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Can I Convince Her Husband to Let Her Join Our Business?

catalogs and see if she is interested in doing a show too. I think it would be a great opportunity to get to know her and see if she is a good fit. If she is not a good fit, you can always sell her the catalogs. It sounds like it would be a lot of work, but it's worth it to not have to go through the recruitment process again.
I have this gal who would be great at the business and she is interested. But her hubby doesn't want her to do it. He wants her to be home with the kids. She has 4 kids and homeschool's one of them. He works outside the home and plays hockey 4 nights a week. Of course, I can't say the things I really want to say (like - HE goes out 4 nights, you can't go out one night?)...I know she'd be good at this. She hasn't give any other reasons because I've asked if she had any other things holding her back. It was only this....I've invited her to several meetings, but she always has to do something with the kids because he is going out. She has a HUGE family, which would be very beneficial to her business, I know!

Any suggestions on how to keep her interested while she works on him to reconsider? :rolleyes:
Maybe have a meeting with the 2 of them. So you can talk about it in front of him, and address his concerns with the business. When he brings up the part of her staying home, ask him if he would have a problem with her being out one or 2 nights a month (use a low number, don't scare him, heh). This would be really good for her, it's nice to get out with adults on occasion! Then bring up how much he probably likes getting out 4 nights a week doing his hockey. If handled delicately, you could win him over. Good luck!!
Lori made some awesome suggestions...1-2 times a month!

Also, bring a copy of your paychecks so they can see what the benefit is by going out 1-2 times a month (or more). A lot of men think we are paid in product and don't really make anything.

Ask what his concerns are. Address them as well as hers. Offer up the idea of a babysitter the nights she has a show if he can't watch the kids.
Lost two potential Bilingual recruitsI know it is so important to act quickly when someone seems interested in the business opportunity. I had two leads on bilingual consultants (which we are desparate for). Both wanted the Spanish versions of catalogs and one wanted to book a show (they work together). I thought I'd be able to get a few catalogs from a bilingual consultant in our cluster. Turns out, she didn't have any - as her shows the last year have not required them so she doesn't order anymore.

I thought about going ahead and ordering a pack of 25, but with them expiring in 2 months, I hoped I could buy a few from someone else. I emailed 3 Directors in the area, and posted a request here on Chef Success. No response. I contacted my two leads to explain that I could not get the catalogs until September 1st, and without too much detail explained that was when new catalogs would be available. I know I missed out on the opportunity of a show and two recruits.

How would you have better handled this (other than going ahead and buying a huge pack of catalogs and letting most go to waste)?
It's too bad we can't buy smaller quantities of the Spanish catalog. I know it seems like a waste, but maybe you can still order a pack of them. What is it, $12.00? If they turn into recruits (or even at least book a show) you'll have made that $ back easily. It's a gamble though because who knows if they'll follow through. It doesn't sound like you've totally missed this opportunity! What was their response? I would maybe keep asking and if you don't get anywhere in a week, try to order some. It may be worth it. If not, maybe someone else will come along in your same situation and you can sell them to her. Good luck!
Potentia Recruit/Reluctant HusbandHmmmm, sorry, no suggestions from me. I wish you luck
though! It sounds like he wants to keep her where it is
most convenient for him to be able to do his thing. Which
is a shame because it would be so good for her to be able
to socialize too! I really see kitchen shows as a great way
to socialize. Could she or would she possibly focus on
catalog shows with the occasional kitchen show thrown in?
Maybe he would go for that. It seems that most of the
people I come across only want to do catalog shows. I
have to really push for the kitchen show.

I think I would go ahead and buy the spanish catalogues. You would be able to use them at the one show. If the one person who was interested signed up to be a consultant you could give any leftover catalogues to her. Or you could keep them yourself. You never know when you may need them. There may be a couple places in Tx. you could leave the catalogues at barber shops, doctor's office, ect..(especially once they are older and the new products come in.) Like Becky said the money you make from getting a recruit and having a show may be alot more than what you had to spend on buying the catalogues.

Related to Can I Convince Her Husband to Let Her Join Our Business?

What qualifications do I need to have to be a potential recruit?

In order to be a potential recruit, you typically need to have a strong desire to serve in the particular organization or industry. Other qualifications may vary depending on the specific requirements of the organization, but some common ones include relevant education or experience, physical fitness, and good character traits.

How do I find out about potential recruit opportunities?

There are a few ways to find out about potential recruit opportunities. You can reach out to the organization directly and inquire about any open positions or upcoming recruitment events. You can also search online job boards or attend job fairs to connect with potential recruiters.

What should I expect during the recruitment process?

The recruitment process can vary depending on the organization, but it typically involves filling out an application, undergoing interviews and assessments, and potentially completing background checks and medical evaluations. It's important to be prepared and present yourself in a professional manner throughout the process.

What are some common mistakes to avoid during the recruitment process?

Some common mistakes to avoid during the recruitment process include not following instructions or guidelines, being unprepared for interviews or assessments, and not being honest or transparent about your qualifications and experience. It's important to make a good impression and showcase your relevant skills and qualities.

What are the potential benefits of being a recruit?

The potential benefits of being a recruit can vary depending on the organization, but some common ones include gaining valuable experience and skills, receiving training and education, and potentially having access to benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans. Additionally, being a recruit can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment by serving a greater cause.

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