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Classified Ads: Ideas & Experiences

In summary, the conversation discusses the effectiveness of placing advertisements in newspapers, particularly in the classifieds section. Some consultants have had mixed results, with one ad generating a lot of calls but no leads, while another ad did not generate any calls. The conversation also mentions the use of vehicle lettering and magnets to advertise, with some consultants having success with them while others have had issues with theft or them falling off. Some suggest using window stickers or decals instead.
Does anybody have an idea on what to put in a newspaper in the classifides? or if you have done this before how did it work for you?
Any and all help is appriciated!
There are guidelines about advertising listed at the Consultant's Corner under Corportate Communications. Read them carefully before you place an ad.
I would be interested also in hearing from those who have placed an add.

PamperedChef05 said:
Does anybody have an idea on what to put in a newspaper in the classifides? or if you have done this before how did it work for you?
Any and all help is appriciated!
Newspaper AdHi everyone,

I am new to this site but it has some great information. I placed a couple of Ads in the month of January. 1 to attract new recruits and 1 to get more bookings.

The recruiting ad generated alot of calls but only 1 real possible lead. I am still working with that person to sign up as a consultant (still is promising, just not the right time). Of course, if she signs up it was worth it. (I placed the ad in the classifieds under sales)

The bookings Ad did not even generate 1 call.

The paper I placed the Ads in is only delivered 2 days a week. So that could have been a factor. But it was more economical than the larger distribution in our city. $45 vs. $175 for 1 month vs. 1 week.

I think if you can place the Ads for a reasonable cost they are worth the gamble.

I placed an add for $5 in my community newsletter magazine that comes out once a month. It's going to be printed in the April issue so hopefully I will get some calls. I will post back on how it goes, but i agree.........if you can do something for a low cost it's worth it. Good Luck!!
vehicle letteringHi there
has anyone put lettering on their vehicle?
if so what have you put?
I'm in the middle of having my vehicle lettered and am at a loss as to how much info to put on there
thanks a bunch
mixed resultsI have put ads in the paper but have had minimal results - leads but nothing yet. I have lettering on my car and have had good feedback but no shows or leads... I put flyers around town and have gotten shows from that. Best thing is word of mouth and customer service (I just booked a fund raiser from someone who met me 2 years ago, booked a party but never held it - I kept in touch via email newsletter!!)

It never hurts to keep your name out there!
vehicle letteringwhat did you put on your vehicle?
did you put your name and number as well as PC?
I figured that as much as you can get your name out there the better :p
on the carI put my name, phone # and web site on it.
  • #10
magnetsHello, I was just wondering if anyone had purchased the large car magnets available? For those wondering what to put on their cars, you might want to check out the pcprinter & nancy's artworks websites for ideas.
  • #11
I have the car magnets. I really like them. Everyone knows me as the Pampered Chef lady...something they might not know if I didn't have the magnets. I get people stopping me and asking for catalogs at stores and I have even gotten notes left on my car to call.
  • #12
Car Magnets Question GingerGinger, how big are the car magnets? Where on your car do you put them? Is it just your name, phone number and PC on them?


Jodi H
  • #13
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  • #14
I purchased the set of 3 magnets from Town and Country (official PC supplier). I have a suburban so I have one on the back and the other 2 on the side doors. They are fairly large. The info is your phone number and website.
  • #15
magnetsFrom experience.....Car magnets are not worth it. Why? Becausepeople steal them or they will eventually fall off your vehicle. How do I know? It has happened to me and others I know. LOL (Sad, but true)
  • #16
Instead of car magnets, which as you say, could fall off, there are window stickers you can get, with the same info on it as a magnet. I have those instead, and they are on my back side windows on my van. They are rather large tho, so not sure they would work well on a car.
  • #17
stickers/decals are better
ChefLoriG said:
Instead of car magnets, which as you say, could fall off, there are window stickers you can get, with the same info on it as a magnet. I have those instead, and they are on my back side windows on my van. They are rather large tho, so not sure they would work well on a car.

