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What's the easiest recipe for a first-time Pampered Chef show on July 19th?

In summary, Sarah is a new cook who has gone through a lot of trouble to prepare her first show. She is scared and has a recipe suggestion. Brittany has experience with Pampered Chef and offers a suggestion for a beginner recipe. Sarah makes notes before her first show and has fun.
Hi, I am new to this and every other minute I am ready to quit.

I made the 3 cheese pizza for lunch today and it was terrible, it tasted great, but the preparation. was not good. I have decided I am a bad cook.

I need the most easy recipe for my very first show July 19th. I am sooo scared. I need something I can do now, so I can practice.

I really haven't had ANY experience with Pampered Chef, I just know I like it. I had a hard time getting the grater to work right today.

I really think a Newbie shouldn't be showing off skills she doesn't even know.

Help Help. Dee :eek: :eek: :eek:
I think all of us have felt that way at one point or another. Heck, I still do sometimes. Feel free to let people know that your new and still working out all of the kinks. It's a great opportunity to get the guest's up there and let them learn with you. Also, you want your guests to walk away thinking that your job is something they could do too, so messing up can be a good thing. Don't stress too much over it. As for a recipe suggestion, I love the rings or braids, they're sort of classic PC recipes.
I have felt the same way! I can't tell you how many times I have said "Well it's supposed to do this!" :eek: For my first couple of shows I did the antipasto vegetable pizza. It's still on Consultants Corner under recipes and Season's Best. It shows off a ton of tools and is easy and every one who tried it loved it!

Good Luck!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Hi Sarah, I did find the recipe for the Antipasto Vegetable Pizza, is it better that the three cheese recipe that they show for beginners to use?
Brittany, what are the rings and braids?

Any good recipes, please post them.
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DTM2D said:
Hi Sarah, I did find the recipe for the Antipasto Vegetable Pizza, is it better that the three cheese recipe that they show for beginners to use?
Brittany, what are the rings and braids?

Any good recipes, please post them.

I haven't tried the three cheese pizza, but it was one of the beginner recipes when I started last October. Super duper easy, I highly suggest you give it a try. It is so good that it has become a regular in our weekly meals!
Hang in there!! The first show is DEFINITELY the scariest, and then it gets much easier!

My first show I demo'd the Fantastic Focaccia Bread...in All The Best cookbook...or is it the Stoneware Inspirations? yea...and the Tomato Basil Squares is similar...in All The Best...Both are easy and everyone loves them.

My recruit did the Clubhouse Chicken Squares for her first show...it went well!
That's in All The Best too.

Any product that is hard for you...just do it ahead until you get the hang of it. The Deluxe Cheese Grater...Remember..."The harder the cheese the harder the squeeze!" ...So soft cheese, Mozz, Cheddar, etc...Don't squeeze hard....just hold onto the handle, and let the grater do the work...it also helps to micro the cheese just a few seconds...like 6 seconds, to help release the oils. Or at least have it sitting out...and let the guests know...cheese at room temperature has a better flavor...and fresh grated cheese tastes better...cheese looses it's flavor after it's been grated, so it's best to buy a block of cheese and grate what you need...so they need a good cheese grater.

You can do it!!!! I about had a nervous breakdown with my first show!
Make notes before hand of what you need to do.

I said for my first several shows, "this is my first show.." ...''this is my second show...I'm so excited''... People will not expect you to be perfect!!

Remember to have FUN!
Give it a couple of shows and you will be fine! Your first is definitely the hardest! Let your guests know this is your first show and they will be understanding and encouraging I am sure! Practice the recipe you decide on a couple of times and you will do great! Or practice the tools you will use with your recipe every day until you get comfortable with them! Good luck and most importantly HAVE FUN!
Have FunRemember to have fun. That's what having your own business is all about. Don't stress about the minor details. Always remember that your guests don't know what comes next or what ingredients go into your recipe. I love to cook and bake but even when I started I forgot something but it didn't matter. No one knew but me.

A good hint is to keep all your PC stuff handy in the kitchen so you will be able to grab it while you are doing your usual cooking at home and eventually you will get the hang of these products. Practice, practice, practice!

Experiment with different recipes that may be easier for you. There are lots to choose from and when you find some you like, you can offer them to your hosts without being afraid.

And I agree be honest with your guests, thank them for coming to support your new business, and let them know these are your first shows. Hope you feel better and remember have fun!!!

