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theOfficial Hijacking Threads Hijack Thread

In summary, many people are complaining about the way threads get hijacked and morph into something completely unrelated to the original thread title. Some say it's just the way normal conversation flows and topics change as one topic reminds speakers of another. Others say thread hijacking is an awful thing and it is terribly annoying. Well, this thread is going to stay on topic: thread hijacking! Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.
  • Thread starter
  • #3,051
When Bunsen and Beaker fall off their perches, you know it's bad.
  • #3,052
Where do you think Beaker learned to make the fart sound?

Of course, DH is the person who taught her to say both "What's that stinky smell?" and "Whoooooo farted?"
  • Thread starter
  • #3,053
In polite company, you should say, "Bronx cheer."Pfbtpfbtpfbtpfbt!
  • #3,054
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
In polite company, you should say, "Bronx cheer."

But we aren't in polite company, are we? It's just the usual suspects in here. :D
  • #3,055
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
When Bunsen and Beaker fall off their perches, you know it's bad.

That one would be called a Bunsen Burner!
  • #3,056
OK- now you're just asking for it. I have to share the dip story from DH's college days.

DH and his roommates rented a house in Flint for college. There were 5 of them living in the house - Geek central (2 EEs, an ME, a Management major and I think #5 was Software engineering). They noticed that potato chips and dip both came in 1-pound containers. Coincidence? They thought not.

One morning, DH sat down in the living room with a bag of chips and a container of onion dip. Lo and behold, even though each package was 1 pound, DH only used HALF of the chips to consume the dip. Point taken: purchase twice the poundage of dip as chips. Onion dip being dairy-based, it caused a certain side effect... gas. While watching TV a little later with a roommate who had just returned to the house (and had no idea that DH had done some snacking earlier), DH passed gas, and it had a rather unique aroma, not usually associated with that particular bodily function. Roommate looked up, sniffed, and said, "Dip. Do you want some dip?"
  • #3,057
chefann said:
OK- now you're just asking for it. I have to share the dip story from DH's college days.

DH and his roommates rented a house in Flint for college. There were 5 of them living in the house - Geek central (2 EEs, an ME, a Management major and I think #5 was Software engineering). They noticed that potato chips and dip both came in 1-pound containers. Coincidence? They thought not.

One morning, DH sat down in the living room with a bag of chips and a container of onion dip. Lo and behold, even though each package was 1 pound, DH only used HALF of the chips to consume the dip. Point taken: purchase twice the poundage of dip as chips. Onion dip being dairy-based, it caused a certain side effect... gas. While watching TV a little later with a roommate who had just returned to the house (and had no idea that DH had done some snacking earlier), DH passed gas, and it had a rather unique aroma, not usually associated with that particular bodily function. Roommate looked up, sniffed, and said, "Dip. Do you want some dip?"

If I didn't know better, I'd SWEAR I went to school with some of them at MSOE!!!! The guys were so much like that! Too funny!
  • #3,058
janetupnorth said:
If I didn't know better, I'd SWEAR I went to school with some of them at MSOE!!!! The guys were so much like that! Too funny!
It only stands to reason - it WAS an engineering school. :)
  • #3,059
Okay, I have to admit it. I like the dip story. :balloon:
  • Thread starter
  • #3,060
I will never be able to look a container of Dean's Onion Dip in the eye again.
  • #3,061
raebates said:
Okay, I have to admit it. I like the dip story. :balloon:

Who put the dip in the dip da dip da dip?
Who was that man? I'd like to shake his hand... (Well, maybe not...)


Dip da dip da dip dip da dip da dip....
  • Thread starter
  • #3,062
Wow - did this sucker crash and burn.I must be the only one who has been getting the frantic "YIM is going away!" messages.
  • #3,063
I think you are. Of course, I have very few people who feel compelled to forward me cr@p like that. One of my aunts used to send me the virus panic of the week, but I think I shut her up by responding for several weeks in a row with, "This is a hoax." and the link to the applicable Snopes page. And by telling her that I use a Mac and they don't get viruses (which is an exaggeration, but she don't know that).
  • Thread starter
  • #3,064
I hate the *&$#! chain letters that guilt you into forwarding them, too.
  • #3,065
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Wow - did this sucker crash and burn.

I must be the only one who has been getting the frantic "YIM is going away!" messages.

I think it crashed once people got on the bug/bra/brain topics. :yuck:

I haven't seen the "YIM" message - probably 'cause I refer all my aunts and my mom who insist on forwarding those to snopes...over and over and over again...
  • #3,066
Hey, Ann, I told The Furry Guy the dip story. It made him laugh with sound. That's quite an accomplishment.
  • #3,067
raebates said:
Hey, Ann, I told The Furry Guy the dip story. It made him laugh with sound. That's quite an accomplishment.
Glad I could entertain. :D

