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Countdown to National Conference

In summary, the conversation revolved around National Conference and attendees discussing various aspects such as workshop selection, registration refunds, and attire. Tips were also shared and questions were asked about tracks and a possible Chef Success gathering. The recommended attire is business casual with no denim or shorts.
  • #101
Rae that is awesome advice! I am a people person so it is very easy for me to open my mouth. However, I distinctly remember last year sitting near a lady in not one but two of my classes. She was so shy it hurt me! When we were asked to discuss something, she automatically dropped her head into her notes and never spoke to anyone. I can not imagine that she learned much as when I peaked at her notes, she had written stuff the presenter had said but none of the ideas we were hashing out, she was not writing anything! How do you learn without interacting? Oh and ladies and gentlemen with laptops, on a side note, I got the e-mail address of a lady who uses her laptop at NC to take notes. Funny how when she sent me her notes, mine were more complete and she actually had missed three key points that were made! Doing two things at once is not always good. If you are paying attention to what you are typing, how do you pay attention to what is being said? Her notes were a car wreck.
  • #102
pampered1224 said:
Rae that is awesome advice! I am a people person so it is very easy for me to open my mouth. However, I distinctly remember last year sitting near a lady in not one but two of my classes. She was so shy it hurt me! When we were asked to discuss something, she automatically dropped her head into her notes and never spoke to anyone. I can not imagine that she learned much as when I peaked at her notes, she had written stuff the presenter had said but none of the ideas we were hashing out, she was not writing anything! How do you learn without interacting? Oh and ladies and gentlemen with laptops, on a side note, I got the e-mail address of a lady who uses her laptop at NC to take notes. Funny how when she sent me her notes, mine were more complete and she actually had missed three key points that were made! Doing two things at once is not always good. If you are paying attention to what you are typing, how do you pay attention to what is being said? Her notes were a car wreck.

Plus it's slightly annoying to sit next to someone while they are typing! If you insist on using your computer to take notes, try sitting away from everyone else.
  • #103
pampered1224 said:
Rae that is awesome advice! I am a people person so it is very easy for me to open my mouth. However, I distinctly remember last year sitting near a lady in not one but two of my classes. She was so shy it hurt me! When we were asked to discuss something, she automatically dropped her head into her notes and never spoke to anyone. I can not imagine that she learned much as when I peaked at her notes, she had written stuff the presenter had said but none of the ideas we were hashing out, she was not writing anything! How do you learn without interacting? Oh and ladies and gentlemen with laptops, on a side note, I got the e-mail address of a lady who uses her laptop at NC to take notes. Funny how when she sent me her notes, mine were more complete and she actually had missed three key points that were made! Doing two things at once is not always good. If you are paying attention to what you are typing, how do you pay attention to what is being said? Her notes were a car wreck.

I would have said maybe that was me! But I did at least take notes and LISTEN to interactions, maybe contribute a teensy weensy bit? I get anxiety attacks with "role playing" or anything close to that! I always have to make a mad dash to SOMEWHERE (bathroom, ANYWHERE) when those happen. LOL I'm trying to get better!
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  • #104
Sit near one of us, Bobbi. We'll bring you out of your shell. Ken Davis is a Christian comedian. He's hysterical. He's also a motivational speaker and runs workshops for Christian speakers. I subscribe to his newsletter and blog. This came to my inbox last year during the NC countdown. It's such good advice for anyone attending a conference or workshop. Heck, it's good advice for when you attend a team meeting.
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  • #105
Today is April 30. There are 73 days until the start of National Conference.

Are your hotel reservations set? If you're staying at a conference hotel, make sure you have all of your roommates listed (with consultant numbers). This really will make things easier in the long run.

Be sure to read through all of the rules and guidelines for conference hotels. You'll want to know your rights and responsibilities just in case.
  • #106
Rae, you are awesome. I had the joys of having breakfast with you two years ago and maybe this year we can spend quality time people watching outside the Hilton in the early mornings (that's where I'm staying too!).

