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Consultants: Are You Full or Part Time? Do You Have Side Gigs?

In summary, Just curious....How many people on here are full time consultants or part time consultants? Do you work outside the home besides your PC business?I work part time outside of PC, and I'm only barely part time with PC right now.

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Just curious....How many people on here are full time consultants or part time consultants? Do you work outside the home besides your PC business?
I work part time outside of PC, and I'm only barely part time with PC right now.I was asked at my last show if I thought I'd do this full-time... and it'd be tempting... but not yet. Not until I feel my business is stable enough to feel like "guaranteed" income... and I don't work my business hard enough to see that happening in the near future.I really should sit down and really clarify my goals. I think that'd help a lot. :D
I work PC part time, but think about it full time. What does that count as?:rolleyes:
I work full time. Plus, my husband and I flip houses. We stay really busy.

I really feel like I do PC as a hobby.
I put Hobby, but I'm spending a lot of time getting started...

I work full-time, have 2 small kids, am a volunteer Firefighter/EMT, AWANA leader, Red Cross instructor on occasion, help at camp, etc., etc.

I used to say I do a little of everything until my recruiter said, "No, you do a lot of everything a little at a time." I realized that wasn't too far from the truth.

I guess God just gave me a lot to work from for some reason...
I work Pampered Chef Full time. I considered going back to a 9-5 job in January. I even bought a $40 Resume Maker disk. The night I installed it I sat there crying when a dear friend I met on a PC cruise happened to call me. She knows my sales are great and that I just needed direction. I was invited to her National Exec's meetings the next day. I now have 2 Future Directors and confidence that I can make great money doing what I absolutely love.

Thanks Becca!!!
Full time here!!:D
I work full time in the Military, so right now for me PC will be a hobby.
Full Time Wish I made Full Time Money!!!!!! I'm getting there.... Just not as quickly as I would have liked...
  • #10
dianevill said:
I work PC part time, but think about it full time. What does that count as?:rolleyes:

Same here. I work PT hours with PC...probably even less than PT hours...but I consider it my FT job...well, no...Mommy is my FT job...but PC is my paid job - LOL
  • #11
I teach full time & this is part time for me at the moment. My DH said I can quit teaching if I make as much money as my SE dir. Well it took her 15 years, so I have 14 left to go!
  • #12
Full time job and full time PC! I have a dream of someday retiring from my job (will be able to have health benefits but pay half for them) and I am trying to grow my team and business. So far it is going as planned but somedays I am pooped!!! Hope to retire DEBT FREE!!
  • #13
I have to work part-time while I still have little ones at home, but watch out when they go to school!! But it will be so great that I will work full time and still pick them up from school :) ...and have off to go to shool plays or get them when they're sick. PC can grow with me and my family!!
  • #14
All the time?????Work that is...I work Full Time in Payroll, Full Time in Real Estate, Full Time in PC....I work ALL THE TIME....at SOMETHING....LOL.....so, one questions......:eek:
  • #15
sslangley said:
I work full time. Plus, my husband and I flip houses. We stay really busy.

I really feel like I do PC as a hobby.

One of my favorite shows = FLIP THAT HOUSE!!!!

looks like a lot of fun, but I hate painting and the like and probably would end up giving most of my profits away if I were into flipping houses (hiring work done).
  • #16
Part time now...working towards full time! I have slowly been carving off my other jobs. I had three others WITH PC. Now I'm down to one and slowly getting rid of the being in charge aspect of most of it. Soon it will become my hobby!!! Bwahaha.
  • #17
HobbyI have four children!
The oldest two I homeschool (10 & 9), a 2 1/2 year old and a 15 month old. I am also 4 1/2 months pregnant with number five.
This is my hobby and something that is all mine. My husband wants me to have something I enjoy doing away from home and at the same time make a little extra money to spend on anything I want.
It has been great. I was an admin assistant before I became a SAHM and so I love dealing with labeling, paperwork, filing, designing flyers, typing up letters and sending out mail.