My family reunion is this Saturday, and I'm dragging DH. So I think I'll take some dip as a bribe for him. I gotta figure out what I need to buy to take. It's bring your own main dish and beverages, and a dish to pass. Plus we're having a bake sale table and a craft items table - both to help replenish the reunion fund coffers. There wasn't enough money in the account this year to pay for a pavillion rental at the park. I'm taking my jewelry and some crocheted scarves for the craft table, and some of my famous chocolate chip cookies for the bake sale.
  • #3,068
How about Apple-Berry Salsa with Cinnamon Chips as the recipe to share? It's cheap, feeds oodles of people, and is always a big hit. You can even buy the cinnamon chips at Sam's Club for next to nothing.
  • Thread starter
  • #3,069
Bribe the dip with dip.I like it!Oh, stop it. Someone was going to say it sooner or later.
  • #3,070
I think I'm going to make the noodle skillet with chicken to take. Although the Apple-Berry salsa is also a good idea. I don't have a Sam's Club membership, though, and Costco doesn't carry cinnamon chips (I looked last weekend when I was there).

And, KG - I was thinking that as I posted earlier. :D
  • #3,071
ChefBeckyD said:
That one would be called a Bunsen Burner!

Made me laugh!
  • #3,072
chefann said:
I think I'm going to make the noodle skillet with chicken to take. Although the Apple-Berry salsa is also a good idea. I don't have a Sam's Club membership, though, and Costco doesn't carry cinnamon chips (I looked last weekend when I was there).

And, KG - I was thinking that as I posted earlier. :D

You may be able to find cinnamon chips at your regular grocery or even Trader Joe's. I often find them in the deli section or with the Mexican foods. Some stores in our area even carry new Pringles that are cinnamon sweet potato chips. They're great with the salsa.
  • #3,073
The Meijers in West MI carry Cinnamon tortilla chips - right in the aisle w/ the other chips......
  • #3,074
oohhh..... but I'm in my slippers and don't wanna leave the house! And I don't feel like putting any of my junk together for tomorrow, either! I did make a batch of chewy rice treats (Rice Crispy Squares) for DH.
  • #3,075
I was watching a tv show the other day. The guy was talking about trying to get back into shape. As he bit into a Rice Krispie treat, said he prefers his rice cakes with marshmallow. Now I think of that whenever I see rice cakes or Rice Krispie treats. Got to admit, that's the only way I like rice cakes.
  • #3,076
Me, too!Which must be why I'm the same general shape as a marshmallow.
  • #3,077
I'm in shape. Sphere is a shape.
  • #3,078
I have that on an apron.The embroidery patterns that included also had one that said "A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand."
  • #3,079
I once did a Garfield cross-stitch that said "Vegetables are important. You should always eat your vegetables. I like carrot cake, zucchini bread, and potato chips."
  • Thread starter
  • #3,080
My brother, The Rocket Scientist, says that you have to pay attention to the food color wheel. You choose something from each food group - green, red, brown and yellow, then put your diet on a 78 RPM phonograph. If all the colors blend to make white, you have a balanced diet.
  • #3,081
Gee, and I thought a balanced diet was a brownie in each hand.
  • Thread starter
  • #3,082
A waist is a terrible thing to mind.
  • Thread starter
  • #3,083
Greetings from Iowa - where what isn't corn is soybeans.
What isn't soybeans is hogs.
What isn't hogs is ethanol production plants.
What isn't an ethanol production plant is corn.
  • #3,084
raebates said:
Gee, and I thought a balanced diet was a brownie in each hand.

A balanced diet is just mind over matter...

If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
  • #3,085
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Greetings from Iowa - where what isn't corn is soybeans.
What isn't soybeans is hogs.
What isn't hogs is ethanol production plants.
What isn't an ethanol production plant is corn.
You know what Beaker says about that?

  • Thread starter
  • #3,086
chefann said:
You know what Beaker says about that?

What was that, Beak?

  • #3,087
Now I'm hearing that stupid little Harry Potter animation - except with Beaker bopping up and down on her perch saying...

bagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagel... CORRRRRN... bagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagelbagel... CORRRRRN...
  • #3,088
Thanks, Katie. Now my coworkers think I'm nuts because I'm laughing so hard.
  • #3,089
They didn't already know that? Oh, yeah, you haven't been there long. Right?
  • #3,090
No, they knew it already. This just confirmed it. :D
  • #3,091
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Greetings from Iowa - where what isn't corn is soybeans.
What isn't soybeans is hogs.
What isn't hogs is ethanol production plants.
What isn't an ethanol production plant is corn.
I recently drove through Iowa and must have just taken the corn roads. That and the "World's Largest Truck Stop". Of course I had to stop and check it out. Yep, it's large!
  • #3,092
chefann said:
No, they knew it already. This just confirmed it. :D

We love you anyway. :love:
  • Thread starter
  • #3,093
BethCooks4U said:
I recently drove through Iowa and must have just taken the corn roads. That and the "World's Largest Truck Stop". Of course I had to stop and check it out. Yep, it's large!
Didja ever see such a big gas station?

I'm sure the people at Little America want to fix that.
  • #3,094
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Didja ever see such a big gas station?

I'm sure the people at Little America want to fix that.
I know! It's really huge. And you could shop there for hours too. They even have games and a couple of eating places.

