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Getting off to a "Grate" Start--In 2008

In summary, the new consultant training seems to be helpful, but the trainer could have done a better job of reassuring the trainee. The new consultant should also be familiar with the company's policies before attending a show. The trainee should also set their available dates and hold a show every week or two to improve their consistency.
Gold Member
What do you wish you knew from new consultant training?

What do you wish your trainer said if nothing else do xyz----

I am teaching a STRONG START class and your input would be very appreciated----

Keep it positive PLEASE---:thumbup: :angel:
I wish my trainer had reassured me that YES- some people will say NO and its NOT personal.
I wish that my trainer had contacted me more often in the first several weeks to sort of cheer me on. I felt really lost but I felt "needy" to call her when I was struggling and getting discouraged.
One thing I learned here on CS was to be creative in my business. I found this site after @ 4 months of being a consultant and right when I had run out of my friends and family to host shows for me. I was in a slump and didn't have anyone that wanted to host shows right then - I had bookings, but they were for 2 or 3 month's out. What I didn't realize was that if I didn't have a host then that shouldn't stop me, I could do it myself! I learned about Mystery Host shows, I learned @ Pampereing a business, I also placed a drawing box at the local Curves. This was during HWC time and I had friends take orders for just the 'pink stuff' - which lead to more orders and bookings.

I guess I just didn't realize that I could run my business "out of the box". It completely turned my biz around.
That asking people for bookings isn't pushy, it is how we grow our businesses and how we help others stock their kitchens. I was about 6 shows in before I started asking consistently... think of how many shows I missed out on!

Set your available dates before you go to a show so your business does not run you.

Do the online training - it is very helpful. Order the CDs on the supply orders.
Ok, Miss "promoted to director in 5 months"...I've been doing this for almost 8 years and became a director about 4 years into it...I'm looking to YOU for advice!!!:D

That being said, there was a lot that my recruiter didn't tell me, but, it was overwhelming and I don't think at first it would have sunk in. I guess getting them to know the product and work with the products would be one thing that I wish I had done earlier.

Also, that you do NOT have to "know what you are doing" to recruit someone!

Not much help, but some of us are a little slower that others :D LOL!!!!
As evidenced by some of the posts today, clarification of Kit Enhancement Month and other opportunities needs to be covered. KE wasn't a big deal for me (I was under the old 6-month super start program and earned the first level of all 6), but a lot of consultants miss it completely because they're simply unaware of it. And with the PC$ program, it's such a magnificent opportunity.In fact, there have been a lot of questions lately about things that are covered in the policies. I think a lot of people get so excited about the products that they don't bother reading and familiarizing themselves with the policies.
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  • #7
thanks for the great tips so far----
Ann E----I am watching you----LOL ---I fell on the floor----
I got NO training~simply had to look at everything myself and go from there! With that said, I wish someone had told me how easy recruiting is when you are a new consultant...your enthusiasm is contagious! I would have been a little more aware of the red flag questions if I had known. Also, I was scared because I thought if I recruited, I was responsible for those people...I guess I really didn't understand what the job of a Director was since my Director at the time was the same person that didn't train me...heck, she didn't even call me! I make it a point to tell my new recruits that it is my job to train and coach anyone they bring onto the team until the time comes that they choose to promote.
"Just Ask"...it was a phrase the home office 'came up with" a couple years after I started...sorta like they came up with "3-2-1"
I didn't ask for bookings...or recruits...for years! and my bookings showed!
When my hospitality director drilled into my head to 'just ask' I started doing it, and it worked! Before I just explained the host program and expected people to bombard me with bookings. It doesn't always work that way.

Another thing...being consistent...holding a show a week, or two a week...not one a month, or one every other month...like I did at first...will help you be smooth and comfortable in front of guests. Being smooth and comfortable, you are having more fun, so the guests are having more fun...so they want to book and sign!

I think Directors need to know if their consultants want you to contact them, or if they are happy on their own. I really didn't get any training or encouragement at the beginning (my 1st director isn't in the biz anymore so i'm under her upline now -and she's awesome!) She thought since I wasn't turning in much, she wouldn't contact me. But really I just needed encouragement and ideas. Just because the consultant doesn't turn in 8 shows a month, doesn't mean she doesn't WANT to turn in 8 shows a month.

Wish I was in your class! Congrats on your success! Best of luck with the class! Let us know how it went!
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  • #10
Nicole-----I love it!!! thanks a million-----
  • #11
To be honest, I didn't really have any training - at all. I do however wish I had more of a cheerleader in the beginning...I tend to be my hardest (and worst) critic so having someone tell "that is great you booked another show" or "amazing you have a recruit lead" or even "awesome show!" (even when sales are average) would have been nice. I guess I'm saying, it would have been nice for a little more external validation. Since only a few consultants are high achievers, it is nice for the consultant in the middle to know she/he is doing well too.

