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Grilled Chicken Penne Al Fresco W/O Mix-N-Chop

In summary, the conversation suggests using canned tomatoes or a potato masher as alternatives to a mix-n-chop for a recipe. There is also a recommendation to use grape tomatoes and a food chopper for a fancier presentation. Some individuals suggest skipping this step altogether or using a wooden spoon or cutlery to smash the tomatoes. There is also a discussion about the consistency of the dish, with some experiencing it to be too soupy while others find it too dry. Suggestions are made to adjust the amount of broth or pasta to achieve the desired consistency.
I want to make this recipe for a show but I'm new and do not have a mix-n-chop for the tomatoes. Any suggestions on this step? Can I smash them with a fork or use cut-up canned tomatoes? THANKS!
I'd just use canned diced tomatoes.
Or if you have a potato masher that would work, too. It's one of my favorite recipes! I hope you love it!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Thanks! I'm making it at home tonight to try out and I bought both just in case.
Use the grape tomatos and demo the food chopper to smash everything up. It's a higher priced product to use than the mixnchop and gives you a reason to talk about it.
you could also just make sure you cook them an extra 30 seconds or so. Then all of the tomatoes will have popped for you! :D The last time I made the dish, that's what happened, they all popped while cooking. (just be careful if you are popping them- sometimes they squirt you---OWW!)
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Thanks for the tips! If I use the food chopper would I use it before I cooked them???
The tomatoes go into the DCB whole so they can cook and pop and all that jazz (make sure the lid is on!)...so if you really wanted the FC- I'd say you'd use it before. Chopping them after would be hazardous to your health! (they're hot puppies!) And you wouldn't want to chop them right in your DCB- dull your blades probably.I personally wouldn't use the Food Chopper. I think it would change the nature of the recipe some- more of a tomato sauce, instead of that fresh tomato aspect that I love about it. Plus, The beauty of this recipe is it is simple and doesn't require much. I know people like to show products to sell, etc...but I like to be realistic too....not just be a pushy salesperson. Show off the food chopper with something else. just my two cents....:)
Just use the bottom of a wooden spoon...but be careful of juice squirts...still have a burn-scar from the last time I made it. But all the scars are worth it....one of my fav's!

PS...can you borrow a Mix-N-Chop for this show? And then buy one---it's worth it!!
  • #10
You could also use some forged cutlery to quarter the tomatoes and then cook them as normal. Then just take a fork or if you have the masher, use that. Then at least you don't have to worry about the exploding part.
  • #11
I usually use a bamboo spoon to smash them up during that step. By the way, the mix n chop is on the supply order form for fall for 6 bucks!!! Also, be sure to order your new RUFTH trivet for free with your next supply order!!
  • #12
I ALWAYS skip this step at shows. I tell them that the recipe calls for the mix n chop, but if you do it, you will get burnt by tomato juice....and it hurts. The first time I tried this recipe I learned that the hard way. I cook the garlic/tomatoes in the DCB. Take it out and add the next ingredients....they burst as the pasta cooks. I wouldn't worry about touching them. :)

Also, you don't need to have every tool to "show" the audience. Just mimic what you would do with the item and it works just as well.
  • #13
Just made this tonight and was disappointed in how "soupy" it was. I had to pour off about a cup! Then it lost a lot of its flavor. I'm sure I measured the pasta right, and my daughter confirmed it. Is anyone else's like soup?
  • #14
ChefRodeo said:
Just made this tonight and was disappointed in how "soupy" it was. I had to pour off about a cup! Then it lost a lot of its flavor. I'm sure I measured the pasta right, and my daughter confirmed it. Is anyone else's like soup?

funny you should mention that yours was soup...i thought mine was too dry when i made it! my husband actually wanted to add real pasta sauce to it. it was good don't get me wrong but just dryer than i pictured it. did you add to much chicken broth or wine??? i just used chicken broth and no wine but added the wine amount in extra chicken broth i think next time i will add 4 cups total of chicken broth to mine just to make sure. also if yours was too soupy you could try using 4 cups of pasta instead of 3...that might work.
  • #15
Janis said:
I ALWAYS skip this step at shows. I tell them that the recipe calls for the mix n chop, but if you do it, you will get burnt by tomato juice....and it hurts. The first time I tried this recipe I learned that the hard way. I cook the garlic/tomatoes in the DCB. Take it out and add the next ingredients....they burst as the pasta cooks. I wouldn't worry about touching them. :)

Also, you don't need to have every tool to "show" the audience. Just mimic what you would do with the item and it works just as well.