Debbie :D
  • #18
I consider this a FT business, but I have two other FT businesses, the fourth is a hobby business done to spread a mission I believe in more than to make money, and I try to be the best mom ever.

I keep thinking that there's plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead.
  • #18
I'm doing this full-time, but also trying to keep a balance. I've had a career (one that was totally consuming) and now want to take semi-retired life a little slower....but a lot fuller too.

My PC income is significantly less than I made before, but the intangible benefits make the struggle to adjustment worthwhile (usually :) . First and foremost is having more 'relaxed' time with my best friend (husband), the flexibility to schedule travel and time with friends, not having a boss (yeah!), and doing something I enjoy (anything to do with sharing food).
  • #19
I am a part-timer, moving s-l-o-w-l-y into 3/4 time...
  • #20
I chose PT on the poll, but I do consider this my main job. I love what I do with PC! Right now I only do 4 to 6 shows a month, though, because of the other stuff in my busy schedule.
  • #21
I choose PT also. I work FT in Human Resources; however, I day dream about being able to replace my FT income with my PC business...some day I'll get there! I want to be able to stay home with my daughter and any furture children. I'm working on maintaining 6-8 shows a month. I know I won't be able to leave the corporate world without growing my team, so that's my focus right now.
  • #22
I do this Full-time, as in I have no other job, except being a wife (which I consider my calling) I was a former insurance agent, and will NEVER go back to 9-5. Sometimes it seems as if I put in full-time hours, with part-time pay, but in reality, it is really not that much time, considering what my life used to be like. I am building my team, and it will soon be full-time pay also. I have not quite replaced my income, but I am much happier person, and that is what is important. (Happy wifey, happy hubby )
  • #23
I chose full-time. I'm finally up to doing 8 shows per month. (& like someone else said; I THINK about PC all the time!!) When I first started, I was a hobbiest doing 1-2, maybe 3 shows per month. Once I went to conference & saw the big picture, I decided to step it up. This is my main job now. I also work 10 hours/week at my in-laws' biz in the office. I used to waitress at a local restaurant too; but when I decided to step up this biz, I quit that. I do help out at my parents' restaurant when they need me (2-3 days/month); when I don't have a show!
I LOVE this biz & have seen the potential; now I'm trying to build my team so I can really start making money:)
  • #24
lacychef said:
Once I went to conference & saw the big picture, I decided to step it up. ....
I LOVE this biz & have seen the potential; now I'm trying to build my team so I can really start making money:)....

DITTO Lacy ...DITTO...

I do PC part-time because I work full-time ...however my PT biz takes up the rest of my "FREE" time ...so hmmmmmmm.

I want to continue building my biz so I can quit my day job (it just gets in the way of my PC biz any old ways) :D

When I reach a level of income equal to my day job for 6 mothns ..."I'M QUITING" that job....
  • #25
I am a stay at home mom too, who loves PC. I've recently moved to a new area and don't know anyone. I'm having trouble getting my business off the ground. I want the business to help me meet new people, but at the same time, without meeting new people, it's hard to get bookings. Frustrated in Washington, Cristy
  • #26
OOPS, so I guess that makes me a hobbyist who wants to be a part timer. I would love to do about 6 shows a month.
  • #27
hoosierchef said:
Just curious....How many people on here are full time consultants or part time consultants? Do you work outside the home besides your PC business?

I'm a SAHM that tries to do 4-6 shows a month.... Sometimes less (took a month off live shows but did catalogs in Jan), some times more (I am doing shows #4 & 5 tonight and tomorrow brunch. I do as many catalogs shows as I can (try to have at least 3-5).

I prefer to do daytime shows (brunches). Would love to do more during the M-F week.

