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Anxiety (Not Pamper Chef Related)

Does anyone here have panic attacks. And anxiety issues. omg all the time I have them please tell me I'm not nuts

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  • #2
wow thank god I'm not dying!!!!!!!!
I don't have them but I do sympathize for you a friend of mine has them since she was in a car accident about a year ago. There are times when she has to leave a store, etc because she gets them so bad. Have you seen a doctor?
Sorry to hear about your panic attacks. I'm sure the lack of responses probably didn't help you either. The board has been kind of quiet today (well now yesterday).
My mother has issues with anxiety plus she has cronic asthma which is like a double whammy. She is on medication. The main thing you need to focus on is just talking yourself through it and BREATHE SLOWLY. What gives you anxiety and what is the worst case scenario if whatever you are anxious about happens. See your Dr (if you haven't already) or a psychiatrist (no I don't think you are crazy...everyone could probably benefit from a visit) to help you figure out your "triggers". Good luck to you and let us know how you are doing or if you would like to PM me, I will listen.
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  • #5
thank you all that has written. Today was really bad. I think its because I lost my job last month on the 17th. I have been trying to get another one but being a single parent and finding the right hours is hard otherwise I could have had 50 jobs already. Also its because my grandmother is moving (she is like my mom because my parents are dead) So it alot of stuff.
And to top it off , My daughter slept over there tonight. So Im here all by myself
I understand!I empathise with you!! I have what's called Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Though I've only had a couple "panic attacks" in my life, I pretty much live at a heightened state of anxiety ALL the time. I never even knew how much in overdrive my brain was until I went on meds for it. WOW! And the previous post was so right! So much of it is just conditioning ourselves to catch our thoughts when they start racing so we can slow ourselves down. The breathing helps so much also! (I also have asthma.) And if it really helps you, get some meds! I know I have taken meds once or twice when I started having panic attacks and wow, it really just slowed me down enough to stay logical.

Good luck!!
I am totally there with you. I have Moderate Panic Disorder, with about 1-2 per week. I have gotten them somewhat under control with medication and a great support system. Just know what your triggers are and slow down. I find that if I am worried about my family or if my business is not going well, they tend to be worse. Just step back and take a breath. Email me anytime you need to talk. It sometimes helps when someone has the same condition and can understand. It is nice to have support, but sometimes people don't understand.
I am here for you.
[email protected]
I have anxiety problems and have meds to take as the anxiety hits as we know what the triggers are and for the most part I'm able to avoid them. Added stress will make them worse. When you have added stress you may find taking time to pamper yourself helps. If you are home alone taking a relaxing bath with good music in the background and a great book may help. This does not help obviously during the attack but can be used to help destress you during times of stress which may help avoid serious attacks.
Another "generalized anxiety disorder" here! Mine started after I had my daughter who is now 4. Before that I was the girl on the back of my boyfriends motorcycle begging him to do a wheelie or take a curve @ 100mph. I had dreams of skydiving and bungy jumping. I don't know what changed but something sure did. I am THE most anxious person I know. And my chewed up lip and short short nails prove it. I have tried two different types of meds and liked niether one of them. I know I need somethign but it's so hard to find that perfect balance. This is weird but my dr told me when having an attack to bend over at the waist and place your arms on the coffee table or bathtub (anything that height I guess) and hold yourself that way and try to control your breathing. It actually helps I don't know why.
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  • #10
i was on 2 meds both didnt work.
I was on prozac first which did nothing them paxil . In which i was a rave looney. No kidding it was scary . Plus the 80lbs I packed on. But now more than a year off and 60lbs thinner . I back with anxiety again . So do I try another med and get fat again. Oh be fat just happier. In which fat made me sad lol
There is never a happy medium
  • #11
I have tried Celexa and Lexapro (which I like better). I didn't gain much weight with either of them. Some have linked what we have to harmonal changes too. Oh great, I thought I was too young for that! But it does seem to make sense. My anxiety is worse right before I get a visit.
  • #12
I've been on Effexor for about 4 years and in that time, I've gained about 60 pounds. I'm almost completely off of it now but it's been hell. Though it worked great for my GAD, I would NEVER recommend it to anyone.
  • #13
Debi, my sister is on Effexor now and it's made her life hell. If she misses a dose even by a few hours she gets extreme dizzy spells and nausea. She wants off of it badly due to all the horrible side effects. She tried going off a few months ago and experienced horrible dizzyness, sweating, and very vivid dreams that she was convinced were real when awakening. I would never advise anyone to take this drug because I have heard horror story after horror story. My dr. told me he doesn't even prescribe it because the bad FAR outweighs the good. I'm glad you managed to get off of it! Any tips would be appreciated!
  • #14

