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Want to Welcome New Pampered Chef Members Together?

In summary, new members on this board can post why they joined PC and a little bit about themselves, and the rest of us can welcome and give them encouragement with replies.
Gold Member
On one of the other boards that I post on they have a sub-forum to welcome new members. You post hello I'm new here threads. I thought this was a pretty neat idea and an easy way to get more comfortable with posting on the site for the first time. All our new members could post why they joined PC and a little bit about themselves, and the rest of us can welcome and give them encouragement with replies. Just an idea. Don't know if anyone else would agree.
I would be interested in learning what other PC boards are out there. I only know of this one. I love it, but wouldn't mind checking some others out as well.
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  • #3
This board isn't really a PC board it has lots of different direct sales companies on it. but you may want to check it out.

I believe it's http://www.bestofboards.com/index.html Then click on message boards. It's saved in my favorites so if this link doesn't work let me know.

This one should be good now too. You can also access the tealited tidbits it has games etc. but it is a PL site.
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I tried the link you put on there and it took me to another search engine. i even copied and pasted. not sure whats up.
I have heard some of the other PC consultants talk about something called I love Pamered Chef too, or maybe it's I luv PC 2. Whatever it is, I have searched and searched and can't find it. Anyone know?
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  • #6
try www.bobforum.com let me know if that works.
I must say though this site(chefsuccess) is much better.
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Yahoo GroupsHi everybody. This is my first time posting. I signed my agreement last week, but because of activities my kids are in, I've chosen to not do my first superstarter month until November, so I don't have my starter kit yet. :( So, I spend all of my free time online searching for Pampered Chef info and studying all of everything I can find as much as I can so that when I get my stuff I am ready to go. Needless to say I've found a few things. Try going to the "groups" section on Yahoo and search for Pampered Chef. I have found a few interesting ones on there. I believe MSN has a similar section. One that I've found to be full of a lot of good information is http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Pampered_Chef_USA/ but there are many many others.

Just a note though...chefsuccess is my favorite so far! ;)
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  • #8
welcome Chrissy. I agree chefsuccess is the best. I wish you luck with your biz in Nov.
Welcome Chrissy...don't get too let down....even though your super starter month isn't until November, you should still be receiving your kit very soon. I signed up the end of july and got my kit the first or second weekend in august and my super starter isnt until now...september!!! So keep your hopes up, I'm sure it will get there soon and you can start practicing!!! Keep in mind that kids are great for pampered chef too...I have a friend that makes her kids help her put togther host and guest packets, stamp her catalogs, and whatever else she needs help with. They also make great guinea pigs for recipe testing as you know they will tell you the truth as far as if its good or not!
Welcome and good luck with your business. If I were you, I would start setting up host/guest packets now and start getting those bookings!!! "what you do now will effect your business in 90 days!" -quoted from many other consultants
  • #10
Kit ShipmentSince your SS1 is November, they will ship your kit on October 1st. (they say the first week of the month, but I've found it's the first workday of the month prior to SS1)

FYI: if you're SS1 is November and you sign October, the kit will ship right away. Basically, they try to give you a full month of "extra" SS1 time in addition to shipment time.
  • #11
ThanksThanks for all of the helpful info everybody. I'm so excited to get started. I have about 4 people I know that have promised to do shows...3 of being 2 sisters and my mom so hopefully they won't back out on me. All I have to do is pin them down to specific dates and I should be able to have a great start. I'll let you know how it all goes!
  • #12
Jenniferlynne and anyone else who would like the addresses of other PC consultant friendly boards email me and I'll be happy to share.
  • #13
bbauman07 said:
On one of the other boards that I post on they have a sub-forum to welcome new members. You post hello I'm new here threads. I thought this was a pretty neat idea and an easy way to get more comfortable with posting on the site for the first time. All our new members could post why they joined PC and a little bit about themselves, and the rest of us can welcome and give them encouragement with replies. Just an idea. Don't know if anyone else would agree.

The forum is now added and under the chefs lounge :)
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Thanks greg!!!!!!!! You rock!!!!

Related to Want to Welcome New Pampered Chef Members Together?

What is "Got an Idea for Ya Greg or Deb"?

"Got an Idea for Ya Greg or Deb" is a program offered by Pampered Chef where our customers can submit their product ideas to our product development team. If the idea is chosen for production, the customer will receive a $200 Pampered Chef gift certificate.

How do I submit my idea?

You can submit your idea by filling out the form on our website or by mailing it to our headquarters. Please make sure to include detailed information about your idea and how it aligns with Pampered Chef's product line.

How will I know if my idea is chosen?

If your idea is chosen, you will be notified via email or phone within 6-8 weeks. Our product development team will also work with you to fine-tune your idea and make it ready for production.

What types of ideas are you looking for?

We are always looking for innovative and practical ideas that align with Pampered Chef's product line. This can include new kitchen tools, cookware, or even recipe ideas. We encourage our customers to be creative and think outside the box!

Do I retain ownership of my idea?

Yes, you will retain ownership of your idea. However, by submitting your idea to Pampered Chef, you are giving us permission to use, modify, and distribute your idea for production. You will also be required to sign a release form before your idea can be considered for production.

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