We always leave NC with many ideas and tips to start incorporating into our business that it can be very easy to feel overwhelmed. The first year that I attended NC my director gave us a "care package" and in that package were stickers. The stickers are an excellent tool to use to put next to the "tips" that you want to work on or try.

Stickers are not heavy, do not take up a lot of space. It is a wonderful way to bring NC to a close when you are on the plane coming home and can go through your notes refreshing yourself on everything that you saw and heard and can "sticker" items as you go along.
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  • #107
I remember you, Karen. The stickers are a good idea.
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  • #108
Just a little additional info about the conference hotels. I called late in the day yesterday to request a non-smoking room and check on a few other details. The hotel told me that I wasn't listed. It was too late to call Experient, so I had to wait until today.When I called Experient today I spoke with a very nice woman. Seems that a bit of my information didn't make it through the process, even though I received a confirmation. We cleared up those details, then she told me that they don't give the names to the hotel until about 2 weeks before the conference. Right now the hotel should just see a block of rooms reserved for Experient (or maybe PCNC). It would have been helpful if the hotel had told me that, although I'm almost certain that I did that last year about this time.She made note of my requests in my reservation and sent me an amended confirmation. She suggested I contact the hotel a week or so before NC in order to confirm that they're able to honor my requests. I've set a reminder on my phone to do that.So, if you have any special requests, you might want to contact the hotel directly a week or so before NC.
  • #109
raebates said:
Just a little additional info about the conference hotels. I called late in the day yesterday to request a non-smoking room and check on a few other details. The hotel told me that I wasn't listed. It was too late to call Experient, so I had to wait until today.

When I called Experient today I spoke with a very nice woman. Seems that a bit of my information didn't make it through the process, even though I received a confirmation. We cleared up those details, then she told me that they don't give the names to the hotel until about 2 weeks before the conference. Right now the hotel should just see a block of rooms reserved for Experient (or maybe PCNC). It would have been helpful if the hotel had told me that, although I'm almost certain that I did that last year about this time.

She made note of my requests in my reservation and sent me an amended confirmation. She suggested I contact the hotel a week or so before NC in order to confirm that they're able to honor my requests. I've set a reminder on my phone to do that.

So, if you have any special requests, you might want to contact the hotel directly a week or so before NC.

I thought for sure I checked a box requesting a non-smoking room when I made my reservation.....were you doing this to make double-sure?
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  • #110
Yes. Well, that and my roommate and I have an additional request or two.
  • #111
I wanna go sooo bad but I just don't see being able to afford it... I am trying to figure out everything I can... I am going to be so bummed if I can't go.. :(
  • #112
Has anyone stayed at the Embassy Suites in Chicago, Lakefront? Can I still get to the conference if it is not one of the suggested hotels by PC?
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  • #113
You can still get to the conference. If you're near one of the conference hotels you can just walk to the conference hotel and catch the shuttle. If you're not near one, you can always take a cab to McCormick Place.
  • #114
williamsdf said:
Has anyone stayed at the Embassy Suites in Chicago, Lakefront? Can I still get to the conference if it is not one of the suggested hotels by PC?

I am staying there this year. It's only one block up from the Sheraton, so I plan on walking to catch the shuttle from the Sheraton.
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  • #115
Today is May 1. There are 72 days until the start of National Conference.

We have just over 2 months before NC. You'll probably have several shows in that time. You'll do host coaching. You'll make lots of calls. Start taking a critical look at what you're doing, why you're doing it, and how it's working.

Here are a few reasons I can think of for taking a close look at your business before NC.

1. You'll know what areas to target when you're asking questions and taking workshop notes.

2. You'll know what's working well. You're likely to be asked for tips and advice while at NC. By really studying your business, you'll know what to tell those who ask.