And I'm not trying to through a pity party for myself! LOL I know this sounds a bit "whiny". HA, HA!
  • #12
These are all great ideas Thank you for the information!
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  • #13
Missy ---Great share!!! ---thanks-----
Totally great for all of us to do a check in-----
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  • #14
  • #15
A few things I wish I could have gotten from someone...ANYONE.
1. Explain Kit Enhancement and give tips of the best way to start. (For example, I sent in my contract around April 17, but didn't plan to have my first show until April 30 ish. I had no idea about the first 30 days starting right away. I thought the first full month after signing was what counted as the first month.)
2. I wish someone would have told me to stop spending money on mailing things. USE THE PHONE! No one responds to mailings or nice colored copies. One mailing cost at least $60, and nothing came of it. When I started calling, I started getting bookings.
3. Ask every, yes, every guest if they would like to have a show. Don't wait to see the prize drawing slip. I love the three pile system (or 4). Offer a recipe, offer the opportunity, offer the host plan. Add a 4th pile of extra's like fundraisers, gift certificates, and/or bridal showers and registries. If I would have asked at the show, I wouldn't have to ask on the phone. Still make customer care calls, but then they can sincerely be customer care calls.
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  • #16
Jae excellent input---I really appreciate it===
  • #17
1. How to organize your business. A consultant and I a few months ago teamed together and showed the newbies to our cluster different ways of organizing their business. I use PP as a calendar to tell me when to call, send emails, etc. Once I have put in names and contacts (using show slips), I recycle them. My friend does only paper trail. She uses a photo box with months labeled inside and had a different system. Though they both work, it was nice for people to see.

A "tour" of the director's office space. My director took the time to show me how to use PP and input a show, this was so great.
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  • #18
thanks Julie---LOVE IT!!
  • #19
How about the freebies? Many people don't know about the monthly and seasonal freebies - and those are a valuable thing to new consultants!

Annual: RUFTH trivet
Seasonal: pack of order forms
Monthly: 1 pack of cooking show planners; 1 pack of consultant agreements
  • #20
I agree with office use. My director took me to shows with her and let me use PP on her computer and also had me hand calculate orders for customer's and then she checked them on PP (math is a very strong thing for me so no problem there). But one thing that may have helped would have been to see how she organizes/utilizes her office area.

I'm a hands on person so any hands on training helped me.
  • #21
I'm having my first meeting on Jan 19th, and mentioned to my husband maybe he could come do a short 'tax class'. My newest recruit (#5 ! ! !) asked about taxes when she was signing. and this time of year it would be helpful!
  • #22
Software training I think would be important. There are so many facets of places in PP and PP3. I agree to tell new consultants about the free, % off they receive etc. Its a lot of info all at once, it should be spread out a little bit. I am still learning PP3 and what it can do. I find something new every time. (and I am like WOW I didnt know I could find this?!). LOL
  • #23
I'm still looking for someone to show me how to organize!!

One thing my recruiter told me that was very valuable was to keep adding and asking for bookings, even though I had the first 4 on my calendar. I (like most newbies) thought I'd get all the others that I needed from my shows, but my first show had NONE! So it was a good thing she had already warned me about that!
  • #24
I would love to see your material - any way you could post it, Morfia?
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  • #25
my whole class---I will share it live---via teleclass--for all
  • #26
MORFIA, that would be SWEET!

Another thing: just what going to conference can do for you & your business. And about conference club.

I didn't go to conference for 3 years. My business took a huge step forward immediately after my first time there.

It had to do with the networking with others, the confidence I got from the workshops, and seeing the whole picture.
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  • #27
nice to come to chef success----and noone cares where we came from--all are happy to share and grow together---
I will add this to my class-----join chef success---
  • #28
vwpamperedchef said:
Software training I think would be important. There are so many facets of places in PP and PP3. I agree to tell new consultants about the free, % off they receive etc. Its a lot of info all at once, it should be spread out a little bit. I am still learning PP3 and what it can do. I find something new every time. (and I am like WOW I didnt know I could find this?!). LOL
Yes, I think this would be great. There are so many things I probably could be doing with P3, but I don't know what those things are.

Related to Getting off to a "Grate" Start--In 2008

1. How do I get started with Pampered Chef in 2008?

To get started with Pampered Chef in 2008, you can sign up as a consultant and start hosting parties to share our products with your friends and family. You can also attend training sessions and conferences to learn more about our company and products.

2. What are the benefits of becoming a Pampered Chef consultant in 2008?

As a Pampered Chef consultant in 2008, you will have the opportunity to earn extra income, receive discounts on products, and build your own business. You will also have access to training and support from our experienced consultants.

3. What new products can I expect from Pampered Chef in 2008?

We are constantly innovating and introducing new products to our line. In 2008, we will have new kitchen tools, cookware, and cookbooks available for purchase. Stay updated on our latest releases by checking our website or attending our events.

4. How can I become a successful Pampered Chef consultant in 2008?

To become a successful Pampered Chef consultant in 2008, it is important to stay organized, set goals, and be persistent. Attend training sessions and conferences to learn more about our products and how to effectively market them. Also, make sure to provide excellent customer service to your clients.

5. Can I still join Pampered Chef in 2008 if I have a full-time job?

Yes, you can still join Pampered Chef in 2008 even if you have a full-time job. Our consultants have the flexibility to work their own hours and can balance their Pampered Chef business with their other commitments. It's a great opportunity to earn extra income on your own time.

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