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Easy and Fast Toddler Meal Ideas for Busy Stay-at-Home Moms - Let's Share!

In summary, Becky advised parents to feed their children different things so they don't get bored. She also advised parents to look into cookbooks for toddler-friendly meals and recipes.
I was reading kaceyleigh's thread and it sparked a question in my mind... we are both clearly at home moms and are looking for some simple quick meal suggestions and thought I would pick your brains... Any Ideas???:confused:
That is a really good questions... I tend to feed my child the same things all the time:p
  • Thread starter
  • #3
me too and by posting this I am hoping to get many different ideas, even it means freezing somethings
I hear ya... :)
that's a good idea i wouldn't mind something new for danny (my son) he LIVES by PB&J and I hate it!!
My DD loves Chicken nuggets!! She eats cheese all the time too:p We just got her to start eating meats other than chicken nuggets...
My 3 yr old loves veggies, fruit, breads, cheeses, and yogurts. His meals may be unconventional sometimes, but they are pretty healthy. He doesn't like most meat, except fish - he loves fish! - so we don't push him to eat it.....he gets lots of protein from other sources, and he is beginning to eat a little chicken sometimes (he loves the whole-grain chicken bites in the new cookbook)

Often for breakfast he will have a Yogurt and Fruit smoothie, with a slice of toast, or some dry cereal. Another favorite is a whole grain toaster waffle w/ blueberry syrup ( 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 2 tbls real maple syrup microwaved in a prep bowl until the berries "pop" and make juice) and a glass of milk. He also loves a banana with peanut butter toast and a glass of OJ or milk.

Lunch - sometimes a cheese stick, grapes and whole grain crackers, or a PBJ and fruit.......apple slices with peanut butter, and muffin or crackers. He also loves dips like Hummus and Guacamole with crackers and veggies (he likes carrots, celery, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, and broccoli). He LOVES a cheese sandwich (grilled or not) with tomato soup. Cheese and refried bean tacos are another favorite. Any kind of noodles w/ pasta sauce! Mac & cheese with veggies and dip.

He is a good eater - I actually have fun feeding him and he is pretty willing to try new foods.....as long as it is one food at a time! He won't eat casseroles - doesn't like his food touching each other!
Oh yeah and the Pampered Chef Let's Eat Cookbook has some cute ideas! I just got it and can't wait to try some things
  • #10
ChefBeckyD said:
My 3 yr old loves veggies, fruit, breads, cheeses, and yogurts. His meals may be unconventional sometimes, but they are pretty healthy. He doesn't like most meat, except fish - he loves fish! - so we don't push him to eat it.....he gets lots of protein from other sources, and he is beginning to eat a little chicken sometimes (he loves the whole-grain chicken bites in the new cookbook)

Often for breakfast he will have a Yogurt and Fruit smoothie, with a slice of toast, or some dry cereal. Another favorite is a whole grain toaster waffle w/ blueberry syrup ( 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 2 tbls real maple syrup microwaved in a prep bowl until the berries "pop" and make juice) and a glass of milk. He also loves a banana with peanut butter toast and a glass of OJ or milk.

Lunch - sometimes a cheese stick, grapes and whole grain crackers, or a PBJ and fruit.......apple slices with peanut butter, and muffin or crackers. He also loves dips like Hummus and Guacamole with crackers and veggies (he likes carrots, celery, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, and broccoli). He LOVES a cheese sandwich (grilled or not) with tomato soup. Cheese and refried bean tacos are another favorite. Any kind of noodles w/ pasta sauce! Mac & cheese with veggies and dip.

He is a good eater - I actually have fun feeding him and he is pretty willing to try new foods.....as long as it is one food at a time! He won't eat casseroles - doesn't like his food touching each other!

