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Feeling Stuck in SS2: What Am I Doing Wrong?

In summary, if you are not seeing success in SS2, it could be due to inconsistent effort, lack of outreach, or not utilizing available resources. To improve sales, consistently reach out to potential customers and offer personalized solutions, use social media and parties to showcase products, and prioritize excellent customer service. To stay motivated, remember your goals, surround yourself with a supportive team, and set achievable goals. When facing rejection, use it as a learning opportunity and reflect on areas for improvement. Staying organized is crucial in SS2, so utilize tools and resources provided by Pampered Chef, set a schedule, and don't be afraid to ask for help.
I am half way through my SS2 and feel I have hit a wall. The last 2 shows I did I couldn't get a booking to save my life. Now here I am at the starting point again with no shows coming up. I don't have anyone left (not even on my 100 list) that I can contact. I have tried to find out when there are fairs, shows, etc and am having no luck. I feel like maybe I should give up but this is something I desparately wanted to work. I wanted to be very successful in this but I am starting to feel like it was a mistake. I feel like this is what I am suppose to be doing and I love being at shows and talking with people about the products and the benefits that PC offers--I am just not getting anywhere doing it. What am I doing wrong? HELP!
You can try schools and churches. See if any are still doing a fall festival or a christmas bazaar. Have a yard sale. I see many hosts on here who set up a table at their yard sale and do very well. I might try it sometime.

Go door to door and invite your neighbors to a holiday open house. Hold it in November to get the gifts in on time.

Hang in there, it will come around. Last year I was stuck in Dec and Jan but I asked one friend to hold a show in Feb. and that is the longest running chain of bookings so far.

good luck :)
Hey there,First of all, I just want to say that I understand how frustrating and discouraging it can be when things don't seem to be going well in your business. It's completely normal to feel like you've hit a wall and don't know what to do next.But before you give up, I want to encourage you to take a step back and reevaluate your approach. It sounds like you've been putting a lot of effort into reaching out to potential customers and booking shows, but maybe it's time to try a different strategy.One thing you could do is reach out to your existing customers and ask for referrals. Word of mouth is a powerful tool, and your satisfied customers can be your best advocates. You can also consider hosting a virtual party or event to reach a wider audience.Another thing to consider is your target market. Are you focusing on the right demographic for your products? Maybe you could try branching out and targeting a different group of people, or even collaborating with other businesses or vendors to reach a new audience.Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from other successful consultants. You can also reach out to your upline or attend training events to learn new techniques and strategies for growing your business.Remember, every successful business owner has faced challenges and setbacks. It's important to stay positive and keep pushing forward. You have a passion for what you do, and that's a great foundation for success. Don't give up, and keep trying new things until you find what works for you. I believe in you!

Related to Feeling Stuck in SS2: What Am I Doing Wrong?

1. Why am I not seeing success in SS2?

There could be several reasons for feeling stuck in SS2. It could be that you are not consistently working on your business, not reaching out to potential customers, or not utilizing the resources and trainings provided by Pampered Chef. It could also be a lack of confidence or fear of rejection. Reflect on your efforts and see if there are any areas that need improvement.

2. How can I improve my sales in SS2?

To improve sales in SS2, it is important to consistently reach out to potential customers and offer them personalized solutions based on their needs. Utilize social media, word-of-mouth, and host virtual or in-person parties to showcase the products. Also, make sure to follow up with customers and offer excellent customer service to build trust and loyalty.

3. What can I do to motivate myself in SS2?

Staying motivated in SS2 can be challenging, but it is important to remember your why and the goals you have set for your business. Surround yourself with a supportive team and attend training events to stay inspired. Setting achievable goals and celebrating small victories can also help keep you motivated.

4. How can I overcome rejection in SS2?

Rejection is a common part of any sales business, but it is important to not take it personally. Use rejection as an opportunity to learn and improve your approach. Reflect on the reasons for the rejection and see if there are any areas that need improvement. Remember that every no brings you one step closer to a yes.

5. What are some tips for staying organized in SS2?

Staying organized is crucial in SS2 to manage your business effectively. Utilize the tools and resources provided by Pampered Chef, such as the Consultant's Corner and the mobile app, to keep track of your orders, parties, and customers. Set a schedule for yourself and prioritize tasks to stay on top of your business. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your team or upline if needed.

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