I would think a Fork would work better as far as the 'squirt factor'- or the tip of a knife.
  • #16
Jessica, thanks for the help. I'm sure the broth and wine were measured right, but now that I think of it, I didn't use mezze penne pasta, just regular penne pasta. Could that have been it? Since you said yours was a little dry, I know I must have done something weird.
  • #17
ChefRodeo said:
Jessica, thanks for the help. I'm sure the broth and wine were measured right, but now that I think of it, I didn't use mezze penne pasta, just regular penne pasta. Could that have been it? Since you said yours was a little dry, I know I must have done something weird.

i didn't use the mezze penne pasta either i had no idea where to find that i looked all over at walmart and gave up and got regular too. however after thinking about it i had to cook mine in my oven because my microwave was too small, so i might have cooked mine a little too long. i did 45 mins just to make sure it was all done. next time i might do 35-40 mins.
  • #18
I find I have to use a whole box of pasta to make this perfect. The only brand of Mezze Penne I can find is made by Barilla if that helps at all. It is one of my favorite dinner meals to make :) I use more tomatoes than it calls for. I have never actually measured my tomatoes LOL I just thorw two pints of the grape tomatoes in LOL I do cook it a little longer to make sure they all pop. And I have yet to use any oil on my DCB LOL It is so yummy.
  • #19
I always use the whole box of pasta too, there was a thread when this first came out about the soupy factor and that is what everyone determined worked the best. Don't measure the pasta, just dump the whole thing in. And I think if you let it set for a few minutes with the lid on after you take it out of the microwave, it'll soak up a little more...
  • #20
Janis said:
I ALWAYS skip this step at shows. I tell them that the recipe calls for the mix n chop, but if you do it, you will get burnt by tomato juice....and it hurts. The first time I tried this recipe I learned that the hard way. I cook the garlic/tomatoes in the DCB. Take it out and add the next ingredients....they burst as the pasta cooks. I wouldn't worry about touching them. :)

Also, you don't need to have every tool to "show" the audience. Just mimic what you would do with the item and it works just as well.

You're supposed to cook the tomatoes until they are beginning to burst. This way, they are already cracked open and using the mix n' chop is okay.

ChefRodeo said:
Jessica, thanks for the help. I'm sure the broth and wine were measured right, but now that I think of it, I didn't use mezze penne pasta, just regular penne pasta. Could that have been it? Since you said yours was a little dry, I know I must have done something weird.

I think that is the difference. If I cook a lb. of macaroni noodles, I need more water than if I'm cooking a lb. of ziti. So I could see that if you used regular penne then you would end up w/ too much liquid.

pc_jessica said:
i didn't use the mezze penne pasta either i had no idea where to find that i looked all over at walmart and gave up and got regular too. however after thinking about it i had to cook mine in my oven because my microwave was too small, so i might have cooked mine a little too long. i did 45 mins just to make sure it was all done. next time i might do 35-40 mins.

The only brand I've seen is the Barilla brand. I've found it at Walmart and my regular grocery store, so hopefully yours carries it and you can find it for next time. It's so hard to find these things sometimes, huh?! :) Don't even get me started on how long it took me to find Arborio rice needed for other recipes. :D

Related to Grilled Chicken Penne Al Fresco W/O Mix-N-Chop

1. How do I make the Grilled Chicken Penne Al Fresco without using the Mix-N-Chop?

To make the Grilled Chicken Penne Al Fresco without using the Mix-N-Chop, you can simply use a regular knife to chop the chicken and vegetables. Make sure to chop them into evenly sized pieces for even cooking.

2. Can I substitute the penne pasta with a different type of pasta?

Yes, you can substitute the penne pasta with any type of pasta that you prefer. Just make sure to adjust the cooking time accordingly as different types of pasta may have different cooking times.

3. Can I use frozen vegetables instead of fresh ones?

Yes, you can use frozen vegetables instead of fresh ones. Just make sure to thaw and drain them before adding them to the dish. You may also need to adjust the cooking time slightly as frozen vegetables may take longer to cook.

4. How can I make this dish vegetarian-friendly?

To make this dish vegetarian-friendly, you can omit the chicken and use a vegetable broth instead of chicken broth. You can also add in your favorite vegetables such as mushrooms, zucchini, or bell peppers for added flavor and texture.

5. Can I make this dish ahead of time and reheat it later?

Yes, you can make this dish ahead of time and reheat it later. Just make sure to store it in an airtight container in the fridge. When ready to reheat, add a splash of water or broth to the dish and microwave or heat on the stove until heated through.

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