I will definately try the blueberry syrup, my son would love that!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
I have some ideas but yes like Gina I feel like I am feeding them the same food every day. Good ideas Becky! All ideas are definitely welcomed!
  • #12
Oh- for the Smoothies, I think he loves them because when I was pregnant, I had one almost every morning for breakfast. For some reason it was the only think that would stay down. I use my immersion blender and the cup that came with it, and throw in 1/2 frozen banana, a handful of berries, peaches, or other fruit, a 1/2 cup of yogurt, a tbls. of ground flax seed, and a 1/2 cup of milk or juice. Blend together and drink!:)
Another favorite smoothie is a PB and banana smoothie. 1/2 cup plain yogurt, 1/2 cup milk, 1 frozen banana, and 1 Tbl. peanut or almond butter, 1 tbls ground flax seed. Blend together and drink!
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Wow Becky thanks for the ideas! :D I will try them for sure... my children are so fussy and texture sensitive, :eek: I am willing to try anything! Does anyone have any other ideas? I know there a lot of you out there that have little ones hehe...:p
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  • #14
I am now officially jealous of Becky's three year old! He eats better than my whole family! (and I mean by that...he will TRY more things than my family!!) My DH and SDS are very "plain"eaters and don't like many fruits or veggies. I, on the other hand, love all sorts of food and like to try new things all of the time!

My 2.5 yr. eats: homemade french toast, yogurt, sometimes cheese (he used to eat it all of the time, now is kindof hit or miss with it) apple slices, pear slices (not out of a can...doesn't like slippery type foods like canned peaches,etc.) parmesean noodles, corn, green beans, brocolli, um, hard to think!!

Oh! I made the Banana crunch muffins that were posted on here a week ago and he LOVED them! I made them in the MMP. (Half of the recipe = 48 muffins)

It's amazing how some days they eat and eat...and other days it seems like they don't eat anything!

He does drink quite a bit of milk...which I have started adding some water to it. Otherwise, he would fill up on milk! Oh, and in the mornings or at other meal times, I will tell him "This is your last cup of milk till you eat _____" So, right now, he is asking for milk, but he is NOT getting any till he finishes his breakfast.

Sorry, I feel like I am rambling...toddlers are a challenge sometimes, huh?
  • #15
KellyTheChef said:
It's amazing how some days they eat and eat...and other days it seems like they don't eat anything!

Sorry, I feel like I am rambling...toddlers are a challenge sometimes, huh?

Isn't that the truth! DH will come home from work and ask if the day was an eating day or a non-eating day. I've realized I have to look at his weekly food intake instead of daily!
  • #16
That's reasurring to know that someone else's toddler has those days. I am a 1st time mom. My little boy is 16 months old. I swear somedays it feels like he doesn't eat anything but goldfish and milk. He's extremely picky. He is only 20 lbs, but has always been very petite. He's had acid reflux every since birth so he sees a specialist for it. The Dr. doesn't seem concerned about his low weight, but it worries me to death. You can't make them eat if they don't want to. I've found that out for sure. Anyways, thanks for the input. Maybe today will be an "eating day" lol.
  • #17
tabnat80 said:
That's reasurring to know that someone else's toddler has those days. I am a 1st time mom. My little boy is 16 months old. I swear somedays it feels like he doesn't eat anything but goldfish and milk. He's extremely picky. He is only 20 lbs, but has always been very petite. He's had acid reflux every since birth so he sees a specialist for it. The Dr. doesn't seem concerned about his low weight, but it worries me to death. You can't make them eat if they don't want to. I've found that out for sure. Anyways, thanks for the input. Maybe today will be an "eating day" lol.

Yep! Yesterday was an eating day for us! He ate very well all day long - and had a "snack" of Spinach&Cheese Ravioli w/ pasta sauce (His very favorite food!) just before bed last night.

today - Nada, Nothin', Zippo! He has had 3 sips of a peach smoothie, and it's almost time for lunch!
  • #18
When mine were little they loved egg or chicken salad
  • #19
ChefBeckyD said:
My 3 yr old loves veggies, fruit, breads, cheeses, and yogurts. His meals may be unconventional sometimes, but they are pretty healthy. He doesn't like most meat, except fish - he loves fish! - so we don't push him to eat it.....he gets lots of protein from other sources, and he is beginning to eat a little chicken sometimes (he loves the whole-grain chicken bites in the new cookbook)

Often for breakfast he will have a Yogurt and Fruit smoothie, with a slice of toast, or some dry cereal. Another favorite is a whole grain toaster waffle w/ blueberry syrup ( 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 2 tbls real maple syrup microwaved in a prep bowl until the berries "pop" and make juice) and a glass of milk. He also loves a banana with peanut butter toast and a glass of OJ or milk.