Debbie :D

If you don't have the cookbooks we're referencing, check out the following website...most are posted there:

  • #10
I think the Elegant Artichoke cups are quite easy and super yummy. I have been doing them for years. You should have gotten step by step instructions for them in your starter kit.
  • #11
I just made the Aloha Pizza for my DD's luau Saturday & it got rave reviews.
It is on page 31 I believe of the current catty with the Trifle Bowl on the cover.
  • #12
Don't worry, Dee. You'll be fine. Follow the advice you've gotten here. Continue to practice. Smile. And, remember this statement, "See, we consultants aren't perfect, we're just pampered." It comes in handy.
  • #13
I used to do the Grecian Party Squares at my first few shows - maybe you could try that one?
  • #14
I'm new too - my 4th show is tomorrow. I demo very few products for my actual recipe. I have been doing the Chicken Enchilada ring (YUM) and I have the chicken mixture pretty much done - I chop the onion at the show for guests to see the chopper and then I use one of the scoops to put it on the crescent rolls while the guests are doing thier intros and telling what product they love... then I put it in the oven. While it is cooking - I talk about the products and if I want to show them how something works I have some veggies that I can demo on. Actually preparing a full recipe and remembering to talk about the business opportunity, the host benefits, the product benefits... just too much for me to handle right now. This is how my recruiter and her director run their shows and they are pretty successful. There is also a call that my director told me about... from Lorraine and she has her food completely done when the show starts... I'm thinking about using this approach in the future.

Here is the call number and code. It is only available until today though so make sure you listen and take notes!!
Here's the call in (playback) number:

641-985-5108 -
Actually when you call this number it will give you a new one... I don't have it with me. I listened once - I'm going to find some time today to listen again.

Good luck - the beginning of my first one was rough but once I started talking... it was all good - especially figuring up how much $$ I made!!
  • #15
I think if you remember the advice from here you will do fine. Also, your mind believes what you tell it. You are not nervous, you are excited! I know you can do it!
  • #16
Confetti Pasta Salad - all it requires is the Garlic Press and a lot of chopping... knives, Food Chopper, etc! No baking, no micro - I have my Host boil the pasta ahead of time. When I get there, I separate all her stuff into my bowls. Fun, easy recipe!

And it will get easier. You don't have to be a great chef to do this - just have fun!
  • #17
Aloha Pizza is a nice easy one.

Practice, practice, practice...

...and if you know you get nervous during demos...prepare most ingredients ahead...

For example, shread MOST of your cheese before the show and just leave a little to do during the show...

That way, you aren't spending a lot of time focused on one thing to get frustrated or nervous.
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Thank you soooooooo muchThank you so much for all the great advice.

I know it will be fun, I just have to keep reminding myself that fact.

I know I need to practice, and I am going to do that.

I have one question about the grating of cheese. Did I get it right, you want it soft to grate? I was thinking my problem was I needed it harder so it won't roll instead of grate. I guess for sure I better practice much more.

I think I will try a couple of the recipes over the next few days to see which is the most easy for me.

I also called the recording help, that was GREAT. Thank you for that number.

Thank you again, Dee :D
  • #19
I was going to say practice, practice, practice, and let people know that you don't have to be "perfect" to be a "pampered chef". Also at the first few shows let people know you are new to it and they'll usually help you out and be understanding.
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Since you are preparing ahead, I am guessing you are buying all the food yourself???
  • #21
I did the Fantastic Foccacia Bread for my first few shows and found it to be really easy. I am not good with the cooking and talking part of it so I found this was really easy to do.
  • #22
Hi Dee! I'm relatively new, too....I'm coming up on my first 60 days. Practice does help, and if you are able to, I would highly recommend going to watch another show. Contact your director and find out what shows are availble in your area.

A recipe that I like to demo is cool Veggie Pizza, and I prepare the crust ahead of time. You have everything for that one in your new consultant kit. Other faves of mine are the Apple Crumble Dessert; Spinach Artichoke dip and Black Forest Torte, but they require some additional PC items.

I live in Chandler.....who is your director?
  • #23
I've had good success with the Aloha pizza that's in the catalog. I've also had rave reviews on the berries 'n stars and the bbq bacon squares but have not yet done demos at shows on them.
I got several of my more supportive friends together at my house a few days before my first show to do a "trial run". I went through my whole schpeal, demo and everything. I made it clear that they were just coming to critique and eat... not purchase. I even got a "can't help right now" friend to book out of it and she had a $500+ show in June! If you can throw this together in time... I'd do it! It really helped with the nerves.

Dee and AZPamperedChef: I just finished my 90 day. My director is JoyAnn Harms. We should get together for lunch or something after I (we???!!!) get back from Conference!
  • #24
DTM2D said:
Since you are preparing ahead, I am guessing you are buying all the food yourself???

