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Director Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing, Hope It's Not True

In summary, TL's and above will still receive leads, but the director package with all the new products is gone.
Gold Member
Beginning March 1, all consultants who sell $1250 per month will be eligible for leads, not just TL's and above. Customers will put I their zip code and will receive 5 names within a 25 mile radius and they can choose who to call. One of my fellow directors heard this from her upline. Wow, so many things about this seem unfair to me.... Let's see....

Reimbursement for booths: gone
Professional development of your choice so that you can grow professionally: gone, unless it's with one or two obscure vendors that are difficult to access
Director package with all the new products: gone
Leads, a perk for being a director: gone

I hope this is NOT true... It just seems like its dwindling before my eyes
At SL they made a comment about that was a perk for being TL. I hope what you heard isn't true. You would probably still have to recruit though. That may be why they don't have enough recruits in local areas that are TL and above?
Wow I hope that's not true as well.
That would be so wrong. There are some that can sell that but are not strong in other important areas.
WOW. I was a HO lead and when I promoted to D getting the leads was my most desired perk. I was disappointed enough when they opened it to TL's but this would be awful. And giving them the choice of 5? They'd pick the first on the list so that person would get most of them and if someone didn't give them the answer they wanted they'd go down the list. If they also put in titles I would expect people would choose upper level and those below would be out of luck.I would like to see a better consultant search though. If you know the first OR last name and the general area (not necessarily the exact city) they live in...
I heard the rumor too about the leads... I'd be shocked if they gave it to everyone simply for this reason... HO knows there are a lot of hobby consultants who don't/won't follow up. They give them to those who are serious about their businesses... TLs and up.But again... who knows... maybe they will...
Well, if they keep the $1250 in 3 of 4 months and a recruit it won't be hobby consultants.Just upset that it's one more thing being taken from the director level perks. Oh wait, it already was taken when they opened it to TLs. The rumor as stated doesn't include one recruit though. If that requirement was taken away I'd think it could hurt recruiting. I don't see them doing that...
I'll email my D right now about this - I'll let you know what she says.
Wow. I so hope that isn't true! I have a gal on my team that goes in and out of eligibility for leads and honestly I can tell a difference we she does or doesn't get them in the amount that come my way. I'm sure there are other factors too, but I don't get leads that often anyway so if everyone is in the pool. Yikes!

The other thing I don't like about 5 is: I live in a large city with lots of connecting cities. I recenlty had to give my lead to a downline b/c the lady refused to work with me b/c I didn't live in her "city". Yet travel 20 min. or less, in any direction and I'm in a different "city". Guess it would give customers more control over that, but for consultants I'd lose to a consultant in a "city" that is only 10 min. from my house.

On a positive note...I guess it might help make those who don't perform, strive to perform which in the end helps all of us.
  • #10
flemings99 said:
b/c the lady refused to work with me b/c I didn't live in her "city".

I've had that happen as well... and I get leads 40 miles from me! That part I get and it's frustrating when it's only 20 mins. I stress to customers that since EVERYTHING comes from Chicago, location isn't an issue.
  • #11
I used to get a lot of leads and now I barely get any. I used to get December sale leads and this year, maybe $100. Between Team Leaders and Facebook cheaters, I just cannot count on my leads. It is sad, but I will adjust.
  • #12
OMG!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Way!! I will be so disappointed. How are some of these people going to successfully recruit? They dont have the skills if they are not recruiting on their own. PLUS then I have to do the work because they are not building and working with a team. it falls up tho the upline director to help this person be successful with very little payback. I have a successful consultant who has NO interest in recruiting but sells 1250+ all the time.... ughhhh
  • #13
If this would encourage my team to do more than $150 to get by each month, I'd be thrilled! :D

  • #14
I emailed Kathy. She said she is not aware that any decisions had been made about it. It has been discussed and there were pros and cons to each side discussed. IF it goes into effect, that won't happen until the new web program is put into place.
  • #15
sandilou2 said:
If this would encourage my team to do more than $150 to get by each month, I'd be thrilled! :D


Well, I'd be extremely happy about that too. Most of my leads are duds anyhow so it's not like I'd really be missing out on that much.
  • #16
One of the things with the new web that my D told me is that it's important for us to take the online courses and understand it because all consultants who join March 1st will be on it. No point in getting them in and trained on P3 only to switch soon thereafter.
  • #17
pamperedlinda said:
I'll email my D right now about this - I'll let you know what she says.