Lunch - sometimes a cheese stick, grapes and whole grain crackers, or a PBJ and fruit.......apple slices with peanut butter, and muffin or crackers. He also loves dips like Hummus and Guacamole with crackers and veggies (he likes carrots, celery, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, and broccoli). He LOVES a cheese sandwich (grilled or not) with tomato soup. Cheese and refried bean tacos are another favorite. Any kind of noodles w/ pasta sauce! Mac & cheese with veggies and dip.

He is a good eater - I actually have fun feeding him and he is pretty willing to try new foods.....as long as it is one food at a time! He won't eat casseroles - doesn't like his food touching each other!

man i wish my son ate like that :cry:
  • #20
One of my nieces is like that, too. My sister's pretty good about making sure she gets enough to eat over the course of several days, but some days her little tummy has got to be empty! And luckily, she likes healthy stuff, so when she does eat it's things like fruit, cheese, whole grains, milk, etc. and not junk.
  • #21
tabnat80 said:
That's reasurring to know that someone else's toddler has those days. I am a 1st time mom. My little boy is 16 months old. I swear somedays it feels like he doesn't eat anything but goldfish and milk. He's extremely picky. He is only 20 lbs, but has always been very petite. He's had acid reflux every since birth so he sees a specialist for it. The Dr. doesn't seem concerned about his low weight, but it worries me to death. You can't make them eat if they don't want to. I've found that out for sure. Anyways, thanks for the input. Maybe today will be an "eating day" lol.

been there done that

or mcdonalds french fries:grumpy:
  • #22
I'm not trying to be snotty or anything.....but my sons eating habits come from a determination on our part that he grow up to be a healthy eater. He eats the way he does because he doesn't have any other options. Snacky type foods (like chips etc...) and processed foods are not offered to him as food choices. We have also had good luck by doing "try bites" When we are eating a food that is new to him or one that he has rejected in the past, we tell him he just has to take 1 "try-bite" and if he doesn't want anymore, he doesn't have to eat it. Sometimes, he just takes that one bite, but sometimes he discovers a new favorite food! I also try to let him help me as much as possible when I am cooking. He loves to "stir".....and I'll give him a small piece of veggie or whatever I am working on, and let him go at it with his safe-cutter. I measure things out, and let him pour them in, and he is even learning how to crack an egg! Oh - and we have a garden, and this year let him help choose what we planted. He has had so much fun helping to pick, wash, and eat the veggies!
  • #23
heather9892 said:
been there done that

or mcdonalds french fries:grumpy:
There's a way to avoid that - no McDonald's allowed. 2 of my nieces are 5 and 2, and I don't think they've ever had McD's. When they do get fast food, it's made clear that it's a treat and sis only gets them meals from Wendy's, because she can get them the turkey and cheese sandwiches with oranges and milk instead of fries and pop.
  • #24
chefann said:
There's a way to avoid that - no McDonald's allowed. 2 of my nieces are 5 and 2, and I don't think they've ever had McD's. When they do get fast food, it's made clear that it's a treat and sis only gets them meals from Wendy's, because she can get them the turkey and cheese sandwiches with oranges and milk instead of fries and pop.

