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Dealing with Cancellations and Challenges as a Party Host Consultant

I know how busy the holidays can be and I didn't want to add anymore stress by calling about the show. But now that it's over, I wanted to check back and see if you were still interested in having a show. I'd love to help you relax after the holidays with a fun cooking show for you and your friends."In summary, the speaker had planned for a successful January with multiple cooking shows and a fundraiser, but two of their hosts cancelled last minute. The first host sent out invitations and chose a recipe, but cancelled the next day due to low expected attendance. The second host seemed bothered by the speaker's call to confirm the show date and later cancelled, leaving
I thought my January was going to be great--3 cooking shows, one table at a fundraiser, and 1 catalog show. I have a full time job so I aim for 1 show per week, so this was perfect. In the past two days, my two hosts have cancelled (one rescheduled for Feb so I can still get points for the Small Electrics promo). The first host was enthusiastic and sent out her invitatations, but when I asked her to choose a recipe she cancelled the show the very next day!!! What a psycho--I don't know why she got cold feet, something about not many people would show up, but when I looked at her invites on my website some people had said they would come.
Another host acted like I was bothering her when I called her in Decemeber to confirm the date I wrote on my calendar when she booked. She told me it was too far in advance to book!! I told her I had the chance to do a fair on the day we booked but I promised her the date first, so did she want to have the show?? She got really snotty and told me she was decorating her Xmastree and to call "After the holidays" Now I am afraid to call bcuz I feel desperate. It seems like she is no longer interested--why doesn't she just say no and end it all??? Should I just call her and say I got a cancellation--does she want 1/16??? HELP!
One more strange situation: someone was very in terested in bar pan at the vendor night I did last month. Instead of ordering on the spot, she said she would call me. After 1 month, she called the other day and I called her back, but she has not called back again. Now I think it sounds desperate if I call back again and ask for the order. What would you do in this situation???
Thanks for your help in trying to salvage my sorry January!! :)
This is a tough call for me. The woman I signed up under here is truly a pest. I have had friends tell me that they had a show just so she would stop bothering them. They also complain about how she bothers them before and after their show. So I want to be really careful about not being that way but I think I am too cautious now. I would also like some input on being a good salesman without making people mad.
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  • #3
I think I might be too cautious as well--it could just be in my head that I am thinking I'm being a pest. I admit that I need to develop some phone courage.
November was such a great month for me and I had the bookings that would have made January great too--its so hard not to be discouraged right now. I was all gung ho about trying to achieve level 2 this year, and I thought I'd be off to a great start until this week! Now I feel like I shouldn't even bother.
I think I will hunt around CC for some motivational courses or something! lol
When I make my calls and leave a message I always say if I dont hear back from you in a few days i will call you back. That way they are expecting a call from me.

With the lady that said to call her back after the holidays I would still call her, she could have been stressed about something or in the middle of something when you called. I would just call her back and say that it is after the holidays and I was calling you back, not in that way but I am sure you get it:rolleyes:
If you had called me while I was decorating my tree and asked me to look at my calendar and set a firm date- I would have blown you off too--- some families just take that time to only do that... give her a calm call back. Off her date to her again, see if you can help relive post holiday stress by cooking for her! she can sit back and enjoy her friends while you cook...

I would wait one week to call the bar pan person back- call a 2nd courtesy call to see if they still need it.

don't take it too harsh- the holidays are a hurried and rushed time for a lot of people and getting organized after takes time. hang in there! (The reason they offer the great double points in January is because HO knows how hard it is to get shows in January!!!)
Just wanted to add, when you call back try to make it about her, not about you. I would be put off by you mentioning you've been offered the chance to do a tabletop sale that day. I'd just reiterate why Jan is a good month to hold a show, ask her if she can keep that date or would prefer to rearrange. Make it light and bright and breezy, no big deal if she wants to keep the date, or rearrange - up to her etc. etc.
Remember, you've said you'll call back. If you don't, you're breaking your word. As janej76 said, make sure it's about her and the benefits she'll get from hosting. I consider myself someone who helps people reach their goals, so I try to present things that way.Finally, a bit of a vent. I'm old enough to remember when everyone answered the phone every time because it might be something important--an emergency of some kind. That was looooooong ago when I was a mere child. With answering machines, voice mails, and caller ID, the need to answer every single call "just in case" is gone. If you're in the middle of something important, don't answer the phone.
Rae, I am in complete agreement there with you. It upsets me when people answer the phone, knowing who it is, and then treats you horribly because you called, and they answered. I have to remind myself that usually when someone treats you horrible on the phone, is because you are an easy target, and they are really frustrated at someone or something else, and you were just the lucky one to be on the other end. Sometimes, it is hard to not take it personably though. The same with E-mail addresses. I tell guests to ONLY give me their E-mail address, if they want my newsletter, then I send it to them, and they ask me to remove them from the list. HUH? you asked for it.
mrssyvo said:
Rae, I am in complete agreement there with you. It upsets me when people answer the phone, knowing who it is, and then treats you horribly because you called, and they answered. I have to remind myself that usually when someone treats you horrible on the phone, is because you are an easy target, and they are really frustrated at someone or something else, and you were just the lucky one to be on the other end. Sometimes, it is hard to not take it personably though. The same with E-mail addresses. I tell guests to ONLY give me their E-mail address, if they want my newsletter, then I send it to them, and they ask me to remove them from the list. HUH? you asked for it.