I ordered a window decal from Town & Country last year. They put the same information on it as the magnets and cost less. You apply them according to the directions and they do not come off unless you use a scraper to remove them. They come in a set of two and I love them. They look very professional and are not stolen. I have never invested in the magnets Ginger is referring to but I doubt I will. I did buy the Help Whip Cancer ribbon magnet and it was stolen from my car - I know it was stolen and not just fallen off because I had it anchored around my radio antenna.

You can also get little triangle thingys to hang in the windows (like the "baby on board" ones) that say things about your business and one even has a place for you to write your phone number on it. Those are available from thebooster.com - that's a great company for lots of stickers and other supplies. They are not official Pampered Chef suppliers so they don't have our logo but they do have lots of great stuff!

Marking your car is a great way to get everyone to know who you are and is great advertising for your business while you are holding a show or running errands!
  • #18
I have a car magnetI have had a car magnet since about September '04 when we moved to a new area. I've had a couple people ask for catalogs when they park next to me and happen to see me, but I haven't had any calls out of the blue. I got it from Town and Country (the same company that does business cards) and it has my title, phone # and website address on it. I'm hoping I'll get a call out of the blue someday to host a show and then it'll all be worth it and the commission will pay for it! Everyone in my neighborhood knows I sell PC though and I've gotten over $120 in orders just from one person, so that's helping pay for the magnet!

  • #19
Hi, this is my first post here...

I can vouch for the Town And Country Decals (window stickers, not magnet). I have three on my van windows. They have a big PC logo, web address, phone number and more. I also want to hire someone to make a "Help Wanted" or "Now Hiring" decal to go on it too, to the side.

Anyways...I've gotten lots of looks and several people have stopped me in parking lots, bank drive thrus, etc, to ask for a catalog. One girl gave me an order on the spot.

  • #20
Regarding the car magnets---I'm a part time consultant, and a full time sign professional. Our car magnetics are 12x24, which is a pretty standard size. You must make sure that the magnetic will fit on the vehicle door, and not go over any bumps, contours, or moulding on the car. You also must remove the magnetic weekly and wash the car door and the back of the magnetic. Dirt and road dust can get work it's way between them, and this will basically sand the door over time, ruining your paint job. Plus, if you leave the magnetic on for a long period of time without removing it, you may not be able to get it off at all without ruining your car door. When purchasing mags, make sure your sign person is using a high quality magnetic, thick, that is rated for auto use. Some less reputable sign shops will use a thinner magnetic because it is cheaper. These WILL fall off your car at higher speeds. So, there's your crash course on auto mags. As a sign girl, I put two PC logos on my Jeep--one on the drivers side door, and one on my rear door by my spare. My Jeep is lifted about 6", so it's great for drive thru windows. I had a lady at the bank ask me for a catalog just last Friday, because she had the logo right at eye level when she was helping me. Unfortunately, I take my doors off once it's sunny and warm, so the logo on the door is actually in my garage LOL. I wear my button everywhere, have catalogs all the time, and ask everyone I can. Good luck to all!

Related to Classified Ads: Ideas & Experiences

What is the purpose of classified ads?

The purpose of classified ads is to advertise products or services to a specific target audience. These ads are typically short and concise, making them an effective way to reach potential customers.

What are some tips for writing effective classified ads?

1. Use attention-grabbing headlines2. Be specific and include key details about the product or service3. Use strong and persuasive language4. Include contact information5. Keep it short and to the point

Do classified ads work for all types of businesses?

While classified ads can be effective for many types of businesses, they may not be the best choice for all. It's important to consider your target audience and the type of product or service you are offering before deciding if classified ads are the right advertising method for your business.

How can I track the success of my classified ads?

One way to track the success of your classified ads is by using unique tracking codes or URLs in your ads. This will allow you to see how many people responded to your ad and took action. You can also track the number of sales or inquiries that came from your ads.

Are there any restrictions on what can be included in a classified ad?

There may be restrictions on certain types of products or services that can be advertised in classified ads, such as illegal or adult content. It's important to check with the specific classified ad platform or publication before posting your ad to ensure it meets their guidelines.

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