:)confused: Little America??)
  • Thread starter
  • #3,095
http://www.littleamerica.com/wyoming/was a huge stop on the Lincoln Highway in Wyoming, and when the traffic moved to I-80 from US 30, coincidentally (?) the original Little America burned to the ground. A new one was built on I-80. They start advertising in Nebraska, like Wall Drug or Tommy Bartlett.
  • #3,096
Ohhhh! I see. That explains it - I have never been to Wyoming. Think they'll expand?

The Wall Drug thing is so funny! I had never heard of that place until I was getting near there on a vacation (25 years ago now) and they made it sound like such a big deal, everyone wants to be here kind of thing. lol But it was a fun place to take the kids!
  • #3,097
Okay, I just followed your link. I think Little America already has the truck stop way beat!
  • Thread starter
  • #3,098
It really is something to see!
  • Thread starter
  • #3,099
I took the Cassville Ferry yesterday from MiddleOfNowhere, Iowa to Cassville, Wisconsin across the Mississippi River. Cassville is a delightful river town, but you almost have to want to go there. It was the home of Nelson Dewey, the first governor of Wisconsin in 1848 and remains a clean, neat town.After driving my car off the ferry, I saw a very familiar old red & white Chevy pickup truck. The distinctive owner was sitting on a bench, looking at the river. I parked the car and walked towards him - he never moved a muscle."Redbird Express! As I live and breathe!" I called out."I was watching you cross the river," he said, still not looking at me, "Wondering who that was."Redbird Express was the http://www.globegazette.com/articles/2007/08/10/local/doc46bbe57490c24154839168.txt in 2002 and they gather every year in Britt, Iowa. Redbird, who actually lives in Wyoming when he's not wandering around the country, was in Cassville yesterday, awaiting a train festival in western Wisconsin. He gets around. A couple of years ago, he was in Mississippi, mourning the loss of the http://www.watervalley.net/users/caseyjones/vaughan.htm, which was near the site of the famous crash that took Casey Jones when he "...died with the throttle in his hand."Here is Redbird Express (in red, of course) explaining to Lincoln Highway Association members what makes the best hobo ride.
Of course, he also expresses how dangerous, and illegal, it is to ride the rails. "It's extremely dangerous," he says, "There aren't any safety devices and if you fall asleep on that car, you're liable to fall on the tracks and get run over. I don't ride anymore," he says with a wink.His favorite ride? "The Union Pacific," he says. "It runs parallel to my favorite road, The Lincoln Highway."It was grand to see my old friend, I'm glad I detoured to Cassville yesterday.
  • Thread starter
  • #3,100
I thought sure someone would have had a smart remark by now.
<h2>1. What is a thread hijacking?</h2><p>A thread hijacking occurs when the topic of a conversation in a forum thread shifts from the original subject to something completely unrelated.</p><h2>2. Why do threads get hijacked?</h2><p>There are a few reasons why threads may get hijacked. Sometimes, it's simply the natural flow of conversation as one topic leads to another. Other times, it may be due to a lack of moderation or enforcement of staying on topic. Some users may also intentionally hijack threads for attention or to disrupt the conversation.</p><h2>3. Is thread hijacking a common issue on forums?</h2><p>Yes, thread hijacking is a common issue on forums. It can be frustrating for users who are genuinely interested in the original topic and can make it difficult for others to follow the conversation.</p><h2>4. How can thread hijacking be prevented?</h2><p>Moderation is key in preventing thread hijacking. Forum moderators should actively monitor threads and redirect the conversation back to the original topic if it veers off track. Setting clear guidelines for staying on topic can also help prevent thread hijacking.</p><h2>5. What should I do if I notice a thread being hijacked?</h2><p>If you notice a thread being hijacked, you can try politely redirecting the conversation back to the original topic. You can also flag the thread for moderation or report the issue to a forum moderator. It's important to remember to stay respectful and avoid engaging in any arguments or off-topic discussions.</p>

Related to theOfficial Hijacking Threads Hijack Thread

1. What is a thread hijacking?

A thread hijacking occurs when the topic of a conversation in a forum thread shifts from the original subject to something completely unrelated.

2. Why do threads get hijacked?

There are a few reasons why threads may get hijacked. Sometimes, it's simply the natural flow of conversation as one topic leads to another. Other times, it may be due to a lack of moderation or enforcement of staying on topic. Some users may also intentionally hijack threads for attention or to disrupt the conversation.

3. Is thread hijacking a common issue on forums?

Yes, thread hijacking is a common issue on forums. It can be frustrating for users who are genuinely interested in the original topic and can make it difficult for others to follow the conversation.

4. How can thread hijacking be prevented?

Moderation is key in preventing thread hijacking. Forum moderators should actively monitor threads and redirect the conversation back to the original topic if it veers off track. Setting clear guidelines for staying on topic can also help prevent thread hijacking.

5. What should I do if I notice a thread being hijacked?

If you notice a thread being hijacked, you can try politely redirecting the conversation back to the original topic. You can also flag the thread for moderation or report the issue to a forum moderator. It's important to remember to stay respectful and avoid engaging in any arguments or off-topic discussions.

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