I am really focusing on training my Super Starters to become a director! 5 active now (have signed 13, so many inactive now or hobbyiest that only do shows here and there.).
  • #28
I'm not voting, because I'm definitely more than a part-timer, but don't really consider myself a full-timer. I don't devote 40 hours a week to my business. I would say 3/4 time.
  • #29
Let's see here. I work Full time at a job I love. Senior customer service manager for an Ice cream ingredients company. I do pampered chef and partylite part time. Full time Mom and Wife and right now part time remodeler for our house. Can we say NUTS!
  • #30
FT Mom here of 4, moving from hobby to part time. I made the decision after loooking through the paper and found a PT job 3 nights a week cleaning and realized that it was a crazy idea, working 3 nights a week and more than likely only getting paid $5-$7/ hour. :eek: Why in the world would I want to do that, when I easily average $100 a show!! So, I got on the phone the next day and started making calls.....so far so good!!! :D
  • #31
I am a full time mom of 2, trying to work PC full time. I am currently trying to book 6-8 shows a month and working on recruiting which has been my biggest struggle.
I think about PC constantly! I love this job and want to see steady income. So why am I sitting at my computer? I should be making a list of people to call this afternoon. "I will get off my but and make those calls!!!""

  • #32
You measure torque in units called Foot Pounds.Whenever I see this thread title, I keep wondering what a Foot Pint is. :confused:
  • #33
Hi, I'm Sheryl. I put Hobby, I haven't finished my first month yet. I am hoping it will turn into serious P/T. I think 4-5 shows per month.
  • #34
I put hobby, but I am trying to step it up. I need to buckle down and start doing the things I dislike (i.e. making phone calls) more often so that I can bump it up. I am going to conference again this year (2nd time), and plan to get a lot more out of it than I did last year.
  • #35
dannyzmom said:
Same here. I work PT hours with PC...probably even less than PT hours...but I consider it my FT job...well, no...Mommy is my FT job...but PC is my paid job - LOL
Me too Carolyn!:p
  • #36
I work FT as a Staff Accountant and PT with PC. I'm also a single mom of an almost 5 year old girl.
  • #37
I work FT as a Web Coordinator at a state college, PT as a freelancing Web Designer and somewhere between PT and hobbiest with PC.
  • #38
Flamingo said:
Full Time Wish I made Full Time Money!!!!!! I'm getting there.... Just not as quickly as I would have liked...
I am with you!!!
  • #39
I used to work FT as a teacher, but now that I have a baby I stay home with him and do PC FT.
  • #40
Re: Ft/pt?Bump: Here is the FT/PT consultant thread...now to see if I can find the work one I think might be around.
  • #41
Re: Ft/pt?I have been a hobby consultant for years....I am now a part time consultant and want to be a full-time - (2 shows a week) consultant next year.
  • #42
Re: Ft/pt?I guess I am a want a be, a full time consultant. I love PC, I do not work another job but I feel I do as in helping to take care of my 9 young grandchildren alot. So there for, I am more of a hobby consultant. I am going to go to my first leadership and I think it will give me the boost I need to finally put everything into perspective and work this business the way I know it can be worked.
  • #43
Re: Ft/pt?My main motivation for PC has always been money, more than the products and the travel. The thought of having my primary income not be a guaranteed salary scares me, so I have a full-tim PC empire only in my dreams.

Related to Consultants: Are You Full or Part Time? Do You Have Side Gigs?

1. Are you a full or part time consultant?

Many consultants with Pampered Chef are part-time, meaning they have another job or responsibilities outside of their PC business. However, there are also many full-time consultants who have made Pampered Chef their primary source of income.

2. Do you have any side gigs?

Some consultants may have side gigs or side businesses in addition to their Pampered Chef business. This could include things like freelance work, selling other products, or providing services.

3. How many people on here are full time consultants?

I cannot provide an exact number, but there are many full-time consultants within the Pampered Chef community. The decision to be a full-time consultant is a personal one and may depend on individual circumstances.

4. How many people on here are part time consultants?

Again, I do not have an exact number, but there are also many part-time consultants within the Pampered Chef community. Being a part-time consultant allows individuals to have flexibility in their schedule and still earn an income through their PC business.

5. Do you work outside the home besides your PC business?

Some consultants may have other jobs or responsibilities outside of their Pampered Chef business, while others may solely focus on their PC business. It ultimately depends on the individual and their personal circumstances.

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