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Welcome Back Becky: A Recap of Your Too Short Vacation

In summary, Becky enjoyed her vacation and is happy to be home. She has a few emails waiting to be answered and orders to be delivered.
Gold Member
So, how was vacation? (Other than too short).
Hey You!

Thanks...I was just going to post an "I'm Back" thread - but you beat me to my own thread!

We had an amazing, wonderful, relaxing, fun vacation. We had superb weather, and we are all just a tad sun-burned. (Umm, yeah - ask me about our $10 sunscreen!:eek:)

We spent a day on Mackinac Island, We toured the Coast Guard Icebreaker - The Mackinaw, we hiked, we rode bikes all over the place, we hung out at the camp site, we roasted way too many marshmallows, and discovered a new flavor of ice cream, to which we are now all addicted! (Cupcake Flavored Ice Cream w/ chocolate fudge frosting swirled through it!):icecream:
We ate at our favorite vacation restaurant 4 times! It's Darrows, and it's in Mackinaw City. They have the best broiled whitefish sandwiches, the best pie, and the absolute best pancakes in the world! Seriously - those pancakes melt in your mouth, and I've tried to recreate them at home, and just can't. The wait staff there actually remembered us from last year (well, they remembered Micah!) and invited us to come next year to their own family car show that they hold after the big St. Ignace Car Show!:D I asked one waitress about getting the recipe for the pancakes, and she said that NO ONE except the owner and one other person who mixes the batter knows the recipe...and they don't give it out - not even to the staff!

Okay - you ask about vacation, and I give you a paragraph about pancakes!:love0010:

I'll chat more later - right now, I have to take a shower and go to bed!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Glad it was great - shower and bed is on my list right now too! I played softball tonight and it was hot out - ick. Plus, I batted 5 times and made myself work. I went 4 for 5 and scored each time I got a hit. The only time I didn't score was when I hit a long fly ball to left. Got it close enough to the fence though that the guy on 2nd scored on my hit. Short story long, I'm tired!!!!
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  • #4
Psst...that's why I changed my mood to "agressive" - he-he...
Welcome Back Becky! Glad to hear you had a great time!
Welcome back Becky, I've missed you!
welcome back recipe queen :)

Glad you all had such a nice time!

You are too funny...my vacation post would be about the food, too!! lol
Welcome home Becky!
  • #10
We did do other things besides eat....but trying new foods and revisiting favorite food is a fun part of vacation for me!

I also LOVE cooking over a campfire! We had friends who camped next to us for a couple days, and they were laughing at my gourmet meals over the campfire. (laughing as they ate everything in sight!) No hot dogs on sticks for us! I have too much fun rising to the challenge of cooking over an open fire! We use a camp grill - a tripod thing that fits over the fire pit.:chef:

It's good to be home though too....now I have to try get back into work mode.....although the mountain of laundry that I know is waiting in the laundry room is not helping with my determination not to procrastinate!

While I was gone, I had a couple good outlet orders placed, and an email from someone who got my name from a past host, and wants to book a show....plus someone else who wants to do a catalog show in July....and my Mystery Host Show (8 boxes!:eek:) is sitting in the garage waiting to be sorted and delivered to the hosts from that show! I guess I should really change my mood from "mellow" to "Busy"....and see if there is one that is "Frantic"!:D
  • #11
Welcome back---we missed you!
Glad you had a good vacation & sounds like your bis hasn't missed a beat!
  • #12
Welcome Back, Girl! Life can return to normal now here at CS!! We missed you!
To me the ultimate vacation would be about food!!!
I'm glad you had such a great time! :D
  • #13
lacychef said:
Welcome back---we missed you!
Glad you had a good vacation & sounds like your bis hasn't missed a beat!

Now - if I could just get motivated to work my business!

I am feeling soooo unmotivated right now!:(
  • #14
Welcome back, Becky! I've been thinking that Greg needs to add an "unmotivated" sign for us. There needs to be a "moody" or "PMS'ing" one too. I don't need that one yet, but of course, it will be needed eventually.
  • #15
Welcome back Becky! Glad you had a good time! :)
  • #16
Welcome back Becky.

Related to Welcome Back Becky: A Recap of Your Too Short Vacation

1. What is "Welcome Back Becky: A Recap of Your Too Short Vacation" all about?

"Welcome Back Becky" is a fun and interactive cooking class that recaps your recent vacation in a delicious and creative way. We will show you how to re-create some of your favorite vacation meals and drinks, while also sharing tips and tricks for easy, stress-free cooking.

2. How long is the "Welcome Back Becky" cooking class?

The class typically runs for about 2 hours, but can vary depending on the number of participants and the complexity of the recipes we will be making. We want to make sure everyone has enough time to learn and enjoy the experience.

3. Do I need to bring any ingredients or equipment to the cooking class?

No need to bring anything! We will provide all the necessary ingredients and equipment for the recipes we will be making. Just come with an appetite and a willingness to learn and have fun.

4. Can I attend the "Welcome Back Becky" class even if I didn't go on vacation?

Absolutely! While the class is geared towards recreating vacation meals, anyone is welcome to attend and learn some new cooking skills. Plus, who doesn't love a delicious meal inspired by a vacation?

5. Will there be any discounts or promotions for Pampered Chef products during the class?

Yes, there will be special discounts and promotions available for Pampered Chef products during the class. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and products you need to make cooking easier and more enjoyable.

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