the middle of a major project and my phone ran and 1st it was my director saying have you got the call yet???? Then right after i got off with her it was home office and I was nervous and excited and standing in a kindergarden class taking the call. So that might help you forward the phone !!!! Congrats by the way enjoy it, it is a great feeling and accomplishment.
  • #33
Forgot to update you all. HO called Monday evening and I was not home. I had to call them back, but all is good and it's official!
  • #34
Yippee! How exciting for you. Congratulations on working hard and accomplishing your goal!
  • #35
Congrats on Making director Linda!!!!
  • #36
Whoohoooo, go Linda! Congratulations!
  • #37
Linda...I knew you got Director, but somehow missed this thread before! I know I told you congrats, but when I saw this thread pop up, I had to do the happy dance for you!

Have you held your first official Team Meeting yet? Or are you maybe sharing meetings with your Director for a bit?

  • #39
KellyTheChef said:
.....Have you held your first official Team Meeting yet? Or are you maybe sharing meetings with your Director for a bit?


My director has a small team and she and our SED hold meeings together. I'll plan to stick with my SED for a while too.
  • #40
pamperedlinda said:
My director has a small team and she and our SED hold meeings together. I'll plan to stick with my SED for a while too.

I think that's a great idea! I know that will be my plan when I step up...

Right now my Director and a sister Director share meetings, and it has helped out a bunch cuz both of their clusters had gotten smaller. Just having more in attendance at the meetings is a big help! Plus, then you don't feel like you have to just jump in with both feet without some "training" and experience running a meeting!

I am so excited for you! You are gonna make a SUPER director!
  • #41
Sorry Linda, I somehow missed this thread as well!

  • #42
I agree Kelly. There used to be 2 other directors who shared metings with us. The meetings were pretty big at times and I LOVED the large meetings. We are a small group now (well, until I start recruiting like a superstar!)
  • #43
Did I miss the official congrats? Congrats! Enjoy building and nurturing your own team and watching it grow. You'll be back to large meetings before you know it!
  • #44
We all must have been in a time warp cause I also missed this also... Congrat's**************
  • #45
Congratulations Linda
  • #46
Thanks everyone. My first month as a director was great. Both my team and myself met our goals so I will be receiving my first Director Paycheck tomorrow! woohoo!
  • #47
Oh wow! Congrats!! :chef:
  • #48
pamperedlinda said:
Thanks everyone - I'm still waiting for HO to call me.

Thats awesome CONGRATS LINDA!!! :thumbup:
  • #49
pamperedlinda said:
Thanks everyone. My first month as a director was great. Both my team and myself met our goals so I will be receiving my first Director Paycheck tomorrow! woohoo!

Great job Linda! I am soo happy for you! Just know I will be thinkin of ya on your walk on stage!:D
  • #50
Congratulations, Linda! (Been offline a couple days) Great to meet you live at conference, also. Way to go, and in Jean-glish, Wa-HOO!
<h2>1. What does it mean to be a Director at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>Being a Director at Pampered Chef means that you have reached the top level of leadership within the company. It is a prestigious title and comes with increased responsibilities, such as mentoring and supporting your team of consultants.</p><h2>2. How do you become a Director at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>To become a Director at Pampered Chef, you must meet certain qualifications, including reaching a certain level of sales and building a team of consultants. You must also have a strong understanding of the company's products and business practices.</p><h2>3. What are the benefits of being a Director at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>As a Director, you have the opportunity to earn higher commissions and bonuses, attend exclusive training events, and have a greater impact on the success of your team. You also have the potential for career advancement within the company.</p><h2>4. How do you celebrate becoming a Director at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>There are many ways to celebrate becoming a Director at Pampered Chef, including hosting a party for your team, treating yourself to a special pampering session, or planning a fun outing with your loved ones. It's important to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate your hard work and achievement.</p><h2>5. What advice do you have for new Directors at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>My advice for new Directors at Pampered Chef is to continue to build and nurture relationships with your team and customers. Stay organized and focused on your goals, and don't be afraid to ask for help or support from your fellow Directors. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the journey!</p>

Related to Happy First Day as a Director- Pampered Linda!

1. What does it mean to be a Director at Pampered Chef?

Being a Director at Pampered Chef means that you have reached the top level of leadership within the company. It is a prestigious title and comes with increased responsibilities, such as mentoring and supporting your team of consultants.

2. How do you become a Director at Pampered Chef?

To become a Director at Pampered Chef, you must meet certain qualifications, including reaching a certain level of sales and building a team of consultants. You must also have a strong understanding of the company's products and business practices.

3. What are the benefits of being a Director at Pampered Chef?

As a Director, you have the opportunity to earn higher commissions and bonuses, attend exclusive training events, and have a greater impact on the success of your team. You also have the potential for career advancement within the company.

4. How do you celebrate becoming a Director at Pampered Chef?

There are many ways to celebrate becoming a Director at Pampered Chef, including hosting a party for your team, treating yourself to a special pampering session, or planning a fun outing with your loved ones. It's important to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate your hard work and achievement.

5. What advice do you have for new Directors at Pampered Chef?

My advice for new Directors at Pampered Chef is to continue to build and nurture relationships with your team and customers. Stay organized and focused on your goals, and don't be afraid to ask for help or support from your fellow Directors. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the journey!

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