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Why am I Struggling to Secure My Second Recruit?

In summary, Shana is trying to recruit new consultants and is frustrated because she is getting a lot of leads but not all of them turn into consultants. She recommends doing two things: listening carefully and trying not to be too enthusiastic. She also suggests researching recruiting methods before trying them out. Finally, she discloses that it takes about five to ten interested people to bring in one recruit, and that she hopes her last recruit is the real deal.
I keep coming up with what seem like great leads, i.e. they approach me before I have the chance. But, I keep coming up empty. It's so frustrating! :mad:
What are you saying to them when they approach you? Remember that you will get lots of leads, but not all leads become consultants. I think it is one out of every 10 will decide to become a consultant. I do understand you being discouraged, but it is not about you...it is about them.
Do you think you can scare them off with too much enthusiasm? I'm afraid I may have lost one that way myself?
One of the things you need to remember is that you have 2 ears and one mouth. You should be doing 2x listening.

I know that I "vomited" on them with information. Find out what interests them in PC then focus on that. Ask them, would you like more information or are you ready to get started now.

There is a lot of information on recruiting posted here. Do a search. I think several things even give you the words to say.
PamperedMomRecruiting can be a roller coaster. It can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you can tell that people are so close to signing. Just follow some of the suggestions on this site and take the "Responding to Objections" teleclass.

One note... always aim high when recruiting. If you want to promote to Director, recruit 7 people instead of 5. You never know if all of your recruits are going to stay active.

I promoted to Future Director last month and then my first recruit went inactive. I just found out this weekend that I lost my promotion and am back at the consultant level. :( I can guarantee that I will be following up on my leads this week!!! Being a Future Director for a month was really nice and it was that much closer to Directorship.

Hang in there, and be sure you always listen. Try not to talk too much, even as excited as we are about the business.
I think I was probably one of those frustrating people you ladies mentioned thats on the verge of signing but still won't. My recruiter tried for 2 years to get me to sign up. The thing that did it for me was a great recruiting incentive. So when those do come up(like this month) call those who have expressed interest or make a nice e-mail about the incentive and send it. It worked on me! :p
I think it is really important to remember that people who sign when the time is right for them will do much better at this business. I know it took me a while to make up my mind, and I am really glad I waited. I just signed a gal that has been coming to my meetings and has been to a couple of my shows... we have been doing this since November. But now she is ready to go out and start her business rolling. (She is my 6th)

Also, it takes about 5-10 interested people to get one recuite... and you would rather have that one be serious one than several that drop out right away.

hope this helps,
And... people you have talked to in the past, what might not have been good timing then may be good now. And I have to say that the 1 in 10 rule holds true for me. That's for sure. I've spoken to about 10-15 different people about the opportunity and fianlly have one sign! Woo-hoo!

I don't always talk about the money benefits. What got my last recruit was that I told her that I no longer feel trapped in my day job. That I KNOW I could walk in there and tell the boss to stick it! If I could get the DSA benefits (not available in my state) I would be outta there!

Related to Why am I Struggling to Secure My Second Recruit?

What is "Almost Had Second Recruit..."?

"Almost Had Second Recruit..." is a phrase that is often used to describe a missed opportunity or a situation where someone was close to achieving something but ultimately fell short.

Where does the phrase "Almost Had Second Recruit..." come from?

The origin of this phrase is uncertain, but it is believed to have originated in the military or sports context, where achieving a second recruit or victory is highly coveted but not always attainable.

What does "Almost Had Second Recruit..." mean?

As mentioned earlier, "Almost Had Second Recruit..." refers to a missed opportunity or falling short of achieving a goal. It can also imply a feeling of disappointment or regret.

How is "Almost Had Second Recruit..." used in conversation?

This phrase is often used in a casual or informal conversation when discussing a situation where someone was close to succeeding but ultimately failed. It can also be used in a lighthearted way to describe minor disappointments or near misses.

Can "Almost Had Second Recruit..." be used in a positive context?

Yes, "Almost Had Second Recruit..." can be used in a positive context as well. It can be used to acknowledge the effort put in and the progress made, even if the desired outcome was not achieved. It can also be used as a source of motivation to keep trying and striving for success.

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