That's our rule! He has had McD's w/ Grandpa & Grandma.....and imagine their amazement when he wanted Apple Dippers instead of french fries! He doesn't even like french fries!
We do Wendys, Arbys, or Fazolis for fast food. All have great, healthier choices for kids. Micah's favorite is Arby's.
  • #25
I'm so glad I'm not the only one! lol My 3yr old used to eat anything when he was younger, but when 18 months rolled around, it was over. Now I have to pretty much bribe him to eat on some days. Luckily he will eat some healthy foods - he actually likes whole wheat bread better than white! :D Right after DH left, he started eating even less! He's pretty tall for his age, so it makes him seem skinnier than he really is. The problem I'm having right now is that his "skinniness" worries my MIL (we're staying with her while DH is away), and she thinks that if he's willing to eat something, then we should just let him eat it - no matter what it is. :eek: I'd rather him not eat anything at all over junk food!
At least my 18mo old will still eat anything! lol Trust me, that kid doesn't miss a meal (or snack)! :rolleyes:
  • #26
I have a friend whose daughter was "expelled" from mothers day out because all she would eat were cheetos and goldfish the other kids started to become picky eaters that sat around her. Even the parents were complaining to the directors. My friend understood but the little girl comes by it naturally... mom mainly eats white bread with ketchup and McDonalds chicken nuggets
seriuosly that is the extent of her food and she wonders why she is always sick. she buys nuggets and freezes them to have when she can't be at McDonalds.
  • #27
ahammons said:
I'm so glad I'm not the only one! lol My 3yr old used to eat anything when he was younger, but when 18 months rolled around, it was over. Now I have to pretty much bribe him to eat on some days. Luckily he will eat some healthy foods - he actually likes whole wheat bread better than white! :D Right after DH left, he started eating even less! He's pretty tall for his age, so it makes him seem skinnier than he really is. The problem I'm having right now is that his "skinniness" worries my MIL (we're staying with her while DH is away), and she thinks that if he's willing to eat something, then we should just let him eat it - no matter what it is. :eek: I'd rather him not eat anything at all over junk food! At least my 18mo old will still eat anything! lol Trust me, that kid doesn't miss a meal (or snack)! :rolleyes:
Ugh! If they get hungry enough...they will eat what you are offering! It has got to be hard...living with MIL and her insisting on this. Perhaps she can come along on his next checkup with the doctor. Maybe if the doctor explains why this is a BAD THEORY she will back off and follow your lead?
  • #28
Yeah, it's a little frustrating. But at least that's the only problem I have with her! lol I know that some people don't get along too well with their MIL's, but I love mine to death. She just worries too much sometimes. :) That's a good idea - I'm sure she already knows it's bad for him to eat that stuff. She just hates to see him not eating. But you're absolutely right, he'll eat when he's hungry enough. He's usually a little cranky in the mornings (just like DH! lol :D ) , so I just tell him to let me know when he's ready to eat breakfast (if I keep pushing him to eat, it just makes things worse). This usually works... even if he isn't ready to eat for ½ an hour.
  • #29
Sometimes, just presenting the food in a fun way helps. My nieces love their french toast or waffles cut into strips, so they can pick them up and dunk them into syrup, but they won't touch them if they're cut into squares. :rolleyes: (And when I was little, we weren't allowed to be that picky. The rule was, "If it's on your plate, you have to eat it.")
  • #30
chefann said:
(And when I was little, we weren't allowed to be that picky. The rule was, "If it's on your plate, you have to eat it.")

That is how it was at my house. I don't have any kids yet. We actually just had this conversation. My Pastor and his wife allow there kids to be picky so at dinner time she is a short order cook for the girls. When we were younger we at least had to try anything and to be honest with you the only time that she made anything different was when we had liver she would make hotdogs for me and my brother.
  • #31
chefann said:
Sometimes, just presenting the food in a fun way helps. My nieces love their french toast or waffles cut into strips, so they can pick them up and dunk them into syrup, but they won't touch them if they're cut into squares. :rolleyes: (And when I was little, we weren't allowed to be that picky. The rule was, "If it's on your plate, you have to eat it.")
I always cut my kids' pancakes into cute shapes like planes or trains. They love it! I've done that with sandwiches a few times too. Maybe that's why they love goldfish crackers so much, because they're fun! :)
  • #32
chefheidi2003 said:
That is how it was at my house. I don't have any kids yet. We actually just had this conversation. My Pastor and his wife allow there kids to be picky so at dinner time she is a short order cook for the girls. When we were younger we at least had to try anything and to be honest with you the only time that she made anything different was when we had liver she would make hotdogs for me and my brother.
Same here. Mom wouldn't necessarily give us a lot of what was for dinner, but we had to at least have a bite of everything. Liver was the only exception (probably because we fussed and moaned so much about it that she just gave in).
  • #33
My mom was the same way - but we had to eat at least 2 or 3 bites of everything. I was a very picky kid (I'm getting better as I get older! lol), so there were several nights when I dreaded dinner time. I went to live with my dad when I was 11, and he would actually fix food the way I liked it! He was by no means a short order cook, he just tweaked some of the recipes so that everyone would eat it.
  • #34
Short order cook
chefheidi2003 said:
That is how it was at my house. I don't have any kids yet. We actually just had this conversation. My Pastor and his wife allow there kids to be picky so at dinner time she is a short order cook for the girls. When we were younger we at least had to try anything and to be honest with you the only time that she made anything different was when we had liver she would make hotdogs for me and my brother.