3. You'll have a chance to make your business better before you even go. You may discover areas where you can change or streamline to make your business what you want it to be.
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  • #116
Today is May 2. There are 71 days until the start of National Conference.Make sure you have your roommates' and clustermates' numbers programmed into your phone. That will help you keep track of one another and adjust plans if necessary.
  • #117
Good point Rae. While traveling, most cell phone providers have an extended plan you can sign up for for a minimal fee for only those days you need it. we did that when we went to Las Vegas. It was a heck of a lot cheaper than using in hotel phones! So if Chicago is not on your plan, check to see how much it would be to add it for that week. Especially if you know you will calling home or customers a lot! Could you imagine the phone bill otherwise? YIKES! My first year at NC it cost me almost $6 for a two minute call home to Milwaukee! And I could not make calls to my guests or even in an emergency without paying at least that much!
And Bobbi - you and I have a session together. You sort of know me so we should seek each other out and sit together. I would hate for you to be left out!
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  • #118
Today is May 3. There are 70 days until the start of National Conference.Many of us Cheffers will share numbers. On my old phone I programmed these under "Cheffer - pampered chef consultant," now I have them categorized as a group. Either way makes it easier for my brain to find the person I'm looking for.
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  • #119
John, good point. I have a nation-wide plan, so I'm not charged roaming fees of any kind. It never occurred to me that someone might be able to add the Chicago area to their plan for a specified length of time. Cool. I can tell you that hotels can charge an arm and a leg for even local calls. You aren't going to want to use those phones unless you have to.
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  • #120
Today is May 4. There are 69 days until the start of National Conference.I take a hard copy of all of the numbers (roommates, clustermates, and Cheffers), just in case I have trouble with my phone. If something happens, I want to be able to use another phone to call.
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  • #121
Today is May 5. There are 68 days until the start of National Conference.You might want to slip a nightlight in your luggage. You can plug it into the outlet in the bathroom to help everyone find their way to the potty in the middle of the night. I do this whenever I travel. Now I rarely have to do the stubbed-toe dance in the middle of the night.
  • #122
I bring a very small fan... and a power strip! the fan serves 2 purposes... it helps the air circulate (I hate stale air!) and it creates a light white noise and can cover up light snoring.
  • #123
Where do you find a small fan? Does it actually fit into your luggage?
  • #124
cookinfletch said:
Where do you find a small fan? Does it actually fit into your luggage?

It came with another one I had purchased a few years back it is about 5" across with a 4-5" base. I have fit it in my luggage when I have flown in the past. The one I have is sort of like this Boston Four-inch Two-Speed Personal Desk Fan - EPI25970

Now do not go out and buy one if you do not have the funds! It's just an idea...
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  • #125
Great idea, Paulette. Sometimes you can find them in the travel section of a large we-carry-everything store.
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  • #126
Today is May 6. There are 67 days until the start of National Conference.One of the things we’ll get when we register at NC is a tote* of some kind. There will probably be an announcement soon about this year’s tote. I take the things I want to be sure to carry with me (paper, pens, snacks, and such) in a plastic bag. This way I can fold up the bag or toss it as soon as I get everything situated in my new tote. *At least, this is what they’ve done in the past. I’m assuming they’ll continue the tradition.
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  • #127
Today is May 7. There are 66 days until the start of National Conference.Not taking along a bit of technology that will allow you to check your email? Go ahead and set up your email auto response today. Most email services let you set a start and end date for vacation responses. I usually set mine to start the day I leave and end a couple of days after I get back. That gives me a little time to get around to reading through all of the emails. I simply say that I’m off learning how to become an even better consultant and getting a sneak peek at the new products that will be out this fall. I leave my phone number so they can get to me if they have a PC emergency. If your email doesn’t allow you to set yours up ahead of time, you might want to set yourself a reminder to do this the day you leave.
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  • #128
Today is May 8. There are 65 days until the start of National Conference.I want you to make me a promise. If you take a picture of me at NC you’ll make sure that you’re taking it from slightly above my eye line and not below it. People look better from this angle. With digital cameras it’s common for people to hold the camera down just under their own eye line or even under their own chin level. If you’ll hold it slightly above your eyes (or even better, a little above your head), your subjects will look better. People will love you for it. Start practicing now so it will be habit by the time you take pictures at NC.
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  • #129
Today is May 9. There are 64 days until the start of National Conference.Don't forget to put your Chef Success button on your packing list. We want to be able to pick you out of the crowd. There is a sticky post under National Conference about how you can get your own CS button.
  • #130
I think I am blind or misguided LOL I can't find that post. Any help would be appreciated regarding finding my button LOL.
  • #132
I wish I was going with all of you! Next year I am sure things will be better for us financially and I will be there! (Hopefully walking as a Director!)
  • #133
I'll miss going this year... Loved every minute of the nc the past 2 yrs.
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  • #134
Today is May 10. There are 63 days until the start of National Conference.