I usually tell my hosts I will be arriving about 45 minutes to an hour ahead of time to prep. I tell them to have their groceries out for me and let them know any prep work I need them to do (i.e. defrosting something a couple hours ahead, etc.) That's way I shred, chop, whatever most of my ingredients before anyone gets there and just leave a little bit of each to demo at the actual show. Cuts down on the demo time and I'm not good at talking an dchopping yet.
However, I have adopted my AD's philosophy of not demoing cheese shredding... takes too much time and has not gone well for me the few times I've tried it. I just get the host to purchase the preshredded kind and talk about the different items we have to grate cheese while I'm spreading it out on the pizza, etc. (i.e. Mandoline, Microplane Grater, Deluxe cheese grater, etc.)
  • #25
Cheeses DO grate better when cold and hard.
  • #26
LBurke said:
Dee and AZPamperedChef: I just finished my 90 day. My director is JoyAnn Harms. We should get together for lunch or something after I (we???!!!) get back from Conference!

Hey Laurie, that would be fun to meet up! My director is Sondra Verva, and I went to wave 1 of conference. What wave are you? I can't wait to hear what you think about it...I am soooo happy I went.
  • #27
I'm wave three! I leave Sunday and can't wait!!! I'll PM you when I get back.:cool:
  • #28
Some of the most successful consultants did not know how to cook when they started so hang in there!

I am curious which "cheese grater" you are using; I dont' have the recipe in front of me but I know the updated kit includes both the Ultimate Mandoline, with a grater blade, and the microplane. (The deluxe cheese grater is still available but doesn't come in the kit. ) Both the Mandoline and the Microplane are fantastic...but both can need a few attempts to get the feel of them down and then successful food prep efforts will follow!

Virtually everyone has trouble with early use of some products: I still tell funny stories at shows from my early days with PC: Most involved having to have my then 12 year old son show me how to use a tool (such as the apple/peeler/corer/slicer, the can opener, etc.) For the record, I seem to have a genetic defect that causes me to resist reading directions.....

I use these stories to honestly let folks know that it OK NOT TO KNOW everything about each product and that, it is Ok to ask for a demo. (or for someone new to make inquires and find out some tips.....)

Something else I often say is that "if you absolutely hate a product because you feel it doesn't do what it is suppose to do, it is actually likely that you have a condition called "OE"....(operator error). " This gets some laughs but then gives me an opportunity to ask WHY they don't like something. (always try to turn a negative,into a positive, even it it might be explaining how great our warranty is if they really want to replace an item they just got!)

A recent example of "OE" was a guest who totally swore --loudly -- that the new mix n chop was a terrible product. WHAT! I did a double take because truly, this new tool is a gift to anyone who ever cooks ground meat products and needs them to crumble! What was the problem? After askign a few questions, I learned the gal was rolling the mix n chop over the raw meat and thinking that it would crumble before she cooked it. She also said that it was hard to clean because the raw meat kept sticking to the main part. (The mix n chop is used with the handle up and while the meat is cooking...it will crumble as the meat is nearing completion.When used properly, very little food will stick to it )

So...I sold 3 more mix-n-chops and got that guest relaxed. She actually ran into me at a store recently and told me I was correct...she now loves this tool.

Good luck!
  • #29
Yes, I often tell my guests that it is helpful to pop the cheese into the freezer for just a few minutes before grating otherwise it is too soft and crumbles when you try to grate it. My personal opinion is not to leave it out before use but to keep it cold and make it more cold before grating.
Have you looked at the pork loin recipes--it seems like they would be easy and impressive. I am a vegetarian and have no personal experice with the recipes, but I think it is about 10 min. in the microwave. YOu would have to have or borrow the deep covered baker. Maybe you could sell a couple of those.
  • #30
grayby said:
Cheeses DO grate better when cold and hard.
I actually feel it's the opposite....I let my cheese sit out for 20 minutes or so. It softens the cheese and lets the oils come to the surface of the cheese. This basically "lubricates" the cheese and makes it go through the grater much better. Have you all tried that?
  • Thread starter
  • #31
We had the Chicken that goes in the beautiful cranberry deep dish at the last party I was at of 10 guests and I was the only one who purchased it. But now I an a consultant, so maybe I can try that again. I couldn't believe how wonderful that was. And so browned looking tooo.

I have a friend that said to try the chicken enchilada ring, which sounds really good, so I am heading to the store soon to try it out.