The great preacher Al Martin once preached on how our kids tend to make us short order cooks and that is a bad idea!! Our kids eat what we have for dinner or they don't eat. Even my three year old and 21 month old are told they have to try the food before rejecting it. They hardly reject a meal...LOL :rolleyes:

I get them to eat veggies at every meal and healthy snacks like this fabulous snack our pastor's wife shared with us.
Homemade granola - a comination of things like oatmeal, raisins, honey, nuts, brown sugar, cinammon and a little vanilla. In an airtight container it lasts for months, not that it ever lasts that long, but it's a great snack. My kids loved fruit and I encourage them to eat it every chance they get. Along with cheese sticks.

Debbie :D
  • #35
Carissidy said:
I was reading kaceyleigh's thread and it sparked a question in my mind... we are both clearly at home moms and are looking for some simple quick meal suggestions and thought I would pick your brains... Any Ideas???:confused:

Have you tried making personal pizzas using biscuits? Sometimes I do this for a quick little meal. My kids love them!
  • #36
My kids do pretty well at eating. My DS always comes home from school though begging for food. They love cheese we can go through 5lbs in 2 wks. let me tell you that gets expensive. My youngest she hasnt gotten picky yet we give her everything although she prefers veggies over meat.
I have a friend whose daughter is so picky all she would eat was cold cereal ramen noodles, mac and cheese and mcdonalds fries. We hae had them over for dinner and she went hungry cause she wouldnt eat what we cooked.
  • #37
cut hot dogs to make octopus stew slice them almost to the top and when they boil they curl up
when my oldest son was little he loved the book stone soup so we would make a crockpot full about once a week, he would choose the veggies and our stone as always a whole potato we would read a book then cook or bake from it If you gave a mouse a cookie and all Laura Numeroff's other books provided us with reasons to cook or bake together,
  • #38
That's a cute idea Theresa! I think I have the weirdest kids in the world though - they won't touch hot dogs!
  • Thread starter
  • #39
KellyTheChef said:
I am now officially jealous of Becky's three year old! He eats better than my whole family! (and I mean by that...he will TRY more things than my family!!) My DH and SDS are very "plain"eaters and don't like many fruits or veggies. I, on the other hand, love all sorts of food and like to try new things all of the time!

My 2.5 yr. eats: homemade french toast, yogurt, sometimes cheese (he used to eat it all of the time, now is kindof hit or miss with it) apple slices, pear slices (not out of a can...doesn't like slippery type foods like canned peaches,etc.) parmesean noodles, corn, green beans, brocolli, um, hard to think!!

Oh! I made the Banana crunch muffins that were posted on here a week ago and he LOVED them! I made them in the MMP. (Half of the recipe = 48 muffins)

It's amazing how some days they eat and eat...and other days it seems like they don't eat anything!

He does drink quite a bit of milk...which I have started adding some water to it. Otherwise, he would fill up on milk! Oh, and in the mornings or at other meal times, I will tell him "This is your last cup of milk till you eat _____" So, right now, he is asking for milk, but he is NOT getting any till he finishes his breakfast.

Sorry, I feel like I am rambling...toddlers are a challenge sometimes, huh?
LOL Kelly I am so glad to hear that my child is not the only one who is texture sensitive and like you said eat and eat and then other days eat barely anything! I also water down their milk..too funny how much mothers really do have in common!:)
  • Thread starter
  • #40
Teresa Lynn said:
cut hot dogs to make octopus stew slice them almost to the top and when they boil they curl up
when my oldest son was little he loved the book stone soup so we would make a crockpot full about once a week, he would choose the veggies and our stone as always a whole potato we would read a book then cook or bake from it If you gave a mouse a cookie and all Laura Numeroff's other books provided us with reasons to cook or bake together,
Thats an awesome idea Teresa... I just might have to try that for sure! My girls love hot dogs:yuck:
  • Thread starter
  • #41
Thanks to all of you for all your great ideas! I am so glad that I started this thread... keep the ideas flowing, I don't think I am going to be the only one who benefits from it! ;)
  • #42
I haven't read page 2, but here's my post anyway.