That's so true...why do they give us their e-mails and then ask to be removed?? :grumpy: Go figure. Also, please don't give me your day time phone number if you don't want to or can't be called during the day. :confused: These are 2 things to bring up at shows when going over the door prize srawing slip. Then hopefully these issues won't come up.
  • #10
I bring them up all the time, I mention it specifically during DPS, but it is obvious they do not listen.
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  • #11
Thanks everyone, for your suggestions! I read them and just followed up with someone who purchased something from a fair I did on 12/3, and said "Maybe" to hosting a show on the drawing slip. Unfortunately, I had another weird experience--this is not helping my phone anxiety at all-LOL!! :)

Her husband answered and told her who it was. When she heard it was Barbara from Pampered Chef all of the sudden she was busy. I told her husband that I was just calling to thank her for her purchase and he took my number down and said she would call me back, but........I think he was pretending to write my number down because it was so quick.

Oh well. Before I lose my nerve I am calling the Christmas tree lady back again tonight. Wish me luck!!

Still have not heard from the bar pan lady but its been a week so she is getting another call tonight too. I will take the suggestions everyone has given and see what happens. Its not like they are gonna jump outta the phone at me, but I hate these calls nonetheless! :)
  • #12
If anything else, get your 100 Nos sheet out and start marking them off! Might not seem like it helps now, but by the time you get your 100 nos, you may be a pro at taking the rejections! Along the way, you may just get something too!
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  • #13
OMG!!! Called back the bar pan lady and she told me her girlfriend invited her to a show (done by another consultant) and she is ordering it there! At least she was honest with me, and I thanked her for that.
The Xmas tree lady didn't answer but I asked her to call me back and told her if I don't hear from her that I will call her Wed.
I think I am on my way to filling up my no sheet! I feel like such a loser!
  • #14
woohoo! more NOs! filler up!
  • #15
Dont feel like a loser, cause you are not one. My 2nd month in the biz I moved over 300 miles away, I was able to get a few bookings and then 1 day they all called and canceled on me it was horrible. I cried for about 30 mins, then I got right back up and today I am very booked.
Also you are not the only one that has had experiences with people saying they are busy. I had one lady who said she would do a catty show for me and everytime I called I either got hung up on, or she was to busy to talk to me, the last time I called and her DH told me she was to busy I had him ask her if she didnt want to do the catty show anymore and she said she didnt want to do it anymore.
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  • #16
And your post leads to another one of my pet peeves: leading us on. If she really didn't want to do the catalog show, why didn't she just tell you instead of playing games? And why do people say they will host, then change their minds and act like you are harassing them when you are just doing your job by following up? Or the avoidance: not answering, having their husbands answer, etc. They should just say no.
In hindsight, I am so glad the bar pan lady was truthful with me. She made my life so much easier because I got my no and now I'm not left hanging.
Question: those people who never answer, never get back to you, etc: do you count them as a no???
  • #17
I would, personally. It's still a form of rejection. I haven't built up the courage to do my 100 nos! My 90 days is fast approaching, I did get qualified, but things have slowed down. I think I will do this with you though. We can be rejection buddies! hehe! I'm gonna go find a sheet and start asap! Thanks!
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  • #18
ok, I have 5 no's so far---95 more to go!!! I can see how this is going to work. It forces you to call people to fill up the sheet. It's just so hard when no one ever answers-LOL!
  • #19
the VOICEMAIL POWER doc should help you get through the feeling of no one answering their phones!

This was released at leadership or conference in 2007 - I think!


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  • #20
OMG, you are so awesome for forwarding this--it' great. Thanks a bunch, I think it will really help me a lot. :)
  • #21
I think we all understand how you feel. I had a lady flag me down at my Drs office when I went in. (She saw my catalog tote.) She was asking me about cookware. I called her a few days after and when her husband told her who was on the phone she said to him- OH NO not her- tell her I am busy. HELLO LADY! You flagged me down and now are acting put off becuase I called like YOU asked. I told her hubby I would try back in a few days and I did. I talked to her and she explained that her husband lost his job. She still hasn't booked a show (This was almost 8 months ago) but told me to keep her on my list... so we shall see if she ever does book. You just never know...

Related to Dealing with Cancellations and Challenges as a Party Host Consultant

1. How can I avoid feeling like a pest when hosting a Pampered Chef party?

Hosting a Pampered Chef party should be an enjoyable experience for both you and your guests. One way to avoid feeling like a pest is to be selective with your guest list. Invite people who you know will be interested in the products and enjoy attending parties. Another tip is to focus on the fun and social aspects of the party rather than just the sales. This will help create a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

2. How can I handle pushy guests who pressure me to buy products?

If you encounter pushy guests at your Pampered Chef party, try to politely redirect the conversation to the products and their benefits rather than the sales. You can also remind them that the party is meant to be fun and social, not a high-pressure sales event. If the guest continues to pressure you, don't be afraid to politely but firmly decline their offer.

3. Can I still earn host rewards if I don't want to host a party in my home?

Yes, you can still earn host rewards by hosting a virtual party or catalog party. With a virtual party, you can invite guests to shop through a personalized link and earn rewards based on their purchases. With a catalog party, you can share catalogs with friends and collect orders, earning rewards based on the total sales. These options allow you to earn rewards without feeling like a pest or hosting a party in your home.

4. How can I make my Pampered Chef party more fun and engaging?

There are many ways to make your Pampered Chef party more fun and engaging for both you and your guests. You can incorporate interactive games or activities related to the products, offer prizes for participation, or even provide a hands-on cooking demonstration. Also, be sure to have plenty of snacks and drinks available to keep the energy up.

5. What is the best way to follow up with guests after the party without being too pushy?

Following up with guests after the party is an important step in maximizing your sales and bookings. The key is to keep the follow-up friendly and personal. You can send a personalized thank-you note or email, share recipes or tips related to the products they showed interest in, or even invite them to a future event. Avoid being too sales-focused and remember to respect their decision if they're not interested in purchasing or hosting.

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