Bring along contact information for your shows in the few weeks after NC and postcard stamps. While you're in Chicago, pick up some postcards and send them to those hosts with a note that you're learning lots of great things to help make their shows a success.

Think ahead tip: Buy extra postcards this year and put them away. Before your next NC trip, write, address, and stamp your postcards. That way you’ll just have to pop them in the mail once you arrive.
  • #135
Rae,I do that! :) I also send postcards to my team members who could not attend and to recruit leads.....
  • #136
Wouldn't it be nice if HO offered Conference postcards (with pictures of the fun of past NCs) so we weren't just sending pictures of Chicago?
  • #137
YES! Sarah, that's a great idea :)
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  • #138
This is the first year I'll have team members to send cards to. I'll be sure to add those to my list.
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  • #139
Today is May 11. There are 62 days until the start of National Conference.Make plans to hit things hard when you get back from NC. You'll want to take advantage of that enthusiasm.
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  • #140
Today is May 12. There are 61 days until the start of National Conference.Don't forget to do a few extra shows in June to get extra spending money, and fill your July calendar around NC so your bank account won't suffer.
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  • #140
Today is May 12. There are 61 days until the start of National Conference.

Don't forget to do a few extra shows in June to get extra spending money, and fill your July calendar around NC so your bank account won't suffer.
  • #141
raebates said:
Today is May 12. There are 61 days until the start of National Conference.

Don't forget to do a few extra shows in June to get extra spending money, and fill your July calendar around NC so your bank account won't suffer.

Last year both my shows in July were the Friday and Saturday before we left! Don't be afraid to do shows close to conference. It's just an excuse to let your calendar be open!
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  • #142
Very good point.
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  • #144
Today is May 14. There are 59 days until the start of National Conference.Very few hotel rooms have enough convenient electrical outlets. If you're staying 4 to a room, you may want to make sure at least one of you brings along an outlet strip. That way everyone can plug in their cell phone to charge for the night. Also, if the only outlet is under the desk, you'll only have to crawl under there twice (once to plug it in, and once to unplug it) instead of twice a day to plug in and unplug your cell phone.I know I said to do this if you're staying 4 to a room, but I do this even when I'm traveling alone. It really simplifies things.
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  • #145
Today is May 15. There are 58 days until the start of National Conference.Where is your suitcase? If you're like me, it's packed away in some deep, dark corner of your attic. You might want to think about getting it out sometime soon. I'll be airing mine out so it doesn't make my clothes smell like, well, a hot, stuffy attic.
  • #146
Inspiring ConferenceNational Conference is absolutely inspiring! I just got back from the Direct Selling Women's Alliance Celebrations conference. It was awesome. If you think national is terrific, then you should go to a multi-company conference and experience the inspiration and networking with many companies and trainers at once.
:thumbup:Click here to watch a video of founder http://www.createacashflowshow.com/inspiration-and-motivation/corporate-directsales-training.htm
  • #147
A few years ago Nicki Keohohou held a workshop at a Conference I was attending. She is very inspiring and an awesome woman!
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  • #148
Today is May 16. There are 57 days until the start of National Conference.You're likely to encounter people in Chicago asking for money. I know I did the last time I went to NC. I always hesitate to give cash, since I don't know how it will be used. I do like to help people, though. Someone gave me a great idea. I take fast food gift certificates with me. There are fast food places everywhere downtown. I can give knowing it can only be used for food. Plus, I can determine a specific amount before I leave for Chicago. I can give a few of dollars' worth to each one. Once I'm out of certificates, I've given the amount I set aside for those donations.
  • #149
That's a great idea, Rae! When we visited Pittsburgh a couple of years ago, my daughter (13 at the time), decided to give a homeless man a dollar, so she reached in her pocket, handed the money to him, and just as he grabbed hold, realized she was handing him a $20! She couldn't exactly say "oops, not that one," so she had to let him have it. She was really upset with herself, though, because she'd been given very limited spending money for the trip. We did use it as a teaching opportunity, that God had plans for that money to be used for something other than souvenirs, it's wonderful she had a giving heart, and, yes, she should pay more attention next time, but in the end it was a good thing (and, yes, Mommy reimbursed her the money!). We can't really be sure, though, the money was used for food, or shared with his friends. It could have gone towards alcohol. Your idea, though, will prevent such accidents from happening.
  • #150
raebates said:
Today is May 16. There are 57 days until the start of National Conference.