I buy from Schwan's and always have on-hand their Diced Chicken Breast, Broccoli, and 6 Cheese Tortelinni. When I'm looking for something to give my youngest (4 yr and 15 months old) I just toss all of those ingredients into boiling water for about 5 minutes or until they are warm and toss them with Italian dressing (just enough to add some flavor). The girls LOVE it and it is really simple.
  • #43
My son is addicted to chicken nuggets and hot dogs. He does eat broccoli sometimes but he is a really picky eater. He likes yogurt. For dinner he only gets 2 choices though. He eats what I make or oatmeal. Thats it! Well let me tell you, he eats a lot of oatmeal.
  • #44
This thread brought back memories. When the kids were little we spent a lot of time in the kitchen I had just started PC (they were 1,3 & 5 now they are 14, 17 & 19) & was a SAHM.

They had a little tikes picnic table in the kitchen where they did crafts or helped me. I would let them "plate" the food for dinner. Of course I supervised closely as it was hot food.
I remember how broccoli was stuck in potatoes or meatloaf for a forest,
carrots would be boats in the gravy etc. My oldest would squeeze the mashed potatoes out of the old easy accent decorator. I marked lines on it so he knew how much to squirt per serving. red on one side for the kids and then when it was refilled he looked at the black lines on the other for mine and DH plates
For the salad dressing I would put it in the squeeze bottles like for ketchup and let them drizzle the salads. sometimes it was messy but they are not and weren't then picky eaters.
  • #45
Does anyone have ideas for things I can prepare ahead of time, freeze and reheat? My left side is paralyzed, so I like to keep it simple when it's just me and my 15 month old home alone b/c there are days when even making a PB & J can get complicated with one hand.
I would love some ideas on things I can freeze and just pop in the microwave at lunch time.
  • #46
chicken spaghetti,
chicken pot pies
scalloped potatoes with ham chunks
  • Thread starter
  • #47
Keep those ideas running for Kacey please.. she especially needs these suggestions... great ideas Teresa! :D

Related to Easy and Fast Toddler Meal Ideas for Busy Stay-at-Home Moms - Let's Share!

1. What are some healthy and easy meal ideas for toddlers?

Some healthy and easy meal ideas for toddlers include:

  • Fruit and yogurt parfait with granola
  • Whole wheat pasta with vegetables and lean protein
  • Mini turkey and cheese sandwiches on whole wheat bread
  • Vegetable and bean quesadillas
  • Homemade chicken nuggets with a side of steamed vegetables

2. How can I make meal prep easier as a busy stay-at-home mom?

Here are a few tips to make meal prep easier:

  • Plan your meals for the week ahead of time
  • Prep ingredients in advance, such as chopping vegetables or marinating meat
  • Invest in kitchen tools that make cooking faster and easier, like a slow cooker or food processor
  • Involve your toddler in meal prep to make it a fun activity
  • Make larger batches of meals and freeze leftovers for future meals

3. What are some quick and nutritious snack ideas for toddlers?

Some quick and nutritious snack ideas for toddlers include:

  • Apple slices with peanut butter
  • Cheese and whole grain crackers
  • Hummus and veggie sticks
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Fruit smoothies

4. How can I get my picky toddler to eat more vegetables?

Here are a few tips to get your picky toddler to eat more vegetables:

  • Offer a variety of vegetables in different forms (cooked, raw, steamed, etc.)
  • Hide vegetables in dishes, such as pureeing them into sauces or adding them to smoothies
  • Make vegetables fun by cutting them into fun shapes or letting your toddler help with meal prep
  • Lead by example by eating and enjoying vegetables yourself
  • Don't force your toddler to eat vegetables, but continue to offer them as part of meals and snacks

5. What are some easy and healthy breakfast ideas for toddlers?

Some easy and healthy breakfast ideas for toddlers include:

  • Scrambled eggs with whole wheat toast
  • Oatmeal with berries and a sprinkle of cinnamon
  • Fruit and yogurt smoothie
  • Whole grain waffles with nut butter and fruit
  • Avocado toast with a boiled egg

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