The only thing I know that helps is GO SLOW!!!! I went down in dosage at about 2 week intervals. Yea, that slow. And I TOTALLY understand your sister's symptoms. I read that many people describe it as "brain shakes" and that is SO accurate. I took the last pill on Thursday. It was the losest dose available and I'm still having some "brain shakes." I think one thing that helps is that I knew what to expect and I know it WILL pass. I really wish her luck and hope she has the kind of doc that will do everything to help her.
  • #15
Thanks Debi!
I am in the process of trying to talk her into switching drs. I convinced her to go to her dr a few months ago to try to get off the Effexor. She told the dr. all of the side effects she is having and the dr. seems TOTALLY unconcerned! Thats when my sister attempted to do it by herself. I am hoping to get her to start seeing me dr because I know he would help her off of them. If you can see the pattern, she is very meek and mild and I always have to push her to do anything. Changing drs is a huge deal for her so I'm sure it's going to take some convincing.
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  • #16
I do say that Paxil has the same affects as Effexor if not worse. It took me a while to get off paxil but I did it. I dont miss the migraines from taking the pill at the wrong time . I have heard that Wellbuetren is very goog . And not really any weight gain
  • #17
That is true. Wellbutrin is one of the best tolerated ones and often has no sexual sides effects but does sometimes cause weight loss. I have tried it before also but think perhaps I wasn't on a strong enough dose. I've always wanted to try Lexapro because this is a highly recommended one for GAD but since I go to military docs, I have to use what the military has at this location and they don't carry Lexapro.

Is it sad or what that I know all this as a retired USAF Helpdesk Supervisor?! :eek:
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  • #18
o here is how it is Lat night at 4 am I wake up went to bed at 3:30 with such anxiety . I t was so bad that I thoought I was having a heart attact . But p.s. it was a real bad anxiety attack
Wanna laugh I was dreaming of my show Tommrow that I was going to booom it . I cant wait to get a job so I can get insurance and get meds omg . I am really getting coo coo

Thanks for listening

Related to Anxiety (Not Pamper Chef Related)

1. What is anxiety and how does it differ from panic attacks?

Anxiety is a normal human emotion that can range from mild worry to intense fear or apprehension. It becomes a disorder when it interferes with daily activities and causes distress. Panic attacks, on the other hand, are a sudden and intense episode of fear or discomfort that can cause physical symptoms such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, and dizziness.

2. What are the common symptoms of anxiety?

Some common symptoms of anxiety include excessive worrying, restlessness, irritability, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, and sleep disturbances. These symptoms can vary from person to person and can also be accompanied by physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate, sweating, and trembling.

3. What causes anxiety?

Anxiety can be caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to anxiety, while others may develop it due to stressful life events, trauma, or certain medical conditions. It can also be a side effect of certain medications or substance abuse.

4. How can anxiety be managed?

Anxiety can be managed through various methods such as therapy, medication, self-care techniques, and lifestyle changes. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness-based techniques have been shown to be effective in treating anxiety. Medications, such as antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs, can also be prescribed by a doctor. Engaging in regular exercise, practicing relaxation techniques, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help manage anxiety.

5. Is anxiety a sign of being "nuts" or crazy?

No, anxiety is a common and treatable disorder that affects many people. It is not a sign of being "nuts" or crazy. Seeking help and support for anxiety is a brave and important step towards managing and overcoming it.

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