But I have TOTALLY decided to grate my cheese ahead of time, I will use the slicer for the tomatoes.

I have some frozen cho chip cookie dough and I am going to stick in a pan of them just for the great smell tooo.

I will sure be glad when this Thursday is over. I made up a flyer that I have stuck on most of my neighbors (which I have never met) to come, and I have included that today just so you could give me final advice on that.

You ALL have been wonderful.

Oh All you Arizona PC's you wanted to know who my director was, Katherine Katz, but I haven't got her onto this forum yet. She is in Very south Gilbert and I am in Very north Mesa.

Talk soon, and again Thank you for the advice. Dee

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  • #32
When I use the deluxe cheese grater, I tell my guests that I call it the "crank and spank." you have to crank the handle and spank the sides to make sure all the cheese comes out! I usually get a laugh outta that.
  • #33
I'm new to this site, but I've been a PC for a year now. I love Microwave recipes for the summer! Go to consultants corner, then recipe lookup, and choose "Microwave" as your keyword. Lots of great ideas will pop out at you. These are usually easier, and made with items in your starter kit, and your host will LOVE you for not heating up her house in July!! One of my favs is the "cool and creamy chocolate fondue". Side note: items you should think about getting w/ your PC dollars if you like doing microwave shows... of course the deep covered baker, the fluted stoneware (looks like an angel food cake pan), and the rice cooker. If you want to see the recipes I use in these let me know & I'll e-mail you. Just remember to keep it simple! If you have fun so will everyone! It's ok to do one recipe and have your host provide the rest...your show is a DEMO--you are not CATERING! Show how a few of the tools work that you feel comfortable with...then just help your guest place their orders! Have fun and welcome to the PC family!
  • #34
Christ Follower said:
When I use the deluxe cheese grater, I tell my guests that I call it the "crank and spank." you have to crank the handle and spank the sides to make sure all the cheese comes out! I usually get a laugh outta that.

LOL! :D that made my day! :p
  • #35
I like the Aloha Pizza, BLT Ranch Salad Pizza, Tex-Mex Chicken Melts!!

Related to What's the easiest recipe for a first-time Pampered Chef show on July 19th?

What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "What's the easiest recipe for a first-time Pampered Chef show on July 19th?

The top 5 most frequently asked questions about finding an easy recipe for a first-time Pampered Chef show on July 19th are:

  1. What are the most popular and easy recipes for a first-time Pampered Chef show?
  2. Do you have any recommendations for quick and easy recipes that can be prepared in advance for a Pampered Chef show?
  3. Are there any recipes that require minimal prep and cooking time for a newbie Pampered Chef consultant?
  4. Can you suggest any recipes that are budget-friendly and beginner-friendly for a first-time Pampered Chef show?
  5. What are some recipes that have received positive feedback and reviews from customers at previous Pampered Chef shows?

I made the 3 cheese pizza for lunch today and it was terrible, it tasted great, but the preparation was not good.

We're sorry to hear that your experience with the 3 cheese pizza recipe did not go as expected. We recommend reaching out to your Pampered Chef mentor or consultant for tips and tricks on proper preparation and baking techniques for this recipe. They will be happy to assist you and ensure that your next attempt is a success.

I need the most easy recipe for my very first show July 19th. I am sooo scared. I need something I can do now, so I can practice.

Don't worry, we understand that first-time shows can be nerve-wracking. For an easy and stress-free recipe, we recommend our famous Pampered Chef chocolate chip cookies. They are simple to make and always a crowd-pleaser. Plus, you can easily practice making them ahead of time to ensure a smooth and delicious demo at your show.

I really haven't had ANY experience with Pampered Chef, I just know I like it. I had a hard time getting the grater to work right today.

As a newbie, it's completely normal to have some difficulty with using Pampered Chef products at first. We suggest watching online tutorials or reaching out to your consultant for a demonstration on how to properly use the grater. With practice, you'll become a pro and impress your customers at your upcoming show.

I really think a Newbie shouldn't be showing off skills she doesn't even know.

While it's important to be honest about your experience level, don't be too hard on yourself! Your enthusiasm and passion for Pampered Chef products and recipes will shine through during your show. Plus, your mentor and fellow consultants are there to support and guide you along the way. Just have fun and enjoy sharing the amazing products and recipes with your customers.

Help Help. Dee :eek: :eek: :eek:

Don't panic, Dee! Just take a deep breath and remember that everyone has to start somewhere. With the help and support of your Pampered Chef team, you'll be a successful consultant in no time. Don't hesitate to reach out for assistance or advice whenever you need it. You got this!

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