I'd love to know too!!! Yikes, this SUCKS big time if this is what the plan is. I admit, I've been out of the lead system since October or November and I'm trying SO hard to get back in the lead system. I got my sales all good, but it's that recruit that's needed to get back in. It's motivating me very much and I totally look at it as a reward/perk as a Director (and a TL too I guess). It's a total privilege for doing a good job and I really don't want it to be opened up to Consultants!! I agree - leads could then go to consultants who don't follow through well and don't treat their businesses seriously.

This would be such a HUGE bummer. I do feel like us Directors are being treated like "step children" (to use a weird example) more and more. They aren't that invested in keeping us happy, it seems.:cry:
  • #18
I had heard this same "rumor" before SL from a fellow D in NY who was told by her upline. I came home from SL and told her they didn't mention it but now this is twice. Since I'm not a good recruiter I see that as a positive as I always have the 1250 in sales BUT....... I think it makes the pool much larger and therefore as listed above, less leads. Also she told me the same that they can pick their consultant and she gets many leads in NJ since its only a hop, skip and jump from her but they will most likely pick NJ folks over her (again as listed above re: Chicago).

I see the pros and cons but mostly - cons for those who work for it.

If they made any change, I wish they would require less information on the webpage for "find a consultant". If someone knows my first name and can put in the state of PA, then they can atleast see the list and go "oh yeah, that's her!" as many don't remember your full name and location. I'm in no way ranting, just a suggestion I would like to see is all.
  • #19
Cathy Cocozella said not to believe the rumors on our AD call this morning.
  • #20
Yes! A consultant located with first name and state would be great!
  • #21
cookingwithlove said:
Cathy Cocozella said not to believe the rumors on our AD call this morning.

I asked my NED and she said that she is aware of some upcoming changes to the Lead System and that information is/was supposed to be confidential until HO announced it. She was very surprised that I had heard this already. She did not confirm nor deny it. I told her she might want to contact HO and tell them that the rumor is out, some are pissed about it, and they may want to do a little damage control. That's all I know.
  • #22
I asked the girl who told me and she said she was told by her Exec after their Exec Seminar...
  • #23
bethcooks4u said:
Yes! A consultant located with first name and state would be great!

Totally! We only recently had it change to Last Name and City. It used to be by postal code! I don't know how zip codes work in the US but in Canada, each street has a different postal code....so why they would expect our customers to be able to search using a postal code is beyond me. I tried doing a search for myself and just using a postal code that was close to my area...nothing came up!

It was just recently they changed it...but yes, someone has to know your full last name, which is silly to me. I'm sure I even have hosts who know my first name but couldn't spell my last name...but they'd know it to see it.
  • #24
Sooo...I wouldn't mind if leads were expanded to include more people, if it was done the right way.

Say - Leads for people who want to make a purchase (which we all know usually means they want to make a return or get free shipping...) would be spread out amongst all consultants.

Leads for Bookings and Recruits would still be held in reserve for TL and above.

THAT would be about perfect in my book. :veryfunny::veryfunny::veryfunny:

Related to Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing, Hope It's Not True

1. Is it true that there is a recall on the "Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing" product?

No, there is no current recall on the "Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing" product. All of our products go through rigorous testing and quality control measures to ensure the safety and satisfaction of our customers.

2. What should I do if I purchased the "Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing" product and it doesn't work as expected?

If you are experiencing issues with the "Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing" product, please reach out to our customer service team for assistance. They will be happy to troubleshoot the issue and provide a solution, whether it be a replacement or refund.

3. Can I return the "Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing" product if I am not satisfied with it?

Yes, you can return the "Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing" product within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. Please make sure to have your receipt or proof of purchase when returning the product.

4. Are there any known issues with the "Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing" product?

No, the "Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing" product has not had any widespread issues reported. However, if you are experiencing any problems, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

5. Can the "Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing" product only be used for one specific task?

No, the "Wow Just Hears Something Really Disappointing" product is versatile and can be used for multiple tasks in the kitchen. It is designed to make cooking and baking easier and more efficient.

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