You're likely to encounter people in Chicago asking for money. I know I did the last time I went to NC. I always hesitate to give cash, since I don't know how it will be used. I do like to help people, though. Someone gave me a great idea. I take fast food gift certificates with me. There are fast food places everywhere downtown. I can give knowing it can only be used for food. Plus, I can determine a specific amount before I leave for Chicago. I can give a few of dollars' worth to each one. Once I'm out of certificates, I've given the amount I set aside for those donations.

My best friend used to live in Chicago. Her car was stuck in the snow once an a couple homeless people came to help her. As she was reaching for her purse to give them money, one of the men grabbed through the window of her car and tried to grab her purse. Luckily she had it strapped across her body so he couldn't take it. If you plan on helping out, keep some money in your pocket so you aren't reaching for your purse. Also make it so that it's not easy to take your purse if you can.
<h2>What is National Conference?</h2><p>National Conference is an annual event hosted by Pampered Chef for our consultants to come together and learn, network, and celebrate their achievements.</p><h2>When and where is National Conference held?</h2><p>This year's National Conference will take place from July 11-13 in Indianapolis, Indiana.</p><h2>How do I register for National Conference?</h2><p>You can register for National Conference through your Consultant's Corner account starting tomorrow, April 12. Simply log in and follow the instructions to complete your registration.</p><h2>What workshops are available at National Conference?</h2><p>There are a variety of workshops offered at National Conference, covering topics such as business building, product knowledge, and leadership skills. You can view the workshop list and descriptions on Consultant's Corner.</p><h2>How can I make the most out of my National Conference experience?</h2><p>We recommend choosing workshops that align with your goals and areas you want to improve upon. Additionally, take advantage of networking opportunities and attend any special events or activities planned for the conference. And don't forget to have fun and celebrate your achievements!</p>

Related to Countdown to National Conference

What is National Conference?

National Conference is an annual event hosted by Pampered Chef for our consultants to come together and learn, network, and celebrate their achievements.

When and where is National Conference held?

This year's National Conference will take place from July 11-13 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

How do I register for National Conference?

You can register for National Conference through your Consultant's Corner account starting tomorrow, April 12. Simply log in and follow the instructions to complete your registration.

What workshops are available at National Conference?

There are a variety of workshops offered at National Conference, covering topics such as business building, product knowledge, and leadership skills. You can view the workshop list and descriptions on Consultant's Corner.

How can I make the most out of my National Conference experience?

We recommend choosing workshops that align with your goals and areas you want to improve upon. Additionally, take advantage of networking opportunities and attend any special events or activities planned for the conference. And don't forget to have fun and celebrate your achievements!

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